• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 1,526 Views, 23 Comments

Emo Belle - MeowPie

Sweetie Belle starts cutting herself, Rarity tries to help.

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Sweetie Belle opened the door to Rarity's house slowly, hoping to have her sister not to notice. The door creaked and Rarity looked over. "Sweetie! Where have you been? Your dinner was getting cold!" She said looking angrily at her little sister, "You know your curfew is at 10! Go to your room, you can eat in there."

Sweetie looked angrily at her sister. "Maybe if you'd let me talk I could-" Rarity cut her off, "You have no excuse, now go to your room!" The filly growled. She stormed upstairs, and plopped herself onto her bed. She stared at the ceiling, then at her mashed potatoes and gravy. Sweetie pushed the food aside, not wanting to eat.

She sighed, "Why does Rarity hate me? She always does this!" Sweetie said sadly to herself. Sweetie was 15, her body was thin and curvy. Her long curled pink and purple mane went down to her hips if she stood on two legs. She looked at the steak knife on her plate, then shook her head. "No. Suicide is never the answer." She looked at it again, then thought I bet if I died Rarity wouldn't care. Just more money for her to use.

Sweetie picked up the knife, then slowly cut open her skin. She stopped, as it hurt too much. She looked at her bleeding arm, then sighed. "I can't. I just can't." She looked at the time. 12:32, I should go to bed. She thought. She used her green magic to turn off her lamp, then she went under her covers and fell asleep.

Sweetie woke up to the sound of Rarity's voice. "Sweetie Belle! You overslept!" She yelled. "Huh?" Sweetie rubbed her eyes, then looked at her clock. 10:04 AM, "Oh Crap!" She said. Rarity gasped. "You will NOT use profanity in my house, Young Lady!" Sweetie looked at her Sister angrily. "I can use if it I want!" Rarity glared at her sister, "Why don't you try?"

Sweetie looked at her sister, "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck YOU!" Rarity gasped, she gritted her teeth. "GET OUT!" She yelled at her sister. Sweetie walked out her door, "GLADLY!" She walked out of the boutique and slammed the door. "I HATE HER!" She yelled out.

She then thought. If I'm not allowed in her house anymore, then where can I go? Sweetie sighed. She walked to the park, the sat down on a bench. She got tears in her eyes and started to sob. "Are Ya'll okay, sugarcube?" Sweetie looked up to see a familiar orange earth pony looking down at her.

"Applejack..." She said, then wiped away her tears. "Y..yeah.. I'm fine.." A yellow earth pony popped out from behind Applejack. "Are you sure you're okay?" Sweetie looked at her friend, then sighed. She nodded, but Applebloom hugged her. "I don't believe you." Sweetie looked at Applebloom, and gave her a hug back. A tear ran down her cheek, and she started to sob.

Applebloom hugged Sweetie tighter. "There there, now tell me what happened." Sweetie managed to control herself, and she told Applebloom what happened. "That's pretty tough, but let me tell you." She put her hoof on Sweetie's scar. "Suicide is never the answer. If ya'll ever need help, just come to me." Sweetie smiled, then looked down.

"Where will I stay? Rarity doesn't want to me to come to her house ever again." Applebloom put her hoof under her friend's chin and lifted her head. "Ya'll can stay with me!" Sweetie smiled, then walked with her friend to Sweet Apple Acres.