• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 1,526 Views, 23 Comments

Emo Belle - MeowPie

Sweetie Belle starts cutting herself, Rarity tries to help.

  • ...


Sweetie Belle lay in Applebloom's bed, awake. She stared into the darkness, then looked at her sleeping friend. Why? Why do you help me? I don't need your help. I don't need you. I don't need anypony. She sighed and got up silently, without waking her friend. Her dull and lifeless eyes looked at the door, then her hooves turned the knob.

What am I doing? She thought as she went down stairs into the kitchen. I can't stop. She went over to the knife drawer. Stop. She put her magic on the knob. Stop it. She opened the drawer, it showed differnt sizes and shapes of knives. Stop it! She picked up a big knife. STOP IT!!

The light in the kitchen turned on. "Yaaawwwnn, Oh Sweetie Belle. What'cha ya doin up?" Applebloom looked over to her friend. Sweetie put down the knife and closed the drawer. She looked at Applebloom, her eyes looked dull. Applebloom looked concerningly at her friend, then put a hoof on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm absolutely fine."

Sweetie Belle ran from Applebloom, and out the door. Applebloom watched as her friend ran outside into the darkness. She sighed. "Oh Sweetie Belle... You never do change, do you?" She said to herself.

Sweetie Belle fell to the ground, exhausted. She had been running for 8 hours straight, it was almost dawn. Her legs felt broken, and she was soaked. It was raining now, thunder made the air shake. Sweetie could barely move, she was in much pain. She could hear hoofsteps coming closer. I wonder.. If that's applebloom...

She felt dizzy, her vision blurred. She heard a distance voice calling her name, then she felt the rain stop and a figure appeared infront of her. "Sweetie Belle! Sweetie Belle" She couldn't hear, and her world went black.

Author's Note:

Short chapter!

Comments ( 20 )

This just isn't my day..

Sweetie Belle has little motivation. One fight and she's contemplating suicide? There should be more going on. Also scene breaks never hurt, but you don't need them if you do it right. You need more practice.

Well, It wasn't just one fight. It was many, they have been fighting for years and years.

2500659 Okay, I will continue to read this story, as it is relevant to my interests. I would suggest a flashback or something showing that these two fight a lot. Also, their parents are alive and Sweetie lives with them in the show right? Explain why she lives with Rarity, like I said, you need practice.

And then she died, the end... Or at least it feels that way considering the lack of updates.


Putting Sweetie Belle in that kind of light doesn't amuse, impress, or put me in a good mood. Sweetie Belle is my favorite pony!:twilightangry2:
So you'll understand if this story upsets me a bit.

Right now the only issue I have with this story is the fact that you're calling Sweetie Belle "emo" because she takes up cutting. That's a huge stereotype that needs to just die. Self Injury is something that could effects anyone.

Also, I imagine that some dealing with cutting/self injury will find this at some point, so placing a trigger warning at the beginning might be a good idea.

This is an issue I've dealt with in the past. I don't do it anymore (Haven't in over 2 years, in fact) but I'm speaking from experience with this. Good story so far,, though.

3070583 yup that part needs to die, like how us furry think we want to fuck animals that is bullshit in so many way's i will bet the living shit out of someone for saying that.

but stereotype will always be part of us humans what make us humans.

2779214 it's turning out to be true but not yet been parvoent 100% to be real and true but it's there.

They say along time a go our multiverse hit an other one you know our unverse is like a bubble and for all we know theres one coming at us very solw and met hit us like the last one and when it does we will know for sure it's true or not.

am not giving a like yet anyway need more detil than what your showing.

3087522 Very true. That's why whenever I see people trying to make everything politically correct, I just shake my head in bewilderment. As long as each person is different, that kind of thing will exist. (I'm not talking about racial slurs here, those are horrible things to say regardless.

3092208 remember we are in fact a faction base race we want to live how we see fit but when others don't see it that way we fight it or try our best to get out of it.

I can't wait for our kind to become to the star living off the gexel and that what not beside once than we can't stop the fight but some will try to go into the dark and live on there own little world to find a new.

one day we will one day coexistence but we can't stop the wars no matter what I've learn this along time ago

More I demand more:flutterrage:

I want to see were this story goes.

HOLY SHIT UR EMO GAY BOY :rainbowlaugh:

more, more, MORE!!! :flutterrage:


Does Sweetie Belle have depression? This is interesting.

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