• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.


The Mane Six gather at the library for cocoa, treats and a hard choice.

They must choose something that will happen in the future, and will affect it greatly. Will they stay with traditions or choose some new way that could alter the face of Equestria.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 49 )

This is interesting. but at a few parts i had a hard time understanding Applejack normally i can understand her accent.

“Uh, Twi? If'n it is 'r ain't... don't got nothing ta do with us needin' ta gather. Jes one-a them there 'academic' questions

i couldn't understand what she meant here.

Damn, this is almost exactly what I was planning to do in my Poneverse. Like, seriously close. I guess I am copying you after all.


"If it is or isn't it has nothing to do with us gathering. It's just one of those 'academic' questions."


Heh. Sorry. It's the only magic baby making in this universe and they are considering if they even should.

Huh. Interesting idea but I didn't love the execution.

Two small typos I spotted: where are little Spike gone? it should be where "has" and twilight blushed a bit In this case Twilight's name should be uppercase.

Huuu, this seems exciting! Though I think there's something screwy with the Follow User doodad - I was just about to comment "OMG Hero's Journey spoilers!" when I realized that HJ had actually updated and finished! (Review on that in a mo - just got caught up.) This idea of magic!bebbies seems intriiiguing, though it certainly makes sense that Luna and Celestia have been able to work it before, considering how they can magically create crossbreeds and allow would-be sterile crossbreeds to breed normally. The thing with making one of each breed as the mother cells strikes off warning signals to me about parthenogenetic clones - a large number of species that reproduce via parthenogenesis create straight clones of the parent, which isn't really what having a foal is supposed to be about, ahaha... Still, I'm sure that via magic, they can still scramble up the sequencing from the two eggs being used in order to make two "proper" children that are mixes of both parents. :raritystarry:

I guess I don't see the conflict because I've already chosen a side on this sort of issue. You can't nor should stop scientific progress. To do so is to purposely cripple society and let ignorance win. Same reason I found the restrictions on stem cell research so egregious.

I can see Twilight's point about perceived favoritism though, but that would go away if a medical means of doing what the princesses can do, came about.


When I say "One of each breed" means they would essentially take four eggs and combine them, one from Mother A one from Mother B each, implant them and then let it go from there. Say you take Pinkie and Twi. Pinkie would birth a unicorn (by design) and Twi would birth an earth pony (By design) but each one would be genuine daughters (that is, each would be half Pinkie and half Twi)


Social good is important to these Equestrias, something I have tried to emphasize. I mean, they have ads and shows about inter-species harmonty and supporting dating between the species, as well as giving respect to maligned groups like male homosexuals and ethnic minorities. Twi worries about the state of males in the future (And Rarity understands what that means.) It is not a trivial problem. They really have fears about this. Society, in this world, has always developed first before science could throw it asunder. They need more males and more restraint before they let this loose.

where are little Spike. where's our.

Yea, never mind. Yeah. We've talked about that one, different words.

demandin' answer. answers

intercourse.." twilight. Twilight

You either must have been on the front page for a bit with all those negative votes, or people don't understand how ratings work.

I don't see why they shouldn't take the offer, as they all have possible advocates (even if Twilight is worrying about international law a bit too much with hers) and it was going to happen one way or another anyway. Now the worry about gender diversity I can understand, but they themselves can help with that by choosing one of the other options she outlined. Yes they still need to continue working on that in the science side, but it can also be mitigated by the princesses subtly stacking the odds in favor of male births from advocated parents.

2446505 Yer, the half-and-half of each was what I was hoping for. I figured magic would be able to suss out the DNA combining - I was just speculating on what would happen if it worked like most straight-up parthenogenesis and Twilight basically birthed a clone of herself. It would certainly help increase the alicorn population! :rainbowlaugh:

Twilight: I've renounced my position as Princess and given up my wings, but here, have a clone in my stead! It'll only take her like twenty years and another new ultimate form of magic to get there! :twilightsmile:
Clone!Bebbie: :facehoof:

Then again, we've already seen what happens when you make clones of Pinkie Pie... :pinkiegasp:


Scientific progress isn't always good. The V-2 rocket was a scientific breakthrough. Was it a good thing? Only one aspect of it: it allowed humans the ability to travel into space. However, the rest of it was nothing but bad news for humanity. It was first and foremost a weapon, and the V-2 rocket is the whole reason we have ICBMs. The stuff North Korea now has pointed in firing position? The Taepodong 2s? The U.S. Minutemen? Those are successors of the V-2 rocket.

At the same time, there is a major, major ethics problem with everything they're discussing. Even though Gabriel's society is pretty well ordered, there are bad elements present in it, and pride is the fall of everyone. They're literally playing with the creation of life here. If life can be created through the whim of whoever is giving birth in any fashion they choose, then what value does life itself actually have? How much is that person's life worth? Those are the questions that will be asked at some point down the road, no matter what sort of decrees the Princesses might give.

And then you also get this potential: what about that scientist who lets the idea creep in that he or she can create a master race? Making people into some sort of mockery of perfection?

No. Scientific progress is not always a good thing. In fact, it can be more evil than anything ever seen, even with progress that has good intentions. Especially with progress that has good intentions.


It's not so much like the combination of different species. There's no real law regarding direct egg combination via royal power. It's so rarely done. Twilight's concern was about the standard sperm donation thing. In regular situation the sperm, even if from a known individual, is legally regarded as that of the non-dam mare, the child is socially and legally that of the two mares and the male understands he's pretty much done after donating. But Shining Armor is an Emperor and if he wanted to press a case there might be a minor international incident. Not that Twi thinks he would do that but she is good at worrying over potentials.

The gender percentage thing is what her concern is mostly about.

Demographics of countries change all the time. It's not wrong. It just is.


It's not quite the demographics it's the potential for unicorn control of reproduction and the loss of pony males.

A solid, honest reaction from our dear AJ. :ajsmug: Good to see her really thinking about what makes a tradition good or bad and not just blindly following in her granny's hoofsteps. And Twi's already said that the princesses can tweak the predilection towards one gender or another, so they wouldn't necessarily HAVE to be up to their ears in fillies. :raritywink:


That may or not be true. They might just slam eggs together more elegantly than science does. After all, it's probably damn hard carving an X chromosome into a Y.

You properly capitalized Miss, huzzah!

If you hold off on implementation until such controls on gender are in place, then I don't see the issue. It's all hormones at the right time anyway.


Even if they have two X chromosomes? That's the issue.


And magic plus science can't fix that at some point?


They'd practically have to take an X from the father of the opposite partner, which would, I guess, mean birthing their own brother-in-law. Unless yo mean paring out all the DNA that makes the X so large and leaving only the same size of a Y. And adding the code to initiate the male body plan. Of course this would need to be from an egg containing her father's X, to preserve the alleles.


Not getting into a genetics debate, I'll only sound like an idiot at some point.

So RD and AJ vote for it. Makes sense.


Did they? Did they really? Did they actually say exactly what their votes were?

I'm going to be interested if one of them leans the other way in their normal pairings, but the logic for the opposing decisions is identical. I'm REALLY looking forward to how Pinkie considers this, especially.

as he magic. as her magic.

two tamps. two stamps.

I still fail to understand why they can't find the switch. All animals start female, just find that switch and flip it.


Because even with the switch you still need a Y chromosome. The main complaint is that changing one chromosome changes the child to something other than a mix of the two females.


The chemical switch is what makes the X change to a Y if I am remembering this all correctly.


Sadly, you are not. It activates the genes in the Y. Each child gets half their chromosomes from each parent, always one X from the egg, and either an X or Y from the sperm, barring defects like Trisomy or any of the various syndromes that affect gender.

Pure Pinkie :3 three cheers for baker's multitasking :3

Next week: the conclusion. *Doink doink*

Well well... unanimous. I was worried there'd be a 'nay' somewhere. Good to see progress!


I toyed with "One dissenting vote and paranoia over who" or a "Lady or the tiger" open ending after five ballots. I went with the happy ending.

twilight. Twilight.

While it at least ended with enough reason to exist, stretching it out did it no favors. You made a government pamphlet entertaining, yet here it just drags and drags.


It was mostly a character study, showing how the Mane Six think of and process things, like Pinkie's manic multitasking or Applejack's semi-conflicted mix of tradition and progressive ideas. Also, the end was me trying to stretch my writing muscles doing the text version of the tense part of a drama, with the added bonus of having them speak in the order of the chapter as each ballot is read. It would appear the experiment was not quite as successful as I had hoped.


It might have been how you released it that hurt it the most for me; nearly 3 months from start to finish with very little in between does not do you any favors at all. If this had been released all at once I think it would have worked better, but who knows now.

King Minos? The father of the Minotaur in greek mythology?

Why are you calling Iron Will King Minos? :rainbowhuh:


Please see "Forging Iron Will."

Iron Will is a kidnapped prince named Asterion from a place called The Aegeman Sea, the hybrid son of King Minos XXVII of Concrete and Queen Pasiphaë of Concrete, a Diamond Dog and a Cow respectively. By tradition the regnal name of the kings of Concrete is Minos. Iron Will now rules as King Minos XXVIII. He's seen again in Dames of the Tea Table 5, married and enjoying being a king.

3141642 it's another story by this author. Telling you moe is spoiling the whole story line.

I was so afraid that Pinkie had jinxed it near the end there.:twilightsheepish: All's well that end's well, though... even if it's really just another beginning. And I look forward to however many weddings you plan to show on-page.
That said, no, the odds were not "vanishingly small" that the last vote would have been "Nay"; it was 50/50 like any other ballot. Did Celestia not provide any lessons in probability?:facehoof:


It's true that the actual odds never change. However, the perception does change. It seems like it's not 50/50 when a coin flip approaches ten heads. There was also some calculation anxiety. Like looking at a probability tree and being stunned by the outcome.

I honestly should show some marriages. I already implied a marriage between Pinkie and Twilight.

I'd also like to note that, as cool as this all sounds, it underwhelmed me just a bit because I had thought something like it was already in play, thanks to Bad Apple's comment way back in "The Discarded Son" about the possibility of AJ & RD having a foal via "magical telekinetic means". I can only assume that that was another way of referring to sperm donation? (And also that the first choice for donation is traditionally a brother-in-law, hence that brief discussion about siblings? It makes sense, but it's tricky when you only allude to it in passing.)


Yes, that refers to sperm donation. The "Telekinetic means" as the Equestrian equivalent of in vitro.

Also, yes. Siblings or near relatives are the traditional donors.

But on the other side, males would become less common, except for species with more even percentages.”

Sheesh, I wouldn't advise any steps that'd throw an entire gender under the bus, but I'm sure they could think of something to keep the other gender going just as strong.

She did want them to get hurt by anything, even on accident.


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