• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 642 Views, 18 Comments

The Coming of Tam O' Canter and Heather Bloom O' Red Hoof to Ponyville - De Writer

Two strange unicorns, one clearly related to Changelings, show up in Ponyville. Tam is seeking a place to heal from the loss of his Annie. For Heather Bloom, it is a homecoming of sorts

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1. An Ancient Map

The Coming of Tam O'Canter and Heather Bloom O'Red Hoof to Ponyville
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
An on going MLP Fan Fiction
© 2013 by Glen Ten-Eyck

Writing begun 05/28/12

The characters of Heather Bloom O'Red Hoof and Tam O'Canter belong solely to Glen Ten-Eyck. He grants permission, subject to his approval, for the use of the characters in works by other authors or artists.

Chapter 1: An Ancient Map

Twilight Sparkle was laying comfortably on her favorite reading cushion in the Library. Her legs were folded neatly under her. The book that she was reading, held by the gentle grip of her magic, floated a little in front of her nose where she could see it easily.

Spike, the little dragon who assisted Twilight in the Library, curiously looked at the cover of the book. He read aloud, “The Strange Customs and Traditions of the Northern Dales and Glens.” Pausing to smile, he said, “Quite a mouthful. How long has it been since anypony wrote books with titles like that? It sounds antique.”

With a smile, Twilight looked up long enough to say, “A long time, Spike. This book is just over two hundred years old. It was only printed once and there are no newer copies.”

With an expressive shrug, Spike asked, “If nopony has been interested enough to even produce a new edition, then why read it?”

Rainbow Dash looked up from the pages of Daring Do and the Rare Blue Emerald long enough to snort, “You know the answer to that as well as I do, Spike. She's a nerd. If it is useless, she wants to know it.” Her chuckle took the sting off of her words and she relented enough to add, “Besides, that useless knowledge that Twilight soaks up has turned out to be important all too often.”

Twilight Sparkle gave a small grin at the acknowledgment of learning's value coming from Rainbow Dash, of all ponies. Instead of saying anything to let Rainbow Dash know how important that simple statement was to her, Twilight responded to Spike's question.

“We cleaned out the map section a few weeks ago. Do you remember it, Spike? There was one that was so old that I was afraid to unroll it for fear that it would just crumble. I put it in a closed box with some damp cloths near it to help soften it. Last week, I was able to unroll it, so I put it under a sheet of glass on my work table to flatten it out and let me copy it.

“I sent a copy to Princess Celestia because I have never seen a map like it before. It was drawn on the prepared skin of an animal! Maybe it was a sheep or a goat. That was just the beginning. It does not even show Canterlot, though the mountain where Canterlot is shows clearly on the map. It also shows some mountains way to the north that I have never even known about. This one book is the only thing that I could find that even mentions them.”

The door chime interrupted as Applejack entered the usually empty Library. She inquired, “Did my book on the cultivation of Newton Apples come in yet?”

Spike replied, “It sure did, AJ. Here, we didn't even take the wrapping paper off because there is a letter stuck under the binding string.” The little dragon fished under the counter and gave Applejack string bound package.

As AJ worked the string loose from the book's wrapper, she commented, “Couldn't help but overhear part of what you were saying there, Twi. What good is a map that don't show things that have been there for centuries?”

Excitedly, Twilight replied, “It looks like the map might be a real antique! If my magic is right, that map is so old that Canterlot hadn't been built yet. Of course Ponyville isn't there, the town is only about, what, fifty years old? I mean, Granny Smith was one of the original settlers and she is still alive.

“What is most interesting to me are the things that do show. The river is in a different bed from what we know. I checked that. There are records about a big flood in the fifth year of Celestia's reign. The river changed its course way back then.

“Think of it, Applejack! It shows something that happened at the very beginning of Celestia's reign, before Canterlot was built. There is more, too. The hill over by the Everfree forest? The one with two peaks? It is shown with some sort of big house between the peaks.

“The words on the map are hard to read because the language has changed so much since the map was made. It looks like the hill is called Red Hoof. I wonder why the ponies that made the map called it that?”

Applejack got the string off and began unwrapping the book. “No clue, Twilight. Say, I just noticed, this letter isn't for me. It's for you. The address was facing the book when the letter got stuck under the string, that's all.”

Twilight reached out with her magic and retrieved the letter, saying, “Thanks, Applejack.” Looking at the envelope, she said, “It's from Canterlot. I wonder what it's about?”

She neatly slit the envelope and the letter slid out and unfolded in the air in front of her. Seeing that the others were all looking on in curiosity, Twilight said, “It is from Princess Celestia but it is not personal. It is about the map. Shall I read it to you?”

There was a small chorus of “Sure, Twilight. We'd like to hear what she has to say.”

“Twilight's voice began confidently, “My Dear Twilight Sparkle: Luna and I have seen the copy of the ancient map that you have found. You did an excellent piece of work in managing to unroll and preserve a document as old as this one is. Your magical link to let me examine the original document through the copy was an excellent piece of magic. I am proud of you.

“I believe that this map is the oldest written document in all of Equestria.”

Twilight looked up at her friends with a smile and said, “She said excellent twice.”

Rainbow Dash had quietly marked her place in the Daring Do book and looked up. She observed, “Yes, she did, Twilight. How about reading us the rest of the letter?”

Twilight began again, “Luna and I have recently had a pair of visitors who can shed further light on the map for you.

“I wept when I found out what that map means. You do know that Equestria was founded and the Elements of Harmony brought into existence before my sister and I ruled. Had We ruled at the time of the events that lead to what we now celebrate as Hearthwarming Eve, those disharmonious events would never have happened.”

Twilight's voice faded in shock as she read on, “This map is only a few years younger than Luna and I are. It is older than the nation of Equestria. It documents the ancient atrocity that lead to the founding of our wonderful land.

“My visitors are coming to see you but they are traveling afoot. They have several errands to accomplish before they arrive in Ponyville. They are very different from us and their ways may seem at first glance to be dangerous, but they are good ponies.

“Technically, the mare is not actually a pony at all but you will see what I mean in person soon enough.

“Your Princess, Instructor in Magic, and friend, Celestia.”

Good and honest Applejack sat back in surprise and said, “Hearthwarming Eve is about an atrocity? How? I mean, it is all about finding Equestria and discovering the Elements of Harmony. How could that be bad?”

Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed in thought as she said, “That's right. The Hearthwarming Eve stories and the pageant doesn't mention Celestia or Luna either. Somehow, I never even thought that there might be a time before the Princess. That simply blows my mind. I wonder . . . what else we have never questioned about those times?”

Biting her lip, Twilight shook all over. She asked quietly, “Celestia wept at my map? An ancient atrocity? Is Hearthwarming a lie?”

Spike said thoughtfully, “It takes a week for a letter to come from Canterlot by post. I wonder why Celestia didn't send it by magic, like she usually does? And what does she mean that one of our visitors isn't technically a pony?” Sarcastically he added, “What else could she be? A Changeling? After that little fiasco at the royal wedding, I don't really think so.” He chuckled, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

Author's Note:

This is built upon the notion that Love Poisoning can have a very different outcome if the victim(s) are given proper support and assistance in adjusting to the changes brought on by the potion.
It also deals with the idea that there is any reasonably good place for Ponies (or people) to go that there is not some sort of ponies (or people) there already. The general attitude of the winners in such conflicts tends to be "clear the pesky guys out."
The empty but excellent place found by the ancestors of Equestria springs to mind.