• Published 19th Apr 2013
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The Coming of Tam O' Canter and Heather Bloom O' Red Hoof to Ponyville - De Writer

Two strange unicorns, one clearly related to Changelings, show up in Ponyville. Tam is seeking a place to heal from the loss of his Annie. For Heather Bloom, it is a homecoming of sorts

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Chapter 8: The Finding of Heather Bloom's Father

Chapter 8: Heather Bloom's Father

To build a Great Hall requires more than merely getting a piece of land to put it on. Heather Bloom did have that. Houser worked long and hard on the plan for the big building. It was going to be the biggest building in Ponyville, except that it was somewhat outside of town!

Heather Bloom, Tam and Daphne were supervising workers who were digging into the gap between the two peaks of the hill where the new hall was going to be raised. It was the site of the original Hall of Red Hoof, about four thousand years ago.

As the first ancient charred timber was found, Heather Bloom called all the workers together. She surveyed them all with care and then told them, “I know that I ha' told ye before this but now it is o the utmost importance. This wa the home o' my foalhood.

“When we fled the invader, much wa left behind, our lives bein' o' the greatest value that we could save. Not only wa all here belongin' to my folk an' kin, my dear father, Jarl Natchin did die here. All that be found, even the least bead not only belong ta me as the last survivor, I also own this land and all therein.

“Whatso ye find, bring it to me. There shall be fair reward fer such as ye do so honestly. If ye be caught a takin' anything away without permission, ye shall be charged and tried under the Royal Wing by Celestia and Luna, who were frequent and welcome in guesting here. It was the work o' Celestia that any survived and got safe away.

“Go now and dig with care. If any bone o' my father be found, that shall be greatly rewarded. All that may be o' him I wish to put to the same grave and under the same stane as my mother Jarla Peach Tree, who was mortal burned in comforting the passing o' my father.

“She we put to the Earthen Rest three day's travel from this spot.”

Heather Bloom bit her lip and shed tears at ancient memories, still sharp as knives.

Daphne herded the workers back to the task, pointing out, “The law is clear that anything that you find belongs to Her Ladyship. Even if it seems of little worth, it is a reminder of her foalhood.”

As the afternoon progressed, more and more charred beams and fire scorched stone of fallen walls were found. Daphne's sharp eyes spotted a worker pocketing something into his saddlebag.

First, she picked her way through the ruin of the ancient fire and quietly confronted the worker. “Leroi, I saw that. Call Her Ladyship over and give her the piece that you found. If you do not, I shall.”

He made the error of raising his shovel in a threatening manner. Daphne immediately called out, “Heather Bloom! Your Ladyship! Leroi is trying to steal something!”

Enraged, he swung his shovel at Daphne. Her call and the flat smack of it striking her shoulder alerted the whole work force.

Besides the converging ponies, Tam was coming swiftly the side of the fallen carlene of Red Hoof. As he knelt above her protectively, Leroi tried to sneak off.

It was no use. Tam's magic reached out and snagged both forehooves at once, pulling them both back, between his hind legs. His face hit the dirt and ancient ash with a splat. Ignoring Leroi, except to keep pulling him off balance if he tried to rise, Tam concentrated on Daphne.

“Carlene Daph! Be ye alright? I seen the assault upon yer person.”

Daph was a bit shaky as she struggled to her hooves. She took a deep breath and flexed her shoulder some. “Thank you, Tam. I do believe that I have only got a bruise. What will happen now?”

Heather Bloom said sternly, “There be but three the courses left to him. I, as a Duchess o the Realm may call a trial under the Royal Wing. Celestia and Luna shall examine the case and there is no appeal for him at all from their judgment.

“The next way is to call the constables and put him to the Ponyville Courts o Law. If we do that, and the thing he took be found upon him, he will be convicted and go to labor on the roads.

“The last is least formal. He can return to me whatso he take and beg o you, Daph, yer pardon. If ye take the apology he is done here but free.”

Daphne took the time to think with care. “Your Ladyship, a boon I beg of you. I do know why he took what it was that he did. He came here to work because his family is on hard times. The bits that he earns are keeping a roof over the heads of his family and food on their table. That is why he was risking his job to take something of value. Not greed. To save his family.

“My boon is this. If he gives back what he took, reward him for the finding as if this has not happened. Put him to other work where he will not be so tempted. Perhaps working on the dams that you are putting into the marshes would be good.”

Heather Bloom softened. “Ye be wise beyond yer years, Carlene Daph. It shall be as ye want it, should Leroi give back what he take and give to you the apology due.”

Leroi listened in amazement. He offered, “I am really sorry that I hit you, Daphne. You were right and I was wrong.

“Here it is, Your Ladyship. It is a circle thing of some black metal with yellow that I thought might be brass. It has red stones that almost glow.”

He produced a circle broach with a long pin. The the age blackened silver of it made the untarnished yellow gold stand out brilliantly. The garnets that it was set with had pools of red light shining in them.

Heather Bloom fell to her knees in shock as she saw it. “It is my father's cloak pin! The resting place o Natchin, Jarl O' Red Hoof ha been found! End this day's work fer all at full payment.

“Give to Leroi enough that his family shall be provided fer the whole of the next year. See that his family's rents, food and other need all be done upon the bounty o Red Hoof!”

There was a lone candle lantern glowing in the ruins of the ancient Great Hall of Red Hoof. Heather Bloom came to investigate and found Daphne sitting quietly next to the place that the broach was found.

“What is it that ye are doin', Daph? Willna your mother and father be a worryin'?”

Daphne looked up, and Heather Bloom saw that she was wearing her dress livery as a carlene to the House of Red Hoof. “Mom and Dad know where I am, Heather Bloom. They approved of the idea.

“I just thought that it would be a good thing to sit vigil with Jarl Natchin until we can do better for your father. He has been alone long enough.”

Tears rolled from Heather Bloom's eyes. “It is not wise alone that ye are, Carlene Daph. It is a compassionate heart that ye have as well. Ye wad make a fine Heart Keeper, were ye o a kind that could.

“I shall return shortly with some good ration. We shall keep this watch together.”

The morning's light found them both still keeping their vigil.

The day was spent in careful excavating of Jarl Natchin's bones. When, at last, they had all that could be found, Heather Bloom gathered all the workers. She announced, “It is a six days holiday that ye all have with my deepest thanks fer yer good help. Ye shall all be full paid fer the time that ye are off.

“Ye all do know that we ha found the bones o my dear Father, Natchin, Jarl O' Red Hoof. My mother, Peachtree, Jarla O' Red Hoof is laid to her Earthen Rest at a place three days o walk hence from here. We are goin' to place them both together as should ha been done those ages ago but War did not allow o it.”