• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 19,583 Views, 724 Comments

Embracing the Darkness - BlueAzura

Twilight Sparkle is left with a scar that will permanently change the rest of her natural born life.

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Chapter 1

*I own nothing, but the experience and story*

*Ponies go to Hasbro*

Embracing the Darkness

By: BlueAzura

Chapter 1

The Everfree Forest was always a place of mystery. Plants grew completely unchecked, unyielding, and just plain wild for miles. The clouds create and move themselves without any sort of wind to push them. The animals grew in strange ways as well, even devouring each other in order to survive. Life seems to run on “autopilot,” without any sort of help. The land here constantly move, creating all manner of noise that never seems to end.

Tonight however, all forms of life were silent. Not a single creature made any movement from their homes. They dare not make a single peep, as they cower in fear from the overwhelming presence outside, which was saturating the very soil. The creatures didn’t know this, but they haven’t felt this presence for over a thousand years. Yet instincts told them to remain hidden, for whatever was out there will surely destroy them. This veil of silence however, was suddenly lifted, as a torrent of wind blew out, howling from the ruins of an old castle. In the yowls of the wind, another sound emerged, a shout from a small frail voice.

“The Elements!” Twilight Sparkle yelled, as she leaped into the whirlwind of black mist, in which she disappeared in a small flash.

“Twilight!” Five different voices cried out, but to no avail, as the purple unicorn was already gone.

“Where did she go?!”


“Where are you?!”

Somewhere in another part of the castle, there came a brief flash of light, before depositing Twilight Sparkle back to the cold stone once more. She coughed a few time, before looking back up and gasped.

“Muhahaha.” Nightmare Moon laughed, as she floated the five Elements of Harmony around herself. Twilight’s face quickly turned into a scowl as she prepared to charge the alicorn, stamping her hoof into the ground. “You’re kidding… You’re kidding right?” Asked Nightmare Moon, in pure disbelief.

Twilight paid no heed to her words as her horn flared up with magic, quickly setting off into a gallop at the mare. The alicorn quickly recollected her thoughts and began to gallop toward the unicorn in response. The glow on Twilight’s horn grew brighter as the pair raced towards each other, closer and closer until… Poof! Twilight was surrounded by a bright light before disappearing and reappearing next to the five Elements of Harmony.

“Just one spark…” Twilight muttered to herself, leaning her head down, with her horn re-lighting. “Come on… Come on!” The Elements started to take on the glow of her horn, while Nightmare Moon turned herself into a cloud, rushing at the unicorn. The alicorn reappeared in front of Twilight at the exact moment the Elements shot an arcane bolt of lightning, launching the unicorn backwards several feet.

“No… No!” Nightmare cried out, as the Elements began discharging bolts of electricity. However, as soon Twilight believed that it had worked, the orbs quickly fizzled out and died.

“What? But, where’s the sixth Element!?” Twilight gasps, as Nightmare Moon began cackling with glee, raising her front hooves into the air and smashing the Elements into pieces. ‘No! The Elements!

“You little foal! Do you truly believe you have the power to stop me?” The alicorn shouted in a booming voice. “Nopony can ever be as powerful as I, not even my dear sister of the sun.” Nightmare Moon spat out the word “dear” as if it was poison.

“S-Sister?!” Twilight sputtered, with her jaw hanging open. ‘That can’t be true!

“Ahh… So she didn’t even bother telling you now, did she?” Nightmare’s face turned into a scowl. ‘You would think she would tell her such information.

No… she didn’t tell me anything…’ “It… it doesn’t matter that you’re related and more powerful then the Princess.” Twilight said, rising up on her hooves. “Because I made it my solemn duty, as Princess Celestia’s protégé and student, to protect Equestria and to stop evil mares like you!” She finished, striking a defiant pose and glaring into the alicorn’s draconic pupils.

“What’s this? You’re my dear sister’s student?” Nightmare asked, lifting a brow. ‘It’s no wonder she knew about the Elements and judging from what I can sense from the unicorn, she is quite powerful… I can use her…’ Her thoughts were interrupted when said unicorn yelled out.

“That’s right! I’ve learned everything to do with magic thanks to the Princess and I intend to bring you down.” ‘Even though I have no idea what to do… now that the Elements are useless.

“Bold words, from a bold mare, tell me… how much do you know about me then?” Nightmare asked, with a small smirk forming on her face. She began to weave her magic slowly around the room.

“What… What do you mean?” Twilight was taken aback, Nightmare pressed on.

“I’m asking how much do you truly know about me and my powers.” Draconic eyes slowly narrowing.

“N-Not much… I only found out the legend of the ‘Mare in the Moon’ today.”

Today only?! You must be joking…’ Nightmare caught herself from rolling her eyes. ‘Celestia basically threw her into the shark tank with nothing to defend herself with… What is your gain in this entire charade sister? … Bah! I’ll figure it out later, but for now… It’s time to take my prize.’ “Well it’s seems that you are unaware about the true powers of the night.” Nightmare’s mouth turned into a smirk once again as she said. “But don’t worry, you’ll be joining it soon, whether you like it or not!”

“W-What does that mean…?” Twilight said before she realized her mistake. The entire room has grown dark, as a veil of shadow surrounded the two. Twilight slowly backed away as she watched helplessly, as the shadows closed off the soft rays of moonlight, plunging them into complete darkness. The only source of light now was Nightmare Moon, as her starry mane reached out and wrapped itself around the now terrified unicorn. “No! Let me go!” Twilight screamed, flailing her hooves about, as she was lifted towards the alicorn. The unicorn’s eyes slowly widen with terror, as she was brought face-to-face with the dark queen.

“I haven’t been fed for over a thousand years... I’m going to enjoy this.” Nightmare Moon grinned. Twilight’s pupils shrank to the size of a small pea when she noticed the alicorn’s teeth, two sharp fangs.

“No wait-!” Twilight couldn’t finish, as the vampony lunged her face forward, sinking her fangs into the neck of the unicorn. “AH!” Twilight cried out in pain, suddenly losing all feelings in her hooves. Nightmare drank deeply, as she held the unicorn close to herself with her front hooves. “Ah…ah…n-no…” Twilight weakly muttered, her sight slowly darkening as she felt herself slip away. “P-princess… please… h-h-help me…” The last of her strength disappeared, as she felt her mind fade away into the darkness.

Nightmare Moon felt the unicorn’s body go limp before finally releasing her hold, leaving her floating in her mane. She watched the now unconscious unicorn carefully, deep in thought. ‘…I don’t know if it was the hunger lasting for a thousand years... But that was by far, the greatest tasting blood I’ve ever come across in my existence.’ Nightmare licked her bloody lips. ‘Astounding… Her very blood is laced with pure magic… it’s too bad I can’t continue, not without killing her right now.’ The vampony’s thoughts were interrupted, when she felt five creatures approaching her shadow prison. ‘It’s about time the others showed up.’ Nightmare grimaced, lifting the spell and straightening her body out.

“Hold on sugarcube, we’re coming!” Shouted Applejack, as she and the others galloped into the room. They all gasped, screeching to a halt when they saw Nightmare Moon, standing in a triumphant stance, with a certain purple unicorn in her mane. “Twilight!”

“Let her go you big jerk!” Rainbow Dash yelled, launching herself at the alicorn.

“Fine… take her then.” Nightmare answered, tossing the unicorn at the cyan Pegasus. Rainbow was taken a back for a moment, before she quickly caught the limp body of her friend, racing back to the group. They drew another gasp, when they saw the blood covering Twilight’s neck, but relaxed when they saw her sides slowly rising and falling as she slept.

Applejack quickly looked over the blood, trying to see if there were any injuries. Thankfully, there were none and she turned her attention back to the alicorn. “What did you do to her?”

“Oh, don’t worry.” Nightmare Moon’s smirked, watching the confused looks in the group. “You’ll find out soon enough.” She flared her wings out as she continued. “I don’t have time to deal with you foals, as I have a castle to seize.” She finished and with one great flap of her wings, lifted herself into the night sky before taking off.

“Oookay… that was weird.” Rainbow broke the silence, watching the retreating form of the alicorn, disappearing behind some clouds.

“I know what you mean, darling.” Rarity agreed. “But, we must get our poor friend to the hospital as quickly as possible.” She quickly added, moving towards the unconscious unicorn.

“Rarity’s right ya’ll.” The farm pony jumped to her hooves. “With all that blood, there’s no telling what Nightmare Moon did to her.”

“Damn-it!” Rainbow Dash suddenly shouted. “If only we found them sooner, then maybe we could’ve saved her from… whatever she did!” She stomped the stone floor in frustration.

“I hear yah, Rainbow, but it’s too late now and we need to get her back home.” Applejack drew a collective amount of nods and agreements before they set off back into the forest.

Author’s Notes: Yes I know what you’re thinking and no, it’s not based off of a “certain book”. That being said, let’s try and not mention that “certain book” in the comments.

Moving on…

I just like to warn you all that I was never good in English class (but I wish to be). That being said, I know there will be grammar and spelling errors at some places. I will attempt to stamp them all out before I post anything. However, if you find the grammar and spelling errors to be annoying, I apologize in advance.