• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 19,605 Views, 724 Comments

Embracing the Darkness - BlueAzura

Twilight Sparkle is left with a scar that will permanently change the rest of her natural born life.

  • ...

Chapter 10

*I own nothing, but the experience and story*

*Ponies go to Hasbro*

Embracing the Darkness

By: BlueAzura

Chapter 10

“Spike, I’m heading out now!” Twilight left the library in a hurry, eager to meet and greet her friends.

“See you later, Twi!” Spike waved goodbye before shutting the door behind him. “Now… What was I going to clean again?” He didn’t have much time to think as he was interrupted by a loud tapping noise from upstairs. “Huh? What was that?” Quickly making his way upstairs, he opened the door to the bedroom to find it completely empty. “That’s weird… I could’ve sworn…” He flinched in surprise when he saw a pony standing out on the balcony. Upon closer inspection, Spike noticed a familiar rainbow mane. He opened the door with a claw and quickly asked, “What’s up Rain-OOF!”

Rainbow Dash held a hoof to her lips and said in a quick whisper, “Shhhh! Not so loud!” Making sure the coast was clear she lifted herself away from the baby dragon. “Sorry about that, Spike. Is Twilight home?”

As he was climbing back up to his feet, Spike shook his head. “Nope, she just left to see the others… What’s going on?”

The Pegasus looked around nervously. “You sure nopony is here?”

The purple dragon sighed, waving a claw at the shelves behind him. “Nope, just you, me, and all these books.” Really curious about his friend’s attitude now, he asked, “Okay. What’s going on, Rainbow?”

The cyan Pegasus eyed the dragon carefully before saying, “Can you keep a secret from somepony?”

“Yeah, no problem! But, who are we hiding this from?”

Rainbow looked around the room again. “I’ll tell you, but you’re going to have to Pinkie Swear not to tell anypony.”

Spike raised an eyebrow as he did the motions with his claws. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He crossed his arms together. “Alright, so who is it?”


The baby dragon’s eyes widen in alarm. “Twilight? Why, did something happen between you two?”

Rainbow turned her gaze to the floor. “No, nothing happen between us… It’s just…”

Spike pressed forward. “Just…?”

“I think she’s hiding something and I need your help in finding out just what it is, okay?”

The assistant raised his eyebrow again. “Why are you so curious about what she’s hiding?”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t stay put anymore and started hovering around the room. “I don’t know… But, it just feels like she’s hiding something really big from us.” She turned her attention at the dragon below her. “Don’t you ever get that feeling of uncertainty around her?”

Spike placed a claw to his chin. “Hmm… now that you mentioned it… Yeah, I do feel something is off around her.”

The Pegasus flew up into the dragon’s face. “See? You’ve got to help me figure this out!”

The purple dragon took a step back. “Alright, alright! I’ll help you.”

Rainbow flew up into the air in triumph. “Yes! Now tell me… what does she normally do during the day?”

Spike started to count off his fingers. “Well… in the morning she gets up and goes to the basement for about ten minutes. Next, she eats breakfast, reads some books, makes me clean the library, reorganize the quills, restocks on ink, read more books…” He continued on, explaining how his unicorn sister went about her day, in careful detail. “Lastly, she goes to bed and sleeps really late into the night.”

Rainbow Dash, having almost fallen asleep, jerked awake. “Huh, that’s it? Nothing out of the ordinary or anything?”

The assistant shook his head. “Not that I know of, no.” He tilted his head to the side a bit. “Actually…”

The Pegasus looked up in anticipation. “Yeah?”

He gave a slight shrug. “The only thing I’ve been noticing lately is that she’s been waking up way earlier then what she normally did back at Canterlot.” Spike gave a thoughtful expression. “In fact… I think she’s been having less and less sleep for the past few days.” He suddenly looked upset. “I hope she’s getting enough sleep… I’m worried about her.”

Rainbow face softened at the sight of the caring dragon. “It’s alright, little guy. I’ll find out if there’s anything wrong with her, okay?”

The baby dragon gave a small smile. “Thanks. But, isn’t it better just to go to her yourself and ask her these things?”

The Pegasus gave one of her cocky smiles. “That’s just way too easy for it to actually work, Spike.” She lifted herself up into the air. “Besides, I bet I can figure out what’s her deal in just ten seconds flat if I really tried.” Waving a hoof of goodbye, Rainbow Dash flew out in a flash of colors.

Turning back to finish his chores, Spike muttered under his breath, “Yet you still had to come to me for help…”

Twilight Sparkle was walking near the market section, when she noticed the cowboy hat standing out among the sea of ponies. Careful to avoid bumping into anypony, she slowly made her way towards the apple stand. “Hey, Applejack!”

The orange pony was busy with a customer when she heard the shout. Noticing who it was, she waved and said, “Well howdy there, Sugarcube! What brings you here?” She quickly scooped up one of her best apples and passed it off to the purple unicorn. “Here you are, Twi, on the house.”

The librarian gave a grateful smile. “Thanks, Applejack! I was just passing by and saying hello that’s all.” She gazed around at all the ponies milling about. “Wow… there sure are a lot of ponies out and about right now.”

Applejack finished off an order from another customer before she gave her forehead a quick wipe. “Whew! It’s as busy as the country fair around these parts!” The earth pony suddenly noticed a crowd was forming at the center of the town. “Hey, Twi, what do you make of that?”

Twilight turned to stare at the still forming crowd. “There must be some sort of show going on or something.” She turned towards her apple friend and gave a smile. “Want to go see what all the fuss is about?”

Seeing the majority of ponies had turned their attention towards the crowd, Applejack quickly flipped her ‘open’ sign to ‘close’ and said, “Right behind you, Sugarcube.”

By the time the pair reached the large group of ponies, it appears the whole town has arrived to see what was going on. Everypony stood side by side, quietly talking amongst each other.

Applejack pointed a hoof off to the right. “There’s the others… come on, Twi!” They quickened their pace, weaving around ponies, in an effort to see their friends faster.

The pink party pony noticed their arrival and began bouncing up and down in excitement. “Hey girls, are we having a giant party right now?” Pinkie Pie gave a confused expression. “Which is weird… because I throw the parties around these parts and this isn’t mine...” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Okay! Who’s trying to take over my job… was it you, Rarity?!” She pointed a hoof at the snow white unicorn in a threatening manner. “I’m keeping my eye on you!”

The fashionista faked a gasp. “Why, Pinkie, why in the world would I take something you love so much away from you, darling?” Rarity flicked a loose strand of hair into its proper place. “What kind of Element of Generosity would I be then?”

Pinkie Pie placed a hoof to her chin. “Hmm… you’re right… and Fluttershy is too nice to do something so mean…” She gasped and pointed a hoof at the cyan Pegasus standing beside her. “I bet it was you, Rainbow Dash!”

The Pegasus was taken aback. “No way, I’ll never do something so un-cool, Pinkie!” Rainbow took a quick peek at her purple friend. ‘She’s not acting strange so far…hmm…’ She was yanked away from her thoughts, when the same unicorn started to speak.

Pointing off into the distant, Twilight said in a matter of fact tone, “Why don’t just ask the pony that’s standing on the stage, Pinkie?”

The whole group turned to see a bright azure colored unicorn, wearing a matching hat and cape, throwing her front hooves into the air and proudly exclaiming, “Behold! For I am… The Great and Powerful TRIXIE!” A large assortment of fireworks shot up into the air before exploding in a brilliant lightshow. The crowd ‘oohed' and 'aahed’ as the unicorn continued. “Watch and be amazed! As the world’s most powerful unicorn, gives you the greatest show in all of Equestria!” More fireworks lifted off from the ground for added effect.

Geez… putting it a little thick at the end there?’ Twilight lifted an eyebrow at the overenthusiastic unicorn, who began yelling something about a Ursa Major. Her friends agreed.

Completely forgetting her current mission, Rainbow Dash spoke, “I’m going to see just how ‘Great and Powerful’ she really is!”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Rain-” The librarian couldn’t finish because the proud Pegasus had already flew off. “bow…”

The apple farmer began making her way towards the front of the stage. “I’m going to see for myself as well… all her boasting is just putting me on edge at the moment.”

“But, wait-”

“I too wish to see just how ‘Great and Powerful’ she really is, to boast herself in such an unladylike manner.”

“Not you too, Rarity…” Twilight let out a large sigh. Glancing to her left, she asked, “Are you going to join them, Fluttershy?”

The butterscotch Pegasus shook her head. “Oh no, no, no… I much rather just stay here and not get involved.” She let out a small squeak at the thought of being watched by the whole crowd.

The purple unicorn nodded. “What about you, Pinkie? Are you-” She turned to see that her party friend had disappeared. “going…” Twilight let out another sigh. “I’m going back to the library… see you later, Fluttershy.”

“Oh! See you later, Twilight.” Fluttershy waved goodbye to her friend before turning her attention back to the stage.

“Spike?” Twilight Sparkle called out into the darken library. “Spike?” She perked her ears trying to hear her assistant’s call, but still no response. “Huh… he must’ve gone to watch ‘The Great and Powerful’ Trixie’s show.” With her horn lighting up, she lit all the enchanted candles to life. Noticing that the shelves were clear of dust, Twilight smiled. ‘At least he finished his chores… so I’ll just let him off the hook this time.


The unicorn suddenly gripped her chest. ‘Oh no… Move quickly, Twilight.’ She quickly descended down to the bottom of the basement and while ignoring all the equipment around her, she made her way to the end of the room.


“Gah!” The unicorn gasped at the sudden pain, flaring up in her chest. Panicking, Twilight nearly tore off the valve that kept the liquid in place and waited impatiently for her artificial blood. ‘Hurry!


Losing any form of patience at this point, Twilight lifted the glass cup to her lips before it had completely filled. ‘Bleh! I forgot about that…’ She could feel her body attempting the reject the liquid by coming out the same way it entered, but she held it off at the last moment. Taking a deep breath, Twilight held on to the oxygen for a moment before letting it out with a large sigh of relief. ‘That was way too close for comfort… I’ll have to be more careful now and keep tabs on it.’ She tilted her head in confusion. ‘But, it doesn’t make any sense…’ Her train of thought was interrupted when she noticed that she had left the valve open and the artificial blood began spilling onto the floor. While she was busy cleaning up the mess, Twilight picked up where she left off. ‘I drank this in the morning… so why did it suddenly flare up like that?’ The librarian made a small grunt. ‘I guess I’m still changing on the inside and I’ll still require more blood… I’ve got to make a note on that…

Having the basement finally cleaned, Twilight emerged to find the library exactly the way she had left it. She walked over to a table and after sitting down on the hardwood floor, the unicorn lifted a large book from the bookshelves. ‘Now, that showmare said something about an Ursa Major… I wonder what they could be…

After reading for what felt like an hour, Twilight closed the book with a yawn. ‘Well… that was a good read.’ Placing the book back into its proper place, the purple unicorn looked out the window to find it already dark. ‘Wow. I must’ve gotten really into that book, but where’s Spike?’ Giving her hooves a quick stretch, Twilight muttered quietly to herself, “Where did that trouble maker get to?” As soon as the last word left her lips, she heard a frantic knocking at the front door. ‘That must be him now.’ Opening the door with her horn, Twilight asked, “Where have you been this whole time, Spike?”

Spike, clearly tried out from running, stammered between breaths, “T-Twilight *ha*… you’ve gotta *whew*… h-help!”

Surprised at the state of her little brother, Twilight asked, “Why, what’s going on?”Before the baby dragon could say anything, a loud booming roar echoed across the sky. “W-what was that?!” Not looking to see if the dragon answered or not, Twilight quickly took off to the town’s square. Noticing that a large shadow covered the sky, she skidded to a halt to stare at the terrifying sight above her. Standing in the center of the town stood a tall, clearly angry, Ursa!

“Run for your lives!”

“The horror! The horror!”

Frantically looking around, Twilight watched, as ponies ran in all directions screaming at the top of their lungs. ‘Is this really happening?’ She felt a claw sharply pulling her towards the celestial bear.

Speaking in a panicked voice, Spike yelled, “Come on! I think somepony’s in trouble over there!”

Not wasting any more time, Twilight set out in a full on sprint. ‘I really hope nopony got hurt!’ When she reached the town’s abandoned market area, the unicorn found herself staring at the side of the great beast. ‘Oh dear sweet Equestria, if left unchecked… it’ll destroy the whole town!’ She then spotted an azure unicorn, who seems to be preparing in facing off the Ursa. ‘Is she crazy? She’s going to get herself killed!

“W-watch and be amazed! As The Gr-great and Powerful Trixie, defeat this mighty foe!” The showmare’s eyes squeezed shut in concentration, as her horn lit up with power. The air above the Ursa started to ripple with an invisible force, as the unicorn summoned a thundercloud out of thin air. Breathing heavily, Trixie shouted, “Ha! Take that, you foul beast!” The thundercloud, for lack of a better term, was pathetically small and didn’t look as though it can keep itself afloat. It did however, managed to let out one bolt of lightning before disappearing. Unfortunately, it did little to no damage to the Ursa and only caused it to get even angrier. The celestial bear stood up onto its hind legs and let out another mighty roar directly at the showmare. “Uh oh…”

The Ursa, clearly unhappy now, raised a paw into the air before bringing it back down with a great swing. But before it was able to strike the azure Pegasus, it found that its paw was stopped by a large magenta aura covering it. As soon as the Usra registered that attack had failed, the aura started to cover the rest of its body. Twilight’s eyes were closed in concentration, as she slowly lifted the extremely heavy bear into the air. The citizen of Ponyville began noticing the events that was happening above their heads and stopped, staring in awe. Twilight, feeling her strength weakening, redoubled her efforts and began floating the celestial bear away from the town. As soon as the Ursa was cleared, Twilight casted a small sleeping spell on it, causing it to fall into a deep sleep. By now, the aura on her horn grew twice its size and small amounts of sparks flew off from the tip. ‘Almost there…’ When she felt that the bear had finally entered back into its home, Twilight released her magic with a small sigh of relief. ‘Whew… it looks like our troubles are finally over.’ She didn’t have much time to recollect herself, before the whole town surrounded her with cheers and congratulatory shouts.

“That was amazing!”

Twilight turned to see a cyan Pegasus floating above her. “Oh, it was nothing, Rainbow.”

Still impressed of her friend, Rainbow shouted, “No way was that just nothing, Twi!” She flew down and gave her unicorn friend a friendly smack on the back. “You beat that thing like it was just a baby!”

Smiling slightly, Twilight answered, “Because it was a baby, Rainbow.”

The cyan Pegasus was in the middle of pumping a victory hoof into the air, before she stopped to stare at her friend. “Come again?”

The librarian gave a small shrug as she said, “That wasn’t an Ursa Major, Rainbow… that was an Ursa Minor… a baby Ursa.”

Rainbow Dash stared at the purple unicorn wide eyed. “Then what the hay does an Ursa Major look like?”

Twilight simply shook her head. “You don’t wanna know.”

Meanwhile, while everypony was crowding around the unicorn that saved them, they all failed to notice an azure colored unicorn fleeing into the forest. Panting heavily, the one known as The Great and Powerful Trixie muttered to herself, “Trixie cannot believe that she has been bested by that purple fake!” She pulled herself upright only to find out that her hat and cape were not with her. “Curse them! Thanks to those two haybrained idiots Trixie has lost her beautiful cart and clothes!” The unicorn gave an angry stomp. “Trixie will show them… She will show them all, that she is truly the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria!” Without another word, The Great and Powerful Trixie took off in the direction where she saw the Ursa Minor float away.

With her breath coming out in shallow gasps and her hooves hurting from the hike, The Great and Powerful Trixie found herself standing at the mouth of a large cave. “If that purple fake is capable of defeating an Ursa Minor... then Trixie will have no problem taking down an Ursa Major!” Not wanting to waste another minute outside, the azure unicorn entered the darken entrance.

Back in Ponyville, everypony had already finished cleaning up the mess that the Ursa had created and were settling back into their homes. The feeling of excitement and terror had died down and a sense of peace now filled the area.

Inside Ponyville’s library, a small baby dragon was still hopping in joy. “I still can’t believe just how powerful you really are, Twi!” He began punching into the air in front of him. “Heck… I bet you can beat an Ursa Major if you really wanted!”

“Spike, stop it!” Twilight blushed slightly at his kind words. “Look… I’m flattered and all, but it’s time to go to bed now.”

Before the dragon was able to say that he wasn’t tried at all, Spike let out a huge yawn. “Yeah… you’re right… I’m totally beat from running that whole time.”

The purple unicorn giggled. “If you didn’t come running to me from the very beginning, somepony could’ve gotten seriously hurt.” Twilight walked up and gave a soft pat on her assistant’s head. “You’re as much as a hero as I am, Spike.”

The purple dragon’s face lit up with joy at her words. “Really? Thanks!” He gave a sly grin. “Does this mean I get to sleep with it on?”

Twilight rolled her eyes in amusement. “Oh… alright, but just this once!”

“Excellent!” Spike rubbed his claws together in anticipation. “Number twenty-five, here it comes.”

The librarian giggled before she ignited her horn. After a tense moment and a flash of light, Spike found himself wearing a large curly mustache. “Awwwww yeah!” He gave his new facial hair a quick twirl in his claws. “Thanks, Twilight!”

Twilight simply giggle on how silly her assistant reacts whenever she casts this spell. “You’re welcome, Spike.” She turned and began walking up the steps to their bedroom. “Now, it’s time to sleep.”

Twilight jerked awake by a loud knocking noise. Looking at her bedside clock, she realized that she only slept for about ten minutes. ‘Ugh! I didn’t sleep for even an hour!’ She made her way to the front door in a very sluggish manner. Opening the door with a hoof, Twilight asked in a grumpy tone, “What do you want?” Slumped on the ground was a familiar looking azure unicorn. Her sides and face were covered in scratches and cuts. Bits of leaves and sticks stood out all over her slivery mane.

Opening one of her eyes, Trixie gasped, “You *ha*… whoever you are *huff*… we’ve got a major problem!”

“Trixie, what in Equestria happened to you?” Twilight openly gaped at the sorry state of the unicorn.

Painfully rising on her hooves, the showmare said in a weak voice, “Trixie did not mean for this to happen, but you must help Trixie!”

The librarian tilted her head in confusion. “Why, what’s going-” The ground and air suddenly shook when a mighty roar echoed across the sky for a second time. “on… oh no…” Twilight stared at the azure unicorn with an icy glare. “You didn’t…”

Trixie flinched slightly at the stare. “Trixie has already apologized to you…” She shook her head. “But, this isn’t the time or place!” Grabbing the librarian with a hoof, she began dragging the unicorn out of the library. “You’ve proven your worth by defeating that Ursa Minor… now go and defeat that!” Trixie finished, pointing a hoof to the edge of the Everfree Forest. The showmare nearly fell to the floor when the purple hoof was pulled out of her grip. “What did you do that for?”

Twilight stood rooted to the spot, staring in pure horror at the towering beast before her. “Trixie… That’s… That’s a-a-a” Standing more than five times the height of an Ursa Minor, stood a very large and very angry Ursa MAJOR!

The azure unicorn began yelling into Twilight’s face. “Now’s not the time to space out on Trixie whoever you are!” She threw a hoof behind her. “Please tell Trixie you have a plan to stop this thing!”

The librarian briefly shook her head before yelling back, “First of all… the name’s Twilight and second… are you completely insane?!” She waved a hoof at the celestial bear. “I can’t beat that thing!”

Trixie looked surprisingly shocked. “Then what are we to do then, Twilight?”

Running a few steps forward, Twilight channeled all of her magic into her throat before releasing it out in a shout, “Attention! Citizens of Ponyville! There’s going to be a rampaging Ursa Major upon us momentarily! I highly advise you to… RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”

Turning back around to the showmare, she grabbed a hoof and began running. “Come on, we’ve got to help evacuate the townsfolk!”

By the time the pair finally reached the market area for the second time of this night, everypony was already in the middle of fleeing the town. Trixie found herself slumped on the ground, once again out of breath. “T-Trixie does not know how you can still keep running, T-Twilight.”

Ignoring the showmare’s comment, the purple unicorn quickly used her horn to levitate a large group of senior citizens toward the opposite direction of the rampaging Ursa. “Hurry up and help me with that group over there, Trixie!” The purple unicorn was still busy barking out orders when she heard a cry behind her.

“Twilight! There you are… what in tar-nation is going on?” Applejack skidded to a halt just a few feet away. “Why is there an even bigger version of that there Usra Minor attacking us?”

The librarian shook her head. “We have Trixie to thank for that, but now is not the time! Help me get everypony out of Ponyville!” The apple farmer gave a quick nod before taking off.

“Yo, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash flew up to the purple unicorn, followed by Rarity. “You want me to send word to the royal guards?”

Twilight nodded gratefully. “Yes, Rainbow, fly as fast as you can and tell them of this catastrophe!” The cyan Pegasus gave a quick salute, before disappearing into the night sky. “Rarity, I need you to find Fluttershy and make sure that the area near your boutique is cleared.” The snow white unicorn nodded before taking off. ‘What a disaster… two creatures that are both capable of destroying this place…both at the same night!

Speaking of the Ursa… it was now beginning its assault on the town, smashing building after building as if it was looking for something… or somepony. The Ursa paused when it noticed a very familiar azure colored pony. The celestial bear let out another ear splitting roar before suddenly charging the unicorn with a velocity of a train at full speed.

Trixie can only watch helplessly, as her hooves locked up in sheer terror at the oncoming Ursa.

Twilight, while busy assisting another pony, could only watch in horror and shout at the top of her lunges, “Trixie, run away! MOVE!”

The showmare simply trembled on the spot. “Trixie can’t… too scared…” She shut her eyes so as to not feel the finishing blow… it never came. But instead, felt a pair of strong hooves pull her away the Ursa’s path. Taking a quick peek through her eyelids, Trixie can only see the color orange.

Applejack, having pushed the showmare out of harm’s way, spoke in an irritated tone, “What part of move don’t you understand, Sugarcube?”

Trixie can only stare at the apple farmer in shock. “You saved Trixie, even after everything she has done to you and your friends?”

The earth pony stood upright with a gentle smile on her face. “Of course I’ll save you, Sugarcube…” Applejack tipped her cowboy hat with a hoof. “Even if you did went off like a big old showoff-y jerk… I’ll still help anypony that’s in need!” She held out a hoof. “The name’s Applejack…”

The azure unicorn, still surprised at the farmer’s compassion, reached a hoof out to take the outstretched one. But before they were able to touch, the apple farmer suddenly found herself propelled off to the side and into a building with a loud crash. With a force like that, it’s only safe to assume that the earth pony would’ve died on impact or seriously injured. “Applejack?”

The Ursa Major, having backhanded the pony that got in its way, lazily glanced at the spot where the earth pony disappeared in the wreckage, before turning back at its intended target. It let out another roar.

Twilight, who watched the whole thing, could only stare at the recognizable shape of her friend’s hat off in the distant. “Applejack…?”


It killed her! It killed her in cold blood!’ “Applejack?”


Tears welled up in her eyes, as Twilight screamed, “APPLEJAAAAACK!” She felt nothing now, as she watched the world turn red...


The Great and Powerful Trixie can only watch helplessly, as the giant bear raise a paw into the air to deliver the final blow. ‘It looks like this is the end for Trixie… goodbye.’ She squeezed her eyes closed for the last time.


With the force of a building falling on top of a piece of glass, the paw crashing onto the ground caused a large shockwave to ripple across the town. After the heavy winds finally died down, there was only silence.

“Is Trixie dead?” The Great and Powerful Trixie cracked an eye open only to see a large semi-translucent paw hanging over her. “What in Celestia’s mane…” Looking down lower she gasped, to see a purple unicorn holding off the paw with what looks like only with her back! “T-Twilight!? W-what are you-” The azure unicorn let out another gasp when she finally noticed the librarian’s eyes… deep, bright, blood red eyes.

Realizing that it failed to kill the unicorn, the Ursa rose onto its hind legs and let out a threatening roar. Completely ignoring the fact that a ten story high Usra Major was yelling at her, Twilight simply turn her body to glare at the celestial bear. Confused of the fact that the unicorn wasn’t afraid at all, the Usra tilted its head to watch the unicorn. Seeing the look of hesitation was all what the unicorn needed before she ran across the space between the two, faster then what anypony could deem possible. Before anypony could react, the purple unicorn leaped into the air, giving a roundhouse kick directly into the bear’s gut. The moment of impact caused the air to tear and ripple, as a huge shockwave blasted out in all directions. The Ursa doubled over from the sudden pain, bringing its face closer to the ground. Landing back onto her hooves, Twilight launched herself back up while giving the exposed face an explosive uppercut. But, she wasn’t done. The unicorn pulled a couple of front flips before stopping just above the celestial bear. She extended one of her hind legs and smashed the top of the Ursa’s head with a tremendous axe kick. The force of the kick caused the Ursa to smash face first into the ground, creating a wave-like effect across the rest of the body to follow suit.

When the ground had finally stopped shaking and the cloud of dust lifted, the Ursa Major was left whimpering and hurt. It can only watch the small purple pony walking closer and closer, with animal fear gripping its mind.

Twilight’s ruby eyes glared coldly into the Ursa’s red and yellow ones, and spoke in a low voice. “I never want to see you anywhere near my home ever again.”

The Ursa Major flinched when the unicorn’s horn lit up, but it soon realized that the same glow was covering its paws and face. Twilight’s face had a blank expression, as she covered the rest of the bear’s body with her magic. Lifting it as if it weigh nothing more than a cardboard box, the unicorn threw the ten story high celestial bear out and over into the middle of the Everfree Forest. The moment she felt that the Ursa was gone, Twilight Sparkle felt herself blacking out and falling into the darken void.