• Published 24th Sep 2011
  • 24,806 Views, 385 Comments

Pony Scales - StreakTheFox

Spike loves Twilight like a big sister. But when she becomes a dragon... well, do the math.

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Pony Scales
By: StreakTheFox

Spike is a dragon, a species of the reptilian family. He is currently the assistant of the unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle, who is a member of the mammalian family. Therefore, by the regulated laws of nature, a pony and a dragon cannot and will not love each other in any sort of non-platonic way. Although life and nature have rules and fail-safes that not even the strongest magic can break, sometimes these rules can be bent.


“Spike, I'm back!” Twilight announced as she trotted through the door of her library home. The sun was still high in the sky, perched up around noon time when Twilight returned to her home.

“Didjya get what you needed from Zecora's?” Spike asked, looking over his shoulder as he balanced himself atop a ladder, trying to place a book back in its original spot.

“I most certainly did!” Twilight replied happily, levitating a slightly worn out, hardcover book from her saddlebag. She gently set the book on the desk in the center of the library and proceeded to flip through its pages, scanning her eyes over each page.

“So what are you looking for anyways?” Spike questioned as he slid down the ladder and walked towards Twilight. “It's not really often that you have to travel to Zecora's for something, especially when it's a book.”

“Remember that letter I got yesterday? It was a request from the Canterlot School of Magic, they wanted me to come in and give a presentation on some of the vast types of life out there throughout and beyond Equestria. Even though I do have a few books that tap into that sort of subject, they only gave brief descriptions, and some of them didn't even have any sort of illustrations! So, I went to Zecora's to see if she had kept any sort of books about some of the exotic life from her homeland.”

“Hmm, now that you mention it, I never really thought of how different the town she came from could be from ours. What do you think they have over there?”

“Oh where do I start?” Twilight asked herself, her mind washing over the many types of creatures she's heard about. “There's herbivores like us such as Gazelles, Giraffes, Elephants, as well as some carnivorous creatures such as Lions, Hyenas, Leopards, Cheetahs, and Jackals.”

“Woah... uuhhh...” Spike paused for a few moments as his mind tried to make images of all the things he just heard. “Umm, what are those...?”

“That's exactly what we're gonna find out!” Twilight answered happily as she stopped on a page. “But don't think their world is completely different from ours all together. They have some animals that we do over there like Foxes, Wolves, Cats, Dogs, Badgers, and even...” Twilight leaned her head back in surprise after reading through a certain entry on a list. “Oh! They even have Dragons as well!”

“Woah, never knew that.” Spike said in almost equal surprise. “What kind of dragons do they have over there?”

“Well,” Twilight began, switching her tone back into lecture mode. “As you probably know, there's many types of dragons out there in the world. The two main types are Magical and Non-magical dragons. Magical dragons are usually born with the ability to control or manipulate a type of Natural element such as water, fire, wind, and so on. However, they are very rare, and are now considered an endangered species.”

“Yeah yeah, I know all that stuff already. What about the Non-magical dragons, like me?”

“Well, the most common type of dragon is the Auborary dragon, like the one that we had to drive out of ponyville a while back. However, over from where Zecora is from, the two most common types of dragons are Scarcinous Dragons – or dragons of the desert – and Terrilord Dragons – or dragons of the ground. There really isn't much about them from the books I've found, but this book seems to be filled with all sorts of information about them and all the other species! As well as even... oh, this is interesting...!”

“What, what is it?” Spike said as he peeked over to the book.

“There seems to be a collections of Spells and Potions that are associated with the types of life native to there. Oh this is wonderful! Such a collection of this type of material will be great for my presentation at the academy!”

“Well, you go and categorize your spells or whatever it is you do with them,” Spike said as he started walking towards the kitchen, the subject of magic not one of his interest areas. “I'm gonna go finish up my chores for the day.

As Spike left, Twilight perched herself in front of the book and began to read through the descriptions of all the different types of animals that were mentioned in the book. This is going to be absolutely wonderful! Twilight thought. I can't wait to see some of the types of spells they have at Zecora's homeland!

~Some Time Later~

Spiiike!” Twilight called out.

“Yes Twilight?” Spike asked as he poked his head out of the kitchen, having just started on making Twilight some tea.

“I'm going back to Zecora's real fast, I'll be back soon. I just need a few items that she may have which will benefit my studies, and then I'll hurry right back.”

“Alright Twilight, but be careful. It's usually not a good idea for somepony to keep walking back and forth through the Everfree Forest...”

“Oh don't worry Spike, I'm quite confident I can make it there and back without any sort of trouble!” Twilight smiled to her assistant as eh put on her saddlebag and proceeded out the door.

Spike sighed deeply as he looked back into the kitchen, knowing Twilight wouldn't get back before the tea was ready. Out of curiosity, Spike walked over to the book Twilight had been reading before she left. As he skimmed through the page the book was opened to, he took note of the title of the section she was currently on.

Transformation Spells and Potions

~Some More Time Later~

“Spike, I'm back! ...Again!” Twilight announced as she once more trotted into her library home. As she set her saddlebag next to her desk, she noticed Spike coming out of the kitchen.

“It's about time you came back, you've been gone for at least a couple hours!”

“Sorry spike, but it's quite a walk to Zecora's place, you know.” She magically opened her bag and started pulling out a few colorful boxes and little pots that she had inside. “But, I was able to get a lot of materials from Zecora for the spells I found in the book.”

“You mean you're actually going to try out some of the spells in there!?”

“Of course! What better way to learn about the spells than doing them? I'm sure we're going to have a lot of fun!”

“Uhh... we?”

“Of course!” Twilight giggled. “I want my number one assistant to help me with testing my spells, as always!”

“Okay but, I dunno Twi'...” Spike looked over at the book with a concerned look. “Some of the stuff in there may not be all that safe to do...”

“Oh come on Spike, don't worry. I'm sure if there was anything I needed to know, Zecora would tell me, so what's the worse that could happen?”

“Alright alright, fine... but what kinda spell did you want to do first?” Spike asked, the answer almost obvious to him after having seen the page Twilight left the book on.

“This!” Twilight proclaimed as she levitated the book in front of Spike's face, confirming his suspicions.

“Not this again Twilight...” Spike sighed. “Remember the last time you tried transformation spells? I got turned into a chicken for two days, and everypony kept calling me Scootaloo!” Spike crossed his arms in disgust, remembering those couple days.

“Yes I remember, which is why I decided to try these spells on myself instead of you.”

“If you say so Twi'... just be careful, these are spells from a whole other continent remember!”

“You're worrying too much Spike,” Twilight joked as she flipped past a couple pages. “But I got an idea to help get you excited about these spells!”

“Oh really? And what exactly did you have in mind?”

“This!” Twilight proclaimed as she once again levitated the book in front of Spike's face, allowing him to read the title of the spell on the top of the page.

“...You're gonna transform yourself into a dragon!?” He asked loudly.

“Yup! Actually, consider it strange, but I've often wondered what it would be like to live life in your hooves. Um, I mean, claws.” Twilight pulled the book back with her magic as she also began gather a few more items from her bag. “All I need are a few items – which I got from Zecora – and a little bit of the type of dragon I want to transform into.”

“Wait, a little bit of... does that mean you're gonna want to take my...” Spike gulped. “B-blood...!?”

“Not to worry, I just need a little bit of your scales DNA, so I'll just shave of a teensy little bit of your scales. It shouldn't hurt at all.” With this, Twilight levitated a metal file out of her bag and started walking towards spike, who proceed to back up.

“W-w-wait a minute, that thing looks painful!”

“Trust me Spike, this won't hurt a bit, I promise,” Twilight assured with a warm smile.

Though Spike still had his doubts, he sighed again and dipped his head, pointing his upper most spine towards Twilight as he braced himself. Levitating over a small wooden bowl, Twilight carefully used to file to shave off a very small portion of Spike's scale, forming only a soft layer of scale dust in the bowl.

“There, that should be it!” Twilight announced happily as she tucked the file back into her bag.

“Shew, finally...” Spike said in relief. “So what's next?”

“Well, according to the book, the spell itself is very simple, it just requires some specific items for it.” Twilight was bringing out some other powders and bits of what looked like old plants, guiding each of them into a separate bowl. “It won't take long, in fact I'm almost done!”

After adding a light blue liquid to the second bowl and a small bit of water, the content gently began to sizzle, which Twilight recognized from the book to be the indication that the potion was ready. She then began to channel magic into her horn, focusing on the spell and putting it together quickly. Then she released the spell, sending a soft light shooting at the potion and making it boil.

“Stand back, Spike,” Twilight said as she levitated the first bowl with Spike's scale dust in it over the second bowl. “This is going to effect anything near it, so you should stay back just in case.”

“You don't have to tell me twice!” Spike said, already looking out from behind the kitchen door.

After one last deep breath, Twilight turned over the first bowl and let the dust fall into the boiling concoction. Almost immediately, a large puff of green smoke erupted from the bowl, enveloping Twilight and the surrounding furniture. The smoke sizzled for a while, coughing being heard from inside the cloud as Spike watched closely. After a few seconds, the smoke began to clear, and Spike could begin to make out a figure in the smoke.

“Hey Spike?” Twilight called out from inside the mass of smoke. “I... I think it worked! I feel... woah!”

“Ooh, let me see!” Spike said, a smile coming to his face as he realized Twilight was fine. “I bet you like like-...” Spike stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Twilight before him, the new Twilight.

Twilight's spell had worked, and she had become a dragon. Her primary outer scales were the same color as her coat while the scales running from her chin, down across her belly, and to the tip of the underside of her tail were pink like her one highlight in her mane and tail. She was noticeably larger than spike, though only a few feet taller, just a bit higher than she would be as a pony standing on all four legs. Her tail was longer and curled a bit at the end which also had the same triangle point that Spike had. She also had Spike's scales that ran down from above her forehead, down the center of her back, and all the way to the tip of her tail. These scales were a very dark mix of blue and purple, resembling the main color of her mane and tail. Lastly, she had the scales that were present around Spike's cheeks, only they were longer, drooped down at the ends a bit, and were the darker purple that made up the second highlight in her mane and tail.

“Wow.. this is... this is amazing!” Twilight beamed as she stood up straight, wiggling around her fingers that she inspected closely. “I-I got hands! And Fingers! Oh, Lyra is going to be so jealous!” Twilight then looked behind her and wagged her tail a little. “Oh my, I even have a tail too! This is so amazing!” Twilight inspected her tail closely, raising it up as she looked down towards the lower base of her tail. “Isn't this cool Spike!? ...Um, Spike?” Twilight looked up at Spike standing behind her, noticing him staring at her closely.

Spike was standing very still, his eyes fixated on the lower base of Twilight's tail that she had just been examining. Spike was also blushing heavily, his upper teeth biting down on his bottom lip as he lightly twiddled his fingers together.

“Spike? Hellooo” Twilight let go of her tail and waved her arms at him. After a few seconds, Spike snapped back to attention.

“HUH!? Uh, what, I mean... woah...” Spike said, putting a hand on his head.

“I guess the spell worked really well, huh?” Twilight said with a smile as she walked over to a mirror. “Wow... I look just like you, Spike! Just a bit older, obviously.” She turned her body around some as she examined herself further in the mirror. “Wow... life as a dragon, this is so going to go into my my presentation! I hope this spell lasts longer than just a few hours!”

Spike didn't respond, he only kept staring at Twilight as she moved her figure around in front of the mirror, showing off all the curves and movements of her body. Spike bit his lip harder as he felt most of his blood rushing to his head, his blush increasing dramatically.

“I wonder how long it does last anyways,” Twilight thought aloud as she returned to the book After skimming through the workings of the spell, she read out a line put in bold text. “For spell length, see 'Transformations using Potions with Magic' on page 85. Hm alright...” Twilight used her fingers to flip through the pages to number 85 and then began to read through it. “It says here... oh, it says that 'spells using a combination of magic and potions must be reverted using another potion. Form changes are permanent unless the proper potion is supplied.' ...Maybe I should have read that part before trying out the spell,” Twilight said to herself in a moderately worried tone. “Well, I should have what I need in my bag! If not, I can certainly get it from Zecora again if I need to.”

Twilight bent over and looked through her saddlebags, her rump now fully displayed once again to Spike. Spike's whole face blushed now as he felt himself getting close to fainting, his pupils the size of little beads with his eyes as wide as dinner plates as he looked down at Twilight's rear. While Twilight was shifting from one side of her saddlebag to the other, she unintentionally wiggled her behind at spike, making his eyes roll back to the top of his head and finally fall back, knocked out cold.

“Spike?” Twilight called out as she heard a thud from behind her. Turning around, she saw the dragon passed out on his back while mumbling softly. “Umm... Spike?” Concerned, Twilight quickly rushed over to Spike to see if he was okay, figuring that he simply passed out from the shock of her being a dragon. However, listening closely, she was able to hear a bit of his unconscious mumbling.

“...That... …ass...”