• Published 24th Sep 2011
  • 24,806 Views, 385 Comments

Pony Scales - StreakTheFox

Spike loves Twilight like a big sister. But when she becomes a dragon... well, do the math.

  • ...



The sun was high in the sky over the Everfree forest as Spike and Twilight continued their journey. Though the foliage was usually too thick to see above the canopy, the rive they were next to allowed them both to be able to see the sky above them.

“Are we there yet?” Spike groaned as he lazily flopped his legs across the ground.

“Not yet Spike,” Twilight replied, walking right beside Spike “I still haven't seen any sign of the forest's end. It's probably going to take a few more hours.”

“Oh come on...” Spike complained, eager to get home. “I'm starving!”

“I know Spike, I am too. Just please hang in there, I know we'll be able to go home soon.”

The pair continued down the riverside, Twilight diligently watching her surroundings as Spike seemed to be barely able to keep up with her, dragging his legs along lazily while holding his stomach. Up ahead, however, Twilight noticed a strangely familiar patch of flowers. Getting closer, she realized exactly what the blue patch of plants were. Uh oh, Poison Joke, Twilight thought to herself. We'd better move around it. Watching her step, Twilight carefully maneuvered around the separate patches of poison joke ahead of her, making sure that she didn't even so much as cause a single petal to touch any of her scales. Soon, she was out of the patches and back on track at the river's edge, with Spike coming right up beside her.

There, hope we don't run into that again, Twilight thought to herself. She looked over at Spike briefly as she continued walking, seeing him still slouching as he walked. With a simple shrug, she looked forward again and continued examining her surroundings for any other abnormalities. What she didn't see, however, was the blatant trail through the poison joke patches that Spike had made as he walked through them.

~Uh, yeah, more time later. You get the drill~

Twilight's stomach growled hungrily as her and Spike continued on. She didn't know for sure, but this may have been the longest period of time she's spent without food. She was also slouched over, groaning softly every now and then as her stomach continued to rage. Spike wasn't doing well either, his claws were clenched onto his stomach while he groaned out loudly. Twilight knew it was obnoxious, but she didn't blame him. They hadn't eaten since yesterday!

Suddenly, a bright coloration ahead caught Twilight's eye. As she peered over, she noticed they were...

“Berries!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly, Spike's head perking up to attention in response. “Look Spike, there's some wild berries up ahead!”

“Oh boy, I'm starving!” Spike said as he rushed over to the random pile of plump red berries on the forest floor.

Upon further inspection, the berries seemed to be just right. They were relatively large, seemed swollen with tasty juices, and – according to what Twilight read in a book once – seemed to be an edible species. Her and Spike quickly gathered around the pile as she looked at them, they looked so delicious and freshly picked and-

“Wait a second....” Twilight said aloud as she was about to pick up a berry. “Spike, I don't think we should touch these berries.”

“Why not Twi'?” Spike said as he picked up a whole handful.

“Spike no! It might be-” Suddenly, a mesh of rope sprung up from below their feet and hoisted them into the air, held together by four ropes tied to a higher branch. Spike and Twilight were squeezed together with the berries as they bounced lightly from the force of the ropes closing around them.

“Gah! It's a trap!” Twilight yelled in frustration as she tried to move around. “I can't believe we fell for it!”

“Merh erff murhff!” Spike yelled out, his voice muffled somehow.

“What Spike? I couldn't understand you,” Twilight replied as she looked around her, her face stuck looking outward and unable to turn to see Spike's exact positioning.

“Mih Canph Breaff!” Spike yelled louder, squirming around.

“You, you can't breath?” Twilight asked. “Where's your head stuck?”

“I dunph noeh! Mih heaph if stuckph!”

“Your head's stuck?” Twilight tried to feel her limbs around to get a better idea of Spike's positioning, but was unable to figure it out. Without being able to see, she wasn't sure which part was what! Thinking for a moment, she got an idea, but knew she would probably pay dearly for suggesting this to spike. However, if she wanted to get them both in a more coordinated position, and maybe even get out, she needed to know how Spike was trapped against her.

“T-try using your mouth or something Spike. I think I should be able to feel exactly where if you give the spot a little lick.”

It did not take long for Twilight to wholeheartedly regret deciding to use that idea. Only a few moments after suggesting it, she felt something wet and slithery creep between the inner most area between her thighs, tickling her in a way she had never been tickled before.

“S-SPIKE!” She gasped out loudly as a vibrant blush lit up on her face. “D-don't lick again, please! I... I know where head is stuck, just, you can't see anything, can you!?”

“Noeh, I canf onphee shee burphies” Spike replied.

“Okay...” Twilight sighed in relief as she felt her heart beating at her chest. “Just, just close your eyes for a minute, I'm going to try to move us around some.”

Like a klutzy ballerina dancer, Twilight shifted and moved her body around as best she could, accidentally hitting spike in the stomach a few times with her foot. While she shifted, multiple berries got caught between them and burst, spilling their juices over the two. By the time Twilight had stopped, both of them were covered in slimy berry juice. Twilight had succeeded – partially, at least – and had managed to get them both out of that incredibly uncomfortable position. However, the position they were then in resembled something similar to a pose two lovers be in while facing one another.

“Uhh... Twilight?” Spike asked nervously with a slight blush.

“I-I did my best Spike...” Twilight replied as she looked away, a blush appearing on her face as well. “It's really hard to move around in this rope trap ya know...”

“I know, but, that's not what I was gonna say...” Spike's blushed intensified.

“Then what is it, Spike?” Twilight asked, curious.

“I... all this juicy stuff, and your moving against me, and now, I... I'm sorry!”

“S-sorry for what?” Twilight asked nervously, afraid of what Spike might be implying.

“Please don't be mad, I can't help it! I just don't know what came over me, and I can't stop it! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!”

“Woah Spike, slow down! Just, what exactly are you sorry for?”

“For... uhm...” Spike blushed more as he took a deep breath. “It's cuz... I think I'm about to, um, t-to poke you...”

“Poke me?” Twilight asked, oblivious to what he meant. “Why would you be sorry for poking me? I mean, I can understand if you did it over and over to be annoying, but I don't-” Twilight stopped in mid sentence, her eyes suddenly widening to the size of dinner plates as she felt something poking her inner thighs. It pressed lightly against her at first, but it gradually began to push more. The feeling seemed to creep in between her thighs and press against her middle-body scale arrangement, at which point Spike let out a very faint moan.

“NO, NO NO NONONO NO!!” Twilight screamed out as she frantically shook her body around, trying desperately to keep the 'poker' away from her. “K-KEEP IT AWAY! PLEASE! SPIKE, FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA, C-CONTROL YOURSELF!”

“I CAN'T!” Spike cried out, struggling as well. “I'm sorry! I don't know how to make it stop, this doesn't happen very often!”

“I know! Just, oh my, just don't let it get in me!” Twilgiht pleaded as she tried to cover herself up, the juices making their bodies slip and slide together, making Spike even more excited.

Twilight and Spike continued to struggle, the situation becoming more and more compromising. Neither of them could seem to find a solution amidst their struggling, and at one point Twilight almost got poked in the mouth. Their struggling coupled with constant shouting and pleading continued for several minutes before a familiar voice suddenly spoke up from behind a line of trees.

“A dragon couple caught in my snare?” The voice said, Twilight and Spike freezing as they heard the new voice. “This particular outcome, I was unaware!”

“Z... Zecora...?” Twilight said hesitantly as she looked around, able to see the zebra walking about from beside a tree from the corner of her eye. “Zecora! It's you!”

“The voice of Twilight Sparkle, you seem to possess,” Zecora said as she approached the two captured dragons. “But instead, you have the body of a dragoness!”

“It is me!” Twilight pleaded. “I tried out one of the spells from your book and turned myself into a dragon, and then tried to come and see you to get an ingredient I was missing. But on my way to your hut, me and Spike got ambushed by a Hydra and got lost in the forest. We've been trying to find our way out all day!”

“So Spike is the name of this other dragon, who you are currently trapped with in my bind.” Zecora continued, a coy smile appearing on her face. “Why miss Sparkle, I never took you for one to like the action from behind!”

“What do-... ugh, no!” Twilight groaned, Zecora having pointed out the compromising position they were currently stuck in. “It's not like that! He's just my little assistant, we just got caught in this trap is all! Now can you please let us down?”

“Not a problem my hilarious friend, I will help put your problems to an end.” Zecora giggled slightly as she walked to the a hidden rope by a tree and pulled it, releasing the two from the trap.

And by releasing the two from the trap, it of course means letting them free fall about six feet to the ground and land with a thud.

“Ah! Ouch...” Twilight said, landing flat on her stomach in a mushy pile of squished berries. “T-thanks Zecora... can you please lead us to your home now?”

“Why of course Twilight, for you it shall be done,” Again Zecora's coy smile appeared on her face with another light blush. “But please, don't let me interject on you and your lover's fun~” She giggled as she saw Twilight's blush from noticing Spike on her back, his hips positions almost perfectly against her rear.

“W-we're not lovers!” Twilight exclaimed “He's my assistant, t-that's all! It's just been really awkward having us both be dragons, so please...”

“It's alright Twilight, I was just having a bit of fun. Now come, let's go get your ingredient list done.”

Zecora turned and began to walk off as Twilight got to her feet, Spike falling back gently behind her, his 'poker' still exposed. Spike hurriedly covered it up with his claws as he ran over to a pile of bushes, snatching a few leaves off of it to help. After gathering a bit of a pile, he rushed up beside Twilight, ready to follow her to Zecora's place.

“Jeez...” Twilight sighed as she began walking to follow Zecora, Spike right beside her. “This better end up being one good friendship report when we're done...”