Chivalric Training

by MLPandMiraculousFanatic

First published

After Dvalin was defeated Twilight and Noelle went to take a walk outside of Mondstadt only to meet with Noelle who needed their help on her Chivalric Training, help Twilight and Lumine help her with het training and see what happens

(AN: This story takes place after Episode 14 of the first Season of Genshin Impact)

This is my first ever Choose your own Adventure/Ending story so I don't know how this works, if for some reason you press the right choice but it's a different ending just tell me and I'll try and fix it cuz this is the first time I'm doing this series so expect mistakes

Also I believe this is the first CYOA/E with an crossover so if that's so make sure to let me know

Now then I wish you a good day

[STARTING POINT] A Maiden's Trouble

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The next day Lumine, Paimon and Twilight were just walking out of Mondstadt ready to have a stroll around the places they know already until they noticed a girl who had bright pink hair with a brown and white maiden’s hat on top, she wore a red skirt with white parts at the bottom, she had a black dress with a white apron which also had a chestplate on top and a yellow belt and details along with it and over it were two white and yellow shoulder plates, she even wore white and yellow boots with pink bows on top who was walking towards Mondstadt before she noticed the duo

“Are they… The Honorary Knights?” The girl called out before she rushed to them while calling out “Hello!” The girl called out in excitement

“Huh? Seems like someone’s calling you two, girls! Let’s go greet her shall we?” Paimon asked

“Of course!” Twilight suggested

Noelle soon arrived as she panted before turning to the trio

“Hi miss! You alright? You look out of breath” Lumine asked

“Of course, I finally get to meet you Honorary Knights” The girl answered

“Well, looks like we’re already starting to get fans huh?!” Twilight asked

“Of course but, uh…” Paimon started before turning to the girl “Who are you exactly? We haven’t seen you before since we first arrived in Mondstadt” Paimon asked

“I’m Noelle, a maid of the Knights of Favonius’” Noelle answered

“The Knights of Favonius have… Maids?” Lumine asked in confusion

“Yeah, this is the first time we heard about it” Twilight reminded

“Ah, apologies… I’ve yet to officially join the Knights” Noelle apologized

“No worries miss, our friend I believe was that too” Lumine explained

“But it does interest me though, why aren’t you a Knight like the rest of them? And what do you need to do to gain a Knights kind of status?” Twilight asked

“Well, I’m a maid and in order to be worthy of this armor I’m currently undergoing the Knights of Favonius Chivalric training” Noelle explained

“‘Chivalric Training’? So you haven’t been selected just yet?” Twilight asked

“Yes… I haven’t passed the selection trials yet but I’ve been asking senior knights for advice on how to become a true Knight of Favonius” Noelle explained

“Really? And did some people help?” Lumine asked

“Yeah… I asked Amber how to make a Baron Bunny and Kaeya’s been keeping me busy with various small tasks… I even asked Rainbow to pass on her experiences although… Master Jean grounded us shortly after…” Noelle explained sadly

“You seem to be… Working hard…” Twilight said worriedly

“I agree, you should take a break sometime” Lumine suggested

“Actually… I have always wanted to receive guidance from from the Honorary Knights” Noelle explained

“R-Really?! Y-You want our guidance?!” Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

“I-I was worried that it might be too… Presumptuous to ask… I’ve seen you both on the streets of Mondstadt occasionally but I’ve always been too busy to disturb you…” Noelle explained worriedly

“No worries, you could’ve met with us when we were at the headquarters” Lumine reminded

“She’s right you know” Paimon agreed

“True but I just finished today’s walk for the fresh air and was about to start my training when I saw you!” Noelle explained before nervously shaking the back of her head “I… If it’s not too much trouble… Could I ask you for some guidance on my Chivalric Training?” Noelle asked

“What do you think we should say Twilight?” Lumine whispered

“Hmm, I dunno, sure I would want to help Noelle by training her to be a leader but I am also willing to recommend her to do something else rather than being busy all the time, what do you suggest that I do?” Twilight asked

“I’m not sure” Lumine answered

Just then Paimon had an idea

“Paimon’s got an idea! Why don’t we let the viewers decide what we should do!” Paimon suggested

“Viewers? What are you talking about?” Twilight asked

“It’s a long story” Paimon said before a pause button appeared as Paimon flew towards the center screen “Viewers, choose one of the two things you want Lumine and Twilight to answer, don’t worry, there’s always a good ending, I hope and keep in mind to do it during the full story and the others or you won’t get anywhere!” Paimon suggested

Lumine and Twilight then walked next to them in confusion

“Uh, who are you talking to Paimon?” Lumine asked

“The viewers of course!” Paimon answered

“Nevermind that, anyways, if the viewers really exist they should still do it, you got this, choose either the help or the other idea choice and we’ll see what happens then” Twilight said

Suggest a different idea to Noelle

Help Noelle with her Training

Suggest a different idea to Noelle

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“You know… It’s okay not to be a knight” Lumine reminded

“So, as a senior knight… This is your suggestion?” Noelle asked

“Yes it is” Lumine answered

“But it’s alright if you still want to be one, right Lumine?” Twilight asked

“Of course it is” Lumine answered

“But… as a maid I’m only authorized to deal with smaller tasks” Noelle explained

“Really?” Twilight asked

“Yeah but the Knights of Favonius is the strongest shield that Mondstadt has, how can I defend the people if I’m only ever dealing with minor matters!” Noelle asked sadly

“It’s not only defending people you should do, you also need to handle more important matters like making sure people do not break laws, focus on the paperwork and if needed you also need to talk to archons or kings and queens and make alliances with other nations” Twilight explained

“That’s why I’ve always wanted to become a real Knight of Favonius, to have the power to help more people or do what you just mentioned” Noelle explained

“But being a maid is a respectable position too, I’d like to become one too” Lumine explained

“Same, I may be a princess in my homeworld but I am also a maid for my castles” Twilight explained

“Castles?! You have more than one?!” Paimon asked in shock

“Yeah, it’s a long story, I’ll tell you two later” Twilight suggested

“Okay” Paimon said

“So, you’re saying even the honorary Knights can be maids too?” Noelle asked

“That’s right, I’m constantly running errands and Twilight’s constantly saving the day in her hometown” Lumine answered

“I thought the Honorary Knights would only ever be busy with powerful enemies like Stormterror…” Noelle explained

“True, but that happens sometimes, not always” Twilight corrected

“And besides, the strength to fight powerful enemies only comes with the experience gained during the completion of smaller tasks, speaking of which, you don’t exactly mind such tasks, right?” Lumine asked

“Well… That is true… Come to think of it, whenever I see you three in Mondstadt you three will always seem to be in a hurry… And the fact is… You’re both hurrying to help others” Noelle explained

“Shall we go back to Mondstadt then and see if there are people who need help?” Twilight asked

“Oh… Okay, back to Mondstadt it is! Time for today’s training to officially begin!” Noelle suggested

“Very well, if you say so!” Twilight said

The trio then began walking while Paimon flew after them

“Your point of view on these matters have truly been eye-opening for me, I have a lot to learn! But just like you said, from now on, I’m going to treat helping people with smaller tasks as a part of my training!” Noelle explained

“That’s good to hear!” Twilight said

“Just thinking about it makes me feel more motivated than ever!” Noelle explained

“Wow… Noelle’s motivated alright! She’s got that ‘Gimme a commission before I take ‘em all’ vibe!” Paimon said in awe

But when the group was walking they noticed somebody calling out to them

“Someone—! Anyone—!” A guy called out

“Who’s that? I-I need to help!” Noelle called out worriedly

Noelle then ran off in worry

“Noelle!” Paimon called out only for her not to listen “Whoa… She’s so fast… Let’s catch up with her!” Paimon suggested

The group then rushed after Noelle only to see her standing before a guy who looked worried as she helped him calm down

“There, there, take your time, try and take a deep breath first…” Noelle suggested

The guy then panted in relief before turning to the group

“And finally… I was saved…” The guy said in relief

“What happened? Are you alright?” Twilight asked

“Well my name’s Noelle, don’t worry sir, everything’s alright, I’ll be protecting you from now on” Noelle said before she got confused “So… Where are you from? I don’t think we’ve met in Mondstadt before” Noelle asked

“Thanks…” The guy thanked before he realized what she said “I… I’m not from Mondstadt” The guy explained “My name is Alois, I’m a traveling merchant” Alois introduced

“Nice to meet you… So what were you going to do here in Mondstadt?” Twilight asked

“Well, I was on my way to Mondstadt to acquire some of the reputed local wines… So I could take them back to Liyue… Little did I know…” Alois started nervously

“M-hmm…?” Lumine asked in confusion and suspicion

“Uh… Little did I know I’d run into savage monsters on the way! I mean… Savage! They were twice my height!” Alois explained worriedly

“That sounds horrible!” Twilight called out worriedly

“Did you come out unscathed?” Paimon asked

“Yeah but I was so scared I ran all the way here until I just couldn’t run anymore… Thank goodness I found you and this… Uh… Maid” Alois explained

“It’s okay Mr. Alois, we’re not far from Mondstadt” Noelle reassured

“Yeah it’s just a walk for one or two minutes and we’re in” Twilight explained

“Okay, although I’m just an ordinary maid, the small task of escorting a visitor to the city is certainly within my power” Noelle explained

“Uh, escort me to Mondstadt? Perfect! Let’s go…” Alois suggested

“But wait a moment… As a traveling merchant you must have luggage and some goods? Don’t worry, no matter the quantity, I’ll carry them for you!” Noelle asked

“Luggage? Goods? Uhh…” Alois started nervously before he realized something “Yes! I remember now… The savage monsters I encountered? That’s when I lost them!” Alois explained

“We can get them back for you” Lumine said

“No, no… No need! These monsters are ferocious! Three times my height!” Alois explained

“Oh rest easy— They are Mondstadt’s Honorary Knights, no monster is too ferocious for them” Noelle explained

“Yep, you can count on us!” Twilight said

“H-Honorary Knights? Then they’re a member of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked in shock and worry

“Where did you see those monsters?” Lumine asked

“I, uhh… I-I can’t remember exactly, I was too busy running… P-Probably near that crossing in front of us… B-But I can’t be sure” Alois explained before Lumine began thinking as Alois sighed “Nevermind…” Alois said in defeat

“We’ll be back in a minute!” Lumine said

Just then Alois held his chest in pain

“Wait… W-Wait a minute! My chest! Argh! A sudden pain in my chest! It must be all that running, let’s look for those things a little bit later…” Alois suggested

“Oh! Chest pain?” Noelle asked before she crouched down to Alois’ level and pulls her arms towards him, waiting for him to touch them “Here, I’ve got you, hold my arms and lie down slowly” Noelle suggested as Alois did so as he laid down while Lumine and Twilight looked at her actions “Now do your best to relax, I will examine you” Noelle said

“Uhh… Perhaps I… Maybe you…” Alois started nervously

Noelle then turned to Twilight, Lumine and Paimon

“I’m sorry girls, I must stay here to watch over our visitor, it looks like you’ll need to handle the monsters— Oh and please be careful!” Noelle pleaded

“Of course! You can believe in us!” Twilight said

The trio then began walking towards the place Alois mentioned as Lumine turned to her friends

“Does anyone feel like he was lying?” Lumine asked

“Lying? What are you talking about Lumine? As far as Paimon knows, he was literally tired from all that running” Paimon explained

“Then how did he get hurt by the chest and don’t you think the traveling merchant thing sounded a little suspicious to me?” Lumine asked

“She’s right, I have a feeling he’s lying so he can do something horrible to anyone or at least something horrible to any of the taverns in Mondstadt” Twilight explained

“Well, Paimon doesn’t believe you both so let’s keep checking” Paimon said as the trio began walking only to see nobody in the surrounding area, not even any monsters thrice his size “Strange… No traces of any large monsters here…” Paimon thought

“Now do you believe us?” Twilight asked

“Of course not, maybe that’s one of the only lies he said, surely he’s not some treasure hoarder or anything” Paimon explained

“That’s a good theory Paimon” Twilight realized

“That I’m right? Paimon thought as much!” Paimon said before some bushes began rustling “Whoa, here they come!” Paimon called out in shock

The duo then looked around while activating their weapons until a few slimes appeared which caused the duo to look in shock

“Eh? It’s just a few ordinary slimes!” Paimon said in shock

“I can’t believe I got tricked!” Twilight said

“You didn’t get tricked if you didn’t believe it, we just did what we wanted to do” Lumine explained

“True” Twilight explained

“Let’s beat them though” Lumine suggested

“Good idea!” Paimon said

Twilight then rushed towards the slimes and used her magic laser to slash a few of them into pieces while Lumine rushed towards some other slimes and did the same thing and in just a few seconds they won

“That wasn’t so bad” Twilight said

“Yeah” Lumine said

Paimon then flew back as she had left while they were fighting

“Paimon didn’t see any goods on the road, is this the right place?” Paimon asked

“Of course not! When will you listen! It is all a trick!” Twilight reminded angrily

“Calm down Twilight, let’s just focus on the task at hand, bringing Alois to his supposed ‘safety’” Lumine suggested

“Good idea, let’s head back to Noelle” Paimon suggested

The duo then walked back towards Noelle and Alois and when they arrived they saw Noelle turning to the trio

“Back so soon… A true senior knight!” Noelle said in awe

“Thanks Noelle” Twilight thanked

“No worries, by the way, did you see Mr. Alois’ luggage on the way?” Noelle asked

“Nope, not a trace except for a few slimes” Lumine answered

“Uh, perhaps the monsters ate it?” Alois asked

“I don’t think so, when we squashed those slimes there wasn’t anything in them” Twilight answered

“Didn’t I tell you! It’s dangerous!” Alois reminded

“You call a few hydro slimes dangerous?!” Lumine asked

“Uhh, well, no…” Lumine answered

“And before you ask, there wasn’t any on the roads too” Paimon explained

“You’re not hurt are you both?” Noelle asked

“They weren’t exactly twice or thrice his height” Lumine explained

“Uh… Um… W-What I meant was…” Alois started before he began muttering in worry

“Spill it!” Twilight ordered

“When they jumped, they were thrice— ahem— twice as tall as me!” Alois explained worriedly

“Twice or thrice…?” Lumine asked suspiciously

Afterwards Twilight and Lumine glared at him while Paimon and Noelle could only look in confusion

“W-Why are you looking at me like that? Even if they were only slimes I couldn’t have fought them off!” Alois explained worriedly

Noelle then sighed in confusion and worry

“What can we do? If even the honorary knight can’t find them…” Noelle thought worriedly

“Heh… I’m just a traveling merchant, you never know what’s gonna happen out here…” Alois reminded before shrugging “Oh well, looks like Mondstadt was never meant to be, perhaps next time…” Alois said worriedly

“I’m very sorry… In these circumstances I must ask you to register the quantity and nature of your lost property with the Knights of Favonius, I know that the Knights will do their best to help you recover your goods!” Noelle suggested

“Ah?! No, no, no! I-I couldn’t possibly trouble the Knights of Favonius, this matter… It really is beneath them” Alois called out in worry

“On the contrary, it’s the duty of the Knights to look after any visitors traveling to and from Mondstadt and as a maid I must do my best in receiving and escorting such visitors” Noelle explained before she began thinking “But then… Perhaps there’s something keeping you from going to the knights?” Noelle asked

“Heh… No! Absolutely nothing!” Alois answered nervously

“Noelle, can we talk for a moment?” Twilight asked

“Sure, please give us a minute” Noelle said

“Very well, if that’s so I’ll be on my way!” Alois said

“Paimon, keep watch on him and don’t let him leave!” Lumine ordered

“Seriously?! Why?!” Paimon asked

“We still need to tell the Knights about it so that they can take further action and besides you’re the only one that just loves to chat outside of our friend Pinkie” Twilight answered

“Ugh! Fine! Paimon will do it!” Paimon said in disbelief

“Thank you, I’ll give you your favorite food if you can manage it for as long as possible!” Lumine said

“Sweet! Then let’s go buy Sticky Honey Roast later!” Paimon said

“Good! Now then, keep watch!” Lumine said

“Aye, aye captain!” Paimon called out

Twilight, Lumine and Noelle then went to stand a few ways from Alois, far enough to not let him hear anything

“Mm? Everything okay?” Noelle asked

“This fellow seems suspicious to us” Lumine explained

“Well… Actually, I noticed that too but since we don’t have any evidence of wrongdoing he deserves the benefit of the doubt and besides, this gentlemen was seeking help at the gates of Mondstadt which makes him a guest of the city therefore I must carry out my maidly duties” Noelle explained

“You have a point there Noelle…” Twilight said

“Mm-hmm, thank you for understanding!” Noelle explained

The trio then went back to Paimon and Alois who noticed them approaching as Alois got nervous

“Hey… What were you discussing? What’s next?” Alois asked

“Oh… Sorry to keep you two waiting!” Noelle apologized before turning to Alois “We’ve talked it over and we’ve decided to escort you back to Mondstadt!” Noelle explained

“Oh okay” Alois said worriedly

“Let’s get going then” Twilight said

The group then began walking towards Mondstadt while Twilight and Lumine looked at Alois a few times to make sure he wasn’t planning on doing anything suspicious and once they arrived a Guard of Favonius turned to them

“Aha, Honorary Knights and Noelle, were you three out on a mission?” The guard asked

“Yes, kinda” Twilight answered

“Wait, who is this person behind you two?” The guard asked

“I… My name is Alois, I’m a humble merchant” Alois explained

“Ah, Mondstadt welcomes you strange yet respectable traveler, please state your identity and purpose, the Knights of Favonius are here to ensure your safety” The guard suggested

“Uh… Ahem… I came to Mondstadt to import wines back to Liyue…” Alois explained nervously

“I see but are you not carrying any luggage or goods?” The guard asked before checking the delivery documents in confusion “I also don’t see your name among the wine merchants that Mondstadt regularly deals with…” The guard explained in confusion

“I… It’s my first time visiting Mondstadt but I expect to come back often…” Alois explained

“Hmm… In that case, please show me the relevant documents issued by Liyue’s Ministry of Civil Affairs, I need to verify your identity” The guard explained

“Huh? What on earth is the Min— …Oh! Right, right, I… Put them in my luggage!” Alois explained

“Luggage?” The guard asked in confusion

“Oh our apologies… This gentleman was just attacked by a monster and lost both his luggage and goods. Could you allow him to calm down a bit before we register him with the Knights?” Noelle asked

“Hmm, according to article 10 of the Knights of Favonius Handbook caution should be exercised with regard to unfamiliar visitors” The guard explained

“Still, Article 2 of the Knights of Favonius Handbook also says that one must not offend our visitors, right?” Noelle asked

“Hmm, well… In this situation… Umm… I-It seems the Knights of Favonius Handbook has a bit of an overlap…” The guard thought

“We’ll keep an eye on him, nothing bad will happen” Lumine said

“You can trust us” Twilight agreed

“Actually, leave it to Noelle, she can take care of the situation, my friends are acting more suspicious than her!” Paimon suggested

“Well, by a technicality you are wrong, I’m sure there’s something wrong with him but there’s no proof so far” Twilight explained

“Well… If you are willing to vouch for them then I can rest easy” The guard said

“I get it, I mean, after all, she is the most reliable maid in all Mondstadt” Lumine reminded

“I’m… Just doing my job…” Noelle explained embarrassingly before she realized what Lumine said

“‘Most reliable’? I’ve got a way to go but I will try to live up to that!” Noelle said

“We’ll be there too” Twilight said with a heartwarming smile

“Well then, I’m counting on you four to take care of this gentleman while he’s in Mondstadt” The guard said

“Thank you very much mister Swan” Paimon thanked

The trio then began walking into Mondstadt while Noelle turned to them

“So, you’re a wine merchant? You must have excellent wine knowledge so would you like to rest a while at Angel’s Share? It’s our signature tavern” Noelle asked

“Such a… Warm welcome… How could I refuse?” Alois asked with a worried smile

The four soon arrived at Angel’s Share where they then stood while Noelle went to get some wine for Alois

“Ah… Angel’s Share, so this barrel must be full with Mondstadt’s celebrated wine, right? If only it could be imitated…” Alois muttered in worry

Twilight who heard that then turned to Alois

“‘Imitated’?” Twilight asked in suspicion

“Oh, uh… Imported! That’s the word” Alois explained nervously

“Uh-huh” Twilight said in suspicion

Soon Noelle returned as she gave Alois a glass of cocktail

“Sorry to keep you waiting, drink up! This is a Dandelion Wine based-cocktail, I asked the bartender to add Calla Lily because it has a calming effect, I know you’ve been on the road for a long time and cold drinks would be bad for your stomach so I requested less ice, hope it’s to your liking” Noelle said hopefully

“Calming? Is this what they give to all visitors in Mondstadt?” Alois asked

“What should we say, should we tell him it’s from us or from Noelle?” Twilight asked

“Hmm, let’s have these supposed viewers decide again" Lumine suggested

"Good idea! What's your choice?!" Paimon asked

-Say it's from the group

-Say it's from Noelle

Help Noelle with her Training

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“Of course, where do you want to start?” Lumine asked

“Well, I-I’d like to get your opinion on something as a senior knight!” Noelle explained

“Tell us what it is” Twilight suggested

“I’ve been keeping up with my maidly duties and knightly exercises but the training progress has been a little slow” Noelle explained

“Knightly exercises? What do you mean by that? I thought being a knight was also writing documents and such” Twilight asked in confusion

“Y’know, just basic strength and endurance training for example 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and running two laps around Mondstadt as a morning routine” Noelle explained

“What?! That must be impossible!” Twilight called out in shock and disbelief

“I know but I’m actually incredibly busy every day, it’s just that… I always feel like something’s missing” Noelle explained

“What you’re lacking is—” Twilight started

Just then the screen got paused as Paimon floated in

“We need your help again! Paimon’s just lost the tapes so Paimon needs you to choose which one Paimon should use, the left tape or the right tape! What’s your pick?!” Paimon asked

“What do you mean Paimon?” Twilight asked

“Well, the left tape is strength and the right tape is rest, take your pick!” Paimon suggested



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“Rest! Alright! Let me just put it in!” Paimon suggested

Paimon then flew off as we heard the play button being pressed before Twilight spoke again

“What you lack is rest” Twilight explained

“Rest? But…” Noelle started before sighing in worry “I’ve still got so much work to do and besides… I’m still not skilled enough, any free time that I get should be spend training, if I want to become a real knight soon I will have to continue to put in more effort than the others” Noelle explained worriedly

“But Twilight’s right, true knight also needs sufficient rest” Lumine reminded

“But… Time is precious… If I rest… I’ll feel guilty…” Noelle explained sadly

“Stopping for occasional rest is all part of ensuring that you can train to your maximum ability” Twilight reminded

“Ohh… I really hadn’t thought about that…” Noelle said in realization before she began thinking “Resting… For the sake of training…” Noelle thought before she realized something “Ohhhh… So that’s why ms. Lisa always has afternoon tea in the library… I get it now!” Noelle realized

“In Lisa’s case I’m afraid it’s probably just resting for the sake of resting…” Lumine reminded

“Huh… Now that you… Mention it…” Noelle thought

“Never mind, speaking of tea, let’s have some!” Lumine suggested

“Good idea” Twilight agreed

“Oh! O-Okay then!” Noelle said worriedly before the trio then began walking along with Paimon who flew after them as they went to go to the tea shop they had in mind as Noelle turned to the trio “Are there any particular snacks you like? I can get started with—” Noelle said

“PANCAKES!” Twilight shouted before she noticed her friends glaring at Noelle making her realize what she did “Oh right, she needs to rest!” Twilight realized

“Oh no need! I should take a break…!” Noelle realized

“Of course, you’ve been doing a lot so take a break for once” Lumine suggested

“Oh okay then… In that case, let’s head to Good Hunter and have a look…” Noelle suggested

The group then began walking towards Good Hunter and when they arrived they saw a girl turning to the group in worry

“Noelle—!” Somebody called out in worry

“B-Bea…? What happened? Is there something I can help you with?” Noelle asked in confusion

“Quinn! He’s ignoring me again…” Beatrice answered worriedly

“Sounds like a friendship problem to me” Twilight said

“Or in their case, a relationship problem” Lumine explained

“True!” Twilight said

“Take your time, no rush, I’m here to help” Noelle suggested

“Tell us the full story” Lumine suggested

“I…” Beatrice started before sobbing a bit “Noticed Quinn was in a bad mood so I wanted to call him over for a chat… And… A date I guess” Beatrice explained while sobbing

“Oh? A d-date… So it’s… That kind of a problem?” Noelle asked

“Yes!” Beatrice answered

“What did he say?” Lumine asked

“Well, I’ve been over to him several times today already… But no matter how I try to make a conversation he just focuses on his stall and ignores me completely! Noelle, everyone in Mondstadt thinks you’re really cute… You must be really popular right? Can you help me out…?” Beatrice asked

“Ah! Of… Of course! It’s a maid’s responsibility to help the residents of Mondstadt!” Noelle answered

“Reminder Noelle, you need to take a break!” Twilight said

“But if there’s a problem that only I could’ve helped with then I am doing it! It’s just… I… I don’t have any experience in this area…” Noelle explained

“Need I remind you that I’m the one who solves friendship problems with my friends?” Twilight asked

“Huh? You do?” Noelle asked

“Nevermind” Twilight said in disbelief while facepalming

Beatrice then sighed in defeat

“Even Noelle can’t help me…?” Beatrice asked

“Please don’t worry! I… Oh! We also have the Honorary Knights here!” Noelle reminded

“Yep, Mondstadt’s saviors at your service” Twilight said while bowing

“Honorary Knights… Can you both help Bea?” Noelle asked

“Of course!” Twilight answered

“Didn’t we agree that we were going to take a break?” Lumine asked

“Yeah but if there’s a friendship problem or a crush problem in her case then I need to help them, it’s my promise to Celestia” Twilight answered

“Wait! You’re an archon?!” Beatrice asked

“That came out wrong” Twilight realized before turning to Beatrice “I meant the Celestia from Equestria not the Celestia from Teyvat” Twilight corrected

“Oh okay, I understand now” Beatrice realized

“Still, Just as Twilight said and my as my status as a Maid of Favonius I can’t stand idly by when people are in need” Noelle reminded

“Ugh! Fine!” Lumine groaned in disbelief

“But don’t you worry Lumine, I’ll do some serious planning and make sure we can have a day off together another time!” Noelle promised

“So even a break requires serious planning…” Lumine thought out loud in disbelief

“Indeed but today… Can you help Bea come up with a solution?” Noelle asked

“Please! The more hands the better!” Twilight pleaded

“Well, if you girls insist…” Lumine answered in disbelief

“YES!” Twilight called out in relief

“Oh! Thank you!” Noelle thanked

“Let’s analyze the situation first…” Lumine suggested

“Good idea” Twilight said

“Okay! Bea said that Quinn always seems busy and ignores everything she says…” Noelle explained

“Maybe the frequent small talk so Quinn feels that Bea has nothing important to say to him…” Lumine thought

“That’s… A possibility!” Noelle thought in realization

“So in other words we would just need to make Quinn realize that this time is different, correct?” Twilight asked

“Exactly, for example… By sending him a little gift so that even Quinn would notice the difference a gift would bring!” Noelle suggested

“But what kind of gift…?” Twilight asked

“That’s a good question” Lumine thought

“Paimon knows! Maybe the viewers could help!” Paimon explained before turning to the camera “Viewers pick one of the two choices below and see how you would help the duo” Paimon suggested

“Paimon, stop talking to nothing!” Twilight ordered

“Yeah we’re thinking!” Lumine suggested

“Quick! Before they get Bea sad!” Paimon ordered

Help thinking

Say it's from Noelle

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“It's just Noelle's way of showing hospitality” Lumine answered

“Aha… O-Okay then…” Alois said nervously before he realized something “On another note, that drink made me realize just how empty my stomach is…” Alois realized

“Oh, so you’re hungry too!” Noelle realized before looking down sadly “...How terrible of me, if I’d realized, I would’ve saved some pancakes for you” Noelle said sadly

“Then how about we go to Good Hunter restaurant, it has the best food in Mondstadt, especially Sticky Honey Roast” Paimon suggested

Noelle then gasped in realization

“Good idea, let’s go guys!” Noelle suggested

“I agree! That sounds like a good place!” Alois explained happily before the four began walking towards Good Hunter and when they arrived Alois could only look in awe at how good the food looked “Mmmm… Smells incredible! So it’s true… If you really want to sell Mondstadt wines you can’t do without Mondstadt dishes…” Alois explained before thinking “Maybe recipes will be easier to obtain than the brewing process…” Alois thought

“Easier to obtain?” Lumine asked in suspicion

“Oh! Uhh, what I mean is… The Dandelion Wine brewing process is unique— difficult to imitate! That’s why we merchants can buy with confidence!” Alois explained nervously

“Haha, where was I… Let’s see what’s on the menu… Hmm, so many dishes… Hard to decide…” Alois thought out loud

“Can I help?” Noelle asked

“Uh sure… What do you suggest?” Alois asked

“Hm… Well, do you prefer red meat or white?” Noelle asked

“I like ‘em both” Alois answered

“The steaks here are cuts of freshly shipped Springvale Boar, I’d recommend having it served medium to really bring out the natural sweetness of the meat” Noelle explained before thinking “Mm…” Noelle thought before she remembered something “Oh! Sweet madame is another specialty, crispy skin and tender meat— goes perfectly with wine! However those dishes alone aren’t very healthy from a nutritional standpoint so I recommend a mushroom pizza and a satisfying salad too on the side, if that sounds okay I will place the order for you, this meal is on me to make up for my inattentiveness” Noelle explained

“That’s too generous of you…” Alois reminded in worry and awe

“Please enjoy, after all, it’s your first meal here as a new visitor and your last, I wouldn’t want to give you the cold shoulder” Noelle said

Noelle then walked off

“Huh?” Alois asked in shock before coughing “M-My last?!” Alois asked in shock only to begin choking for a moment “You give this meal to… All new visitors right?” Alois asked in worry

“It's just Noelle's way of showing hospitality” Lumine reminded

“Aha… O-Okay then…” Alois said worriedly

“Noelle, do we have anything else on the itinerary?” Lumine asked

Noelle then turned to the group while the dish was being made

“How about ‘With Wind Comes Glory’? For our final stop I want to leave Mr. Alois with something to commemorate his time here” Noelle explained

“So… That’s the final stop, yes…?” Alois asked before he realized something “Wait… What are we commemorating?” Alois asked

“We’ll tell you later silly” Twilight answered

Soon the food was finished as the group ate it before they went to ‘With Wind Comes Glory’ where they noticed Marjolie giving Noelle something

“Oh, here’s your order Noelle” Marjolie said

“Thanks Marjolie” Noelle thanked before turning to Alois “Mr. Alois, please accept this souvenir” Noelle suggested

Noelle then gave Alois the wood carving as he then began chuckling nervously

“Eh-he, thanks, I will treasure this wood carving forev—” Alois started before he realized what he got “...Eh?” Alois asked in shock and confusion as he noticed what’s carved on the wood

“Wait, what’s on the… Is that… The insignia of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“I, maid Noelle, on behalf of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius officially welcome you!” Noelle answered

“Wait… Knights of Favonius? How can you be both a maid and a part of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“Well, to be fair, she’s a future Knight of Favonius, I mean, she’s been training a lot” Twilight explained

“So, this gift is also a…” Alois started

“A gift from Noelle, right?” Twilight asked

“Of course it is!” Noelle answered

“So, just a regular souvenir?” Alois asked

“Yep!” Lumine answered

“I’m afraid this is all I had time for… However I hope it leaves you with a lasting impression of your trip to Mondstadt” Noelle said

“I… I really don’t understand… Why you went to all this trouble… I don’t have any goods or relevant documents… Plus I don’t exactly look like your everyday honest merchant” Alois explained in confusion and sadness

“I know it’s not okay to gloat but… I knew it!” Twilight said in excitement and anger

“Wait! So he was lying this whole time?!” Paimon asked in shock

“Yeah and even if there was nothing to suggest otherwise… Surely it would’ve been better to take me straight to the Knights for investigation… And yet you still went to all this effort… To prepare all this for me… Didn’t you wonder whether the savage monsters, the missing cargo… What if it were all lies” Alois asked in shock and confusion

“Yes we did!” Lumine answered

“She’s right, you’ve been very suspicious ever since we met you” Twilight explained

“But why would you think that? I’m just doing what a Maid of Favonius should do, I mean, do I need to remind you of the Knights of Favonius Handbook Article 2: ‘Do not exhibit suspicion or hostility towards visitors no matter how suspicious they may seem’?” Noelle asked

“No you didn’t because we knew all along he was a fraud!” Lumine answered angrily

“True but he’s a visitor from far away so he should be welcomed by me and by Mondstadt even if there was really the slightest possibility that everything he said is true… Being attacked by savage monsters, losing goods and documents… Isn’t it times like these that people need help the most? And if I had failed to offer our hospitality on such an occasion, despite there being no evidence to back up your claims, that's not the way the Honorary Knights and Maid of Favonius should behave!” Noelle reminded in both anger and sincerity

Twilight and Lumine then realized as they were in the wrong, while they knew now that Alois was a fraud they also knew now that they should’ve been nicer, especially with all the evidence stacked against him

“We’re sorry about this Noelle” Twilight apologized

“Yeah, we’re really sorry” Lumine apologized too

“I see… Well, thank you…” Alois thanked before he turned around with a forced smile “It’s… time for me to leave Mondstadt” Alois explained

“Huh? Why the hurry…? We haven’t recovered your lost property yet…” Noelle reminded

“No need, I’ve just remembered where I left them, somewhere far, far away…” Alois explained before turning to the duo “I’ll be sure to keep a better eye on them next time” Alois promised

“You better Pinkie promise!” Twilight said

“Of course! You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life, you break a pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice, the cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again” Alois promised

“Hmm, so it’s not just something Archons and Snezhnayan people do? I should ask Venti about it sometime, or maybe he’s from Snezhnaya! Guess I’ll never know” Twilight thought

“Alright we’ll see you then” Twilight said

“Yeah, and perhaps when I’m a visitor worthy of your hospitality I can return to Mondstadt” Alois said

“Alright, take some time to think about it” Lumine suggested

Alois then nodded

“Umm… I’m not sure I fully understand what you mean… But if you think you can retrieve your lost property that’s great” Noelle said

“You two clearly aren’t talking about the same thing” Lumine reminded

Twilight then puts a hoof on her arm causing Lumine to look at her only to see Twilight smiling warmly

“At least the problem seems to be solved, right?” Twilight asked

“Yeah” Lumine answered

Alois then sighed in relief and defeat

“What a short trip… But… Thank you for your care and hospitality, I’ve learned a lot…” Alois thanked

“No worries bud, we’ll see you soon” Twilight said

“Goodbye Mondstadt, goodbye Honorary Knights, goodbye Paimon, goodbye maid of the Knights of Favonius!” Alois waved

“Ah, okay then… Goodbye! Mondstadt and I, maid Noelle of the Knights of Favonius will always welcome you when you return” Noelle waved

Afterwards Alois left as the trio waved after him knowing now that he has been reformed

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“Is it because you lack real-world fighting experience?” Lumine asked

“Real-world fighting experience?” Noelle asked in shock

“Yeah, I mean, you rarely leave Mondstadt for training, right?” Lumine asked

“I guess… That’s true, after all, if I were to leave the city I wouldn’t be there when people needed me…” Noelle answered before she realized what Lumine meant “You’re right, I haven’t had much real-world fighting experience… Where can I get some?” Noelle asked

“You could start by training in the areas around Mondstadt” Lumine suggested

“Good idea and we’ll help you stay safe” Twilight agreed

“Areas around Mondstadt…? What do you mean?” Noelle asked in confusion

“Well, there’s a bunch of slimes surrounding Mondstadt, maybe that’s a good start” Lumine explained

“Slimes… Leave them to me!” Noelle suggested

The group then began walking (Or flying in Paimon’s case) to an area where some slimes were supposed to be and when they arrived they noticed some slimes crawling out and about

“Here we are! Let’s start with Geo Slimes…” Paimon suggested

Noelle then got a brave look as she rushed towards the slimes before stopping

“Hey you! Stop creating havoc or else I’ll kill you all!” Noelle ordered

The slimes then turned around and gurgled before they bounced on their way towards her before one bounced high up which Noelle noticed as she dove out of the way right before it landed as more slimes hit her before she slashed one of them off of her as the heroes could look in worry at her before one slime panted a bit causing Noelle to stab him in the center causing it to get hurt as she turned to Twilight

“Got it!” Twilight said

Twilight then used a spell to make a campfire to appear where Noelle put the slime over causing it to melt only for another slime to begin bouncing over Noelle which Noelle saw too late as she got crushed causing the heroes to gasp but what they next saw shocked them more Noelle was stuck in its body but she knew how to escape as she slashed a hole in it causing it to yelp in pain as Noelle crawled out before slashing the slime a few more times before the last slime melted into pieces

“That was amazing!” Lumine called out

“You had Paimon scared a few times, great job Lumine!” Paimon said

“And before you ask, yes, it was a piece of cake, you really got some moves!” Twilight said in agreement

“Thanks girls” Noelle thanked

“No worries, now, I’ve got one more place in mind, follow me” Twilight suggested

The group then began walking towards a cliff as they went up before they saw one more creature

“Uh Twilight, that’s not a slime” Lumine reminded

“I-I thought there were slimes here!” Twilight said worriedly

Just then the eye of the storm saw us as they turned to them as it flew to them

“Oh shoot! Quick! Run guys!” Lumine ordered

The group then began running off except for Noelle as she was seen battling it as the group turned around

“Noelle! Run!” Paimon ordered

But Noelle didn’t listen as she continued to fight before the eye of the storm began landing hard which Noelle dodged

“NOBODY HURTS MY DIGNITY!” Noelle reminded

Noelle then continued to slash and stab the creature a few times before it shot a gust of wind sending Noelle flying back as the group saw the eye of the storm flying off

“No… The Eye of the Storm is getting away!” Noelle called out

Noelle then began rushing towards it before Paimon teleported in front of her

“That’s enough Noelle! You’re too focused! You could get in danger that way!” Paimon reminded

“Was I?” Noelle asked

Afterwards Lumine and Twilight were seen walking towards them with an silent ‘mhmm’ sound while nodding

“Still… It was too far up in the air, I couldn’t get to it… If only Amber or Miss Lisa were here…” Noelle said sadly

“You know you shouldn’t rush into troubles or challenges you can’t beat, next time if this happens, please tell somebody to help you” Twilight said

“Yeah you’re right, I can’t think like that, as a Knight I must rely on my own strength…” Noelle agreed

“But Twilight’s right, if it were me just now I would have gone to Amber or Lisa for help” Lumine reminded

“Same, especially since Paimon’s just a cute and innocent little emergency food— I mean guide!” Paimon said embarrassingly “That nightmare is still getting the better of me” Paimon thought worriedly

“Huh? But—” Noelle started

“It is precisely because the power of a single knight is more limited than when the Knights of Favonius are teaming up, don’t you think?” Lumine asked

“And besides, unity and teamwork allows each knight to better utilize their strengths” Twilight reminded

“That makes sense… If only I’d fought together with you just now…” Noelle said worriedly

“You know… To be honest, that enemy was tough for us too but we had Lumine to thank when she saved us with her tornado skill” Twilight said

“It’s still no sweat” Lumine reminded

“So that’s what Article 8 of the Knights of Favonius Handbook really means… the camaraderie and solidarity of its members form the backbone of the Knights of Favonius…” Noelle realized before looking down worriedly “I never… looked at it that way before…” Noelle thought out loud sadly

“Say, why don’t you choose the final training target?” Lumine asked

“Yeah, Paimon agrees, the last time Paimon’s friends helped, battles were too tough or too easy!” Paimon agreed

“Me? …You think I can choose a suitable target?” Noelle asked in shock

“Exactly, choosing an appropriate enemy is also a part of your training…” Lumine agreed

“I never looked at it that way” Twilight said

“Same here!” Paimon agreed

“Really? Let me think… I should avoid enemies that I find difficult… And consider the power of teamwork… Hmm… Hmm” Noelle thought out loud before she got a terrible feeling as she looked to one side “Ah! I’ve got it! I heard from master Jean that there was a hilichurl camp nearby that often attacks traveling merchants” Noelle realized

“Really?!” Twilight asked in shock

“Yeah, even though driving away hilichurls is usually something for the Knights… Maybe this time… I can do it!” Noelle explained

“Let’s do it together” Lumine suggested

“Agreed, Paimon thinks we should stick together through better and worse!” Paimon said

“Great, us together!” Noelle said with a big smile

The group then began running towards a nearby hilichurl camp with Noelle leading the way and once they got close they heard somebody calling out in fright

“Noeeeelle! Noeeeelle!” Somebody shouted

Once they heard Noelle’s name they looked at the source of the sound

“Who’s that? I-I need to help!” Noelle

“We’ll come with you!” Twilight said

The group then rushed to the source only to see some hilichurls surrounding a guy

“Paimon, go and protect the guy, Twilight, Lumine, you handle the mini hilichurls and I’ll handle the big one!” Noelle said

“Aye, aye captain!” The trio called out

Twilight and Lumine then rushed towards the hilichurls

“Hey you! Pick somebody your own size!” Lumine ordered

The hilichurls then turned around in anger

“Oh shoot! Charge!” Twilight ordered

The group then charged towards the hilichurls and began slashing or kicking them while Noelle got to a larger hilichurl

“Hey you! Follow me!” Noelle ordered

The hilichurl then roared and stomped after Noelle as she ran off while the hilichurl stomped after her before Noelle used her sword to slash a few trees while running which distracted the hilichurl causing it to fall as Noelle ran up one tree before she bounced off of it and stabbed the hilichurl in the chest

Meanwhile Twilight and Lumine were still fighting as Lumine and a hilichurl kept hitting each of their sword or club against each other which Twilight saw and once she noticed it she kicked the hilichurl to the ground and used her magic to burn it

“Thanks Twilight!” Noelle thanked

“No problem Lumine!” Twilight said

Afterwards the hilichurls charged towards them only for a few slashes to be seen and heard before the hilichurls fell to the ground unconscious as Noelle landed

“You have got to stop putting yourself into danger you know” Noelle reminded

“Yeah we know!” Twilight said

Afterwards the guy and Paimon went back towards the group

“Good news! He’s fine now!” Paimon announced

“Th-Thank the Anemo Archon! Finally, I’m saved…” The guy said in relief before he noticed the four “Ah… And thanks to Noelle and the Honorary Knights too…” The guy said in relief

“Are you hurt?” Twilight asked worriedly

“No I’m not but if it hadn’t been you two who knows what would have happened” The guy said

“We’re just glad you’re okay” Lumine said

“Yeah, just take another path next time” Paimon suggested

“I will, don’t worry” The guy said before getting worried “Wait, you guys are here to save me… Right?” The guy asked

“Of course! After all it was Noelle’s suggestion” Twilight answered

“Kinda, we were just training nearby and happened to hear you calling my name and luckily we got here just in time” Noelle explained

“We do have one question, since we were really far away, did you really recognize Noelle from that distance?” Lumine asked

“Haha… I think I wanted to say ‘help’ or ‘Barbatos protect me’ or something to that effect… I didn’t even realize that I’d called out Noelle’s name instead” The guy explained embarrassingly

“Well, that was extremely lucky in that case” Twilight explained

“You mean extremely creepy, Paimon means, it’s not like he knew Noelle’s name at all” Paimon reminded

“I guess in Mondstadt we’re just so used to calling Noelle’s name when we’re in trouble” The guy explained

“Are you serious? Noelle’s that dependable?!” Twilight explained

“Yeah, why? Is that wrong?” The guy asked

“No, it’s just she’s just a trainee… Or in her case a Maid” Twilight reminded

“I agree, it sounds like you’re a little too dependable on her” Lumine agreed

“Oh it’s fine! It’s an honor to be able to help everyone, not to mention I might not have registered Henning’s cry if that weren’t the case” Noelle reminded

“So you knew him after all?” Twilight asked

“Kinda, still… It’s a good thing the hilichurls we encountered weren’t too fierce so thankfully I was able to handle them” Noelle said in relief

“Huh? Not too fierce? I was so scared I couldn’t even move my legs” Henning reminded

“Those weren’t weak hilichurls though but still, you’ve gotten stronger Noelle” Twilight said

“R-Really?” Noelle asked

“Of course! I’d say your training is a success” Twilight answered

“I just did what I usually do…” Noelle reminded worriedly

“But the intention was different” Twilight reminded

“Yeah and besides even if this wasn’t training… You were still trying to protect someone” Lumine agreed

“Ah I guess so… I did have my mind set on not letting Henning get hurt… So if my intention is different it can have a big effect on the outcome…” Noelle realized

“Exactly!” Twilight agreed

“And besides… It’s because protecting others is the source of your strength” Lumine reminded

“You know, I think you’re right! Whenever Noelle is helping us out she’s usually more powerful than in training!” The guy named Henning explained

“Wait really?!” Twilight asked

“Of course!” The guy answered

“Well, this still isn’t a reason for you to rely on her though” Lumine reminded

“Exactly so in the future don’t leave everything to Noelle” Twilight suggested

“Ahaha… Absolutely, no more of that” Henning said nervously before shaking the thought off of his head “In any case I’m extremely grateful to you three” Henning thanked

“N-No problem, merely fulfilling my duties as a Maid of Favonius!” Noelle said before clearing her throat “Maid Noelle of the Knights of Favonius at your service!” Noelle said

And afterwards the two gave a handshake while Twilight, Lumine and Paimon looked at them with a happy look

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“Well, gifts should convey our intentions so we should choose carefully” Lumine suggested

“Everyone has their preferences so it’s important to choose the right gift if you want to get through to them, if it were me, I’d want roses” Noelle suggested

“And I would want some books to read” Twilight explained

“As for you, Honorary Knight… Hmm… I bet you like handmade things…” Noelle thought out loud

“Roses, books and handmade things all sound nice but for now let’s think about what Quinn might like…” Lumine suggested

“Oh yes! I… I just wanted to try thinking from a different perspective…” Noelle apologized

“We get it but now let’s get to the topic at hand” Twilight suggested

“Right” Noelle agreed before turning to Beatrice “Hmm… Quinn… What kind of gift would he like…?” Noelle asked before she realized something “If I remember correctly, isn't Quinn one of the Five Drunkards of Mondstadt…?” Noelle asked

“Yes he is” Beatrice answered

“Then perhaps something wine-related would do, but what?” Noelle asked

“That is in fact a good question but simply thinking about it isn’t really helping…” Twilight reminded

“Very well, then let’s go to Marjorie's store and see what’s available” Noelle suggested

“Good idea! Let’s get going!” Lumine said

The four then went to Marjorie’s store where they turned to the owner itself

“Welcome to ‘With Wind Comes Glory’!” Marjorie greeted before she noticed it was Noelle along with the Honorary Knights “Well, if it isn’t Noelle and the Honorary Knights!” Marjorie said

“It’s nice to see you here too Marjorie” Twilight said

“Well, what wind brought the two of you together? I barely ever see Noelle in someone else’s company” Marjorie reminded

“Barely ever?” Lumine asked in confusion

“Well, when Noelle’s working she practically always takes of things by herself and once she’s finished with A it’s straight off to take care of B, seems she hardly has time to catch her breath” Marjorie reminded

“Sounds like she wants to always be busy and never taking a break, take it from me, I’ve had similar experiences before and it didn’t exactly go well” Twilight explained

“I get it” Marjorie said before turning to Noelle “Say Noelle… You’re not a child anymore you know and like Twilight just said, if you don’t take time out for yourself you may come to regret it in the future…” Marjorie reminded

“I um… Decided to take a break today… But something came up…” Noelle explained

“Something she nor Twilight could handle later” Lumine said in disbelief

“Oh? So it was a day off… With the Honorary Knights?” Marjorie asked

“You betcha!” Paimon answered

“Ooooh! That must’ve been wonderful! That would’ve been something to celebrate!” Marjorie said in excitement

“Except it didn’t take too long before somebody interrupted our break” Lumine thought

“You must be here to pick out a gift for the Honorary Knights? Choose anything you like, we have a lot that might tickle you fancy!” Marjorie suggested

“Actually, we’re here to help someone else choose a gift” Lumine corrected

“Aww, so shy! No use denying it though” Marjolie said in awe

“WE’RE NOT DATING!” Twilight and Lumine called out while having a faint blush on their cheeks

“Yep, that simplifies things!” Paimon said with a smug face

The duo then turned to Paimon with a glare who only smirked while Noelle began blushing wildly while glaring

“Stop teasing!” Noelle ordered

“Uh huh, you sure Noelle because if Paimon’s certain, you seem to be blushing” Paimon reminded

“W-What?! Me and the Honorary Knights don’t have that kind of relationship…” Noelle said nervously

“Seems awfully suspicious to Paimon but whatever suits your thoughts!” Paimon shrugged

Marjorie then began chuckling a bit

“Not yet!” Marjorie said

“Seems you have a knack for this kind of thing Marjorie” Paimon said

“Eh, I guess… After all, Noelle here is the type that needs a push every now and again but it looks like she’s still in the dark when it comes to these things” Marjorie explained

“I… I just feel… I shouldn’t let such things distract me from my Chivalric Training! And yes… There are too many important things to take care of… ” Noelle reminded

“Okay, okay, fine, no more teasing, so, what is the reason for this visit?” Marjorie asked

“It’s like this…” Lumine started

Lumine and Twilight then told the whole story from the beginning till the present moment and when they finished Marjorie got the gist of it

“So… You’re choosing a gift for Bea to give to Quinn…” Marjorie thought “In that case…” Marjorie called out while she ran into her shop before coming back out with some stuff “I have a couple of fun new things in stock: A Frostening Bottle and a Squirrel Wood Carving” Marjorie explained

“Can you tell us why you chose these two, I’m sure they might be useful enough but I’m not sure” Twilight explained

“Sure thing, the Frostening Bottle is very useful to keep alcohol cold and fresh for a long time and as for the Squirrel Wood Carving… Well, it’s a nice ornament and it would look great at Quinn’s stall” Marjorie answered before turning to Lumine “So, bottle or ornament… Which will it be?” Marjorie asked

“The Frostening Bottle” Lumine answered

“Hmm… That’s a fitting gift for one of the Four Drunkards” Noelle agreed

“I agree, great choice Lumine” Twilight complimented

“Paimon agrees!” Paimon called out in agreement

“She remembered what I said… Aww…” Noelle thought with a slight blush on her face

“So Frostening Bottle it is, alrighty, let me wrap it up for you” Marjorie said

Marjorie then wrapped the frostening Bottle before she gave it at the group while Twilight gave some money back to Marjorie and when she did the group turned to each other

“Okay, now that the gift is wrapped we should hurry back and give it to Bea!” Noelle suggested

“Yep, back to Good Hunter it is!” Twilight said

The four then began walking (Or flying in Paimon’s case) to Good Hunter and when they arrived they noticed that Beatrice was just finishing her drink she got while waiting for the group as they approached her

“Hey Bea, we got the present!” Twilight greeted

“Really?! What is it?!” Beatrice asked

“A Frostening Bottle, you could give it to Quinn when you see him!” Paimon said

Lumine then pulled the present towards Beatrice who seemed a bit worried for her relationship

“Hmm? So you’re saying I should give the Frostening Bottle to Quinn?” Beatrice asked

“Yep!” Twilight answered

“Well, it does look like something that he’d be interested in” Beatrice thought out loud before she realized something “Wait, wait… Maybe… I can use the gift as bait… I could say that if he wants to get the gift then he’ll have to come on a date with me first…” Beatrice realized

“Great idea! He would definitely get tricked by that!” Lumine said

“Thank you four so much! With this gift there’s no way Quinn will be able to refuse me!” Beatrice thanked excitedly

“No worries, we’re willing to help if you need us!” Twilight said

“Uh huh… Is that how gifts work?” Noelle muttered before shaking the thought off “Well, as long as it helps!” Noelle said happily

Beatrice then realized something as she gasped in realization

“Oh no!” Beatrice called out in shock, worry and realization

“What’s wrong?” Noelle asked before turning to the gift “Is there something wrong with the gift?” Noelle asked

“No, no, it’s not the gift… I’ve been so focused on convincing Quinn that I haven’t even thought about where our date’s gonna be!” Beatrice called out in realization

“No… Really” Twilight muttered in disbelief

“Seriously!” Lumine called out in disbelief

“I’ve never gotten to that stage!” Beatrice called out in worry before turning to Noelle “Noelle… Could you help me…?” Beatrice asked

“Of course, in a few days though” Twilight answered

Beatrice then sighed in sadness

“A date should be properly planned so I’ll wait, no need to rush!” Beatrice suggested

“No need, just… Leave it to us” Noelle said

“Seriously?! Are you seriously forgetting that you need to rest?!” Twilight asked angrily

“Of course not but as a Maid of Favonius I should always be helping people” Noelle explained

“Fine but this is the last thing we’ll do and then we’ll take a break!” Lumine said

“I agree and when that’s done we’ll be talking with Acting Grand Master Jean about how to let you fix your helpfulness” Twilight agreed

“Alright” Noelle said before she began thinking “Now about the date… Hmm, we’ll need a place with pleasant scenery and a quiet atmosphere” Noelle thought

“I got an idea!” Twilight said

“Alright Twilight, show us the way and if you see anywhere good just take a picture and we’ll let Bea have the final say” Noelle suggested

“I’ll handle the pictures” Lumine said

“Great! Then let’s get going” Twilight said

The trio then began walking with Paimon floating behind them as Lumine turned to her friends

“Do you know where we’re going?” Lumine asked

“No but Noelle will help, right Noelle?” Twilight asked

“Of course” Noelle answered before she began thinking “I remember that there was a beautiful and touching tale about Cape Oath so maybe that would be a good spot” Noelle explained

“Cool! Then let’s go there!” Twilight suggested

The four continued on their way until they arrived as Noelle turned to the cliff only to see a beautiful scenery

“Ah, you can see Falcon Coast from here! Such a beautiful View!” Noelle called out

“Paimon agrees! Though Paimon’s not sure you can glide towards Falcon Coast with just one wind glider!” Paimon explained

“Yeah, you’ll more than likely drop in the water before you arrive, except maybe Twilight” Lumine said

“Can we please not talk about my wind glider being so fast! I can barely float up while pulling levers!” Twilight reminded

“I was just kidding!” Lumine said

“But that doesn’t matter, let’s find a good angle to take a picture!” Noelle suggested

Lumine then got a good place as she prepared to make a picture as her friends stepped out of the way until she gave a thumbs up and when she did so her friends stopped moving causing her to snap the picture

“Got it?” Paimon asked

“Yep!” Lumine answered

“Great, let’s head to Starsnatch Cliff next!” Noelle suggested

“Alright, let’s begin walking then” Twilight said

The group then began walking as Noelle began daydreaming which Lumine saw

“You okay Noelle?” Lumine asked

“Yeah, it’s just Starsnatch Cliff is another beautiful location and so elevated! That place is super famous for its nightscape” Noelle answered

“Well, what do you know, we’ll arrive there as soon as the moon comes up” Twilight said

The group soon got to Starsnatch Cliff as they stood at the bottom

“We’ve arrived!” Paimon explained

Just then Noelle had an idea

“I know, let’s get a picture from the top” Noelle suggested

“Good idea, allow me!” Lumine said

Lumine then rushed to the top as the group waited but when Lumine got up she got worried

“What’s wrong, Lumine?” Twilight asked

“There seems to be a bunch of people above the cliff” Lumine answered

“Don’t worry Lumine, if Bea wants some peace and quiet there are more places she can go to” Noelle reminded

“Yeah you’re right, I shouldn’t be nervous” Lumine said

Lumine then prepared to take a pic as she turned down the shutter sound before pressing the button causing the pic to be made

“Did you do it?” Paimon asked

“Yeah, I just hope she wouldn’t mind” Lumine answered

Lumine then walked down the cliff as Noelle began thinking

“Now… One more option should do it…” Noelle said thinking before she realized where they could go to “Oh! Let’s go to Windrise!” Noelle suggested

“Good idea, follow me!” Twilight suggested

The group then began walking to Windrise and once the sun got up they arrived as they turned to the tree

“Look over there, the Windrise tree! Symbol of the great hero Vennessa!” Noelle said excitedly

“Or in other ways to call it, Barbatos’ healing tree” Lumine thought

“You’re pretty excited huh Noelle?” Paimon asked

M-My apologies, we’re supposed to be picking a venue for miss Bea…” Noelle apologized

“No worries, no near death experiences here, no enemies for people to fight and no people to interrupt our day” Twilight said

“Nice! The scenery here is pretty good too! Small rivers and soft shadows under the trees, let’s get a picture!” Paimon suggested

“Good idea, go ahead Lumine” Noelle said

“Alright!” Lumine said

Lumine then went to find a good spot as she then took a picture and when she did she returned to her friends

“And…?” Paimon asked

“Caught it!” Lumine answered

Twilight then sighed

“That’s a relief!” Twilight said

“That should do it then, let’s get back to Bea!” Paimon suggested

The group then began walking towards Mondstadt and when they arrived they saw Beatrice pacing back and forth in worry until they approached her which she noticed as she turned to them

“Oh, you guys are back, what romantic locations did you find?” Beatrice asked

“Starsnatch Cliff…” Twilight answered

“Cape oath…” Lumine answered

“And Windrise!” Paimon answered

“Hmm…” Beatrice thought before she realized something “Wait… Aren’t there people at Starsnatch Cliff already?” Beatrice asked

“Y-Yeah” Twilight answered

“I don’t want other people ruining the atmosphere while we’re on a date…” Beatrice reminded

“My apologies” Twilight apologized

“No worries, let’s look at another place” Beatrice suggested

“How… How about Paimon’s recommendation; Windrise tree?” Noelle asked before she thought about the script for it “May your love be as free as a dandelion…” Noelle thought out loud

“Windrise? Hmm…” Beatrice thought before she realized something “That’s a great location… But isn’t it a bit cliché?” Beatrice asked

“Huh? C-Cliché?” Noelle asked

“Paimon didn’t know Windrise sounded a bit cliché? Would you mind telling Paimon your reasoning?” Paimon asked

“Well, old folks are always going on about something symbolic about that place… Besides, we’ve been there so many times when we were young, it just feels like there’s nothing special or new about it…” Beatrice explained

“Oh… Okay…” Noelle said sadly

Twilight who noticed her frown then got an idea as she turned to Lumine and Paimon who knew what she meant

“Hmm… I’m going with Cape Oath! Thank you so much, I’m off to find Quinn” Beatrice thanked

“No worries, just let us know if you need anything again” Twilight suggested

Beatrice then walked off while muttering to herself

“Ahhhh Quinn… I wonder what kind of oath he’ll make to me…” Beatrice muttered out loud

When she was gone Noelle turned to her friends

“Uhh… Is Windrise… No longer popular…?” Noelle asked

“It depends on the person, some people might think it’s still popular while those who’ve been there many times will think it’s less popular but I think Bea is one of those on the second part” Twilight explained

“But… The book said that it was the most popular place in Mondstadt…” Noelle reminded

“When was the book written?” Lumine asked

“Uh… I’m not sure but I found it while cleaning a corner of the library…” Noelle explained

“What was it about? Paimon’s sure you know that” Paimon reminded

“It was the story of Windrise and Lady Vennessa so I thought folks in Mondstadt would still like to go there…” Noelle explained

“Don’t worry, we still like it” Lumine said

“Yep, even though we had a tough battle there” Paimon agreed

“Paimon!” Twilight called out angrily while glaring at her before giving a heart warming smile at Noelle “What Paimon meant to say was if you’re fine with it we could go there and have a little chat together” Twilight explained

“Huh? You all want to go to Windrise?” Noelle asked in shock

“Yep, think of it as a date amongst friends” Lumine answered

“And not just that, you may also think of it as our first break of the day” Twilight suggested

“O-Okay! Follow me then!” Noelle suggested

Noelle then walked off as the group turned to each other

“Paimon, why don’t you tell Jean we’re helping Noelle take a break” Twilight suggested

“Huh? Why can’t one of you do it?” Paimon asked

“We’d like to take a break without any interruptions thanks to your voice” Lumine answered

“Jeez! When did Paimon interrupt any of you with my voice?” Paimon asked

“Remember when you caused a fight?” Twilight asked

“N— Yeah!” Paimon answered

“See! That’s why! But if you want you can ask Rainbow or any other knight to go have some fun with you” Twilight said

Paimon then sighed

“Fine! Paimon’ll go see Rainbow then but make sure to return safely, okay?” Paimon asked

“Of course” Twilight answered

“Great! See you girls later then!” Paimon said

Paimon then flew off as Lumine got worried

“Are you sure you haven’t angered or saddened her?” Lumine asked

“Maybe I did but I didn’t do it because she irritated us, I just wanted one of the knights or Rainbow to have a break too, you know, they’ve been working hard the last few days, especially with the Stormterror incident” Twilight reminded

“Well, you’re right about that, good thinking Twilight” Lumine said

“No worries, now, let’s go before Noelle wonders where we are” Twilight suggested

Twilight and Lumine then ran after Noelle before they neared her only to see she was close to the Windrise tree as they went to lay down in it’s shadow as Noelle sighed in relief

“The air here really refreshes you in an instant” Noelle said

“Tell me about it” Twilight agreed

“Does this help you a bit?” Lumine asked

“Yeah, I’m starting to forget about all my training and work I need to do, it makes me just breath and feel the wind… Nothing else…” Noelle answered

“You can come here whenever you like you know” Lumine reminded

Noelle then chuckled

“That’s true” Noelle said in agreement before sighing in worry “But training and work are still the things I need to focus on, if I didn’t take them seriously I wouldn’t be a reliable maid” Noelle reminded

“There’s more in life than just training, you can spend time with friends, go on vacations and who knows you can even go to nightclubs to dance!” Twilight reminded

“True and I know you are maid but keep in mind, Jean, Amber, Lisa, Kaeya and all the others Knights of Favonius members do not just work, they sometimes spend time with friends and families, just like us” Lumine explained

“We’re not robots, you know!” Twilight reminded

“But what if I put it this way, Lady Vennessa… And Master Jean… The responsibilities they carry, that they carried, those are the heaviest and yes, I know I have a lot to live up to, but if I want to become a real Knight of Favonius, I should help more people” Noelle explained

“We get what you mean but it’s not everyday that people need help, there are times people can handle stuff themselves or in worst case scenario they’re dangerous people who want to take you for granted or in worser scenarios kill you” Twilight reminded

“R-Really…? I haven’t thought about it that way, thank you for shedding some light on it” Noelle thanked

“No problem Noelle” Twilight said

“Still, if you weren’t here today I wouldn’t have been able to help Bea” Noelle thanked

“R-Really?” Lumine asked in shock

“Yeah, it’s just a small token of appreciation but I hope you’ll accept it” Noelle said

“Of course we do, if there’s anything you need help with we’ll be here for you” Twilight said with a heartwarming smile

“I didn’t get the time to ask but these roses on your hair, they look cool” Lumine said

“Thanks, roses are my favorite flower, this is a paper one that I folded by hand” Noelle thanked

“No problem” Lumine said

“Speaking of which… Do you know the meaning of a rose?” Twilight asked

“Of course! In Mondstadt, roses represent the saying ‘As wine bottles are corked, so too my lips are sealed’” Noelle answered

“Wow! Cool!” Twilight said

“I didn’t know I’d be saying this but I have seen and learned a lot during our time together, it will become a wonderful memory, one that I will savor again and again… I want it to remain in my heart and become a secret between the three of us” Noelle suggested

“Of course, our lips are sealed” Lumine said

“Definitely and you’ll have to promise us you will take a break once in a while because if you don’t I will drag you here myself even if it takes a day and a half!” Twilight said

Noelle then chuckled a bit

“I promise” Noelle said before she sighed in relief only to realize something about the rose “Wait! Do you two mean that… Roses have some meaning that I don’t know about?” Noelle asked

“Uh… Nevermind” Lumine said in disbelief

“Oh… Guess I’ll need to go back to the library and find out…” Noelle said worriedly

“Or you could ask me, I’m knowledgeable in almost everything” Twilight reminded

“True, still, whatever a rose means…” Noelle explained before she turned to them with a blush and a smile “I hope that this one can stay by your side in all your future adventures before I’m able to fight alongside you Honorary Knights…!” Noelle hoped

“I hope so too” Twilight agreed

“Same here” Lumine agree

The trio then began chatting to each other as Twilight told Lumine and Noelle a bit about past adventures as the two began listening intently as they removed all thoughts out of their minds

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“Strength! Alright! Let me just put it in!” Paimon suggested

Paimon then flew off as we heard the play button being pressed before Twilight spoke again

“What you lack is strength” Twilight explained

“S-Strength…?” Noelle asked in shock and disbelief “But I think I’m pretty strong…” Noelle reminded worriedly

“Really?” Paimon asked

“Yeah, for example, after Mr. Bruce was drunk I always dragged him back to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters myself… I also carried the library’s new bookshelves over from Springvale… Even mr. Huffman said I’m strong” Noelle explained

“Can you show us?” Twilight asked

“Ah! Of course!” Noelle answered before she got a worried look while turning to her friends “However, even though it’s only training… I can’t raise my sword against the Honorary Knight” Noelle reminded before she had an idea “I’ve got it! Let’s go to the training ground at the at the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, there should be some training dummies there” Noelle suggested

“Great! Let’s go there then!” Lumine said

The trio along with Paimon then went to the back of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters and once they got there they noticed another trainee of the Knights of Favonius

“Hi Noelle! Are you here for the training too?” The trainee asked before she noticed Twilight, Paimon and Lumine next to her “Oh? Our Honorary Knights have come too” The trainee said in shock

“We sure did! We’re here because we wanted to experience Noelle’s training” Paimon explained

“That’s right!” Noelle answered before turning to the trainee “Ellin! I was just asking the Honorary Knights for training advice and they wanted to see my basic skills first…” Noelle explained

“Exactly and that’s why we’re here to see how she’s doing so far” Lumine explained

“Exactly, so do you still have spare training dummies here?” Noelle asked

“Oh, Noelle’s basic skills huh…? Then the normal dummies won't do…” The trainee called Ellin explained

“Huh?!” Lumine and Twilight asked in confusion

“Let me explain, it doesn’t matter how we set them up, there’ll be nothing left by the time Noelle’s done with them” Ellin explained

“Nothing left…?” Lumine asked in shock and confusion

“Is she really that strong?” Twilight asked

“Well, it is Noelle after all! Let me think… How should I arrange them…?” Ellin thought out loud before she had an idea “Ah! I’ve got it, one moment!” Ellin suggested

After a while, a bunch of training logs were put in place ready for the training as Ellin turned to Noelle while Twilight and Lumine got worried

“Are you sure she can do this?” Twilight asked

“Of course, after all, this will work much better for Noelle!” Ellin answered

“Really? This won’t be too difficult for her?” Lumine asked

“I agree… It could be a problem… These sure are a lot…” Noelle thought out loud

“Right? Surely it’s too much” Lumine agreed

“Yeah, please make it a little less” Twilight pleaded

“Hold on, it’ll certainly require one heck of a clean up” Noelle said

Noelle then went to the center as she looked in preparation before Paimon turned to Lumine

“Why is Noelle… Is she planning to destroy them all in one go?” Paimon asked

“I think she is” Twilight started

“Alright… Get ready, get set—” Ellin started as Noelle got a brave look “GO!” Ellin called out

Noelle then rushed forward with a loud “FOR MONDSTADT!” before she slashed multiple logs into pieces with some even turning into flames as Twilight, Lumine and Paimon looked in shock before she did a flip over the last logs which then exploded thanks to Noelle using fire as Noelle turned to her friends with a smile while Twilight, Lumine and Paimon could only look in awe before she landed

“She really got all of them!” Paimon said in awe

“What’s the time?” Twilight asked

“5 seconds” Ellin answered

“WHAT?!” Twilight, Lumine and Paimon called out in shock

“That’s quicker than Rainbow clearing the clouds!” Lumine called out in shock

Noelle then wiped the sweat off her face before turning to her friends

“Finally, clean-up’s over!” Noelle said

“Such incredible strength…” Lumine said

“And incredible speed! You should try and challenge Rainbow whenever you had the chance” Twilight agreed

“Yeah, maybe you’ll even win against her” Paimon agreed

“How would that work, keep in mind, when she has to clean she always shrugs it off and the Knights have to threaten her with some cider in order for her to clean” Noelle said

“Sounds like Rainbow” Twilight thought

“Still, y-you’re both… Too kind! Praise from the Honorary Knights is high praise indeed…” Noelle thanked before getting a worried look “But sadly, I’m afraid that… My strength is the only thing I truly am confident in…” Noelle said worriedly

“Really? Why’s that?” Twilight asked

“Well, every time I train and compete with the knights I can’t figure out how to use it” Noelle answered

“Really?” Lumine asked

“Yeah, even though I swing my blade with greater force than my opponents I always seem to lose in the final moments. No matter how hard I train I can never pass the selection trials, why? I just can’t figure it out…” Noelle answered sadly

“I can only ask one question or give one suggestion! What should I do?!” Lumine asked

“I dunno, Paimon, you know what to do even though it’s, well… Ahem, confusing” Twilight reminded

“Of course, viewers, vote on what Twilight should say” Paimon suggested



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“Maybe but this one is made especially for you, don’t you agree” Lumine answered

“Y-Yes! Just great, mind you” Alois explained nervously before he realized something “On another note, that drink made me realize just how empty my stomach is…” Alois realized

“Oh, so you’re hungry too!” Noelle realized before looking down sadly “...How terrible of me, if I’d realized, I would’ve saved some pancakes for you” Noelle said sadly

“Then how about we go to Good Hunter restaurant, it has the best food in Mondstadt, especially Sticky Honey Roast” Paimon suggested

Noelle then gasped in realization

“Good idea, let’s go guys!” Noelle suggested

“I agree! That sounds like a good place!” Alois explained happily before the four began walking towards Good Hunter and when they arrived Alois could only look in awe at how good the food looked “Mmmm… Smells incredible! So it’s true… If you really want to sell Mondstadt wines you can’t do without Mondstadt dishes…” Alois explained before thinking “Maybe recipes will be easier to obtain than the brewing process…” Alois thought

“Easier to obtain?” Lumine asked in suspicion

“Oh! Uhh, what I mean is… The Dandelion Wine brewing process is unique— difficult to imitate! That’s why we merchants can buy with confidence!” Alois explained nervously

“Haha, where was I… Let’s see what’s on the menu… Hmm, so many dishes… Hard to decide…” Alois thought out loud

“Can I help?” Noelle asked

“Uh sure… What do you suggest?” Alois asked

“Hm… Well, do you prefer red meat or white?” Noelle asked

“I like ‘em both” Alois answered

“The steaks here are cuts of freshly shipped Springvale Boar, I’d recommend having it served medium to really bring out the natural sweetness of the meat” Noelle explained before thinking “Mm…” Noelle thought before she remembered something “Oh! Sweet madame is another specialty, crispy skin and tender meat— goes perfectly with wine! However those dishes alone aren’t very healthy from a nutritional standpoint so I recommend a mushroom pizza and a satisfying salad too on the side, if that sounds okay I will place the order for you, this meal is on me to make up for my inattentiveness” Noelle explained

“That’s too generous of you…” Alois reminded in worry and awe

“Please enjoy, after all, it’s your first meal here as a new visitor and your last, I wouldn’t want to give you the cold shoulder” Noelle said

“Huh?” Alois asked in shock before coughing “M-My last?!” Alois asked in shock only to begin choking for a moment “You give this meal to… All new visitors right?” Alois asked

“Remember, this one was made especially for you” Lumine explained

“Wait… Is it really my last meal?” Alois asked in worry

“Your last meal as a new visitor of course so enjoy” Twilight suggested

“Ah haha… So that’s what it means… Well then I better make the most of it…” Alois suggested nervously

“Noelle, do we have anything else on the itinerary?” Lumine asked

Noelle then turned to the group while the dish was being made

“How about ‘With Wind Comes Glory’? For our final stop I want to leave Mr. Alois with something to commemorate his time here” Noelle explained

“So… That’s the final stop, yes…?” Alois asked before he realized something “Wait… What are we commemorating?” Alois asked

“We’ll tell you later silly” Twilight answered

Soon the food was finished as the group ate it before they went to ‘With Wind Comes Glory’ where they noticed Marjolie giving Noelle something

“Oh, here’s your order Noelle” Marjolie said

“Thanks Marjolie” Noelle thanked before turning to Alois “Mr. Alois, please accept this souvenir” Noelle suggested

Noelle then gave Alois the wood carving as he then began chuckling nervously

“Eh-he, thanks, I will treasure this wood carving forev—” Alois started before he realized what he got “...Eh?” Alois asked in shock and confusion as he noticed what’s carved on the wood

“Wait, what’s on the… Is that… The insignia of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“I, maid Noelle, on behalf of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius officially welcome you!” Noelle answered

“Wait… Knights of Favonius? How can you be both a maid and a part of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“Well, to be fair, she’s a future Knight of Favonius, I mean, she’s been training a lot” Twilight explained

“So, this gift is also a…” Alois started

“This one was made especially for you” Lumine explained

“Wait… Is it really my last meal?” Alois asked in worry

“Your last meal as a new visitor of course so enjoy” Twilight suggested

“Ah haha… So that’s what it means… Well then I better make the most of it…” Alois suggested nervously

“Noelle, do we have anything else on the itinerary?” Lumine asked

Noelle then turned to the group while the dish was being made

“How about ‘With Wind Comes Glory’? For our final stop I want to leave Mr. Alois with something to commemorate his time here” Noelle explained

“So… That’s the final stop, yes…?” Alois asked before he realized something “Wait… What are we commemorating?” Alois asked

“We’ll tell you later silly” Twilight answered

Soon the food was finished as the group ate it before they went to ‘With Wind Comes Glory’ where they noticed Marjolie giving Noelle something

“Oh, here’s your order Noelle” Marjolie said

“Thanks Marjolie” Noelle thanked before turning to Alois “Mr. Alois, please accept this souvenir” Noelle suggested

Noelle then gave Alois the wood carving as he then began chuckling nervously

“Eh-he, thanks, I will treasure this wood carving forev—” Alois started before he realized what he got “...Eh?” Alois asked in shock and confusion as he noticed what’s carved on the wood

“Wait, what’s on the… Is that… The insignia of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“I, maid Noelle, on behalf of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius officially welcome you!” Noelle answered

“Wait… Knights of Favonius? How can you be both a maid and a part of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“Well, to be fair, she’s a future Knight of Favonius, I mean, she’s been training a lot” Twilight explained

“So, this gift is also a…” Alois started

“This gift is also a present from all four of us” Lumine explained

“Yes indeed!” Paimon answered with an excited look

“So it’s… A warning!” Alois called out in fright

“What are you talking about, of course it i—” Paimon started causing Twilight and Lumine to glare at her

“I’m afraid this is all I had time for… However, I hope it leaves you with a lasting impression of your trip to Mondstadt” Noelle said with a smile before turning around “Now then, if you wouldn’t mind accompanying me to the Knights of Favonius, the registration process only requires—” Noelle started

“Ah—! N-No need! I uhh… Suddenly I remember where I lost my luggage!” Alois realized

“Oh? Well then we should at least go and file a report with the knights—” Noelle started

“---Nope, not necessary! Now that the danger’s past I’ll just head over and retrieve it!” Alois explained

“How exactly do you know that?” Lumine asked angrily

“Yeah… What about the savage monsters…? For your protection, I feel strongly that one of our knights should escort you there” Noelle reminded

“Or… Perhaps it’s a little too soon but… I’ll escort you, let’s go!” Noelle suggested

“Ugh…” Alois grunted in defeat

“No need, allow us” Lumine said

“Yeah besides, I know where the luggage is” Twilight explained

“Oh? You two want to escort him yourselves?” Noelle asked in shock

“Yes but don’t worry, we’ll be fine!” Lumine said

“That would certainly put my mind at rest” Noelle said in relief “In that case, I’ll report the situation to Swan, let’s meet back at the gates of the city a little later” Noelle suggested

“Of course, we’ll be there before you know it” Twilight said

“Very well then, please take care of Mr. Alois” Noelle suggested

“Of course” Lumine said

The duo then walked off with Alois and when they crossed the bridge they turned to Alois and looked at him in anger which caused Alois to whimper in fright

“Okay, no further” Twilight suggested angrily

“So this is the end?” Alois asked worriedly

“We can’t see anyone around so you’ll be off on your own” Lumine said

“Meaning this is a good spot?!” Alois asked worriedly

“If you understand then nothing needs to be said” Lumine said angrily

“Yeah, you were Spike when he got jealous but ten times over! Why’s that?!” Twilight asked angrily

Alois then went to his knees and began begging while sobbing

“Archons above! Oh honorary Knight, please have mercy! Forgive me! I’ll confess! I’ll confess to everything!” Alois pleaded while sobbing

“Very well, then tell us the whole story from beginning to end” Lumine ordered

“I was planning to investigate Mondstadt’s Dandelion Wine to see if I could find a way to imitate it! I didn’t expect you two to see right through it from the start! Please! I-I never actually did anything! It’s attempted fraud at worst right? Tell me it isn’t punishable by death!” Alois pleaded worriedly

“Of course it isn’t! You just could’ve been arrested on the spot!” Twilight reminded angrily

“Is-Is it because you have no intention to try and hurt me at all…? Wh-Which explains why you didn’t expose me in the city, you simply chose a location to finish me!” Alois explained sadly

Twilight and Lumine then looked at each other before nodding and turning back to Alois

“Go!” Lumine ordered

“Go home and never return!” Twilight ordered

“Spare me noble kn— …Wh-What…? Go…? I can go? Really?” Alois asked in shock and confusion

“Yes which means no more scheming against Mondstadt” Lumine reminded

“Of… Of course! With you and the maid around, who would dare?” Alois reminded

“True” Twilight said angrily

“Still, change your ways and you are welcome to visit Mondstadt again” Lumine reminded

“Yes sir! I understand! Goodbye most honorable Honorary Knight!” Alois waved

Alois then walked off as Lumine sighed in relief

“Whew! Next time he does that I’m gonna go and get Jean!” Lumine said

“Or Rainbow” Twilight said

“Yeah but for now, let’s go meet up with Noelle” Lumine suggested

The group then walked back towards Mondstadt until they saw Noelle standing near the gates in worry

“Ah, girls, you’re back!” Noelle said in relief

“What took you so long?!” Paimon asked in anger

“Hehe, just handling some guy is all” Twilight answered

Noelle then noticed Alois wasn’t with them making her confused

“Eh? How come… Mr. Alois isn’t with you?” Noelle asked in confusion

“He left, we tried to say he shouldn’t leave but he did!” Lumine answered

“Left? Already? Left Mondstadt…?” Noelle asked in shock

“Yeah, sorry Noelle” Twilight apologized

“And I didn’t even get around to arranging his accommodations or introducing the wine merchants to him… I must have been… Negligent in some way… Did I leave him with a bad impression of Mondstadt…?” Noelle asked sadly

“No you didn’t, you were amazing” Lumine answered

“Then why else would he have left without a farewell…? Oh, I… I couldn’t even handle this smallest of tasks…” Noelle suggested

“Do we say it, or…?” Twilight asked

“Yeah” Lumine answered before turning to Noelle worriedly “He had a sinister plot so we drove him away” Lumine explained worriedly

“A plot? …So he was scheming this whole time?! How come Paimon didn’t know?!” Paimon asked

“We tried to tell you but you didn’t believe us” Twilight reminded

“Well, true” Paimon realized

“As expected, I’m still too naive…” Noelle said sadly

“And that’s why you two have the Honorary Knights to rely on in times of trouble…” Twilight reminded

Noelle then sighed in disbelief and sadness

“How can I ever become a real Knight of Favonius like this…?” Noelle asked sadly

“We’re not saying you’re bad at this, sure you may have made a mistake but we’re still here to help you in case there’s a few dangers here” Twilight explained

“Really?” Noelle asked

“Yeah, we may be mad at him and a bit at Paimon for not listening to us but the matter is, you helped us both gather more clues and that’s what makes you perfect! You may not be a Honorary Knight but just know that if you ever will you’ll have us to support you” Lumine said

“Yeah, so stay strong, believe in yourself and let your hope shine through!” Twilight said

“Thanks girls” Noelle thanked

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“Because… You still need more strength!” Lumine explained

“More… Strength…?” Noelle asked before she realized it “But of course… Compared to the Honorary Knights who defeated Stormterror I don’t have nearly enough strength…” Noelle realized sadly before she had an idea “Please teach me Honorary Knights! How do you two normally train?” Noelle asked

“Well, I shoot lasers at dart boards so I can get some better hits on enemies but I doubt that’ll be helpful” Twilight explained

“And while she does that I use my sword for mining all over Teyvat” Lumine answered

“Of course Paimon always joins Twilight so that Paimon can use stronger abilities” Paimon explained

“I should also mention this but in my homeworld I always use other spells to fight or learn in case of certain emergencies” Twilight explained

“Mining? You, Lumine, use your sword for… Mining?” Noelle asked in shock and worry before she began thinking “Then again… Mining builds arm strength… And then there’s the hiking between ore veins… Perhaps even a monster or two to fight along the way…” Noelle thought out loud before she got the idea “So this is the Honorary Knight’s training method, right? I must try it!” Noelle said bravely

“Then prepare yourself, mining isn’t as easy as you think” Lumine reminded

“No problem! Leave it to me!” Noelle suggested

The trio then went to the place Lumine mines as Paimon slowly floats after them and soon enough they arrived at a place where some ores were sitting

“There it is, let’s clear up these outcrops!” Paimon suggested

Noelle then rushed to the ores and used her sword to slash each of them causing each of them to fall out as Twilight picked them up to inspect if they looked fine and when she turned to Lumine she nodded but just then some slimes fell down shocking the group

“There are monsters nearby!” Paimon called out in shock

“Fighting monsters… That’s just part of mining, right? Leave it to me!” Noelle suggested

Noelle then cracked her fingers and neck before rushing towards the slimes and slashed each one of them only for her to bounce back

“You okay?!” Lumine asked

“They have a hard edge!” Noelle answered

“Allow us!” Twilight suggested

“But girls! Paimon heard that rock falls happen a lot around here, keep your eyes open!” Paimon suggested

“No can do! We gotta save Noelle!” Twilight said

The group then rushed towards Noelle and the slimes which they then battled but what they didn’t realize was that everytime they took a step against the stone wall an earthquake appeared and as soon as all of the slimes were down they turned to Noelle

“You okay Noelle?” Lumine asked

“Yeah I’m fine thanks but, wasn’t there an earthquake just now?” Noelle asked

“Earthquake? What are you talking about?” Lumine asked

“Nevermind” Noelle said

“Let’s get going, there’s still more ores to find” Twilight suggested

The group then began walking only to find a hilichurls just standing back up

“More monsters?” Paimon asked before she realized something “Mitachurls?!” Paimon asked in shock

“Looks like a tough opponent… I’ll try to make this quick and easy!” Noelle said

“Let’s not do this alone! You will have us to help you!” Twilight reminded

The group then began battling the Mitachurl as Paimon got worried

“Girls, slow down! rock falls can happen here!” Paimon reminded worriedly

Noelle then turned to Paimon

“Sorry… Understood! Stay behind me, let’s move forward together” Noelle suggested

But no matter how hard they tried they kept hitting and fighting it hard as the Mitachurl fought back before Noelle made a hard slash with her sword causing the Mitachurl to fly into a wall unconscious as sounds of rock falling were heard which made a lot of sound and a bit of an earthquake

“Wah! A rockfall! It’s huge!” Paimon said in shock

“Oops, sorry Paimon, guess we were a bit too tough!” Lumine apologized

Just then the group noticed the rocks that had fallen on some kind of pathway

“D-Did I cause this…?” Noelle asked

“M-Maybe… Could just be a coincidence…” Paimon answered nervously

“Let’s go see if there’s any injured people!” Twilight suggested

The group then rushed over towards a girl who had a Knights of Favonius uniform as she sat on the ground panting in relief

“Huh? Wait… Is that a Knight of Favonius up ahead? Let’s find out if she’s alright!” Paimon suggested

The group then approached her only to see her speaking to herself

“Whoa… What a rockfall!” The Guard of Favonius said in relief

“Ah… Ms. Belinda, is that you?” Noelle asked

“Is that Noelle? And the Honorary Knights too?” The Guard of Favonius named Belinda asked

“Yep, you're correct, are you okay?” Twilight asked

“A-Are you hurt?” Noelle asked

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, I’d already passed through the rockfall zone on my patrol, there’s actually been a lot of rockfalls here lately but it’s the first time I’ve seen one of such magnitude during my patrols” Belinda answered

Twilight, Lumine and Noelle then looked at each other in nervousness before turning to Belinda with a fake smile

“Did you girls see anything suspicious?” Belinda asked

“No, not at all” Lumine answered

“Hmm… The more I think about it, surely nobody could be responsible for something of this scale” Belinda realized before sighing in defeat “Regardless, this will be difficult to clear…” Belinda said in worry

“There are ore veins, rich in reserves here, all blocked behind the boulders…” Belinda explained

“Did you say ore veins?” Noelle asked

“...Ore veins?” Lumine asked in confusion

“Yeah, I’ll need to enlist some folks to clear this up quickly otherwise how will we ever get to the ore…” Belinda said worriedly

“Hmm, the ore…” Noelle thought

“...Ore?” Lumine asked

“So once the boulders are out of the way, mining can start up again?” Noelle asked

“Precisely but a rockfall of this magnitude needs reporting to the Knights first—” Belinda started

“Don’t worry! Allow me, just stand back everyone!” Twilight suggested

“Uh… Huh?” Belinda asked in worry and confusion

The group then ran backwards as Twilight used some magic spell to make a sound blocker appear all over the mountain before she shot her strongest magic spell at the rocks with send them all falling and some even got burned to a crisp and when Twilight was done she panted a bit

“She blasted the boulders to pieces…” Paimon said in shock

“Are you okay?” Lumine asked

“Yeah I’m fine, though, that was the toughest spell I’ve ever used, even if I did learn it from Starlight” Twilight explained before she realized what she saw back at Stormterror’s Lair “Oh no! If Starlight uses this I’ll be doomed!” Twilight thought

Just then the group heard a loud shrill as they turned to see a fat looking Hilichurl

“Ah! Look out! A Stonehide Lavachurl!” Paimon called out in worry

“A Stonehide Lavachurl? Is that the culprit behind the recent rock falls? I’ll call for reinforcements” Belinda asked

“It’s a lot bigger than me but I should have the upper hand when it comes to strength” Noelle said

“Very well, Belinda stay back but don’t rush off, Noelle, you’ll help us handle this!” Twilight said

“What about Paimon?!” Paimon asked

“You’ll go and try to find some ores for Noelle to loosen!” Lumine suggested

“On it!” Belinda and Paimon called out

“We’ll be one step closer to mining once we’ve taken care of it! Leave it to us!” Noelle reminded

The group then rushed towards the lavachurl who put flames on him as Twilight gave everyone a fire proof ability as Lumine and Noelle began fighting it with their swords which it blocked before it smashed his fists onto the ground sending Lumine and Noelle back as Twilight rushed forwards causing the Lavachurl to shoot some flames which Twilight dodged before she made some imaginary steps with her magic which she run on before she got to the top and used her magic to slash the Lavachurl to the ground which made Noelle stand back up and throw her sword which spun as Lumine jumped on top of it but once she got close the hilichurl shot some fire breath at her which sent her back to the ground as she grunted in pain which angered Noelle as she rushed towards the hilichurl before she gave it a hard kick in the cheek sending him to the ground as Twilight teleported in a large golden spear which she then smashed on the creatures back but it didn’t stop there as it continued to go down as Twilight made some rocks float towards the hole with her magic and put it in the hole before turning to Lumine

“You okay Lumine?” Twilight asked

“Yeah I’m fine” Lumine answered as she tried to sit up only to feel the burn “Geez, that burned” Lumine said

Twilight then used her magic to put some ice on the burned wound as Lumine grunted in pain but after a few seconds of having it on her back she got healed again

“Woah… That was intense… Finally a chance to catch our breath…” Paimon said before turning to Noelle “Uh Noelle?” Paimon started

The group then noticed a few ores surrounding them

“One, two, three, four… So many training targets…” Noelle said in worry

“Huh? More enemies? Where?” Paimon asked

“I think she’s talking about the ores” Twilight corrected

“Oh okay” Paimon realized

Noelle then rushed to the ore veins and began slashing each and every one of them before she walked back with the ores in her arms

“Phew… Job done!” Noelle said

“Great job Noelle! You managed to gather all the ores!” Twilight said with a smile

“Noelle really wasn’t kidding about her strength…” Lumine said

“Tell me about it” Twilight said

“Are you girls okay? Noelle… You’re okay right?” Belinda asked

“Hmm? Oh I’m okay! Though I must say my shoulders are sorer than usual compared to my normal cleaning duties that is” Noelle explained

“Is cleaning up for the Knights that intense…?” Lumine asked

“I-I’m ashamed to admit that… Even though we try and get Noelle to take it easy every time we get back from somewhere she will have somehow managed to single-handedly clean the entire Knights of Favonius Headquarters” Belinda explained

“Wait what?! Seriously?!” Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

“Didn’t your princess tell me that you sometimes manage to single-handedly make some friendship problems just to fix them?” Lumine asked

“Well yeah but that is different” Twilight reminded

“A-All in a day’s work for a Maid of Favonius… If I want to become a Knight I’ll need to take all aspects of training seriously” Noelle explained before turning to Lumine and Twilight “So Honorary Knight… The ore mining training… H-How did I do?” Noelle asked

“You were amazing!” Twilight answered

“Yeah, your strength blew us away!” Lumine agreed

“R-Really? So under your personal guidance I completed the training?” Noelle asked before cheering excitedly “What an honor!” Noelle said excitedly before she turned to Lumine “Next time let’s mine together!” Noelle said

“Of course and let’s make it a competition so that we can see who’s the strongest” Lumine said

“Definitely! It’s a deal!” Noelle said

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It's the heart that matters

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“It shouldn’t matter, it’s the thought that counts” Lumine answered

“Exactly” Twilight answered

“Are you sure? I still feel the choice of gifts matters… No matter what kind of relationship two people share” Noelle reminded

“I know but sometimes, you can’t help with love problems, sometimes, the person who asks for help needs to listen to what their heart is saying” Twilight reminded

“Exactly! That’s what Paimon always does when Paimon wants to say something” Paimon explained

“Yet, you caused an argument back when we first met Venti” Lumine reminded

“That was an exception! Paimon has learned from it!” Paimon explained

“But I don’t have any experience in this area, I’m sure you’re right” Noelle said

“Yeah we do” Twilight said with a blush

“Thinking about your loved one back home aren’t you?” Lumine asked

“What?! No! Of course not! I don’t have a crush, not even one like Flash Sentry!” Twilight answered nervously

“Uh-huh” Lumine, Noelle and Paimon said suspiciously

“Anyways… If the gift doesn’t matter according to you, the choices would be limitless… I can’t decide…” Noelle said worriedly before turning to the heroes “Do you three have any ideas?” Noelle asked

“Sending a Mondstadt Grilled Fish should be fine” Lumine answered

“A grilled fish?!” Twilight asked in shock

“Do I need to remind you that in the winter when you couldn’t find leaves or anything vegetarian you ate meat?” Lumine asked

“Well… I did say I didn’t like it and I was never planning on doing it again just please, don’t say it to Rainbow or anyone else of our friends” Twilight pleaded

“Of course! Paimon’s lips are sealed!” Paimon said

“Mine too” Lumine agreed

“Huh… Will this really get his attention?” Noelle asked

“I think it will, allow us to go and get it!” Lumine suggested

Twilight and Lumine then went to a nearby lake

“Okay, hope this works!” Twilight said

Twilight then jumped into the water while turning a seapony thanks to her magic as she searched for the three perfect fishes before she caught them with her magic and jumped back out whilst turning into a pony

“Did you get it?” Lumine asked

“Yep! Let’s bake it now!” Twilight suggested

The duo then went to a nearby cooking pot as Twilight while teary eyed began baking the fishes as she even dropped some condiments on it and when it was finished she put the three fishes onto a clean branch before the trio rushed back to Beatrice who was thinking to herself

“How am I ever going to get Quinn to listen to me…?” Beatrice asked in worry

“We’re back!” Lumine answered

“Welcome back girls!” Noelle greeted before she noticed Twilight looked wet “What happened to you?” Noelle asked

“Well, I may or may not have turned into a seapony in order to search the lake for some fishes” Twilight answered

“Huh?” Noelle and Beatrice asked in confusion

“It’s a skill of mine I learned back home” Twilight answered

“Oh!” Noelle and Beatrice called out in realization

“Don’t worry, Paimon and I were confused too” Lumine reminded

“Paimon has to agree with her!” Paimon agreed

“Anyways, got the thing I needed?” Beatrice asked

“Yep! Some Mondstadt Grilled Fish!” Lumine answered excitedly

“Uh… Mondstadt Grilled Fish… For Quinn?” Beatrice asked in confusion

“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” Lumine asked

“Well… I have often said that I would bring him lunch…” Beatrice recalled before she began thinking “Would this really work, hmm?” Beatrice thought out loud before shrugging off

“I think it will” Noelle answered

“Well, since it’s Noelle’s recommendation I’ll give it a try!” Beatrice said

“We’ll wish you luck” Twilight said

“Thanks” Beatrice thanked

Beatrice then ran off in excitement

“I hope Quinn understands Bea’s intentions and I hope we were a help this time…” Noelle hoped

“Same here” Lumine agreed

“Paimon thinks we all hope that” Paimon agreed

“Yeah, Paimon’s right, we just have to believe in them” Twilight reminded

“Speaking of which I think now is the best time not to disturb them” Lumine said

“Yeah, according to Paimon, they need some peace and quiet right now!” Paimon agreed

Noelle then had a realization as she turned to the trio in worry

“Apologies by the way, I said we would take a break and I ended up bothering you” Paimon apologized before she had an idea “If you’re peckish just let me know, I can whip something up for you right away!” Noelle suggested

“No whipping anything up, you’re taking a break, remember” Lumine reminded

“Argh sorry, old habits die hard…” Noelle apologized

The group then began relaxing and chatting the day away and after a while Noelle got a bit worried

“You know… I-I’m still a little worried about how Bea is doing…” Noelle explained

“Really?” Lumine asked

“There’s no stopping you once you’re concerned about someone! Come on, let’s see how she’s doing!” Paimon suggested

“Alright, alright, let’s go!” Lumine said

The group then went towards Beatrice who seemed a bit sad

“Ugh…” Beatrice groaned in sadness

“Bea?” Noelle asked in worry

“Oh… Hi Noelle…” Beatrice waved sadly

“So… Ahem! Did you get a d-date with Quinn?” Noelle asked worriedly

Beatrice then sighed in sadness and defeat

“I barely want to talk about it… I hadn’t even given him the Mondstadt Grilled Fish when he muttered something about not having an appetite and not wanting to eat, I can’t force him to eat can I…?” Beatrice explained

“You can if he’s a child” Lumine explained

Twilight then glared at her

“Not helping” Twilight reminded angrily

“Looks like I’ll just have to try to ask him out some other time” Beatrice said

Noelle then turned away as she had a frown and some teary eyes

“I… I must apologize, next time I’ll help you find a much better gift!” Noelle apologized sadly

“No need… It should be me apologizing, I was worried and dumped everything on you, it’s obvious, thinking about it now… Noelle can’t be good at everything…” Beatrice apologized in sadness and defeat

“Oh…” Noelle said sadly

“It’s okay, this isn’t your fault, I don’t blame you, I… I have to get going” Beatrice said

“Please… Take care…” Noelle said sadly

Beatrice then walked off as Lumine, Twilight and Paimon then turned to Noelle in worry

“Noelle… Is everything okay?” Lumine asked worriedly

“I’m… I’m fine… It’s just… I feel bad that I couldn’t help Bea…” Noelle answered sadly

“It’s impossible to be an expert on everything you know…” Lumine reminded

“You’re not wrong… But if I give up so easily then the next time someone needs help I’ll mess up again” Noelle explained

“We get it but you’ll get better every time if you keep believing in yourself, take it from me, I’ve been to a lot of adventures but that doesn’t mean I never stopped believing in myself” Twilight explained before she got a flash of her friends glaring at her “Well, except for this one time of course” Twilight corrected

“I may not know much about this sort of thing but at the very least I should try to learn something about it” Noelle said

“That’s definitely a good idea and if you ever need help, you can always come and let us know” Lumine said

“I… I’m going to the Knights of Favonius library! There must be some guidance there on the subject of love!” Noelle said

“I’ll go with you, maybe one or a few books will interest me in some way” Twilight explained

“Great, the next time I encounter a situation like this I’ll be able to help…” Noelle said

“Great, then we’ll see you in a few hours” Lumine said

“Yeah, later girls!” Paimon said

Twilight and Noelle then walked off as Paimon turned to Lumine

“Can Noelle really handle a subject as big as love by herself?” Paimon asked

“I hope so” Lumine answered

“Still, we should head to the library and see how they’re doing” Paimon suggested

“Are you sure Paimon?” Lumine asked

“Yeah, I mean, we were supposed to help her take a break, remember?” Paimon reminded

“Oh shoot you’re right! Let’s go after them quickly!” Lumine suggested

The duo then ran (Or flew in Paimon’s case) as fast as they could towards the Mondstadt Library where they saw Twilight looking at the bookcases while Noelle was sitting in a chair reading a bit in a love book

“‘...Since you’ve already noticed, I guess I can let you lend a hand’” Noelle read before she realized what it meant “...Ah, so that’s how it works, when you meet the person who inspires your affections you have to find a way to do things together with them…” Noelle realized before she began reading again “Hmm… ‘Even if one’s not old enough to drink, one should still learn to discuss the different qualities of wine…’” Noelle read before she realized something again “I see, so you need to know how to make yourself interesting to draw people’s attention…” Noelle realized

“Hey Noelle, what are you reading?” Lumine asked

Noelle then gasped in shock

“S-Sorry! I didn’t see you there! I was deep in concentration…” Noelle apologized

“What about you Twilight, have you found any books that interest you?” Paimon asked

“Of course I even helped her find all the books on love that I could find from the library” Twilight answered

“Of course and when I’ve finished reading them I’ll finally be able to give decisive recommendations for next time! …Even if it is me” Noelle explained

Lumine and Paimon who got interested then turned to the books on the table

“So, what books do we have here?” Lumine asked

“Well, let’s see… For example we have ‘Vera’s Melancholy’, ‘Heart of Clear Springs’... All of them contain detailed records of the experience of love! As a maid, my experience leaves a lot to be desired so I found the quickest way was to take examples from the classics! There’s also ‘A Guide to Tavern Chat’ and ‘Shortcuts to Love’, these are much more practical in nature! And of course there are even books that focus on theories of love!” Noelle explained

“That does sound interesting” Lumine said

“Oh! And then there’s this one, this book’s about… Mmm… Hmm… Hmm?” Noelle thought

“About what?” Lumine asked

“Can we take a look?” Twilight asked

“N-No! …Nothing! This book… It’s too early to read this book… L-Let’s look at another one… You have to learn the basics first after all…” Noelle suggested

“Good idea” Twilight said

Noelle then picked a book before she realized something

“Uh, so this book is about… Huh? The S-Same as that one…? Guess this must be a pretty… Common topic…” Noelle said in shock and disbelief only to sigh in defeat “Looks like I… Still have a lot to learn…” Noelle said sadly

“Don’t worry, as long as you take a break it’ll all be fine” Twilight said before she realized something “A break? We were supposed to take a break!” Twilight realized in shock and disbelief

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