• Published 27th Jun 2024
  • 97 Views, 2 Comments

Chivalric Training - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Dvalin was defeated Twilight and Noelle went to take a walk outside of Mondstadt only to meet with Noelle who needed their help on her Chivalric Training, help Twilight and Lumine help her with het training and see what happens

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“Rest! Alright! Let me just put it in!” Paimon suggested

Paimon then flew off as we heard the play button being pressed before Twilight spoke again

“What you lack is rest” Twilight explained

“Rest? But…” Noelle started before sighing in worry “I’ve still got so much work to do and besides… I’m still not skilled enough, any free time that I get should be spend training, if I want to become a real knight soon I will have to continue to put in more effort than the others” Noelle explained worriedly

“But Twilight’s right, true knight also needs sufficient rest” Lumine reminded

“But… Time is precious… If I rest… I’ll feel guilty…” Noelle explained sadly

“Stopping for occasional rest is all part of ensuring that you can train to your maximum ability” Twilight reminded

“Ohh… I really hadn’t thought about that…” Noelle said in realization before she began thinking “Resting… For the sake of training…” Noelle thought before she realized something “Ohhhh… So that’s why ms. Lisa always has afternoon tea in the library… I get it now!” Noelle realized

“In Lisa’s case I’m afraid it’s probably just resting for the sake of resting…” Lumine reminded

“Huh… Now that you… Mention it…” Noelle thought

“Never mind, speaking of tea, let’s have some!” Lumine suggested

“Good idea” Twilight agreed

“Oh! O-Okay then!” Noelle said worriedly before the trio then began walking along with Paimon who flew after them as they went to go to the tea shop they had in mind as Noelle turned to the trio “Are there any particular snacks you like? I can get started with—” Noelle said

“PANCAKES!” Twilight shouted before she noticed her friends glaring at Noelle making her realize what she did “Oh right, she needs to rest!” Twilight realized

“Oh no need! I should take a break…!” Noelle realized

“Of course, you’ve been doing a lot so take a break for once” Lumine suggested

“Oh okay then… In that case, let’s head to Good Hunter and have a look…” Noelle suggested

The group then began walking towards Good Hunter and when they arrived they saw a girl turning to the group in worry

“Noelle—!” Somebody called out in worry

“B-Bea…? What happened? Is there something I can help you with?” Noelle asked in confusion

“Quinn! He’s ignoring me again…” Beatrice answered worriedly

“Sounds like a friendship problem to me” Twilight said

“Or in their case, a relationship problem” Lumine explained

“True!” Twilight said

“Take your time, no rush, I’m here to help” Noelle suggested

“Tell us the full story” Lumine suggested

“I…” Beatrice started before sobbing a bit “Noticed Quinn was in a bad mood so I wanted to call him over for a chat… And… A date I guess” Beatrice explained while sobbing

“Oh? A d-date… So it’s… That kind of a problem?” Noelle asked

“Yes!” Beatrice answered

“What did he say?” Lumine asked

“Well, I’ve been over to him several times today already… But no matter how I try to make a conversation he just focuses on his stall and ignores me completely! Noelle, everyone in Mondstadt thinks you’re really cute… You must be really popular right? Can you help me out…?” Beatrice asked

“Ah! Of… Of course! It’s a maid’s responsibility to help the residents of Mondstadt!” Noelle answered

“Reminder Noelle, you need to take a break!” Twilight said

“But if there’s a problem that only I could’ve helped with then I am doing it! It’s just… I… I don’t have any experience in this area…” Noelle explained

“Need I remind you that I’m the one who solves friendship problems with my friends?” Twilight asked

“Huh? You do?” Noelle asked

“Nevermind” Twilight said in disbelief while facepalming

Beatrice then sighed in defeat

“Even Noelle can’t help me…?” Beatrice asked

“Please don’t worry! I… Oh! We also have the Honorary Knights here!” Noelle reminded

“Yep, Mondstadt’s saviors at your service” Twilight said while bowing

“Honorary Knights… Can you both help Bea?” Noelle asked

“Of course!” Twilight answered

“Didn’t we agree that we were going to take a break?” Lumine asked

“Yeah but if there’s a friendship problem or a crush problem in her case then I need to help them, it’s my promise to Celestia” Twilight answered

“Wait! You’re an archon?!” Beatrice asked

“That came out wrong” Twilight realized before turning to Beatrice “I meant the Celestia from Equestria not the Celestia from Teyvat” Twilight corrected

“Oh okay, I understand now” Beatrice realized

“Still, Just as Twilight said and my as my status as a Maid of Favonius I can’t stand idly by when people are in need” Noelle reminded

“Ugh! Fine!” Lumine groaned in disbelief

“But don’t you worry Lumine, I’ll do some serious planning and make sure we can have a day off together another time!” Noelle promised

“So even a break requires serious planning…” Lumine thought out loud in disbelief

“Indeed but today… Can you help Bea come up with a solution?” Noelle asked

“Please! The more hands the better!” Twilight pleaded

“Well, if you girls insist…” Lumine answered in disbelief

“YES!” Twilight called out in relief

“Oh! Thank you!” Noelle thanked

“Let’s analyze the situation first…” Lumine suggested

“Good idea” Twilight said

“Okay! Bea said that Quinn always seems busy and ignores everything she says…” Noelle explained

“Maybe the frequent small talk so Quinn feels that Bea has nothing important to say to him…” Lumine thought

“That’s… A possibility!” Noelle thought in realization

“So in other words we would just need to make Quinn realize that this time is different, correct?” Twilight asked

“Exactly, for example… By sending him a little gift so that even Quinn would notice the difference a gift would bring!” Noelle suggested

“But what kind of gift…?” Twilight asked

“That’s a good question” Lumine thought

“Paimon knows! Maybe the viewers could help!” Paimon explained before turning to the camera “Viewers pick one of the two choices below and see how you would help the duo” Paimon suggested

“Paimon, stop talking to nothing!” Twilight ordered

“Yeah we’re thinking!” Lumine suggested

“Quick! Before they get Bea sad!” Paimon ordered

Help thinking