• Published 27th Jun 2024
  • 97 Views, 2 Comments

Chivalric Training - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Dvalin was defeated Twilight and Noelle went to take a walk outside of Mondstadt only to meet with Noelle who needed their help on her Chivalric Training, help Twilight and Lumine help her with het training and see what happens

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Suggest a different idea to Noelle

“You know… It’s okay not to be a knight” Lumine reminded

“So, as a senior knight… This is your suggestion?” Noelle asked

“Yes it is” Lumine answered

“But it’s alright if you still want to be one, right Lumine?” Twilight asked

“Of course it is” Lumine answered

“But… as a maid I’m only authorized to deal with smaller tasks” Noelle explained

“Really?” Twilight asked

“Yeah but the Knights of Favonius is the strongest shield that Mondstadt has, how can I defend the people if I’m only ever dealing with minor matters!” Noelle asked sadly

“It’s not only defending people you should do, you also need to handle more important matters like making sure people do not break laws, focus on the paperwork and if needed you also need to talk to archons or kings and queens and make alliances with other nations” Twilight explained

“That’s why I’ve always wanted to become a real Knight of Favonius, to have the power to help more people or do what you just mentioned” Noelle explained

“But being a maid is a respectable position too, I’d like to become one too” Lumine explained

“Same, I may be a princess in my homeworld but I am also a maid for my castles” Twilight explained

“Castles?! You have more than one?!” Paimon asked in shock

“Yeah, it’s a long story, I’ll tell you two later” Twilight suggested

“Okay” Paimon said

“So, you’re saying even the honorary Knights can be maids too?” Noelle asked

“That’s right, I’m constantly running errands and Twilight’s constantly saving the day in her hometown” Lumine answered

“I thought the Honorary Knights would only ever be busy with powerful enemies like Stormterror…” Noelle explained

“True, but that happens sometimes, not always” Twilight corrected

“And besides, the strength to fight powerful enemies only comes with the experience gained during the completion of smaller tasks, speaking of which, you don’t exactly mind such tasks, right?” Lumine asked

“Well… That is true… Come to think of it, whenever I see you three in Mondstadt you three will always seem to be in a hurry… And the fact is… You’re both hurrying to help others” Noelle explained

“Shall we go back to Mondstadt then and see if there are people who need help?” Twilight asked

“Oh… Okay, back to Mondstadt it is! Time for today’s training to officially begin!” Noelle suggested

“Very well, if you say so!” Twilight said

The trio then began walking while Paimon flew after them

“Your point of view on these matters have truly been eye-opening for me, I have a lot to learn! But just like you said, from now on, I’m going to treat helping people with smaller tasks as a part of my training!” Noelle explained

“That’s good to hear!” Twilight said

“Just thinking about it makes me feel more motivated than ever!” Noelle explained

“Wow… Noelle’s motivated alright! She’s got that ‘Gimme a commission before I take ‘em all’ vibe!” Paimon said in awe

But when the group was walking they noticed somebody calling out to them

“Someone—! Anyone—!” A guy called out

“Who’s that? I-I need to help!” Noelle called out worriedly

Noelle then ran off in worry

“Noelle!” Paimon called out only for her not to listen “Whoa… She’s so fast… Let’s catch up with her!” Paimon suggested

The group then rushed after Noelle only to see her standing before a guy who looked worried as she helped him calm down

“There, there, take your time, try and take a deep breath first…” Noelle suggested

The guy then panted in relief before turning to the group

“And finally… I was saved…” The guy said in relief

“What happened? Are you alright?” Twilight asked

“Well my name’s Noelle, don’t worry sir, everything’s alright, I’ll be protecting you from now on” Noelle said before she got confused “So… Where are you from? I don’t think we’ve met in Mondstadt before” Noelle asked

“Thanks…” The guy thanked before he realized what she said “I… I’m not from Mondstadt” The guy explained “My name is Alois, I’m a traveling merchant” Alois introduced

“Nice to meet you… So what were you going to do here in Mondstadt?” Twilight asked

“Well, I was on my way to Mondstadt to acquire some of the reputed local wines… So I could take them back to Liyue… Little did I know…” Alois started nervously

“M-hmm…?” Lumine asked in confusion and suspicion

“Uh… Little did I know I’d run into savage monsters on the way! I mean… Savage! They were twice my height!” Alois explained worriedly

“That sounds horrible!” Twilight called out worriedly

“Did you come out unscathed?” Paimon asked

“Yeah but I was so scared I ran all the way here until I just couldn’t run anymore… Thank goodness I found you and this… Uh… Maid” Alois explained

“It’s okay Mr. Alois, we’re not far from Mondstadt” Noelle reassured

“Yeah it’s just a walk for one or two minutes and we’re in” Twilight explained

“Okay, although I’m just an ordinary maid, the small task of escorting a visitor to the city is certainly within my power” Noelle explained

“Uh, escort me to Mondstadt? Perfect! Let’s go…” Alois suggested

“But wait a moment… As a traveling merchant you must have luggage and some goods? Don’t worry, no matter the quantity, I’ll carry them for you!” Noelle asked

“Luggage? Goods? Uhh…” Alois started nervously before he realized something “Yes! I remember now… The savage monsters I encountered? That’s when I lost them!” Alois explained

“We can get them back for you” Lumine said

“No, no… No need! These monsters are ferocious! Three times my height!” Alois explained

“Oh rest easy— They are Mondstadt’s Honorary Knights, no monster is too ferocious for them” Noelle explained

“Yep, you can count on us!” Twilight said

“H-Honorary Knights? Then they’re a member of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked in shock and worry

“Where did you see those monsters?” Lumine asked

“I, uhh… I-I can’t remember exactly, I was too busy running… P-Probably near that crossing in front of us… B-But I can’t be sure” Alois explained before Lumine began thinking as Alois sighed “Nevermind…” Alois said in defeat

“We’ll be back in a minute!” Lumine said

Just then Alois held his chest in pain

“Wait… W-Wait a minute! My chest! Argh! A sudden pain in my chest! It must be all that running, let’s look for those things a little bit later…” Alois suggested

“Oh! Chest pain?” Noelle asked before she crouched down to Alois’ level and pulls her arms towards him, waiting for him to touch them “Here, I’ve got you, hold my arms and lie down slowly” Noelle suggested as Alois did so as he laid down while Lumine and Twilight looked at her actions “Now do your best to relax, I will examine you” Noelle said

“Uhh… Perhaps I… Maybe you…” Alois started nervously

Noelle then turned to Twilight, Lumine and Paimon

“I’m sorry girls, I must stay here to watch over our visitor, it looks like you’ll need to handle the monsters— Oh and please be careful!” Noelle pleaded

“Of course! You can believe in us!” Twilight said

The trio then began walking towards the place Alois mentioned as Lumine turned to her friends

“Does anyone feel like he was lying?” Lumine asked

“Lying? What are you talking about Lumine? As far as Paimon knows, he was literally tired from all that running” Paimon explained

“Then how did he get hurt by the chest and don’t you think the traveling merchant thing sounded a little suspicious to me?” Lumine asked

“She’s right, I have a feeling he’s lying so he can do something horrible to anyone or at least something horrible to any of the taverns in Mondstadt” Twilight explained

“Well, Paimon doesn’t believe you both so let’s keep checking” Paimon said as the trio began walking only to see nobody in the surrounding area, not even any monsters thrice his size “Strange… No traces of any large monsters here…” Paimon thought

“Now do you believe us?” Twilight asked

“Of course not, maybe that’s one of the only lies he said, surely he’s not some treasure hoarder or anything” Paimon explained

“That’s a good theory Paimon” Twilight realized

“That I’m right? Paimon thought as much!” Paimon said before some bushes began rustling “Whoa, here they come!” Paimon called out in shock

The duo then looked around while activating their weapons until a few slimes appeared which caused the duo to look in shock

“Eh? It’s just a few ordinary slimes!” Paimon said in shock

“I can’t believe I got tricked!” Twilight said

“You didn’t get tricked if you didn’t believe it, we just did what we wanted to do” Lumine explained

“True” Twilight explained

“Let’s beat them though” Lumine suggested

“Good idea!” Paimon said

Twilight then rushed towards the slimes and used her magic laser to slash a few of them into pieces while Lumine rushed towards some other slimes and did the same thing and in just a few seconds they won

“That wasn’t so bad” Twilight said

“Yeah” Lumine said

Paimon then flew back as she had left while they were fighting

“Paimon didn’t see any goods on the road, is this the right place?” Paimon asked

“Of course not! When will you listen! It is all a trick!” Twilight reminded angrily

“Calm down Twilight, let’s just focus on the task at hand, bringing Alois to his supposed ‘safety’” Lumine suggested

“Good idea, let’s head back to Noelle” Paimon suggested

The duo then walked back towards Noelle and Alois and when they arrived they saw Noelle turning to the trio

“Back so soon… A true senior knight!” Noelle said in awe

“Thanks Noelle” Twilight thanked

“No worries, by the way, did you see Mr. Alois’ luggage on the way?” Noelle asked

“Nope, not a trace except for a few slimes” Lumine answered

“Uh, perhaps the monsters ate it?” Alois asked

“I don’t think so, when we squashed those slimes there wasn’t anything in them” Twilight answered

“Didn’t I tell you! It’s dangerous!” Alois reminded

“You call a few hydro slimes dangerous?!” Lumine asked

“Uhh, well, no…” Lumine answered

“And before you ask, there wasn’t any on the roads too” Paimon explained

“You’re not hurt are you both?” Noelle asked

“They weren’t exactly twice or thrice his height” Lumine explained

“Uh… Um… W-What I meant was…” Alois started before he began muttering in worry

“Spill it!” Twilight ordered

“When they jumped, they were thrice— ahem— twice as tall as me!” Alois explained worriedly

“Twice or thrice…?” Lumine asked suspiciously

Afterwards Twilight and Lumine glared at him while Paimon and Noelle could only look in confusion

“W-Why are you looking at me like that? Even if they were only slimes I couldn’t have fought them off!” Alois explained worriedly

Noelle then sighed in confusion and worry

“What can we do? If even the honorary knight can’t find them…” Noelle thought worriedly

“Heh… I’m just a traveling merchant, you never know what’s gonna happen out here…” Alois reminded before shrugging “Oh well, looks like Mondstadt was never meant to be, perhaps next time…” Alois said worriedly

“I’m very sorry… In these circumstances I must ask you to register the quantity and nature of your lost property with the Knights of Favonius, I know that the Knights will do their best to help you recover your goods!” Noelle suggested

“Ah?! No, no, no! I-I couldn’t possibly trouble the Knights of Favonius, this matter… It really is beneath them” Alois called out in worry

“On the contrary, it’s the duty of the Knights to look after any visitors traveling to and from Mondstadt and as a maid I must do my best in receiving and escorting such visitors” Noelle explained before she began thinking “But then… Perhaps there’s something keeping you from going to the knights?” Noelle asked

“Heh… No! Absolutely nothing!” Alois answered nervously

“Noelle, can we talk for a moment?” Twilight asked

“Sure, please give us a minute” Noelle said

“Very well, if that’s so I’ll be on my way!” Alois said

“Paimon, keep watch on him and don’t let him leave!” Lumine ordered

“Seriously?! Why?!” Paimon asked

“We still need to tell the Knights about it so that they can take further action and besides you’re the only one that just loves to chat outside of our friend Pinkie” Twilight answered

“Ugh! Fine! Paimon will do it!” Paimon said in disbelief

“Thank you, I’ll give you your favorite food if you can manage it for as long as possible!” Lumine said

“Sweet! Then let’s go buy Sticky Honey Roast later!” Paimon said

“Good! Now then, keep watch!” Lumine said

“Aye, aye captain!” Paimon called out

Twilight, Lumine and Noelle then went to stand a few ways from Alois, far enough to not let him hear anything

“Mm? Everything okay?” Noelle asked

“This fellow seems suspicious to us” Lumine explained

“Well… Actually, I noticed that too but since we don’t have any evidence of wrongdoing he deserves the benefit of the doubt and besides, this gentlemen was seeking help at the gates of Mondstadt which makes him a guest of the city therefore I must carry out my maidly duties” Noelle explained

“You have a point there Noelle…” Twilight said

“Mm-hmm, thank you for understanding!” Noelle explained

The trio then went back to Paimon and Alois who noticed them approaching as Alois got nervous

“Hey… What were you discussing? What’s next?” Alois asked

“Oh… Sorry to keep you two waiting!” Noelle apologized before turning to Alois “We’ve talked it over and we’ve decided to escort you back to Mondstadt!” Noelle explained

“Oh okay” Alois said worriedly

“Let’s get going then” Twilight said

The group then began walking towards Mondstadt while Twilight and Lumine looked at Alois a few times to make sure he wasn’t planning on doing anything suspicious and once they arrived a Guard of Favonius turned to them

“Aha, Honorary Knights and Noelle, were you three out on a mission?” The guard asked

“Yes, kinda” Twilight answered

“Wait, who is this person behind you two?” The guard asked

“I… My name is Alois, I’m a humble merchant” Alois explained

“Ah, Mondstadt welcomes you strange yet respectable traveler, please state your identity and purpose, the Knights of Favonius are here to ensure your safety” The guard suggested

“Uh… Ahem… I came to Mondstadt to import wines back to Liyue…” Alois explained nervously

“I see but are you not carrying any luggage or goods?” The guard asked before checking the delivery documents in confusion “I also don’t see your name among the wine merchants that Mondstadt regularly deals with…” The guard explained in confusion

“I… It’s my first time visiting Mondstadt but I expect to come back often…” Alois explained

“Hmm… In that case, please show me the relevant documents issued by Liyue’s Ministry of Civil Affairs, I need to verify your identity” The guard explained

“Huh? What on earth is the Min— …Oh! Right, right, I… Put them in my luggage!” Alois explained

“Luggage?” The guard asked in confusion

“Oh our apologies… This gentleman was just attacked by a monster and lost both his luggage and goods. Could you allow him to calm down a bit before we register him with the Knights?” Noelle asked

“Hmm, according to article 10 of the Knights of Favonius Handbook caution should be exercised with regard to unfamiliar visitors” The guard explained

“Still, Article 2 of the Knights of Favonius Handbook also says that one must not offend our visitors, right?” Noelle asked

“Hmm, well… In this situation… Umm… I-It seems the Knights of Favonius Handbook has a bit of an overlap…” The guard thought

“We’ll keep an eye on him, nothing bad will happen” Lumine said

“You can trust us” Twilight agreed

“Actually, leave it to Noelle, she can take care of the situation, my friends are acting more suspicious than her!” Paimon suggested

“Well, by a technicality you are wrong, I’m sure there’s something wrong with him but there’s no proof so far” Twilight explained

“Well… If you are willing to vouch for them then I can rest easy” The guard said

“I get it, I mean, after all, she is the most reliable maid in all Mondstadt” Lumine reminded

“I’m… Just doing my job…” Noelle explained embarrassingly before she realized what Lumine said

“‘Most reliable’? I’ve got a way to go but I will try to live up to that!” Noelle said

“We’ll be there too” Twilight said with a heartwarming smile

“Well then, I’m counting on you four to take care of this gentleman while he’s in Mondstadt” The guard said

“Thank you very much mister Swan” Paimon thanked

The trio then began walking into Mondstadt while Noelle turned to them

“So, you’re a wine merchant? You must have excellent wine knowledge so would you like to rest a while at Angel’s Share? It’s our signature tavern” Noelle asked

“Such a… Warm welcome… How could I refuse?” Alois asked with a worried smile

The four soon arrived at Angel’s Share where they then stood while Noelle went to get some wine for Alois

“Ah… Angel’s Share, so this barrel must be full with Mondstadt’s celebrated wine, right? If only it could be imitated…” Alois muttered in worry

Twilight who heard that then turned to Alois

“‘Imitated’?” Twilight asked in suspicion

“Oh, uh… Imported! That’s the word” Alois explained nervously

“Uh-huh” Twilight said in suspicion

Soon Noelle returned as she gave Alois a glass of cocktail

“Sorry to keep you waiting, drink up! This is a Dandelion Wine based-cocktail, I asked the bartender to add Calla Lily because it has a calming effect, I know you’ve been on the road for a long time and cold drinks would be bad for your stomach so I requested less ice, hope it’s to your liking” Noelle said hopefully

“Calming? Is this what they give to all visitors in Mondstadt?” Alois asked

“What should we say, should we tell him it’s from us or from Noelle?” Twilight asked

“Hmm, let’s have these supposed viewers decide again" Lumine suggested

"Good idea! What's your choice?!" Paimon asked

-Say it's from the group

-Say it's from Noelle