• Member Since 17th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

De Writer

After a long dry spell, De Writer has sort of returned. I am now writing again. Watch this space for more new tales and more chapters of the latest


This story is a sequel to Daring Do and the Gryphon's Quest

Friend, the gentle, loving, and ferocious in defense of her eggs, changeling that we met in DARING DO and The Gryphon’s Quest! Is helping Daring Do to recover from an assassination attempt by poison suffered near the end of DD and the Gryphon's Quest.

Because the Throne of the Empire is busy with the aftermath of civil war which has underscored the need to ensure the succession, Friend is offered the chance to tend their eggs and raise the Imperial Clutch.

Baron Yoksonu, the infamous collector of eggs figures in somewhere …

There are more ways to hunt than simply going out and pouncing on prey.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fair and UnFair, part 3 of the Origin of the Rom

The horses of the Band of Rom, in spite of their welcome by ordinary ponies at fairs, find no home and little welcome from the ponies in charge of the various towns and cities of the land of Equestria. Prodded by some of the band, Marchhare realizes that the horses do in fact, have a home in Equestria. Just not the one that he expected.

Chapters (1)

RUMOR has it that old Cargon is away from his hoard.
Norbert owes the Changeling Syndicate too much to pay in time!
Desperate times lead Norbert to see if the rumor might be true. If it is, his problems are over. If it is not, his problems might be over in a whole different way!

Chapters (1)

The Empress of the Gryphon Empire sends "students" to Antiquarian Daring Do's class of Ethnological Geography. They enlist The help of Daring Do in uncovering the mystery behind the origins of Gryphons.
It is the hope of the Empress that what Daring Do finds can stop a jingoistic party from starting a civil war or even a war with Equestria.
Will what Daring Do and her companions in THE GRYPHON'S QUEST find stop the wars or will it start them?
What of the mysterious lone changeling of Eagle's Vale?

Chapters (19)

Grumpy agrees to help the young and paralyzed Glory Hillendale to get her revenge for the accident that killed her mother and paralyzed her.
Coalsmoke approves of what young Glory wants to do. Paradoxically, Glory does not want Grumpy to help her with the revenge itself.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do, AKA, Adora Knapsack Yearling, estranged daughter of the infamous thief Carmen Pondiego, seeks help in selling the (no longer) legendary Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock.
The very crooked law firm of R.O.T. tries to hire her to seek out the legendary Heart of Discord. She refuses, but realizes that perhaps, there is some truth to the legends.
Soon she is in a race to discover the secrets of the long lost tomb of Im Farst, first ruler of the ancient X'ibian Empire and the truth of the Heart of Discord.

Chapters (1)

For the Ponyville PD, it was a quiet day in the break room. Clance just had to say it . . . We could not stop him in time!
Discord's meaner cousin Murphy must have been listening . . .

Chapters (1)

Grumpy witnesses an attempted beating of a Donkey mare and her foal by new trouble makers. Skintops, Pony Purists, who believe that the Edict of Equality only applies to True Ponies.

The Ponyville sewer workers have a problem too. Their sewers are infested with something potentially dangerous.

Grumpy finds a solution to both issues.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Welcome to Equestria! The second part of the Origin of the Rom.

Part 3 of the Origin of the Rom

Greedy town merchants and Council of Haulmarket, envious of the success of the Rom's show and booths, make a false complaint. The Rom resolve the complaint by leaving the Haulmarket Fair.

Setting up in a nearby wayside, ponies come from far and wide for the exotic attraction that the band's music, dance, and unique foods offer.

The greedy town Council and merchants try various ways to sabotage the band's show.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Nore's Choice : The Salvation and Origin of the Rom

Part 2 of the Origin of the Rom

Guided by Marchhare, the donkey, Rom's band of horses enters Equestria. Coming from the now long vanished desert kingdom of Gyptia, fleeing a famine, Equestria almost seems a paradise. Meeting ponies for the first time they find that most are good but many in positions of power are greedy. The band of Rom sets up at their fist Fair.

Chapters (6)