• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I write stories so that I won't be kept awake at night with a brain full of ponies.


BQ,RK Chapter 42 · 9:00pm Feb 12th, 2014

So I just wrote #42 (not edited yet). I know you guys and girls and hermaphrodites and transgenders are still waiting for chapter 40 (Valentine's Day, I promise), but I thought I would give you my expression as I wrote the ending (of the chapter, not the story).

Have fun!

Report wille179 · 241 views ·

Update on Black Queen, Red King · 1:29am Feb 10th, 2014

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Friendship is a Bang! · 4:17pm Jan 12th, 2014

On my last blog post, I proposed a story idea.

Well, here it is: Friendship is a Bang!

Report wille179 · 176 views ·

Story Idea · 11:02pm Jan 11th, 2014

Story idea: Deidara is reborn as Spike the Dragon.

He looks like Spike, but is capable of using both his and Spike's abilities.

Just a comedy story featuring lots of explosions.

Do you want to see it happen?

Report wille179 · 142 views ·

Alvarium Rex Drawing · 10:30pm Jan 8th, 2014

So... with little talent, no practice, a backpack full of school supplies, and two hours of class time, I threw together this: a drawing of Alvarium Rex.

A 6'0" tall person would come up to his shoulders if stood on the line below his left (your right) foot.

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Report wille179 · 242 views ·

Black Queen, Red King Rating Changed to Mature. · 6:11pm Jan 7th, 2014

Exactly what the title says: I changed Black Queen, Red King's rating to mature. I wrote out a whole murder scene and described it in detail. The change was necessary.

Things like that won't happen often in my story, but I feel that I should warn you, because it will happen again.

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Report wille179 · 189 views ·

A Note on Changeling Phychology · 6:00pm Jan 7th, 2014

Something that I imagined for my head-canon on changelings is the fixation.

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Report wille179 · 368 views ·

On Changeling Crime and Punishment · 8:17pm Jan 6th, 2014

(This is based on my head-canon and my story Black Queen, Red King.)

Changelings have a very interesting society in terms of criminal activity. For the most part, crime between changelings is non-existent. As empathetic creatures, any changeling who commits a crime immediately knows how their victim feels. Retribution from the hive is swift and often times automatic, which makes criminal activity a capital B "Bad Idea."

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Report wille179 · 549 views ·

Modern Changeling Combat · 3:55pm Jan 1st, 2014

Changelings are a very interesting race with a wide array of powers and abilities. I started wondering, how do they fight? I mean, surely you can't have a whole invading army defeated so easily by six untrained civilian mares, right? (Granted, two are super athletes, but the other four have absolutely no excuse to be that proficient of fighters.) So, I started developing the changeling combat style, which I will call "Trap Hoof" or "Trap style." This is based on how I think changelings work and

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Report wille179 · 420 views ·

Look! · 2:15am Dec 23rd, 2013

Look look! I updated Black Queen, Red King! Isn't that chapter awesome? /]( *3* )]\

You know, I was thinking, maybe instead of writing one long story, I will end this one soon and start a sequel. Who knows? I sure haven't decided yet. If I do, I was thinking of calling it Of Gods and Bugs or something like that...

Whatever... Carry on with your fanficing or whatever the hell it is you do all day. I should know: I don't have a life!

Report wille179 · 188 views ·