• Member Since 29th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2014



Dear Princess Celestia · 6:11pm May 12th, 2014

After seeing the season 4 finale, I realized something. The roles we choose in our lives are not chosen for the purpose of what it will do for us, but because of what we can do with that role. The road we choose to travel should not take us to something that we wish for; be it fame or fortune in any way shape or form. The road we choose should be chosen for the reason that it’s what makes us special, and it’s how we chose to use our talents to make a difference in other’s lives and in the

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Report Burning_Halo · 154 views ·

Meh · 5:36am Jul 1st, 2013

So my story's been getting very VERY mixed reactions. Yeah, I know I took it there by making my OC faster than Dash, but I will say at the risk of spoilers (whatever) that there is resolve in Dash's favor. I have up to chapter 25 posted on my Deviantart page. I may make some changes to the chapters on this site as opposed to what is posted there, just to keep things fresh for myself.

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Report Burning_Halo · 222 views ·