• Member Since 29th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2014


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This story is a sequel to A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 1

After a few weeks of settling in, Wildfire makes home in the Ponyville library with Twilight. Compared to Twilight, his assignment of making new friends in Ponyville has been slow going; mostly due to his studies. Twilight gives him a kind reminder of this task, but is that small nudge enough to keep him going?

Chapters (2)

In the midst of the Summer Sun Celebration, a pegasus pony by the name of Wildfire is sent to Ponyville by Celestia herself, tasked with the assignment of making new friends; a task that Twilight would help him with.

Everyone is more than happy to invite Wildfire to Ponyville with open arms, everyone except Rainbow Dash, who has bad first impressions of the young stallion. How far will their disagreement go, and how will her friends react when it goes too far?

Based on a post season 2--pre season 3 setting.

Chapters (23)