• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Wanderer D

Patreon | Ko-fi are available for subscriptions/donations! Helping pay my bills helps me write more!


My baby has been returned to me! · 7:10pm Aug 6th, 2012

What?! Another blog post by Wanderer D?! Doesn't he know when to stop!?

... whimper.

But seriously. My story, Tiaras. Spoons and Feathers is under my account again (and all LOEG fics are with their correct owners as well)

So, yeah, it's a Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon fic.

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About the LOEG · 3:58pm Aug 6th, 2012

So, assuming you guys aren’t completely annoyed with all of us involved, here’s my take on this whole thing.

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Because it's crazy and late... · 5:51am Aug 6th, 2012

And I can't seem to even post a blog or approve other stories... have one of mine until server sorts itself out.

Edit: It's almost 2AM! And still 125 fics to go! :facehoof:

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It is coming... · 6:50pm Aug 5th, 2012

...but what is it?!

Have you seen the signs?! Have you noticed the portents? Have you heard the whispered rumors? What does it mean?

Nothing is as it seems...

...or is it?

Report Wanderer D · 631 views ·

Procrastinating · 3:53pm Aug 2nd, 2012

So yeah, my personal mission is to paint a whole lot of walls today before I record a new Derp... Also, be ready for a "Musician Highlight" (hopefully with a more creative name) later on today! Cause it's awesome. And the music is awesome. And he deserves attention.

Aaanyway, as you can see I am not painting the wall right now. But I will. In a moment. I did have a question for anyone here interested in answering it. Well, two questions, and it's mere curiosity.

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Report Wanderer D · 443 views ·

Why are Rarity's parents dead... · 5:18pm Aug 1st, 2012

...in most of my fics?

Yeah, I'm aware that the show clearly states that they are alive. Somewhere. Somehow. And conspicuously as absent from the lives of all involved as Shinning Armor was absent up to the last two episodes.

But you know what? I don't stick to canon in fanfics. Just because canon can produce stuff out of nowhere with no justification whatsoever and it's globally accepted, doesn't mean that as a fic writer I have to subscribe to everything they do to tell a story.

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Report Wanderer D · 618 views ·

New Story! "What if..." · 4:23am Aug 1st, 2012

"What if: Rarity from The Three Sisters met with Chrysalis"

That's right! A what-if. Not an official/definitive follow-up, but more of an idea that popped into my head and wouldn't let me go. As I mention in the A/N it wasn't edited and it was a bit of a surprise to myself since I didn't intend to write anything at all today and bam! 3.5 hours later this is finished.

Ah well.

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You know what pisses me off? · 5:32am Jul 29th, 2012

People that click dislike automatically on a story without even bothering to look inside or even read it.

I can deal with people disliking a story for grammar or lack of formatting.

I can deal with people reading a story and really not liking it. Or quitting after the first few paragraphs because its badly written.

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New Derp's the Word! · 3:29am Jul 27th, 2012

Hello everyone! Guess what?!

Did you read the title? YES! That's what. Okay, so I am getting excited about this. I just love how these things turn out, even if I don't get as much feed back as I would like... :duck: is it really that boring?

Eh, not that it matters. I do it for my own, awesome reasons. Which, as stated, are awesome. At least to me.

In any case, here's the LINK

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Quick bloggie · 7:18pm Jul 25th, 2012

Hello! So, if you've been to my user page, you might have noticed the new PMW Award! :twilightsmile: and you might be wondering how you can get your hands on it in a legitimate way. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

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Report Wanderer D · 313 views ·