• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 50 minutes ago

Wanderer D

Patreon | Ko-fi are available for subscriptions/donations! Helping pay my bills helps me write more!


The one type of fic I truly hate · 2:04am Jul 22nd, 2012

It’s whinny time! Remember, since this is not a site post, this is a personal opinion/thought/whatever. So no getting this confused with rules or stuff like that, okay?

So, this isn’t in response to a particular fic or anything, but more of a personal thing that I thought I would just share.

I HATE stories where the MLP cast has always been human.

Turning a pony into a human? Cool.

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Report Wanderer D · 615 views ·

New Derp! · 1:40pm Jul 21st, 2012

Aaand the Ann Arbor Art Fair completely blind-sided me as I was suddenly abducted (abducted I tell you!) and dragged to this huge thing that happens here. It's... block upon block upon block of artists and stands and music and food and people and NO ONE was wearing Pony stuff! NO ONE! I was unable to bro-hoof a single person who would understand what the hay I was talking about. ~_~

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Report Wanderer D · 350 views ·

Taste of Chicago · 12:35am Jul 14th, 2012

So... anyone else going?

I'll be going on Saturday and keeping an ear out for random outbursts of singing Pony Songs. Who knows, I might meet some bronies!

Oh and... 1000 people watching me! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

:rainbowderp: I uh... better put on some pants or something...

SO! See you Saturday at the Taste!

Hint: I'll be wearing a UoM Cap!

Report Wanderer D · 306 views ·

1 Year... · 6:05am Jul 10th, 2012

So, I'm totally not jealous that Alexstrazsa got a lower user ID than I did... by a 111 difference. Not at all.

But, like him, I have spent a whole year here and now I look back on it and wonder... and... wonder...

Anyway, yeah, since coming here my interactions with all of you exploded to ridiculous levels. I have more watchers right now than I have ever had and I wish I knew you all better... and why you are following me.

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Fic Finished! · 7:28pm Jul 8th, 2012

The conclusion to WD: The HiE Experiment is up! GO READ! Don't forget to drop a comment there with your thoughts! :twilightsmile:

Report Wanderer D · 223 views ·

Derp's the Word · 3:07am Jul 7th, 2012

Hello everyone!

This week has been entirely unproductive when it comes to writing :facehoof: but fear not, I will have a new LQ and WD: THiEE by Sunday night! If I have time, which I hope, I will try and finish Moon's Twilight the coming week.

Today however, I have a treat for you, the new episode of my podcast: Derp's the Word!

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Approving/Failing · 2:24pm Jul 4th, 2012

Today is going to be very, very complicated, I'll approve stories as fast as I can, but expect some delays.

Report Wanderer D · 469 views ·

Derp · 11:32pm Jul 2nd, 2012

Hey everyone! I’ve created a blog for “Derp’s the Word” and all updates will be posted there. I’m actually thinking of including all my previous podcasts/online-radio programs in case anyone here speaks spanish and wants to hear me geek out on anime, D&D and... I don’t remember what else. XD

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Report Wanderer D · 521 views ·

This is relevant to my interests... · 6:02pm Jul 1st, 2012

My Little Pony Smackdown: Girls vs Bronies

(Link provided earlier by Arcainum)

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Report Wanderer D · 701 views ·

New Story! · 6:31am Jul 1st, 2012

Check out my new story, "The Changeling Queen"! It's supposed to be light horror, so let me know if it worked or I completely butchered it! :pinkiesmile:

Report Wanderer D · 287 views ·