• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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Ann Arbor · 4:21pm Jun 30th, 2012

So I'll be at the Community College School Reunion today... I wonder... will I meet other bronies?

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Updates! · 5:00am Jun 28th, 2012

So, yeah! New chapter for WD: The HiE Experiment is up! Go read!

And also, this: Derp's The Word, the pilot episode of my podcast! It's so full of mistakes it almost seems I've never done this before! (I have actually, which makes me feel pretty frustrated)

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My apologies · 4:47am Jun 19th, 2012

I'm sorry I've stalled Lyra's Quest for so long!

Chapters aren't that long, so there's little excuse other than I prioritized other things above it. But, here's the thing about the latest...

I wrote a chapter last night, and it was... okay, but something kept bugging me, telling me 'Wanderer D, you left the milk outside the fridge' or something. I just didn't feel like I should post it... and today, I found out why.

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Story Updates! · 1:37pm Jun 15th, 2012

Yes, yes... those things that I write that might have made you... watch me. :rainbowderp: Or not.


:twilightsheepish: Anyway, today I'm hoping to publish not 1, but 2 chapters for the short stories; Lyra's Quest and WD: THiEE so keep a look out for them!

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Dear Princess Celestia · 12:51am Jun 11th, 2012

Today I discovered that plumbing is not for morons.

When someone that doesn't know exactly what they are doing attempts to 'fix' the kitchen sink, they should call for aid at the first sign of trouble, not try and fix it again to prove their worth.

Your faithful moron,


My Faithful not-so-moronic... author.

How did you get my number?

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Defending Sparta... Twice! · 4:47pm Jun 9th, 2012

:rainbowderp: I uh... never thought I would reach the point where I would get 600+ watchers. Now I feel... heh... humbled? I mean, yeah, happy, but... wow.

Thanks... really.

I can only try and do my best to keep y'all entertained :twilightsmile: hopefully between the blogs and the stories I'll manage, right?

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About Quality · 5:49pm Jun 6th, 2012

Okay, here's something I've been itching to say to a lot of people commenting on Poultron's recent rule update.

First though... This is not about the validity of the rules. So don't try to get me to argue against/in favor of them.

What I want to rant about is the attitude of some individuals.

"Oh, yes, you should ban all Human stories!"

"Oh, I am sooo happy, this will certainly get better quality stories out there!"

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Report Wanderer D · 707 views ·

Writing again · 2:45am Jun 3rd, 2012

This week has been a doozy. :derpytongue2:

I had barely enough time to whip something out which I like to call: "WD: The HiE Experiment" which you can read now if you want :twilightsmile:

Thing is, I had a lot of ideas in my head and this one was bothering me a lot, so I had to let it out. But now I can return to TMT and TSC and, of course, LQ. ^_^

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I have returned! · 1:10pm May 29th, 2012

And wow. Turkey is awesome.

And wow. So many messages.

And wow. So much to write! And so many more ideas! (for already developing stories at least and a couple of new ones!)

And wow. So much to edit!

And wow. New guide on the works!

And wow. House is a mess.

And wow. Grass grew a LOT... must cut it before we're fined...

Must... start working on stuff...

Report Wanderer D · 384 views ·

One more story, why not? · 2:44am May 15th, 2012

So, the moving is done! Yay! Had to remove a freaking beam from the house to get the washer and dryer downstairs to the basement, though. :rainbowderp: I hate low ceilings. Seriously. I mean, I can understand why people in the 60s would design a house not thinking of Shaq living there but does it need to be so low? Gah. Anyway, internet should come up tomorrow in the new place, but given how much there is left to do to prepare for the trip I doubt I'll be able to spend much time on it.

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Report Wanderer D · 406 views ·