• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2017

Little Wood

Creativity is intelligence having fun!


April Fools!/ Foals! · 12:46am Apr 2nd, 2014

Hello Bronies! Here to tell you....

Hope you got some pranking here and there! I know I did some great pranks! A few oldies, but goodies!

In fact, I tried to be Twilight for a day! I'm like Pinkie Pie and Applejack. At first, me and a friend were going to be acting like Maud Pie, I even had my pet rock, Rocky! But on our way to school, we did that!

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Quick Updates! · 2:54am Mar 30th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I'm giving a quick update!

Stories: Well, I have gotten some very positive feedback on some of my stories! I have been writing, but I have been busy with numerous other things! Mind Swap is being working on as well as A Queens Final Revenge. I have many other stories being worked on that aren't published, but will be published sometime this Summer!

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Equestrian Girls Little Wood! · 7:14am Mar 29th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I'm here to give a really nice shout out to Ghost Balls who did something really awesome and nice for me! Now by the title, you should guess what this is unless you don't read titles.
Now he created Little Wood as a human in Equestria Girls!
Here's the picture:

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HAPPINESS TIME! · 1:18am Mar 29th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I'm going to start something of my own! It is called C.C.C.H.! Now C.C.C.H. means Cookie Cupcake Cake Happiness! Now before any questions are asked, I have answers to some!
What is C.C.C.H.?
This site has been going sad over numerous things! I wanted to do something to make everyone happy to make others happy!

Why and How is it called Cookie Cupcake Cake Happiness?

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Picture Time! · 6:24pm Mar 16th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I'm giving a nice post for some pictures! Now me and Ghost Balls, I know him as Acriimony so he will be called that throughout this, have had a nice drawing competition, with no winner. The thing was we had to draw our OC's. He did Little Wood, and I did his. I'm calling him, Beat Bass until I get a solid name for him. Now lets show the pictures!


Little Wood's:

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Starts & Endings · 5:58pm Mar 16th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I'm here to give some updates. I'm going to be ending the Marathon. Too much to handle! But the story list stories will be reviewed. I think I did pretty good! Now I'm making a blog post after this. It has drawings that you might like!

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STOP SOPA · 4:08pm Mar 11th, 2014

Now is not the time for an introduction. This is serious. A new act created by the government called SOPA(Stop Online Piracy Acts) has been put into act. I have just found out about this, as I have been sick from the flu. I am not better, but this is important. But if anyone knows the government, let them see the next paragraph.

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Reading is Magic #15 · 1:01am Mar 10th, 2014

Hello Bronies! Today I'm reviewing Letting Go by TomCruiseSucks. Nice name there, buddy. Now before I go on, I have to say this strikes me as if an important character that is a background goes. I'll explain later.

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Nice Instrumental! · 10:48pm Mar 9th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I'm not doing a review right now, but a nice heads up!
A friend, Ghost Balls, has done an instrumental. I wanted to give it out to show how great he is with music. I do music, just secretly, but might do some in the future. Now here's the song!:

This Has Notes Higher Than The Empire State Building

Good job, Ghost Balls!
~Little Wood

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Reading is Magic #14 · 2:56am Mar 9th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I 'm thinking of reviewing today.... So let's do The Marshmallow Problem by Karkadinn. Really great story!
Rarity comes to Twilight to confess a bizarre secret that will change how Twilight sees her forever. Can Twilight handle it like a seemingly normal, completely well-adjusted and mature pony? Can she even BELIEVE it? (The answers are no, and yes, respectively.)

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