• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2017

Little Wood

Creativity is intelligence having fun!


Reading is Magic #13 · 12:31am Mar 8th, 2014

Hello Bronies! Today I'm reviewing What Comes Around... by sbloom85. This story caught my eye with the CMC going to Discord to cause chaos. Now who wouldn't want that?!? I would want it to happen sometime in an episode.
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon harass the Cutie Mark Crusaders again and they are getting sick of it.
What do the CMC do?
They go to the personification of chaos himself, Discord, for help to make their antagonists lives miserable for one day.

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Reading is Magic #12 · 1:34pm Mar 7th, 2014

Hello Bronies! Again this one may seem bad, but bear with me. I went to an awesome restaurant called Outback. I got full. I went home, drank warm milk and slept till now. Now today I'm reviewing Math by Abramus5250. I know that math isn't best subject for me, and that it kinda sounds boring, but I felt nice that day to read it and it was great enough to review. Maybe a bit better! Now lets 'Lindy Hop' to the summary. Yes I said Lindy Hop. I sing and it has a speaking part that says that. I

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Friends for Christ · 10:38pm Mar 6th, 2014

Hello Bronies! If you want to join a club where you can make friends, have some fun, talk with others, and you believe in God(you don't have to), keep reading on! My friend at school, who has asked to keep her identity a secret, so I'm calling her Rarity since she acts like her, has made Friends for Christ, or FFC for short, and I'm a partner. I will post what we have done on Wednesday, a verse from the Bible, and news. If you go to school, I want you to spread the news. You make the club

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Reading is Magic #12 · 10:31pm Mar 6th, 2014

Hello Bronies! Sorry about everything. I got sick... again... Well! Interesting things have happened! Another one will be posted. Today Twilight Makes am Sandwich by Flames99Fuse! Comedy lives up to the name in this one!
A famous purple alicorn makes a sandwich, and average everyday things seem to not want to allow her to do so.

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Reading is Magic #11 · 12:24am Mar 5th, 2014

Hello Bronies! I'm reviewing A shy princess by I had no idea. Link will be below to both. I hope you like this!
Two very different ponies suddenly find themselves in each other's horseshoes. Thinking the effect is only temporary, they decide to take it easy, and just drift along until they change back. Nothing could go wrong at all!

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Reading is Magic #10 · 12:49pm Mar 4th, 2014

Hello Bronies! Sorry I didn't make yesterdays one (power went out and my phone died), so I'm doing it this morning. Today I'm reviewing first, Cheerilee the Bartender and Berry Punch the Teacher by Arkanoid1. I'm not doing it because of the follow, but because the story was really good! I'm hoping for a series with all of that! Now to summarize and describe the story!

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Reading is Magic #9 · 11:57pm Mar 2nd, 2014

Hello Bronies! 2nd post for the Massive March Marathon! This time I'm reviewing Victory Apple by Maxima Mea Culpa. Before I give the description, I want to say this. Applejack is best pony.

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Reading is Magic #8 · 5:22pm Mar 1st, 2014

Hello bronies! Little Wood here to give a somewhat short review.... And the first Massive March Marathon!
Reading is Magic #8

I decided that there will be no 'My Little Reviews'. Sorry! It is a lot. Trust me on this.
And I have one thing to say. YOU are getting a review and a special one at that. And it is my brthday. Anyone see anything wrong with that? I don't!

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ME NO GUSTA LAPTOP. Let's use this as a really good excuse! · 2:05am Feb 22nd, 2014

Hello Bronies! Once again, MMM(Marathon) is cancelled. Well, not cancelled, more like put on a short hold.... Yeah. I have a reason, it's too embarrassing. Once I do have everything under control, I'll do it! For now, I'll do reviews and I'm still writing! But, I'm trying my best to do everything I can! The stories I listed, WILL NOT BE REVIEWED, until further notice. Sorry!
This is Little Wood, signing out!

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Almost Happy Birthday to Me! · 1:44am Feb 20th, 2014

Hello Bronies! Little Wood to tell you to tell me, Happy B-Day! I'm turning a certain age on March 1st! And the funny thing is... That's the beginning of the Massive March Marathon! I really didn't plan that, having the start of my Birthday on the beginning of the Marathon!

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