• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2019


I'm not perfect and i never claimed to be.. Lets just have fun here.


Serpentine announcement · 3:35pm Mar 29th, 2016

The next fic I will be making is called serpentine. I know you must think this is another genderbend story about discord. That's where you are wrong. Imagine Eris as another draconaquus another being in a whole. Discord ruled alone, or did he. Welcome to a whole new love story ,kinda.

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why i can't let empress go · 1:06pm Mar 28th, 2016

i simply can't stop and i won't. i have an attachment to this character. i have done to much with her to let it die. I have so much i can still do. So i won't be leaving anytime soon. more empress and other content is coming.

all art here is done by me. from newest to oldest


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quite honestly. · 4:21pm Mar 18th, 2016

i might just be done soon. i like where i have come to so once all ideas are done i will be retired from this site. more than likely anyways

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Starset silver return? · 4:10pm Mar 15th, 2016

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Adagio 2 and a somewhat yet not at all related pic. · 11:20pm Mar 13th, 2016

this pic was not made for this blog on the hand i drew it today.... Ok so earlier today i described how i might not be around on fim fiction after my stories. Ok so i changed that thought and will try and stay. i also want to remake adagio 2 so yes i will probably delete the other one unless it picks up in likes and views.

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I will be done soon · 6:22pm Mar 13th, 2016

i have no ideas anymore. so after i finish the failures i have created i will be done with fim fiction more than likely. The Adagio series and Empress of flame were about the best i had and some of them even stink. Adagio series never got finished, and Empress was milked to the end of my mind. I do not expect any of you to comment on this but this is just how it is.

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Important · 12:48am Jan 28th, 2016

yep soo i have finally decided what i'm going to do for sure now. So empress of flame demonstrated by the picture i drew below

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ANNOUNCEMENT · 7:00pm Jan 4th, 2016

I finally decided what i'm going to do to end my series...What your looking at is the cover for the last fic of the Empress of Flame series.

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MY fim fiction account Empress of Flame · 12:11am Jan 3rd, 2016

Starset silver has been deleted... reasons are be mentioned...I may or may not remake it. The reasoning behind this is because Starset was quite the mistake of a alternate sequel I steered where I wanted it to go.. all the meaning behind empress was to be revealed here... I gave up and realized maybe I should show it all. I had some comments made to me that kinda broke my heart. and I felt I had hurt some feelings... So I may have to go another direction with this... starset is not going to

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Empress of Flame Tribute · 4:12am Dec 19th, 2015

A tribute to Empress of Flame. The series went far and soon I will be bringing it all to a close with Starset silver. I decided I would Draw original pony Empress. The one from fic one. If you all will leave a comment about this series it would make my day :)

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