• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2019


I'm not perfect and i never claimed to be.. Lets just have fun here.


Empress revealed · 5:48pm Dec 3rd, 2015

I should stop but I cant we will go back before empress of flame existed in a new story. We find out who she is. That is the biggest question. is she a part of sunset or something unexpected :). We will find out.

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A great story that i'm actually recommending thats new · 11:12pm Dec 2nd, 2015

http://www.fimfiction.net/story/303027/equestrian-future guys please go comment on this for him follow it he really deserves more then hes getting. and this is coming from me. I don't follow many people

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Midnight Renegade the new Empress of Flame · 1:25am Dec 2nd, 2015

This is what will happen if Empress truly still lives in this new story. will she become the new dark ruler tell me you biggest thoughts about this

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Midnight Renegade · 10:12pm Dec 1st, 2015

Here is a teaser image lets see what you guys see

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Starset · 12:36am Nov 30th, 2015

here is Starset Silver from my upcoming alternate sequel for Empress of flame. Based off of the alternate ending to Empress of Flame if you wanna ask questions about this upcoming story while i'm willing to answer please ask away. PS I drew this picture

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Emppress of flame Alternate ending. Your reactions surprised me · 9:15pm Nov 29th, 2015

You all really surprised me with your reactions to the alternate ending. I'm coming to realize the alternate Universe of the Empress of flame that I created is coming to be my most popular I have ever made. Empress of Flames alternate ending has brought about a couple questions. Such as are you going to make a sequel to this alternate ending. Well my original plan was to end after Midnight flame but I may be taking a new course of action. all depends on how ell this story midnight flame goes.

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ADAGIO 2 Teaser · 7:59pm Nov 26th, 2015

Hello and welcome to your teaser for my upcoming story. But for those who know this story deeply may notice a few odd things about this picture. besides the obvious hint towards this being a sequel to Adagio. Lets see who can find all the hidden pieces. I have left the first story for you all to read if you need a refresh (yes this picture is mine I drew it one hundred percent)

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Empress of Flame · 2:58am Nov 22nd, 2015

Wow.......~! I am simply astonished by how well perceived Empress of Flame has become. I came on this site a while back and my first story (currently deleted) was terribly hated. When I came back with the Idea for Empress of Flame I thought it would end the same way. It turned out the exact opposite. Empress of flame is my most popular story with two sequels. Both sequels are nt doing as well as the first but they are not doing bad either. I must say I'm happy with the alternate universe I

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Midnight Flame. end of the series · 4:18pm Nov 19th, 2015

Midnight is the end of the series for Empress of flame. Thankfully too. Unfortunately it seems this one is slowly becoming the least popular out of the series. Slowly getting more dislikes than likes. Though I question how many of the dislikes even read the other two. Probably none of them. either way This is the end of the series. I personally am looking forward to how I'm going to end this one. This ending I have planned makes the other endings look happy. After all the other two had sad

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why i'm not productive but will be soon · 1:41pm Nov 9th, 2015

simply my internet was down and kind of still is. well my personal internet is. so I have to leave my house to use it.

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