• Member Since 12th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2022


When I am not following toys and games or even watching cartoons, I write, draw, and perform clerical duties.

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Found 7 stories in 19ms

Total Words: 24,018
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


The Best of Twilight Sparkle's Twilight Time is finally here after so long. Now available on DVD and VHS, Twilight answers some of her favorite questions and gets into all sorts of other wacky situations.

Art by luminaura (via DeviantArt)

Chapters (15)

After being immediately left out of the competitions they hoped to enter at the traveling rodeo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hold their own to upstage them.

Chapters (1)

After a minor incident on the road home, Big Macintosh and Octavia Melody cross paths to help each other out with his fellow Ponytones.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Big Macintosh meet up in her kindergarten class as he's trying to fulfill a long-forgotten duty to his student body.

Art courtesy of nukilik

Chapters (1)

Among the Equestria Girls, Twilight Sparkle took her Twilight Time idea to the Internet so she can get out to anyone else who wants to learn as much as she does.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Sweetie Belle (Equestria Girls) talk about things that girls ought to know about, including Button Mash.

Image courtesy of chou-kou and scentless-flower

Chapters (1)

General Torrente and Colonel Corvus are leading a constantly evolving campaign against the perils of the Equestrian seas, especially in hopes to be once again recognized by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Chapters (2)