• Member Since 20th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. -Emet Selch


And we're back on track · 3:46am Sep 18th, 2019

New and Revised Strike 61 is now up and running for When Lightning Strikes. I'm glad to finally have this done and up after a lot of setbacks and revisions. Most being real life stuff. So without further ado, let's get this last arc underway.

Report FrostTheWolf · 149 views ·

An update... of sorts · 4:36pm Aug 20th, 2019

Hey there guys, Frost here. Wanted to give you guys an update as to how things are going so far for me. I've been working hard at trying to get a few new chapters out for you guys, including the ones that I promised forever ago with When Lightning Strikes. Yet, with classes back underway for school and work, I might find it a bit more difficult in order to get these upcoming chapters out to you as soon as possible.

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All fixed now. · 3:11pm Jun 21st, 2019

Alright. Finally, I got everything situated out and the next scroll for Beyond the Skies is live and kicking. Let me know what you guys think because this is the longest chapter I've done for Calvin to date.


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A change in plans · 4:17am Jun 10th, 2019

Hey guys, Frost here.

I wanted to give you guys a quick update as to what’s going to be happening soon because, as of right now, we are potentially trying to restructure one of the arcs for a story that I have been meaning to update for a long time. But given that I was insanely busy, and the fact that the ending that my co-author and I originally planned felt rather lackluster, we’ve decided to do an overhaul on the last arc for ‘When Lightning Strikes’

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Another quick update... of sorts · 11:56pm May 5th, 2019

Hey guys, Frost here. Sorry if I seemed a bit inactive as of lately. Given the fact that I'm juggling with the school semester finishing up at the end of may, working for most of the week and a few other things, it's a bit difficult in order to come up with updates for some stories that I haven't had the chance to add more too recently. However, that doesn't mean that I am not working on any of them. In fact, I'm really doing what I can in order to try and get something out to you as soon as

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Quick update on a few things (also, new chapter's out) · 5:19am Feb 6th, 2019

Hey guys, Frost here. I just thought I would try to bring you up to speed on a few things going on right now and how things might be slow for... quite a while with all my stories. And for some, much slower than usual.

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New Story Inbound... (Sorry to keep you waiting) · 1:47am Jan 5th, 2019

To which I finally have the courage to follow through on something I promised back when I had reached 500 followers. I'm preparing to release the sequel to 'Of Magic and Machines' and the third entry in the Nocte Trilogy. I hope that this story gets good reception, because this has been something that I have been working on tirelessly for the last eight months. Perhaps even more then that. I'll be releasing the prologue and the first chapter when the story is published and I'll release the rest

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Report FrostTheWolf · 217 views ·

December Update · 5:18am Dec 8th, 2018

Hey guys, Frost here. I’m currently in a hotel room preparing for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Fan Festa 2018 that’s going on tomorrow in Long Beach, so in the meantime, I thought I would give you an update as to what I have in store for you in December. Because I got some things for Finals for my classes coming up, it might be slow, but I want to get a couple of things out for you by the end. Including the next chapter for the current arc in Lance’s story, the start of the next story arc for

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Report FrostTheWolf · 246 views ·

Well... we lost a legend today · 8:19pm Nov 12th, 2018

Stan Lee, the man himself, passed away at 95. He was the one who gave us the entire Marvel Franchise, all of the numerous heroes, villains and anti-heroes alike. You were a real life hero as well as an inspiration to many of us here, including me.

Rest in Peace. May your legacy live on for future generations to come.


Report FrostTheWolf · 161 views ·

October Update · 9:38pm Oct 13th, 2018

Hello Everyone, Frost here. I wanted to get to one of these sooner, but given the fact that my home is going under a complete remodel right now, I’m working a temporary job three days a week and I’m trying my best to not drown under the workload of my online classes; I’m not exactly at my main computer right now and instead have to write this blog from my laptop.

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