• Member Since 20th Nov, 2014
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Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. -Emet Selch


And now for something cute. · 2:43am May 11th, 2020

Happy mothers day everyone!

artwork by Johnjoseco

Report FrostTheWolf · 125 views · #Mother's_day

Update Blog and a few other things. · 10:22pm Apr 2nd, 2020

Hey everyone, how's it going?

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A big thank you · 4:41pm Jan 29th, 2020

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who was able to show their support for the most recent entry in a series of stories that I have been doing involving Yuumi from League of Legends (Which I am calling 'The Cat Chronicles' because... why not?). When I first published 'The Cat in Canterlot Castle' on Sunday, I was a bit unsure how well it would do because it kind of came up in my head spontaneously (Like with the previous two stories) and I was hesitant about how it would

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Once again... I made another one · 3:02am Jan 27th, 2020

EThe Cat in Canterlot Castle
Celestia and Luna come back to Canterlot after their vacation to find Yuumi in the throne room... only this time, she's got a few friends with her. Even more shenanigans ensue.
FrostTheWolf · 6k words  ·  129  2 · 2.7k views

Part three to Yuumi's ongoing shenanigans. Only this time, she's not alone. Enjoy

Report FrostTheWolf · 133 views · #Yuumi

Story Notes- Temporary · 8:40pm Jan 21st, 2020

So... where do I start with this?

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New Year, New Project... Same old me · 3:46pm Jan 10th, 2020

Hey Guys, it's Frost here. I... kind of feel behind on this since it's been... well, a little more than a while since I actually last put up an update or wrote a blog, but considering everything I got going on at the moment, I really do apologize for not saying anything sooner.

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Yeah, I made a sequel · 5:26pm Nov 2nd, 2019

Remember when I made a short story about a magical talking cat with a book and how they almost drove some creatures in the School of Friendship nuts? Well, now we got a sequel

EThe Cat in the Crystal Empire
King Sombra comes to invade the Crystal Empire... only to find a talking cat playing with Flurry Heart. More shenanigans ensue
FrostTheWolf · 3.6k words  ·  134  0 · 3.3k views

Have fun with the shenanigans that Yuumi will go through this time around. Originally was meant to be released on halloween, but the cue took longer than expected. Hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

See you around

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Happy Nightmare Night everyone · 2:54pm Oct 31st, 2019

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Looking back and looking forward · 4:26pm Oct 16th, 2019

Okay, so... considering that I have seen numerous blogs about this from a lot of people and that I feel behind on the whole thing, I thought that it would be right in order to try and do one as well. Not like a 'hey guys, what's up?' kind of one where I explain what I got in store, but more like one to share my thoughts a bit. I might sound like I'm rambling, but I think this is important for me to get off my chest.

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Report FrostTheWolf · 164 views ·

October Update · 4:32pm Oct 2nd, 2019

Hey there guys, Frost here. I wanted to give you guys a bit of a rundown as to some of the things that I will try to be working on and have out for you soon as well as a few updates on a few of my other stories. The last few weeks have been a bit busy for me because one of the classes that I'm taking has their curriculum condensed to where a four month course is broken down into eight weeks. This week and next week are the last two weeks of that course and once it's over, I might have some more

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