• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5


Fear and Loathing in Dallas, Texas. · 2:12am Oct 26th, 2016

This was what was left of me after Saturday night... Yeah.

So let's rewind a little bit, before the alcohol abuse and horrible inaccurate movie references.

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Nightmare Nights · 7:09pm Oct 19th, 2016

For some reason I'm going along with Zyrian to Dallas, Texas for Nightmare Nights this weekend. We're leaving today, then driving to Ohio to pick up another guy, possibly stopping by Summit Racing so I can buy new injectors for my Jeep, then heading for the Lone Star State.

The downside? It's well over a twenty hour drive and we're stuffing four people into a Chevy Cruize... so it's gonna be a tight fit.

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Report ROBCakeran53 · 262 views ·

I did a guest chapter. · 5:27pm Sep 21st, 2016

So, in a spur of the moment thing I did a guest chapter for Flutterpriest's Fluttershy Wants in your Pants.

It's either the best or worst thing, so I'll let you be the judge.

Report ROBCakeran53 · 283 views ·

Goodbye Skype. Hello Discord! · 1:08am Aug 16th, 2016

Hey all, so it's been a couple weeks now and I forgot to inform that I'm officially done with Skype. The program constantly freezes, crashes, lags, and just won't function for shit.

So, that being said, I've made the switch to Discord! I know I talk to many of you on Skype (or did), so if you wish to keep in contact with me look into Discord! It doesn't have video chat yet (not that it's a big deal), but over all I've been way happier than with Skype. My account is ROBCakeran53#6584.

Report ROBCakeran53 · 441 views ·

A story. · 12:34pm Jul 29th, 2016

Sometimes, I question Fimfiction. No, strike that, I do question Fimfiction. Not in the site alone, but the people that use it. The readers, writers, both. We have so many users, so many readers, so many followers and watchers on this site, I still struggle at times to understand how some stories go without. How some writers are brushed under the carpet.

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Report ROBCakeran53 · 503 views ·

New Group! · 5:00pm Jul 25th, 2016

Hey guys, so myself and Flutterpriest made a new group here on Fimfiction! It's called Mad Mondays, and it's basically a place where we bitch about our week on Monday. Or just bitch about Monday, because it's Monday.

Go check it out! Feel free to vent and give the world your anger!

Report ROBCakeran53 · 296 views ·

Trotcon · 6:12am Jul 20th, 2016

Two weeks.

Two fucking weeks of cons... in a row.

There's actually not much to say. Honestly I don't remember much of it... So I'm just gonna rely on my friends and other people who saw me to leave comments in regaling about my adventures. All I do know is I hate hatchbacks, and 190 proof Everclear is a BITCH. Oh, and pool parties are tight, until you get a leg cramp and almost drown. But meh, at least I didn't spill my beer.

Report ROBCakeran53 · 321 views ·

BRONYCON · 3:24am Jul 14th, 2016

Holy shit, guys, like... I don't even...

So there I was, chillin' with my homeboy Wanderer D and he was all like "Yo ROB you wanna go to a horse con" and I was all like "Yo Dee I'd totes go to a horse con." And then we went to a horse con.


I'm incredibly drunk, so lets get this over with.

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Report ROBCakeran53 · 507 views · #Bronycon

Fic Writers meet up at BC. · 8:55pm Jul 8th, 2016

Sadly, Demosys is cancled. Orlios game, place is packed. Sorry.

Report ROBCakeran53 · 339 views ·

New fic idea. · 12:16am Jul 8th, 2016

Majin Syeekoh makes love to soft shell tacos. More to develope as the bar trot continued.

EDIT: Fic title, Soft shell, Hard Heart

Report ROBCakeran53 · 327 views ·