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"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5


Aftermath: Trotcon 2017 · 3:38pm Jul 19th, 2017

Boy howdy, what a weekend. Lets start from the beginning, shall we? (Also forgive me, I don't have a lot of pictures because I'm currently using my back up flip phone, so I'm "borrowing" pictures others took for me.)

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Trotcon 2017! · 11:26am Jul 13th, 2017

Hello all, it's that wonderful time of the year again! It's convention season! That's right, and if you didn't already know this weekend is Trotcon in Colombus, Ohio. And, naturally, I'll be there! Trotcon is my "home con" if you were. I've been attending every year, and I plan to go until the very last one. We rarely break 1k people, which is fine. It's a small enough con that you can find your friends, and big enough to make new ones.

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A little thing we do around here... · 7:21am May 10th, 2017

Gonna keep this blog post brief, because (get hype) Whittler chapter gonna be posted in the next day or two.

If you're at all a Michigan brony and interested in hanging out with myself and a few other fimfic writers, then check out this post here in the Michigan Bronies group.

Maybe see some of you, otherwise, keep an eye on that library bar thingie for Whittler update.

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The Bar Cast! · 9:36pm May 5th, 2017

So, contrary to my inactivity lately, I'm not dead! The people sending me death threats in the mail, you really need to step up your game.

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Livestream now? · 7:29pm Mar 1st, 2017

So, I finally made the switch to Twitch. I'm still trying to figure out the program and such, but I thought maybe later this evening I'd give it a shot and play some Left 4 Dead or Black Mesa. If you're at all interested, I'll throw the link here. https://www.twitch.tv/robcakeran53 And I will update the blog post when I think I'll be getting online. Shooting for around 7 or 8 eastern.

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What has become of ROB? · 6:04am Jan 30th, 2017

So, as weird as it sounds, I've not been right in the head for some time now. Although the manic attitude and alcohol abuse wasn't enough of a give away, I've not been doing well. It's hard to say when it all started, but well... the worst of the downhill slope happened around the middle of September 2016. Why can't I remember the actual date? Because since then I try to not think about it. I try to just let it go, and let it be. Are you ready for this? Because I'm sure as fuck not.

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Commissions? · 5:35pm Jan 12th, 2017

Hello all.

I know everyone's been bugging me and expecting a chapter of The Whittler, and I apologize it hasn't happened sooner. Been having a lot of things going on, but I assure you it is being worked on. But that's not what this is about.

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ROB THE MARRIAGE COUNSELOR · 7:53am Dec 26th, 2016

So, at 0250 on December the 26th, I married two horses.

Christmas Applejack and Rainbow F. Dash, I hope you two live a long, happy, healthy life.

AND REMEMBER, TELL YOUR FRIENDS: If you want to get married, the first step is to get ROBbed!

I also handle divorces. $500 cash or a quickie behind the dumpster.

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Merry Christmas! · 3:33am Dec 26th, 2016

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Good HiE Pocast thingie · 12:00am Nov 26th, 2016

Doing a cast at the pod.

Check it out, yo.

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