• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen March 23rd


Haven't been on since about 2014. Nearly 10 years have passed, and I'm back here. What a time.


Friends - What Else Are They Good For · 12:21pm Sep 4th, 2013

[LP-G] Freind: oh, did you watch that link that i sent you a day or two ago?
[LP-G] Voice: dat song?
[LP-G] Friend: yea
[LP-G] Voice: Yeah, that's awesome.
[LP-G] Friend: it makes me depressed to be an artist, but it also makes me love my art more xD
[LP-G] Friend: btw, my art is pornogrophy :3
[LP-G] Voice: Ooh, comere you thang~
[LP-G] Friend: yes master ♥
*insert quick conversation switch*
[LP-G] Friend: this: http://vinescope.com/how-i-feel-in-the-morning-for-school-657.html

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Apologies - Amazing Things Will Come Of This · 9:14pm Aug 11th, 2013

As much as you may doubt it, I will be making a full animation on Source Film Maker. I'm writing the story for it for now, I already have the beginning poses and such made in the set itself. I've actually lost sleep and fun times with my dedication to making this real, but it will take a few months more for it to come out.

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Interesting News From My Dad. · 5:18pm Aug 2nd, 2013

Not long ago, I took a test for my grade group.

My dad looked at my results while I was asleep.

He came to me, looking disappointed and angry.

"You ready for this?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Kinda worried, but yeah." I nervously replied.

He then proceeded to list of some of the best scores I've had in a long time as his expression slowly shifted to happiness.

My dad trolled me with bad expectations, but good results.

Best part?

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Deletion: New Beginnings. · 2:12am Jul 19th, 2013

As you may guess from the title, I deleted something.
No, it's not something any of you have seen yet, but was a huge project that I was partly writing for my grandmama.

I've deleted all of my 21k word progress on my story, TNEPIT. ((The New Earth Pony In Town))

I'm doing a complete re-write on it, as it needs heavy improvement. In the meantime, expect two other things to come out from me.

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Art Blog! · 10:36pm Jul 12th, 2013

One thing that I want to show everyone before I leave for a while.

The art that I made out of sad boredom.

^ With that one, the four-winged moths were perhaps actually the easiest to make.
In total, that image took about an hour to make, as it was one of my firsts.

^ That's one of the art experiments I made for the group that I'm in, LP-G.

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Oh God Why · 5:58am Jul 10th, 2013

Wondering why the sudden statement?

I'm going to be entirely re-writing a nearly 20k word fic of mine!
It's my OC fic, TNEPIT.

I'll be starting the re-write in a few days, when I get my mind over the deletion of all of it.

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Please Hate Me For This · 12:58am Jul 8th, 2013

Why did I think this was a good idea?

Why did I do this?

Because boredom and availability.

((This took several tries.))
Yeah it did. Sorry for throwing you.

((Insert Incomprehensible Babbling Here.)) - Sorin "Kalreas" Kanire

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My Top Favorite Vines · 3:53am Jul 7th, 2013

Don't know what a Vine is? A six second video made for hilarity.
I'll show you my favorites.

One: How my dad would react.

Two: This just might be true.

Three: Epic switch.

Four: She gets it.

Five: F*** YO TEA!

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Outro Video To Match My Outro Saying! · 3:19am Jul 6th, 2013

Also, this is the shortest blog ever!

Actually, no, I do have some updates.
I hope to have the next night for Delicacy up soon.
I'm making an Applejack Tulpa, but that will take months, but at the same time, it will be worth it, and if she's comfortable, I'll let you guys ask her some questions later on.
I've been with my puppy, Sophie, for two years now. A good time, and it went quick.
Ah, memories.
GAH, now I'm light-headed again.

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I've Partaken In My First Riff! · 10:43pm Jun 29th, 2013

Thanks to the beautiful chotches, RainbowBob and electreXcessive

You can find said riff here.

It was a fun ride.

((Insert Incomprehensible Babbling Here.)) - Sorin "Kalreas" Kanire

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