• Member Since 17th May, 2021
  • offline last seen June 23rd

This User Loves Luna

A lady who thinks you're never too old for mlp. Also an author and amateur artist who loves the night because of Princess Luna. ACCOUNT INACTIVE. ONLY READS STORIES SOMETIMES


Commisions (No charge!) · 12:57am May 21st, 2021

So I have been improving my art skills, and I now want to put them to the test. Therefore I will be taking OC request. (Although if you want something else like ship art or a landscape or a cannon pony, or something, plz tell me. Just no NSFW or other teen related subjects. I can do death or a battle scene, just not 100% gore) I will not request money, but depending on how complicated the request, depends on the requirement.

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I'm back! · 9:14pm May 17th, 2021

Ok, so it is me Nocturnalis Storyhart. I have finally returned after my last accounts were locked and deleted. I hope it last more than a week this time. Hopefully all will be well. If anyone wants a shout out, just let me know.

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