• Member Since 17th May, 2021
  • offline last seen June 23rd

This User Loves Luna

A lady who thinks you're never too old for mlp. Also an author and amateur artist who loves the night because of Princess Luna. ACCOUNT INACTIVE. ONLY READS STORIES SOMETIMES


Shout OUT! · 3:47am Jun 2nd, 2021

So I have met this person. They have been here since 2018 and have only... ONE follower? Let's change that! Please go follow this person, or even do a shout out of your own if you can find the less than 2 minute it takes to do so. Come on people! I know you guys, and you guys are amazing! You are also really nice and helpful, and welcoming!


Report This User Loves Luna · 47 views ·

Sequel Update · 2:11am May 29th, 2021

So on my story I had 2 sequels planned: the 1st where Thorax and Pharynx make up after the fight, and the 2nd about Pharynx and Princess Luna. Thing is I have just entered a shipping contest, and I was given Princess Luna and Pharynx as the couple I need to write about. So I am planning on switching things up, having the 2nd sequel become the 1st one I am working on. Also, don't worry about it messing up the storyline I am working on. I already have a new angle for the series.

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Report This User Loves Luna · 67 views ·

Sequel Planned · 4:17pm May 27th, 2021

So for those who have come across my 1st story, it seems as though a lot of people like it, and with it have come the request of a couple sequels. The 1st one I am going to do is where Pharynx and Thorax make up. And the 2nd one about where Pharynx is getting to know Princess Luna better, and Thorax is going to tease him like Pharynx did with him and Ember.

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Report This User Loves Luna · 55 views ·

A lot of shout outs · 3:20pm May 27th, 2021


My Story is FEATURED? · 3:18pm May 27th, 2021

My story is Featured? :pinkiegasp:

.... I can't believe it. I didn't ever think that my story would be featured, much less the first one I write. I had hoped, but....

Thank you though! Thanks to everyone who has commented, or added this to your bookshelf! I have a lot of shout outs to give.

Report This User Loves Luna · 35 views ·

MY STORY IS FINALLY OUT! · 3:11am May 27th, 2021

My story has finally be approved! Please leave a like, and spread it around. Maybe it'll even get in the featured box! That is my aim. So if you could read, like, and share, you have my whole thanks. Also if you do like or share even comment, I shall give you a shout out. (Although you'll have to let me know you did because A. It doesn't tell you who likes, and B. I don't know if I can read everyone's blog to see if they shout out my story.)

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Report This User Loves Luna · 36 views ·

More Commissions Complete · 5:13am May 26th, 2021

So I have just finished another request. I think I have 3 more to do, and then I am done. I have been working overtime on some of these. Anyway, just my life. After I am done with these ones I will show all the work I have completed in a single blog. I will also take a short break for a week or so before I do any more drawings.

I am also still waiting on my story. Why must it take so long? :facehoof: :raritycry:

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Report This User Loves Luna · 67 views ·

Check this out! · 5:28pm May 25th, 2021

This is a really awesome story that I am trying to promote for someone. Go check it out! Also leave a like and a comment! But especially a like!

EAn Entire Encyclopedia on The Comprehensive History of Equestria, Featuring Autumn Blaze and Bulk Biceps
An entire encyclopedia on the comprehensive history of Equestria, featuring Autumn Blaze and Bulk Biceps.
SparklingTwilight · 7.2k words  ·  51  2 · 1.1k views
Report This User Loves Luna · 34 views ·

Updates · 4:00am May 25th, 2021

So I have just submitted my 1st story, and I await it's approval. It is for the May 2021 Odd Pairing Contest.

I have also been doing more commission art. Hopefully I can get it all done within the next couple of weeks, then I shall be taking a break for awhile.

I have yet to give my first shout out, so it goes to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/300866/Applefai, who has taken up Discordula.

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Report This User Loves Luna · 63 views ·

Discordula · 4:40pm May 21st, 2021

So one of my old stories that https://www.fimfiction.net/user/300866/Applefai is taking over.

Report This User Loves Luna · 36 views ·