• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2014

Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!


Howls to the Future · 12:35am Apr 29th, 2013


At one time, the world was filled with them, long before Equestria was formed. Terrifying and misunderstood, though deadly at the same time, they ruled the woodlands of old. That was- until they disappeared.

Now, they are nothing but legendary, mythical creatures, only talked about in whispers around a crackling campfire or a dark and stormy night. Though these tales are just fiction, right? These creatures never existed...

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The Power of Sleep Deprevation · 5:10am Apr 28th, 2013

So yeah, last week (when I had little sleep) I decided I was going to write a glorious story involving a bunch of Jacks on an Airship. But upon realization of how stupid that idea is (even by my standards), I've decided I'd rather not do it. Ima keep working on Wings, which I've had the nerve to edit a bit, and maybe start a new, pretty serious story sometime soon. Here's a few hints to what it's about. Oh, and it's not an alternate universe:

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New Failure Incoming! · 12:13am Apr 22nd, 2013

What is likely going to be another story left to wither and die is in the works! This time with new elements, like Doctor's Who's Captain Jack Harkness, and old elements, the Elements of Harmony. Because I'm an idiot who likes to do the same thing twice and expect different results. Like starting a new story (that will die)! Or writing a new blog post about a story that will die that no one cares about (because the story's going to die.) Why am I doing this instead of working on Wings?

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Silent Bob's Todo List and Story Universes · 1:08am Apr 14th, 2013

Been a while since I've posted a rambling blog post, so I thought I'd just let all my fans know my planned todo list regarding fanfiction. Yes, I know I said I'd work on two at once but that's proving to be difficult. (My mind usually likes to focus on creating ideas for whatever story I'm working on.)

1. Finish Wings. I have the grand finale planned out to a good extent. May or may not have a sequel depending on what happens.

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Ze Winners (Story Details Too) · 10:03pm Apr 7th, 2013

Righto, so as soon as I'm finished with Wings I'll be working on Scootaloo and the School of Ghouls alongside of The Meaning of Chrysalis.

Scoots story is a bit sporadic but I have an ending in mind that should be pretty cool. I might actually consider writing a sequel to that depending on how things go.

Anyway, once the Meaning of Chrysalis is complete, then my secondary project alongside of Scoots will begin.

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TIE BREAKER for story votes · 6:58pm Apr 7th, 2013

Whelp, Scootaloo and the School of Ghouls dominated the shit out of the vote, so it'll be one of the two stories I'll be working on next after Wings and The Meaning of Chrysalis are complete, however, there was surprising tie between two others:

The Wind and the Willow Tree
Live or Let Die

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Fan Poll! Take a looksie! What to work on after my current stories? · 8:23pm Apr 6th, 2013

Wings is coming to a close sometime soon (maybe, I have two ideas on how to end it.)
The Meaning of Chrysalis is going to be going on for a bit.

However, when I'm done... watchu guys want me to work on? I'm willing to do two stories at a time no problem, so vote for two! Options are:

No Rest for the Wicked
The Wind in the Willow Tree
Scootaloo and the School of Ghouls.
The Nightmare Before Hearth's Warming Eve
My Little Zergling
A Very Beatles Night
Vacation All I ever Wanted

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Incoming · 12:15am Apr 1st, 2013

Following the events of White Forest, Earth is safe from Combine occupation. However, there are still many other worlds out there. And all it would take is one little peep from a universe for it to make itself known... A peep Twilight Sparkle may have just accidentally provided during an experiment with teleportation. Now, Equestria and the world it lies upon will face the might of the Combine, and a full-blown occupation by their forces. Some will fight back. Some will comply with them. But

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Who Likes Half-Life or Post-Apocalyptic, 1984 like drama? · 11:36pm Mar 30th, 2013

Raise your hands :). The Freeeeeemare may yet come.

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Meaning of Chrysalis stuff and random ramblings · 8:02pm Mar 9th, 2013

Heyo, a new chapter of this fic should be coming soon, though not for a few days or so. I'm a bit too stressed to write a chapter at the moment.

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