• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2014

Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!


PPPPPI Funsies (Chapter 1) · 12:54am Jun 16th, 2013

No lie, this story is going to be completely insane. It's almost a multi-crossover fic save for the fact that I'm really giving no explanation as to why there's so many crossover chars in it (or more accurately, crossover chars that aren't really crossovers but similar to their original peops.)

Anyway, here's three characters in chapter-one profiles in in-depth detail. Expect an update either tomorrow or monday.

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Not Dead · 3:20am Jun 15th, 2013


More Progress on the New Fic (Day 2) - Also, Nightmare Feul · 5:37pm Jun 4th, 2013

Pinkie Pie's Ponyville Paranormal Proof Providers Inc.

Some lovely concept art to entertain your nightmares. Don't thank me all at once :D. The Slithery Dee and [UNKNOWN], two villains of the fic.

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Progress on New Fic (will be fully completed first before posted). · 2:00am Jun 4th, 2013

Official Title: Pinkie Pie's Ponyville Paranormal Proof Providers Inc.

So yeah, work has begun on this fic, and my ideas are flowing and flowing in. I think it might end up as a 40k word thing, and should be somewhat light-hearted but dramatic at times in nature. I try to shoot for the writing style of Stargate SG-1, pretty much.

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Insane One-Shot Incoming! Pinkie Pie's Ponyville Paranormal Provers Inc. · 1:28am Jun 3rd, 2013

So yeah, to make up for my lack of finished stories as of late for all my fans who still read my crappy work, some for over a year (Holy Jesus I can't believe it's been that long. Explains the mountains of cheetos bags piled up in my moms basement though, I suppose), and partially because I've rediscovered my glorious addiction to coffee (The reason why Mankind has advanced to the point where we can all kill each other. All hail the bean god), I've decided to return to my roots and write a god

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Underworld - Chap 1 · 8:56pm May 27th, 2013

Chap 1

Story will not be officially up til Chap 3. Feed me yo comments!

Beneath Equestria lies a hidden world. One filled with creatures of shadow and darkness, though not necessarily out for blood.... save for a few of them, of course, though most won't bite too hard, at least the nice ones won't. Still, few know of this place, and those who do stay far away.

But not Vinyl Scratch, a creature of two worlds, a creature of impulse and self-indulgence, and now... a mentor?!

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Swag! · 4:25pm May 27th, 2013

Without a doubt, the Soul Well was one of the most popular hang out spots for all ghouls in the Ponyville sector of the Underworld. Vampires, the undead, eldrich abominations, and all manner of dark creatures sat at mist-surrounded tables within. Skull-lamps lined the rock-encrusted walls, though their light wasn't required in excess for most. It was a relaxed atmosphere, really. One where the souls of the damned were served in fancy glasses complete with rotten olives, one where dark,

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After Howl to the Future - Underworld · 10:44pm May 26th, 2013

While working on Howl to the Future, I've realized that my writing quality has significantly dropped since the beginning of my tenure here. Thus, I plan to rectify that mistake with my next one after I finish Howl. It will be a bit of a spiritual successor to Scootaloo and the School of Ghouls, and feature (or will have in it) pretty much everything I think is awesome, including:

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First Chapter of Howl to the Future is up (link) · 3:19pm May 1st, 2013


Give her a looksie and tell me what you think :). I'd appreciate any comments, criticism, suggestions, or grammatical corrections. Thanks!

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Howls to the Future Teaser and a Request · 6:30pm Apr 29th, 2013

Hey there, he's a small portion of the second draft of Howls to the Future, taking place in the first chapter, 'Absent Moon'. Be sure to read my comments after you read a bit of the story. I have a good feeling about this one!

Across frozen fields of snow and ice, the figure in black made haste.

The Elements of Harmony pursued.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, her wings flapping through howling winds as she flew above her friends. "Common! He's getting away! Faster!"

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