• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013

The Music Man


Leaving My Anxity Loop · 3:33pm Jul 10th, 2013

Ever since I was (emphasis on "was") insane, I've been doing a lot of thinking and learning. We all have our problems. We all deal with them differently. Me, I love to imagine my stories. I spent most of my days in college imagining myself to sleep imagining epics battles, the emotional turmoil of my characters, and how everything would turn out. I love that. I always want to do that.

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New You-Tube Series · 5:22pm Jul 7th, 2013

I'm thinking of starting a series called "Flashes of Death." I would use different weapons to charge at the camera and then cut the film off at the last moment. What do you guys think?

Report The Music Man · 103 views ·

Something I wrote on Facebook. · 4:59am Jul 3rd, 2013

In this story, I am the "one." Technically, I'm only about 25% German.

"If you will, I will give you a true story of two people. Both hail from Germany. One missed WWII by months, the other, years.
Both are tortured by the reality that is the War. Their ancestors killing millions of innocent lives without knowing better.
One tried to comfort the other, only to discover that the other can only be tortured by a past they never made.
Years, months, days...
They all fade with time.

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Slender Pony!!! · 10:46pm Jun 29th, 2013

Yeah... This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands.

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Shirts Against Humanity · 4:31am Jun 27th, 2013

I am starting a company called "Shirts Against Humanity." What we'll do is use these shirt making companies to print funny sayings on shirts, order them in mass, and ship them to individuals. So if you have any ideas for a saying, leave them in the comments.

Here are a couple:

"If zombies ate your brains, they'd starve."

"You may be going to hell, but I sure as hell ain't."

"I took my meds this morning. They make me feel normal."

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My Time "Clinically" Insane · 3:31pm Jun 22nd, 2013

A few weeks ago I went clinically insane. Yeah... Um... All I can say is it is no fun being clinically insane.

To be more specific, I went into what is called an "Anxiety Loop." It's when you enter a "flight or fight" mode without reasonable justification. To put that in English, I lost all trust in breathing organisms. Yes, breathing organisms. Luckily, no one go hurt. But it was scary.

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[i]How[/i] to Show, and not Tell · 3:59am May 23rd, 2013

If you were anything like I was starting out, you have come across the phrase show, don't tell quite often. If you were to ask what that means, most would not be able to tell you. I, on the other hand, might have figured it out.

I want to start with what is called an editorial*, or a statement used in opinion-editorials (op-eds) to quickly convey information:

"He regretted his decision."

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Cancellation of A Ghost Story, among other things · 4:42am May 21st, 2013

As the title so deftly states, I am cancelling A Ghost Story. The thing is, I am interested in a good story. A Ghost Story just isn't it. I did not do nearly enough preparation to write anything of that caliber. To put it metaphorically, I tried to build a house on a pebble. Obviously the house quickly crumbled, and with it, my will to write.

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Updates and a Cute Pig · 2:57am May 7th, 2013

Anytime I post a story update, it ends up being only one line. Today, it will be three.

1. New chapter of "A Ghost Story" is up and running if you want to read it.

2. First one-shot, "Applejack Cornered," is leveling the magical playing field.

3. Cutest. Freakin'. Stuffed Pig. Ever. Just saying.

Report The Music Man · 102 views ·

A Trip to the Grocery Store · 6:23am Apr 19th, 2013

I placed the last of my groceries on the turntable at the checkout, filling it to capacity. I could not help but feel a little guilty for spending so much of my parents' money, but I did have to take care of myself. A well fed mind gets A's after all.

As the clerk scanned and bagged the items, I put away the shopping cart, whipped out my wallet, and pulled out my green credit card. It had my name on it, but it was really never mine. I just had permission to use it.

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