• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013

The Music Man


Ch. 2 of "A Ghost Story" Ready For Reading... Again · 5:25am Apr 9th, 2013

I think this rewrite makes the story a whole lot better. Instead of bluntly telling you guys how things work, I tried making up a plot line that showed it (hey, look at that, "show not tell").

Anyway, Ch.2 is out. Enjoy!

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Ch. 2 Rewrite Will Be Finished in a Week · 6:27am Mar 29th, 2013

And while you're waiting, check out this cool music video I found on EQD:

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I Am Throwing Out Chapter Two · 5:25am Mar 19th, 2013

I smiled. The first chapter of "A Ghost Story" got over sixty views, five comments, and my roommate loved it. I couldn't help but be proud that I had successfully employed all the advice from this sight and the few books I've been reading on the subject of fiction writing. To say tersely, I was on top of the world.


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Ch. 2 of "A Ghost Story" Ready For Reading · 6:25am Mar 16th, 2013

This is the chapter where Zecora tells Fluttershy all there is to know about ghosts. In rhyming couplets. I'm actually surprised I pulled it off.

Anyway, here's the link to the chapter: A Ghost Story Ch. 2

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Ch. 2 of "A Ghost Story" Ready For Editing · 6:32am Mar 9th, 2013

Just got done writing and rewriting Ch. 2 for "A Ghost Story" and I got to say that I was surprised that I could actually pull off Zecora's dialog (at least to the point where I got it to rhyme). No doubt there will be plenty of you out there to tell me otherwise.

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Another Poem I Wrote · 8:28pm Feb 16th, 2013

Yesterday, I found myself yet again in my friends' dorm upstairs. In it, they keep a small whiteboards on the fridge. I often write little poems on them, mostly cute, three or four line stuff that just pops in my head. That day, a lot of cute stuff popped in my head, so I decided to take down the small whiteboard and start writing. The poem ended up being twenty-four lines of cute stuff. As I read it over, I discovered that it summarized my plight in trying to become an author. It reminded me

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About That 8000 Word Masterpiece... · 6:54am Feb 15th, 2013

... it's slowly turning into a full-fledged novel, so it won't be a while until I finish it. The good news, however, is that I decided to release it in chapters, and the first chapter is in need of proofreaders. If you want to proofread, shoot a PM with your google account info my way and I'll send you the link.

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About That One Shot... · 6:35am Feb 5th, 2013

It's turning into an 8,000 word master piece. Who knew about thirty seconds of thought could produce so many words, right? Plus, I'm trying my best to improve my story telling craft; I even bought a book on the subject! For all of you who are interested in what book I'm reading, it's called "Wired For Story" by Lisa Cron, a story writer who has worked for some small T.V. shows on Court T.V. and Showtime. So far, I like what she's saying, and I'm drinking up every word like water in a desert. As

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What I've been up to · 6:38am Jan 15th, 2013

After finishing my first story, I wanted to try my hand at a one-shot. I am past the first-draft phase and now am in the get-it-on-the-computer phase. When that's finished, the one-shot is probably going to take me another week of typing, editing, re-writing, re-typing, re-editing, begging someone for a picture, re-re-editing, finding some proofreaders, re-re-re-editing, and finally, posting.

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Finished the First of Many · 5:52am Dec 20th, 2012

I was finally able to click on the "complete" bubble in the story editing menu. Ah, what a liberating feeling it is to finish your first story, bittersweet that it is over, yet the exciting prospects of a new tale fill my mind like Cheerios in a bowl on Friday morning. As I reflect upon my past writings, I discover that there are many things I could have done better: beef up the plot, descriptions, and probably drag out the conflict a little more. Even though I'm aware of my shortcomings, a

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