• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2020


Hi there! Thank you for checking out my work, and I hope you find something to enjoy. Comments and PMs are always welcome, and I love hearing from readers!


I'll be at Bronycon! · 5:10am Aug 1st, 2014

Been preparing for it this past week, and decided to go in my Cobra Commander outfit. If any of you are there, don't feel afraid to say hello.

Hope to possibly see some of you in a few hours!

Report Thunderscourge · 164 views ·

Sorry I've been MIA · 8:37pm Jul 25th, 2014

Birthday, work, preparing for Bronycon, and more has kept me from writing at all for close to two weeks, but that changes tonight! Expect an update tomorrow.

Report Thunderscourge · 206 views ·

Hurt hand now better · 12:42am Jul 9th, 2014

Been impossible to type, but now that it's back the next We Remember Everything chapter should be done within the next two hours. Sorry again for the wait!

Report Thunderscourge · 184 views ·

Sorry everybody, hurt my wrist! · 9:11pm Jul 4th, 2014

While working at camp I hurt my wrist (among many other parts of me) as well as a couple of my fingers, rendering typing quite difficult these past few days. Got a chapter almost finished of We Remember Everything as well as the almost finished sequel to Winging It that will be done this weekend, but I will be busy tonight welcoming my old roommate who is visiting (he's from China).

Sorry bout the injury, but I'll be back on track starting tomorrow now that it's good enough to write!

Report Thunderscourge · 172 views ·

Sorry about the wait · 2:16am Jun 23rd, 2014

We Remember Everything will have a chapter out tomorrow, and my other works will be updated as soon as possible. I went from working three days last week with two full days for writing and two for preparing for next week's work (camp starts fully then), to working five days this past week in addition to having to still prepare for two days for next week...ugh.

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Report Thunderscourge · 199 views ·

Called it! · 2:48am Jun 14th, 2014

4 views, 4 likes
4 views, 4 likes 2 dislikes

...I hate how people don't read and then downvote something. Called it in the last journal though...

So, yeah, please, go help my new fic "Winging It" here: Fic that needs your love

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Report Thunderscourge · 300 views ·

Story and chapter out in next hour! · 1:04am Jun 14th, 2014

Okay, I'll be publishing my new SoarinDash story "Winging It" and the next chapter of "We Remember Everything" within an hour or so, so please go support them both! If you could press like and support the new story I would be forever grateful, as first impressions count and some people downvote pairings they hate instantly. So, please support it! I mean, if you want to. (channeling Fluttershy here)

Hope you all enjoy and that I can hear your thoughts then!

Report Thunderscourge · 148 views ·

New SoarinDash story tomorrow, and a We Remember Everything chapter as well! · 12:09am Jun 13th, 2014

Working on a more canon-ish SoarinDash story than "Meet the Family", which sadly is just something I write whenever I feel good enough or bad enough to do so. Had some personal things go on in real life around the time the last chapter of it came out, and low and behold it somehow got dragged into the issues by someone involved. A computer dying, studying for finals, and much work put into my other works later, I finally find myself these many months later in a place where I can write for my

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Report Thunderscourge · 258 views ·

Chapter in a few hours! · 11:35pm Jun 7th, 2014

Chapter for We Remember Everything will be done in a couple of hours. Just a heads up so you can all read it and give glorious commentary on it! Last chapter was a bust in that last regard, so here's hoping to hearing from people!

Report Thunderscourge · 131 views ·

Chapter out tomorrow · 3:52am May 25th, 2014

I learned last week that if I don't submit a chapter in the 10PM-12AM time range that no-one comments or reads, with the lowest readership in close to six months happening last chapter release, so even though I could finish the next chapter tonight I will be releasing it in my normal time range tomorrow night. Sorry. Been sick the past few days and been unable to finish it until tonight, and even now I've run out of time to get any return on releasing the chapter tonight.

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Report Thunderscourge · 187 views ·