• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2020


Hi there! Thank you for checking out my work, and I hope you find something to enjoy. Comments and PMs are always welcome, and I love hearing from readers!


"Meet the Ex-Friend" and "They're Winging It" tonight! · 11:24pm Nov 29th, 2014

Okay, after a lot of work I have managed to put together the next installments of my Soarin/Rainbow Dash stories for tonight. Hope you guys enjoy them when they come out over the next few hours, since I still have to finish them up (They're basically just transcripts atm, but I can fix that up easily). :twilightsmile:

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Report Thunderscourge · 259 views ·

New Chapter and a long night · 8:53am Nov 24th, 2014

Updates on everything coming this week because of a break I have. For now though, We Remember Everything has an update that needs more comment love. I thought that being awake all night to perfect an essay for class would be cool, since I could see people commenting and whatnot...the reverse happened to be the case, since I am still up and as of now 81 people have read it and 2 have commented...more depressing than uplifting to be honest, but I guess that's the downside of seeing it all happen

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Report Thunderscourge · 185 views ·

New chapter out · 2:12am Nov 7th, 2014

Not that anyone's seemed to notice it, given the comments section...

Other stories in progress. Updates coming this month.

Report Thunderscourge · 196 views ·

Sorry for making you all wait · 9:21pm Oct 26th, 2014

Firstly, I was almost done with updating everything a week ago. Just needed to finish a few parts. Of course, my computer crashed and lost it all. Because I can't have nice things.

Secondly, had real sleep issues this past week because of the sheer amount of work I had to do in real life. Have had no time to redo it all yet.

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Report Thunderscourge · 230 views ·

Was on the front page! · 1:45pm Sep 22nd, 2014

Thanks to The_Whovian16 for letting me know! I'll show you guys a screencap when I manage to upload it.

So, anyways, new chapter for We Remember Everything, everyone! Haven't heard from you all, so just thought I'd let you know in case you've missed it. :twilightsheepish: I've heard that sometimes my story doesn't appear in the feed, so I wouldn't want people to miss out.

Report Thunderscourge · 156 views ·

50th We Remember Everything Chapter tonight! · 12:19am Sep 4th, 2014

Been a busy year, that it has. One year ago I picked the project up after having been forced to abandon it momentarily when I hit computer problems, but here we are hundreds of thousands of words, thousands of comments, and tens of thousands of views after that point! Thank you everyone for supporting the story, and I hope that you will enjoy this momentous occasion!

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Report Thunderscourge · 198 views ·

Please read! Your thoughts please! · 3:43am Aug 22nd, 2014

Meet the Family: Chapter in about a week
Winging It: Chapter in about 2 weeks
We Remember Everything: Chapter tomorrow
Nothing Lasts Forever: Chapter within the next month

New projects in the works!

Idea: Pony Suicide Squad
Release date: Soon, but only after more brainstorming is done (which you all can help with!)

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Report Thunderscourge · 486 views ·

Rest in peace Robin Williams · 11:58pm Aug 11th, 2014

Tonight I will be watching "Good Morning Vietnam" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" instead of my usual writing, so forgive me if my schedule is put off a little.

I'm going to miss him...

Report Thunderscourge · 166 views ·

Everything updated! · 2:39am Aug 11th, 2014

Stories for everyone, as promised! Go read and enjoy! Meet the Family, Winging It, and We Remember Everything all with updates. Enjoy!

Report Thunderscourge · 294 views ·

Settled back in from Bronycon, new updates coming! · 1:38am Aug 8th, 2014

Bronycon was fun. Gonna make another, longer post about my experience there tomorrow, but for now I thought I'd let everyone know when to expect updates:

-We Remember Everything: Tonight
-Meet the Family: Saturday/Sunday
-Winging It part 2: Saturday/Sunday

Shout out to MaskedFerret for getting me back on track with Meet the Family!

Report Thunderscourge · 170 views ·