• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Metool Bard

A weaver of tales who enjoys a good story. What more is there to say, really?


Hey, you! Yeah, you! The guy reading reading this right now! No, not that guy! You!

How are you liking Season Four thus far? Is it meeting your expectations, or do you find yourself disappointed? Either way, I've got a treat for you.

See, up until now, we've been telling the stories that we want you to hear. However, I've managed to pull a few strings (ie. I Pinkie Promised Fluttershy that I'd clean up afterwards), and have made this episode interactive! That means you fine folks in the audience get to control what happens in the story! Sound fun?

If yes, great! Just stick around after the opening credits, and we'll get started. If no, well, I thought it was a good idea.

((Based off of the Garfield and Friends episode of the same premise, The Multiple-Choice Cartoon. My half of a trade with superpony55.))

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Investigations: The Silent Dirge

The name's Amethyst Star, but most ponies call me Sparkler. I'm a jeweler's apprentice and part-time foalsitter in Ponyville. I like to think that I lead a pretty simple life. Sure, my mom's a bit of a kook, my little sister's too smart for her own good (no really, she is), and my boss always sticks me with the one customer in town who thinks that we're running a candy shop. But really, that's pretty tame compared to the lives of some other ponies I could mention, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Hey, I said my life was simple, not boring.

Now, however, things are just spiraling out of control. See, my boss decides to let me run the store on my own for the first time, and just my luck, some jerkwad ransacks the place before I could even open up for business. They even left a note saying that more terrible things will happen if a gem tribute is not paid. Sounds like something out of a crime drama, doesn't it? But wait, it gets worse. I can't pay this tribute even if I wanted to. Why? Because this dock-hole thought it would be hilarious if he remained anonymous! Apparently, I have to guess the identity of this wannabe gangster! I'm sorry, but am I the only one who thinks that's just a little counterproductive?!

But wait, it gets worse! Because this guy isn't targeting my boss, oh nonononono. He's after me for reasons beyond my comprehension. And just to make things even more complicated, he's not bucking around. The day before, my mom was attacked on her mailing route by an unknown assailant, and the only reason she's still alive is because she was rescued by the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. Yeah, you remember that weirdo pony who kept showing up Rainbow Dash with her acts of heroism? Apparently, she's back now. Um, rejoice? I mean, I'm very grateful, but I'm also very confused.

Now, I'm not an adventurous pony. As you're no doubt aware, I've got enough craziness in my life as it is. But I can't in good conscience just ignore this jackoff and let him do whatever he wants. So, I guess I'll have to play the gumhoof and get to the bottom of this. Why do I get the feeling that I'm gonna end up regretting this...?

The story I'm about to tell you is real, although some details may vary depending on your point of view. Seeing as I already told you my name, it wouldn't make sense for me to change everyone else's. Also, this is not gonna be your children's bedtime story of gumdrops and ice cream, so all you kiddies clear out (no, not you, Dinky).

((Case 3 of the Mare-Do-Well Files))

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to The Do Dilemma

Daring Do's adventures are regarded as fiction. And yes, some elements are fictional and exaggerated. But is there some truth to the stories? The answer is a bit more complicated than you'd think, as Daring adds a special letter in her package to Rainbow Dash. This is that letter.

A mini-epilogue to the episode Daring Don't that ties in with The Do Dilemma.

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings, as everypony knows, has a quirky obsession with humans. In fact, she'd give anything to see one up close and personal. So when she hears about a portal in the Crystal Empire leading to an alternate universe full of humans, she absolutely must go there and see it for herself!

Luckily for her, a certain Master of Chaos is willing to pull a few strings and grant her access to the world known only as Canterlot High. But for some strange reason (that is to say no reason at all), Lyra doesn't change shape whilst crossing dimensions. What's more, the reaction of the students to a mint-green unicorn wandering into their midst is, well, not what she expected.

Cookie for anyone who can guess what this little ball of crazy is based off of.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Investigations: Wonderbolts Under Fire

My name is Octavia Melody. I play the cello for the Canterlot Ensemble, and I co-host a talk show on K-COLT Radio. I feel that music is a very important part of my life. It's how I express myself creatively, and while I can't speak for every musician out there, I know quite a few ponies who feel the same way. Which is why I was very excited to be given a chance to perform at the Manehattan Music Festival; an annual event where musicians from all walks of life gather to practice their art and enjoy the work of others. It is truly a music-lover's paradise, regardless of which genre you prefer. And as somepony who can appreciate all sorts of music (yes, even dubstep. Don't, tell Vinyl I said that), I was sure that this was the opportunity of a lifetime.

Then I get a mysterious letter delivered to my hotel room saying that if I so much as play a single note ever again, my life is forfeit.

At first, I thought it was a joke (and a poor one, at that). Nopony in their right mind would take a letter like that seriously. But then, a terrible accident occurs at the festival in the middle of Vinyl's set. As it turns out, she got the same letter I did. In fact, the only reason she's still alive is because she was rescued by a mysterious mare dressed in a rather bizarre costume. I couldn't make this up if I tried, though Celestia knows I wish I did.

Now, I'm no detective, but I know a rat when I smell one. I can say with a good amount of certainty that Vinyl and I weren't the only ones to get that letter. But what lunatic would go to such great lengths in order to hold every musician in Equestria hostage like this, and to what end? I don't have an answer to this, but one thing is for certain. Whoever it is, they won't get away with it.

The story I'm about to tell you is real (but again, I wish it wasn't), although some details may be open to interpretation. For the sake of clarity, I have decided not to change any names. Also, I feel it's fair to warn you that this is not a tale for young foals, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. If you fall into any of these categories, I highly advise you to turn back now and find something a bit more pleasant.

((Case 2 of the Mare-Do-Well Files.))

Chapters (31)

Before the presentation, Silver Spoon was ready to laugh at Granny Smith and mock Apple Bloom mercilessly. When the presentation was over, she was the first to applaud the wizened old mare. On the surface, this is just a simple gesture and nothing more. After all, everypony else liked Granny Smith's story (except for Diamond Tiara). What makes Silver Spoon's applause so different other than the fact that she was first?

Believe it or not, there is an answer to that question. Because to Silver Spoon, that simple gesture carries a lot of meaning, even if nopony else notices it...

Chapters (1)

Cloudchaser, Raindrops, and Thunderlane are three ponies with problems. Cloudchaser's problem is that she thinks Raindrops is stealing Thunderlane from her, and she must win him back. Raindrops's problem is that she likes Thunderlane, but she isn't sure about how to express her feelings, or even if she should.

And Thunderlane's problem? He's completely oblivious to the fact that his family friend and his wingpony are courting him at the same time. In fact, none of these pegasi really know what the others are truly thinking. And unless one of them gets a clue soon, it's gonna be pretty awkward for all involved.

Oh, and just to make things even more complicated, Flitter and Derpy are helping CC and Rainy in their endeavors. Guess which one is doing so against her will.

Partly inspired by the Eric Clapton song, and partly inspired by an inside joke. Special shout-out to xjuggernaughtx and statoose. They know why.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Apple Bloom and the Timberwolf

One of the flaws of the Fourth Wall Theater Troupe is that one of its founding members, Discord, doesn't keep a schedule (he's the Master of Chaos; why would he?). As such, it's very possible for him to drop in for a brainstorming session at the most inappropriate of times. Like when Pinkie Pie is supposed to be foal-sitting Pound and Pumpkin, for instance.

But perhaps it is possible to eat two cakes with one spork. After all, inspiration can strike when you least expect it, and it's almost time for the twins to go to bed, anyway. Yeah, I think you can see where this is going.

If you're not familiar with the Fourth Wall Theater Troupe, it is recommended that you check out their debut performance, which can be found in the prequel tag above.

Chapters (5)

There is a legend the buffalo tell of a mystical clan of dragons that practice magic far out in the desert. These Dragon Magi, as they're called, are said to be very wise, and they are willing to help anyone in need of guidance. No one has actually seen these dragons, but the story makes for an interesting bit of folklore.

To a group of young ponies, however, it's more than just folklore. It's the answer to their biggest problem.

While staying with Braeburn in the frontier town of Appleloosa, the Cutie Mark Crusaders become privy to this tale thanks to a chance encounter with Chief Thunderhooves. Seeing this as a new opportunity to (hopefully) get their Cutie Marks, they pack up their wagon and go riding off into the desert in search of the Dragon Magi. Unfortunately, they forgot to tell Braeburn. Oops!

Wild with panic, Braeburn ropes Little Strongheart into his quest to rescue the fillies. However, chasing a pegasus-propelled wagon on hoof is usually ill-advised. Luckily, a pair of salesponies who just rolled into town are willing to offer a mode of transport for a, modest fee. But much like the Crusaders, these salesponies have no idea what they're getting into. For the desert is a dangerous place, and it's not just due to the threat of sunstroke (although that doesn't help).

Saddle up, y'all. It's gonna be a wild ride for all involved.

Part I of the Ballad of Needles.

Chapters (20)

My name is Spitfire. I'm the captain of the Wonderbolts; the best fliers in all of Equestria. As captain, I feel that I have a certain obligation to my team. In a sense, they're kinda like my family (and trust me, I'm usually not that sappy). So when our practice course is sabotaged and it almost claims Misty Fly's life, you can understand why that would make me kind of livid. Especially since we were practicing for this special competition meant to strengthen pony-griffon relations.

And if that wasn't bad enough, I also have this oddball stalker claiming that these attacks are gonna continue. No, I'm not kidding here. This weird pony dressed up like something out of a comic book says that if I want to stop these attacks, I have to find the dock-hole behind them. Hey, just a quick question. Why me? I mean, I'm concerned about my team and all, but I'm a Wonderbolt, not a detective! Heck, you clearly know more about what's going on; why don't you do the legwork and catch this guy?! For that matter, why should I trust you?! I don't even know who you are!

Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that. I'm just not in a good mood right now. And Celestia help anypony who crosses me, be it that assassin or the costumed freak. Because if I get my hooves on either one of them, it's not gonna be pretty...

The story I'm about to tell you is real, although some details are debatable. I'm not gonna bother changing any names because I know there's at least one smart aleck out there who's gonna try to figure out the real names, anyway. Oh, and all you parents out there might wanna consider sending your little ones to bed. I'm gonna delve into some pretty heavy stuff, and I don't want to traumatize anypony.

((Case 1 of the Mare-Do-Well Files.))

Chapters (33)