• Member Since 8th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 5th, 2013


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Total Words: 2,552
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(Semi-Crossover, no pairings, semi-OC that's not really an OC, but I came up with her design and personality. However, she is not mine, nor are any characters that appear in this story not from the MLP franchise. You'll know who they are the further along you get.) Applebloom, depressed and feeling useless, blindly treks out into the Everfree Forest, which leads her to come across an individual who seems rather odd in more ways than one. Just how does this creature fit in to Equestria's history, and what ties does she have with Princess Celestia? Applebloom decides to take it upon herself to study this being...and possibly befriend her along the way.
(The main story is in the POV of Applebloom, though my semi-not-really-OC will be having flashbacks in her POV, sometimes switching with Celestia and others. Oh, and Season 3? Doesn't exist here. Maybe.)

Chapters (2)