• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 66,799 Views, 2,491 Comments

Equestria's First Human - Ceehoff

A lightning bolt has teleported a human to a world full of happy, colorful, talking ponies. Holy....

  • ...

Chapter II- Introductions

Equestria’s First Human Chapter II

Written and drawn by Ceehoff


“Okay, Spike, that’s getting really annoying,” Connor said, twisting his pinky in his ear.

“What?" the dragon shrugged. "It’s fun to say! AND, its working! That means that it will drive Twilight crazy!”

The human's face twisted in disgust at that name. It still reminded him of that book back on Earth. HIS earth.

“Say," Spike said. "Can you tell me some things about Canada? It sounds pretty interesting.”

“I haven’t been there much."

“Well, just tell me what you know about it so far."

“Okay, um..." Connor scratched his chin. "Well, it’s like America, but it definitely has a lot more hospitality. The folks there are really friendly for northerners, in my opinion. They have lumberjacks, and...”

“What’s a lumberjack?” Spike tilted his head in curiosity.

“A lumberjack is a kind of like a woodcutter. They chop down trees, but these trees, however, are not like those apples trees. No, these are BIG, thick ones. Not even a bear could fully wrap its arms around its trunk."

“So you guys have bears, too. Cool! What else about lumberjacks?"

“Well, they are really buff and fit. Really buff.”

"How buff are we talking?"

"Let's say they can make the largest pair of shoes look small."



Connor spoke again, “And let’s see… what else about Canada... Oh! They have hockey! An awesome and fun sport."

“Hockey?" asked the dragon. Suddenly, he beamed as bright as the sun. "Heyyy! Another word to annoy Twilight! Hockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockey…”

"Ugh..." the human groaned.

“Oh! Waitwaitwait! What if I combined the words together? That'll blow her brains out! Hockeycanadahockeycanadahockeycanada…” Spike laughed.

“Nah, not really effective."

The young dragon shrugged. “Yeah, you’re right. Canadacanadacanadacanadacanada! Hockeyhockeyhockeyhockey…”

Why do I even bother? the human groaned, rolling his eyes.

“Hey, look! We’re here!” Spike pointed out into the distance. Just about a quarter of a mile away was a small, quaint village. Town, perhaps. It was populated of two to three story buildings made of wood and plaster, like houses in the Swiss Alps.

The sight of the civilization warmed the human’s heart. Somehow, it felt like home. He could smell the light scent of baked goods from where he was standing.

In the distance, a pink pony with a bouncy, curly, hot-pink mane and tail was trotting happily up the dirt road toward them. Her eyes were closed as if she was lost in happy thoughts, thus not seeing the two figures up the road.

The human's face twisted at the sight of the pink pony. He never saw a pony look so bright and colorful in his life.

“Wow, she’s... pretty colorful and happy,” Connor stated.

“Yup!" Spike placed his hand on his hips. "That’s Pinkie Pie for you.”

Pinkie Pie? What a name. the human snickered

“Hey! Pinkie Pie!” Spike called to her. “How's it going?”

“Ooh! Hiya, Spikey! What’s going--?"

She stopped to a complete halt the moment she laid eyes on the bipedal creature standing right next to the dwarf-sized dragon. She was as silent as a statue. She actually literally was one because she froze right in the middle of her trotting. She was floating in mid-air, which defied all laws of physics, making Connor's brain hurt.

The two opposite being were engaged in a silent stare-down. After a few seconds of awkward silence, the human gave in, deciding that he should be the first to speak.

“Hello!” Connor greeted her.

Suddenly, the pink pony gasped loudly before she zoomed back to the town in a pink blur.

“... What just happened?” the human slowly asked the dragon.

Spike had a grin on his face, chuckling to himself and shaking his head.

“Nothing. She’s just being Pinkie Pie.”

Connor scratched his scalp as he watched the little dragon walk ahead of him.


The human and dragon neared the town at normal walking pace. As they walked past the entrance, Connor gawked at what was present before him.

There were colorful ponies everywhere he looked. They were trotting to and fro, chattering happily and incessantly like chickens in a coop. Every single one of them was engaged in a various enjoyable activities. One pony was happily eating a delicious pastry here, a small filly was playing with a jump rope there; it was like walking into a fairy-tale. These ponies looked like they never had a care in the world. It was all peace and harmony.

Connor's heart warmed yet again. These ponies looked much friendlier than his classmates back at home. Even though it was a town fully of brightly colored miniature horses, it looked a lot more enjoyable than being in that hellhole of a school.

He took a deep breath and walked further in, eager to be part of the town’s happy and quaint agenda. He had high hopes for the town. Never before had he seen a town so happy, friendly, and…

“Ahhhhh! A monster!” a blonde-haired, pink pony shrieked.

After another series of screams, ponies scrambled left and right, desperately trying to evacuate the streets. In a matter of seconds, every pony that was on the street was gone.

There was nothing but the hiss of a solitary breeze. The human could only stand and gaze stupidly at the sudden emptiness.

Spike looked up at him. The poor guy, left all alone like that. The purple dragon knew how being vastly different felt, even though he also knew for a fact that this human had it much worse.

Stepping forward, the young dragon called out, “Everypony! He’s not a monster! It’s okay! He won’t hurt you! He’s just lost, that’s all! He teleported here from his own world in a freak accident and doesn’t know how to get back! Can you find it in your heart to make it hospitable for him?”

There was no response, except for a stallion slamming his shutters shut from the inside.

Anypony?” called the dragon.

Another pony pulled down the blinds over her window.

Spike sighed in disappointment before turning to Connor. He shook his head with an apologetic look.

The human sighed.

This was beginning to feel like home. Damn it. Well, Spike did his best to convince them, but what if Connor tried to convince them personally? He could do it. His chance was served to him on a silver platter.

But... why was he not moving? What was wrong with him? He was too nervous. He remembered the last time he tried to prove himself back on Earth. He did not know whether it was because he was being pranked or not, but he made himself look like a fool. Some douchebags in school said there was a spider on some really gorgeous girl's taut, round posterior and convinced Connor that he had to get it off of her. Naïvely, Connor grabbed the nearest notebook he could find and swatted at the "spider," which turned out to be only a tramp stamp of a black widow. The "SLAP!" was so loud, that it grabbed every eye that was present in the hall, and the girl lost her cool completely. It could get you a date with her, they said. You would be her brave knight, they said...

What a heap of bullshit...

After being called a "perverted freak" and being laughed at by everyone else, it was the last time he ever tried to prove himself.

He preferred that someone else would help him earn friends instead of him doing it. It would spare him from the embarrassment and pain.

Clop, clop, clop, clop, clop...

Connor's ear picked up the sound of trotting hooves upon the dirt road. Turning, he saw a purple unicorn with a violet, straight mane and tail. They both had a purple and pink stripe running along the direction of her hair. Her eyes were bulbous, had curled eyelashes, and were purple like her coat. On her flank was an image of a six-pointed star that was surrounded by smaller stars. Her head was whipping left and right, trying to search for any active life on the streets.

“Where IS everypony?" she wondered to herself. "Is this some sort of special holiday? I've sure never heard of this one. I thought I’ve studied every single aspect of Ponyville’s culture. Did I miss something? Could the book that I read had a missing page? What's going on?"

The dragon was jumping up and down, trying to get the unicorn’s attention.

"Twilight! Over here, Twilight!" Spike called.

“Spike! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you! What’s the big idea of sneaking out like that when you know you have chores to—." Seeing the unknown creature standing next to the baby dragon immediately cut her nagging short.

Seeing the pony staring at him so, Connor thought it would be a good time to say, "Hi?"

"AHH!" she yelped, startled by the sound the creature just made. "Spike! What in Celestia’s name are you doing?!"

"Showing my new friend--," he answered before he disappeared in a puff of purple magic.

He reappeared right behind the panicking, purple unicorn.

"What is that?!" she asked.

"He's Connor, my new friend! He's a human."

"Wh--! Th--! What the hay are you doing hanging around with that thing?! He could've hurt you! Of all the careless things you do, Spike, this is the worst!"

Connor intervened. "Whoa, whoa! Hang on for--."

"You stay away from him!" the unicorn shouted boldly as she pointed an aggressive hoof at him. "You're not going to eat my assistant today, you... you... whatever you are!"

"Why would I wan--?"

"Stand back, Spike! Don't listen to him! He's only buttering up to you, so that he can lure you in!"

"Are you kidding me?" he said, taking a step forward.

"You just don't listen, do you?" she said before she pointed her horn directly at him. It began to glow a purple glow as magic swirled around it.

It quickly evaporated when Spike threw an apple at her head.

"OW! Spike! What--mmph!" she was cut off by the dragon's claw, holding her muzzle shut.

"Will you excuse us?" Spike said, bemused.

With that, the little dragon dragged the stupefied unicorn behind him, stilling gripping her muzzle. He was half the mare's size, and yet, he still managed to drag her around like she weighed as much as a backpack. Soon, they stopped behind an apple cart before Spike released his grip from her muzzle.

"Spike!" the purple pony hissed. "What do you think you're doing??"

"Twilight! Get ahold of yourself!" Spike hissed back. "Everything's okay here."

"Okay?? An unknown creature waltzing into Ponyville is okay?? It could’ve taken you! Geez, Spike, of all the things you do, you sneak out and mess with creatures like that! It could be dangerous!”

"Twilight! Listen to yourself! How do know that he even is dangerous anyway? Besides, if he was dangerous, he would've done something to me long ago. You're jumping to conclusions too quickly. For shame, Twilight!"

The unicorn stared at the little dragon before she sighed. "Okay, you've got a point. What is it anyway?"

"I told you before: he's a human. Plus, it's a 'he', not an 'it'!" he huffed as he crossed his arms.

“A 'human'?” She looked around the wagon to take another look. “I’ve never seen anything like him before, let alone heard of anything like him before! Surely, Princess Celestia could’ve taught me about humans. But she didn’t!”

“Of course she didn’t, because he’s the only human to ever come here in Equestria.”

“You're sure about this?”

“He says he's from a planet called, 'Earth', named just like ours, but he lives in a country that I have never even heard before. Plus, look around you, Twilight!" Spike said, opening his little arms, gesturing to all of the surroundings. "Everypony’s hiding from him! You know how meek this town is when they have seen things they have never seen before. Remember Zecora?”

Twilight craned her neck around the apple cart to look at Connor, who was kicking pebbles around with his feet. His shoulders were slumped slightly, and his hands were in his pockets. By the expression on his face, he looked pretty down.

She squinted at him. What a strange creature... He didn't have a coat of fur! The only hair she could see on him was on his scalp. Was that supposed to be a mane? Plus, where was his tail?? Did humans not need any or did this one's tail get cut off? The human turned his body around, still not noticing the unicorn inspecting him. She looked at his posterior. Seeing there was an absence of a tail hole, it answered her question about tails.

Plus, this human looked like he was wearing clothes, so it looked as if he were civilized. When the human turned back around, she got a look at his face. It melted her heart by a little bit when she saw that there was actually unsubtle emotion escaping from it. He looked just as emotive as everypony else.

"See, Twilight?” Spike asked. “He’s all alone. He's got feelings. We need to at least make him feel welcome as long as he’s here.”

“You're very fond of him,” Twilight observed.

The young dragon gave her a serious look and replied, “Because he and I are alike. We have something in common.”

“What's that?”

“It is being one out of many. Being different.”

Twilight's face softened at what he said. Deep down, she remembered what is was like, when she first got Spike, to convince everypony that Spike was not and never will be dangerous.

“You were able to have me be friends with everypony, and by Celestia, we can have him be friends with everypony,” Spike said with much confidence.

“I get the feeling that this is not going to be easy, Spike.”

“It’s worth a try.” the dragon nodded.

Twilight stared at the dragon intently, lost in thought and rather proud of her little companion. Plus, even if the human was a carnivorous beast or not, Spike was still breathing and alive, standing in front of her. He was smart for a baby dragon, after all. He looked confident in every word he said. Other than the time with Owlicious, would he ever lie about this? Plus, he knew the human longer than she did, so maybe she was jumping to conclusions too quickly. It would not hurt just to meet the new visitor.

Plus, it was the perfect time for some research!

"All right, Spike. I'm with you." Twilight she said, placing a hoof on his little head.

"Okay," he smiled. He knew she was going to be with him on this.

Meanwhile, Connor was lost in his own self. He sighed deeply. Great, this was starting to feel like high school all over again: alone, isolated, casted out. This time, it was a in land full of happy-go-lucky, colorful ponies.

He shut his eyes, and thought of Joshua. He was the one who helped him push past this feeling. Connor missed him already. However, he did not miss him all too much, because there was something in that little dragon that resembled him. He shared the same traits: funny, hyperactive, kind, and loyal. Hopefully, with the young dragon's help, he could make friends with these ponies.

He resolved to stick with Spike as much as he can, because he was the only Joshua around.

“Hey, Connor!” Spike walked out from behind the wagon.

The human replied casually, "Hey, Spike!"

"I've got somepony for you to meet," the dragon proudly stated.

He turned to the purple unicorn, who was walking slowly towards him. She stopped just three feet in front of him. She had her poker face on, but Spike could clearly tell she was pretty nervous. Typical Twilight, being awkward around new faces, the little dragon grinned as he shook his head.

Connor and Twilight faced each other. The purple unicorn’s height reached up to under Connor’s chest. Her horn was up to the base of his neck.

“Now," the dragon said, beginning the introduction. “Twilight, Connor. Connor, Twilight.”

Twilight raised a hoof and spoke in a slightly forced, yet polite tone, “Pleased to meet you!”

Connor looked at her purple hoof and slowly took it with his hand, which made Twilight's spine tingle from how his hands and fingers felt wrapping around it.

"It's nice to meet you, too," he grinned.

"Mm-hmm," she hummed in response. Her bangs bounced as she nodded.

An awkward silence intervened with their introduction. Spike cleared his throat.

Keeeep goiiiing he thought

“So,” the unicorn spoke. “You’re a human, huh?”

“Yeah. Spike told you that?”


“Cool, cool.”

Again, the awkward silence. Connor’s mind raced frantically. He did not know how long he was going to stay in this world, but he knew it was a good chance that it would be a pretty long time. He needed to get on her good side. But how? He made a mental list of clever compliments, but now, it was just blank.

“I like your mane! It’s looks really nice, and… violet!” the human smiled, internally bashing himself at the latter.

However, Twilight blushed, taking the compliment rather well. Nopony ever seemed to compliment her mane before. As much as she loved books, she wanted to look nice, so she had been fixing herself up for some time. Hardly anypony ever noticed, except for one of her friends, who was a real fashionista. He was the probably the second to notice.

“Oh!... Thank you!”.

Connor beamed weakly, “You're welcome!”

Okay, so that was the first round in making friends (in his perspective, at least). So far, so good. Having to check off the rest was going to be hard, despite that It really simple. Was he really that pessimistic?

It was Twilight's turn to panic. What should she say? She did not want to be rude.

“So! Uh... How did you get here?” she began.

“It’s pretty fuzzy. I can’t remember. The only thing I can remember is that I was angry with something. Then, POOF! Nothing else."

“Strange,” she commented, looking rather astounded.

“I know.”

Twilight scratched her head with her hoof in thought. However, she did not want to be rude in making him wait, so she spoke up again, “Well, anyway, as long as you’re here, you...”

Twilight was interrupted by a pink pony, who zipped up to her at blinding speed.

“Omigawsh, Twilight! Have you seen...” she stopped when she saw Connor.

Connor pointed at her. “Hey, you’re that pony from earl—“

The pony let out the same high-pitched gasp and was gone in a pink blur.

Twilight rolled her eyes. She continued.

“You might as well familiarize yourself with the town. You want a tour?” she smiled a bit, turning around and willing to lead him.

The human nodded.

“Good! With the streets all cleared up, I’m sure that this tour will go smoothly, without the traffic and all!” she laughed.

Connor looked at her, puzzled. Spike clapped his forehead with his palm. Realizing her mistake, Twilight blushed sheepishly and acted fast to recover.

“Well, uh, what I mean is…” she sputtered.


“Smoooooth, Twi," huffed the purple dragon.

“I’m sorry, Spike! I didn’t know that was going to hurt him.”

“I’m not hurt. It’s okay! I understand,” said Connor, coaxing her.

“I know, but I’m sorry!”

“Yes! Yes, I know!” the human said calmly. “That’s what you said for the last thirty times. That’s thirty-one.”

“But I really am--."

Twilight!” Spike hissed, bumping her side with his elbow.

“Oh... O-okay, then!”

Thank God that was over. She said it over and over all throughout the tour. Connor could instantly tell that Twilight was still nervous having him around. Obviously, the first compliment he had given her was not enough. However, to him, giving compliments was not clearly as enjoyable as receiving them. He would sit around like a beggar and soak them all in, but not very many came through. However, this was different. He promised Joshua that he would try to make friends on his own, to be more forward. Well, here goes nothing.

“Hey, Twilight?”

“Yes?” she replied.

"Thank you for giving me the tour. You’re really good at it," he finished with a smile.

“Thank you!" she said. "However, I’m not the one who gives tours. That’s Golden Compass' job, and she’s much better at it.”

“Yeah, if she would just come out of hiding, that is,” Spike mumbled to himself.


Making sure Connor wasn’t listening, she whispered to her little assistant, "You know what? You're right. He pretty is a nice guy. He was exceptionally polite during the tour. He was a good listener, too. It's a shame that everypony is hiding from him."

“Like I said earlier, Twi: everypony here is too meek to look past his appearance,” replied the dragon.

“I am fully with you to help him, Spike.”

“I know,” Spike said. “But before we introduce him to Ponyville, we should introduce him to the rest of the gang.”

“Agreed. We might as well start with them.”

Spike and Twilight gave each other a nod. Behind them, Connor's forehead felt like it was clenching, although not in a painful way. It was more of a brain burning. He was really trying to do his best to make friends all by his own, but, boy, was it tough. He thought it was easier just sitting in the corner, waiting for some person to take pity on him. As grossly pathetic as it sounded, it sure worked for him back on Earth. Except, hardly anyone was showing up. Joshua was an exception. Plus, he remembered what he said earlier about gaining friends on his own. He also said that he would never grow up if he continued to cower in "Self-Pitysburg".

However, right now, he was actually consorting with someone new. It felt really great, like he was actually starting to get some hope after all. It actually made the pain in his forehead worth it.

“Hey, Connor!" called Twilight. "Now that we’re done with the tour, would you like to meet my friends?”

The human felt something crawl up his spine. However, it was not in discomfort, but glee. He was never invited to meet someone else’s friends. He was eager to accept.

“Sure!” he grinned.

“Great!” the unicorn smiled. She turned back to Spike. “I’m sure they’re going to be cool about it. They’re my friends, after all!”

“Don’t you mean ‘our’ friends?” he corrected her.

“Oh, right! So—“ She was interrupted by Spike’s claw, covering her mouth.

“Don’t! Say it... Again..." growled the dragon.


“Agh!” Connor hissed through his teeth.

“What’s wrong?” the purple unicorn asked.

“My arm. I completely forgot about it. Still hurts!” he grunted as he clenched his sore spot.

“What happened to it?”

“I must've fell on it...hard.”

Twilight looked to the sky and tilted her head in wonder.

“Since when did you fall on it?” she asked again.

“I don’t remember," Connor said as he rubbed his arm.

Twilight wondered, He doesn’t remember when he fell on it. Also, he doesn’t remember how he came here. My best guess is that he came from the sky...

“Hey,” she quietly asked Spike. “When exactly did you find him?”

“This morning. Why?”

“I’m guessing that storm from last night was the cause of this.”

Spike scratched his chin. Indeed, it was a strange storm that night. The pegasi would have notified Ponyville that they were setting up a storm, but it arrived on its own, which was rare.

“Yeah, probably," said the dragon.

“And did you see the color of that lightning bolt? It was a bright purple! What on earth would cause a lightning bolt to do that?”

Spike’s mind was blank.

“I have no idea,” he replied.

Twilight was so lost in thought that she bumped into something heavy and bounced back onto the ground. Her head spun.

“Whoa-ho, there sugarcube!” a voice exclaimed. It had a country accent in it.

“Oh! I’m sorry, Applejack!” Twilight said and shook her mind awake. “I was so lost in thought that I didn’t see you!”

“It’s quite all right, Twi. No apples harmed.” said the cowpony, pointing to her large wagon of apples, which Twilight bumped into.

"Howdy, Spike!" she spoke again.

“Hey, AJ!” the dragon replied.

“And howdooowwwWHOA, NELLY! Twilight, what in tarnation is that?!”

Connor had an unimpressed look on face. He sure didn't miss this part.

“He’s a human," the purple unicorn leaned toward her.

“A hyooman?" she repeated. She thought it sounded very weird.

Twilight nodded.

“Ahhhh was about ta say..." she said, squinting at him. "Never seen anything like him before. Is he dangerous?"

"He's not going to hurt you nor anypony else. He's just lost, that's all. I've been conversing with him about an hour ago. He's not as dangerous as you think he is."

The cowpony tilted her head to the side. "Mah stars... Ah may have heard about some critters back in school when ah was a lil' filly, but this is just darn tootin' stupefyin'! Where did he come from?"

“From a planet called 'Earth' which is exactly how we named ours. It’s still unknown how he got here, but my best guess is that it was that storm from last night.”

Applejack scratched her head underneath her hat, asking, “Ya think so? That was one heckuva weird storm now, wasn’t it? So, what are ya exactly doin' with him?”

“We’re just showing him around town. As long as he's here, he should at least be comfortable around here. You wouldn't mind helping me out, would you? He’s a nice guy.”

"Makin' friends? Of course, ah would, but, what's stoppin' you? Makin' friends is pretty simple, if ya ask me."

“That's the issue," Twilight replied. "I'm asking you because I am already facing difficulty in helping him. All of Ponyville hid from him like he was a raging manticore."

“Huh, just like Zecora when she came into town.”

"Yes, it's a shame. Which is why I need your help along with the others! You're not the only one who is going to help. I'm having the rest of the girls help as well."

"Ah was about ta say, Twi! Ah thought you were jus' gonna dump this whole operation on me there. Not that I couldn't do it," she said winking at her with a friendly nudge. "Even so, ah've got a lot apple trees to buck. So, an entire town, huh? Sounds purty big! Is this going to be really hard to do?"

"We'll find out once we get going."

The cowpony looked into her friend's eyes. Man, Twilight sure was determined about helping this newcomer. Either she was doing research or really bonding with him. Plus, Applejack said herself that the folks of Sweet Apple Acres really enjoy making friends as much as they enjoyed apples. To add onto that, Twilight was one of her best friends. Twilight was one of the smartest mares she knew, thus her sense of judgement was equal.

"All right, Twilight. Ah'm with ya," the cowpony smiled.

Twilight smiled. "Thank you so much, Applejack! Now, let's get to work!"

Then, they both faced the human, both smiling and rather confident.

Connor took a look at the cowpony. She had blonde hair and an orange fur coat. She wore a light brown stetson hat and had a pony tail holder fastened near the end of her mane and tail. Her eyes were green like Spike’s, and she had three white freckles on each cheek.

“Well, howdy there, partner!” she grinned.

However, before Connor was about to respond, she grabbed his hand with both hooves and started shaking his arm violently, though friendly.

“Name’s Applejack. What’s yers?”

“C-c-c-c-c-c-o-n-n-n-n-n-n-o-o-o-o-r-r-r-r-r-r!” the human spoke as he was being shaken like a maraca.

“Howdy, Connor! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! As much as we enjoy apples, we really enjoy makin’ new friends!”


“Um, Applejack…” Twilight corrected.

“Yes, Twilight?” She kept on shaking.

“His arm hurts."

Applejack stopped and blushed sheepishly. "Oops! Sorry."

“S’okay. Ow!” Connor grunted, clenching his arm.

"Whoo, boy! Look at ya! You're a mighty big'un aren't ya? Ah've never seen ya'll before, but ya sure do look like a big'un to me."

"Uh, thanks," he replied, pretty intimidated by her forwardness. His stomach growled.

Whuh-oh! By the sound of that hungry hound in there,” the cowpony said, gesturing at his stomach. “Ya must be mighty hungry! Care for an apple?”

“Sure, I guess.”

“Welp, here ya go!”

She gave the wagon full of apples a light kick with her hind leg. An apple tumbled off from the top of the load and hit Connor on his bad arm.

“D'ah!” he yelped in pain.

“Oops! Sorry again!” She picked up the apple and gave it to him. “Here ya go!”

“Thanks,” he said, taking it and inspecting it. It looked smooth, glossy, and flawless. It was very vibrant in color, too, so he knew it had to be a winner.

Just before he was about to take a bite, another apple hit him on the bad spot again.

“D’OH!” he yelped again.

“Here! Take another one!” Applejack smiled, oblivious of what she just did again.


Suddenly, a whole crate filled with apples landed on his foot.

“D’AAAH!” he groaned loudly.

“Ah, the hey with it! Take an entire crate of ‘em! Don’ worry, it’s on tha' house. You’ll eat fer a month!”

While Connor grabbed his foot, Spike chuckled warmly. He was amused by the little comedic show between the human and the cowpony. He also saw how the bond between them started to kindle. It was a warming sight.

“Aghhhh! Th-thank you, Applejack,” Connor tried to smile through his pain.

“Yer welcome, sugarcube! Golly, you’ve got manners!”

“Easy, Applejack... Well, anyway,” Twilight interrupted. “We'd best be moving on! We need to introduce him to the rest of the gang.”

“Okay, Twilight! You go along and do that. Nice meetin’ ya, Connor!” the cowpony waved.

“You, (ow) too.” said Connor.

Well, that turned out nicely. He had already made three friends in one day. So far, he was making progress. Even though he was reluctant to think of it, he knew something was missing. He was acting forward, that was done, but something was hanging at the tip of his brain.

He got it. Now, he had introduce himself on his own. Spike introduced him to Twilight, Twilight introduced him to Applejack, and now he had to introduce himself. As much as he liked having others introduce him, he knew Joshua would say that he had to turn it all around and introduce himself on his own. He will try that the next pony he met.

"Ah'll see ya'll la--. Oh! Howdy Fluttershy!" Applejack waved, looking past the other three.

Everypony turned to a butter-colored pegasus with a long, flowing, pink mane and tail.

“Oh, hello, Applejack!” The pegasus said with a small, soft voice. “How are you?”

“Doin’ dandy!" replied the cowpony. "Just haulin’ this wagon of apples to the market. Annnnd, I just met this fella.”

Fluttershy turned towards Connor and fell silent. Her eyes widened in fear.

“Uhhh--." the human spoke.

Then, the yellow pegasus squeaked loudly in fear and curled up into a quivering ball.

Twilight slapped her forehead with her hoof. Here we go again.

Connor tilted his head. That pegasus grabbed his interest. She looked so frail, scared, timid, and yet, so graceful. He stared at the quivering little yellow ball of fur with long, pink hair. She reminded him of himself, feeling helpless and scared. Plus, he thought that he should introduce himself the next pony he met. Well, this was his chance!

Twilight stepped toward the pegasus.

“Fluttershy, it’s okay. He’s—." She was interrupted by Connor's arm, touching her back.

“Wait, Twilight. Let me talk to her.”

Twilight was surprised by this, but stepped aside to see what he was going to do. Connor slowly and gently walked up to the timid ball of cuteness and knelt on both knees. He sat there, eyeing the poor thing. It was like looking into a mirror.

Damn, was this going to be hard. Plus, she looked scared as hell. So did he back on Earth. He swallowed his nervousness. This was it. Was he going to make a fool out of himself or a new friend? He tried to come up with something clever to say, but he froze. This was not the perfect to say or do anything clever, considering how scared she looked now.

If I approached myself acting like this, what would I say? he wondered.

He took a deep breath and spoke in his gentlest voice, saying the most basic of sentences. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to be scared. I won’t harm you.”

The pegasus’ shaking weakened, and she slowly looked out from behind her long, curtain-like, thick mane. Connor smiled. Good so far, good so far. Plus, she had sapphire-blue eyes that penetrated deep into his soul. They looked sad and thick with long eyelashes. He liked blue eyes. He swallowed excessive saliva before he spoke again.

“My name’s Connor. What’s your name?”

The pegasus shrunk back a inch.

"It's okay. What's your name?"

“Um…” she muttered. “Fluttermshimmum…”

“I’m sorry?” Connor asked gently as he leaned closer to her.

“My…muh nihm is Flmuttermshy," she muttered again.


She turned and squeaked meekly.

“Her name’s Fluttershy,” Twilight wedged in.

“Fluttershy!” The human exclaimed. “I like that name!”

“As you can see, she’s uh…well, you know,” The purple unicorn chuckled.

By the way the little pegasus was shaking, she was not yet convinced into thinking the human was safe. Her eyes were still peeking meekly from behind her draping, pink mane. What else could Connor say? His mind raced. He had to get this little pony on his good side. Should he compliment her like he did with Twilight?

Why not?

"'Fluttershy'. Such a pretty name! A pretty name for a pretty pony—uh, pegasus,” Connor smiled as he corrected himself.

Fluttershy stopped shaking and looked up to the human. Never before had she been complimented like that. No stallion or colt had ever said something so nice to her. She cracked a small smile.

Connor lifted his hand to pet her. However, the pegasus was still in her shy state and shrunk back again.

“Ow!” the human yelped. His throbbing arm stopped him short.

“Oh! Oh my! You’re hurt!” Fluttershy gasped, suddenly breaking out of her shyness. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that! Be right back!”

In a yellow blur, she flew away. Connor was stunned by what had happened. After a minute, she returned with a small first-aid kit. She picked up a roll of medical tape with her mouth and darted right back at Connor. The force of her flying knocked him onto his bottom. She whipped around to his bad arm, and started to massage it with her hooves. Connor winced in pain, but then he started to feel relaxed. It was funny that she suddenly broke out her shy shell at the very moment he displayed a hint of physical pain. Was it that she could not stand to see anypony hurt and immediately help, regardless of her timid personality? Was her attitude like a light switch, easy to turn on and off?

After she massaged his arm, the yellow pegasus wrapped Connor’s arm with medical tape. She had a gentle touch.

“There! All better! Now don’t work it too much, or it will take longer to heal.”

Connor felt his innards bubble with content. Other than his mother, it had been a while since a female had done something good for him. It was the kind of act of kindness that he always wanted.

“Thank you!” said the human.

“No problem!” she 'squee'd.

“EeYUP!” Applejack said. "Looks like somepony just made another friend!"

Spike nodded in consent.

“Well!” Twilight spoke up. “I guess these two have made quite an introduction. We better meet up with the rest of the gang!”

“Do what ya gotta do, Twilight. Ah’ll see y’all later!” The cowpony waved.

Connor got up, waving to Applejack. “Later!”

Then, he turned to Fluttershy. “Nice meeting you.”

“Oh! Um… nice to meet you, too!” Fluttershy smiled shyly. Her wings started flapping, causing her to hover, then fly away like a butterfly.

The human sighed in content. He could not believe the luck he was having. Even though it was a land filled with colorful ponies, he really enjoyed being them. They did not seem so bad, after all.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Edit 9-15-15:

So, I looked back at this chapter, and looking back at it, I realize that I may have gotten Twilight and Applejack out of character a little. So, I polished and trimmed some unnecessary fat from the chapter and added some things more believable :)

I'll be adjusting some more chapters and sections soon!