• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 66,732 Views, 2,491 Comments

Equestria's First Human - Ceehoff

A lightning bolt has teleported a human to a world full of happy, colorful, talking ponies. Holy....

  • ...

Chapter VII- A Moment with the Crusaders

Equestria’s First Human- Chapter VII

Written and drawn by Ceehoff

Connor woke up. His back was pressed and tight like a trampoline from sleeping on the grass. His eyes were sticky with sleep. It seemed a lot darker than from…how long ago? He pulled his iPhone out from his pocket and flicked it on. It was six o’ clock in the afternoon, but he was not sure if his clock was right. He transported to Ponyville through a lightning bolt, which Twilight Sparkle had set off without even knowing. She was only a filly when it happened. The time could be different in Equestria.

The groggy human looked at his surroundings as he tried to regain his memory of why he was sleeping out in the open. The sky was a lot easier on his eyes with its orange sorbet color, turning butter yellow near the area where the sunset was. Dark, purple clouds crawled over the sun like snakes. His mind buzzed as he tried to figure out what made him sleep out there and why. He placed his hands on the ground to push himself up, until his hand brushed something soft. It felt like long, smooth hair. He turned and saw it was a light pink mane that belonged to a yellow pegasus sleeping beside him. Connor flinched in surprise. What was she doing there?

Wha-what’s going on? he thought. What happened? And why was I sleeping next to Fluttershy? Did I…..drink??

Connor put his hand up to his mouth and exhaled into his palm. After a couple of sniffs, he realized it smelled like more like nap breath than alcohol breath.

Wait, do ponies even have alcohol? he wondered. They should. I mean, the hell if I should know.

It hit him. Earlier today, he had decided to join Fluttershy while she was relaxing on the slope of the hill. They talked and talked, until they had worn themselves out.

She was curled into a yellow, furry ball of cuteness. Her mane lied gracefully over her hooves and the grass. Her thick eyelashes blew slightly in the weak wind. A little smile was visible on her relaxed face. It was quite a sight Connor had gotten used to. He was relieved that this was not a result from some crude liquid he imbibed or something crude like that. Also, he was most certainly glad that nothing drastic happened between them.

A pony and a human...

Sure, Fluttershy was adorable, and he wanted to be with her, but that did not mean he was going to... Oh, God, that would be weird. With a pony?? He was not that kind of person who would do that sort of thing. That would be weird a f--.

Connor felt something wrap around his forearm. Then, something warm, soft, and fuzzy rubbed against it. The human looked down at his arm and saw Fluttershy nuzzling his arm with her cheek. Her eyes were still closed, therefore she was not awake yet. The poor little thing, not realizing what she was doing.

However, it sure did not feel awkward to him. He blushed a bright red and his skin bubbled with content. His cheeks started to ache from the smile that smeared on his face. She hummed contently as she continued to sleepily nuzzle his forearm. Oh, God, she looked so adorable that he wanted to kiss her!


His eyes shifted left and right. Did he really just think of that? Oh, Lord, what was wrong with him? Feeling that way around a pony.

A nice pony...

A really adorable pony...

A freaking adorable pony...

Oh, what the hell. Why not? Nopony else is watching. It was just him and her. All alone. Still, alone as they are, he still did not dare to do anything drastic. Sure, he could kiss her, but not on the lips. That would be really weird. What was next? Him having...? Oh, God.

No. All he was going to be doing was to kiss her on the cheek. Maybe the forehead. Yes, the forehead was the better choice. Kissing on the cheek was only a step closer to an even more intimate kiss. He did not want to get more intimate than that. Just an innocent, secretive kiss on the forehead.

Using his hand on his other arm, he gently pushed aside her mane from her forehead. He purposely combed his finger through her smooth, silky mane. Her hair ran through smoothly through his fingers like cream. Connor slowly leaned in, trying not to disturb her. Her leaned in closer…


Her forehead was five inches away. He puckered his lips.

Four inches…

Three inches…

Two inches…

Two and a half inches… He felt the warm aroma surrounding her…


Suddenly, Fluttershy gasped and backed away. She blushed in shame.

Dammit! thought Connor.

“Oh! I--I’m so sorry!" she squeaked. "I had--I had no idea that I was... Oh my goodness…”

She saw the human’s lips. Fear slithered up the human’s spine. She caught him with his pants down. (Figuratively.)

“What were you...?” she asked, wide-eyed.

“Uh…I…I-I was trying to blow a leaf off your mane. Stupid thing, getting into someone’s lovely mane!” he smiled nervously.

"Oh, okay," she said. "Th-thank you."

“Well, that was fun!” the human exclaimed as he stood up. "That was a nice little talk we had."

“Uh, yes! It was... That is, if you, um, thought it was.”

“I did.”


“I’ll, uhh..." he said, scratching his neck. "See you next time?"

"Yes. Next time," she smiled.

"Great! So... Bye!" he waved.

"Good-bye, Connor," she blushed.

The little pegasus sat silently as she watched him walk away. His rhythm was off from just waking up from a solid nap, along with the fact that he was walking up the hill. He disappeared into the walls and darkness of the forest.

She was alone.

She rolled over onto her back, cuddled in the grass, and looked up to the orange sky, ornate with glowing yellow clouds. She grunted in shame.

Oh, stupid, stupid Fluttershy! she blushed. You’ve just made a fool out of yourself. You act like such a little school-filly! This is the umpteenth time you’ve let your feelings get the best of you! Now he’s going to think that you’re crushing on him. Don’t even think for a second that you two are going to be together. He’s a human. You’re a pony. It’s never going to work out between you two, and you know it! What were you thinking, you silly, silly, little foal?

She winced when she thought of it. There really was no chance that they were going to be together as a legitimate couple. They looked so different. They were different. Yet…

What do you know? She argued with herself. Sure, we may be different, but there’s something about him that just convinces me that we are the same. Also, he was very kind and gentle to me when we first met. It was something that no stallion or colt had done to me. Even if they did, they still wouldn’t match Connor’s kindness. Besides... Just earlier... He actually looked like he was going to... to...

Her cheeks became hot. She brought her hooves up in front of her face, staring at them. She knew she touched him with those hooves. She had touched him before when she tended to his arm, but this touch was different. It had more affection. There was more feeling.

She hugged herself with her forelegs, feeling his presence. If a dragon like Spike could crush on a unicorn like Rarity, Fluttershy crushing on a human would only be fair, right?

She giggled happily as she continued to hug herself.


Connor’s feet made crushing noises as he walked over the leaves, smiling brightly.

"That turned out better than I thought," he muttered happily.

Such a sweet filly. She was pleasant to be around, adorable, graceful, very kind, and gentle.

Suddenly, his train of thought yielded. He pressed his fingers sharply onto his forehead.

"Damn it..." he muttered. "What is wrong with me? Just what the hell drove me to think it was okay to do that? To kiss her? I shouldn't be acting like this around an animal... I should act like this around a girl. A human girl. Not an animal..."

He stopped in his tracks, taken back by what he had just said.

"Well, 'animal' would sound a little too strong. Fluttershy's a good per... pony. She has a good soul. 'Animal' just sounds so... soulless..."

Suddenly, something slammed into the ground directly in front of him. Connor jumped at the sudden noise. At his feet was a little, orange pegasus wearing a helmet and a belt. After much pulling and yanking, the little foal's face escaped from the dirt, leaving a legitimate imprint of her face.

“OW! Unnnnngh! Bad idea! Bad idea!” Scootaloo groaned while rubbing her helmet. "Ugh, there goes our bungee jumping cutie marks."

After brushing the dirt off of her face, she saw two, tall legs in front of her.

“Oh hey! Connor! What's up?” she said, still staggering from the aftermath of her fall.

“Finnnne..." he said, still confused over what just happened. "But what’s up with you?”

“Bungee-jumping, but I guess you can see how that turned out.” She looked up to the tree and called, “Crusaders! It’s a no-go!”

“D’ohhhhhh, shucks!” Apple Bloom poked her head out of from the tree. “That would've been so much fun. Oh, howdy, Connor!”


Sweetie Belle poked her head out last. “Hi, Connor! Whatcha doing out here?”

“Just paid Fluttershy a visit,” he responded.

“Oh, that’s nice! How’s she doing?”

“She's, uhhh... Doing fine."


"Is this what you guys do everyday?"

"Every day of the week," Scootaloo replied. "A cutie mark waits for nopony!"

Apple Bloom pulled out a notebook, gripped a pencil in her teeth, drew a big line across it.

"Well, that'th off the litht! Tho much fer bungee jumpin'. Pluth, that'th the latht one."

"What?? No way!" the little pegasus barked. "That list ended wayyy too quickly!"

"I agree," Sweetie Belle nodded. "We need to think up of more things to do to get our cutie marks. Everypony, to the clubhouse!"

"Oh!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, dropping her pencil. She leapt out of the tree and landed directly in front of Connor. "Would ya like ta come along? We might need some outside thoughts."

"I don't see why not. I don't really have anything else to do, anyway."

"Cool! Follow us," Scootaloo pointed.


About thirty yards away from him was a large clubhouse, built just a pony's height above the ground. A small step ladder trailed up to a clubhouse that looked like a legitimate house, complete with windows, shingles, shutters, a door, and a small balcony. Damn!

He climbed up the step ladder and walked through the front door. It was definitely a sight on the inside of the clubhouse as it was on the outside. The walls were decorated with drawings of cutie marks and other colored pictures. A convenient little table was placed on the center of the floor. The windows were lined with curtains. It was like walking inside a real house.

"This is nice," Connor nodded.

“Thanks!” Apple Bloom beamed. “Ah fixed the place up mahself.”

You did all of this?”

“Eeyup!” she smiled proudly.

“Shiii-- I mean, Whaaaaat? Dang! That's awesome! You've got some talent."

“Thanks, but ah wouldn’t say it is mah talent. It’s more of a hobby.”

Connor looked around again. “Hobby” she said? That was bullsh...

“So, Crusaders! What shall we try next?” Scootaloo sat in a chair at the table. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom joined.

“Toy boating?” Sweetie Belle raised her hoof.

“Too boring! Anything else?”

“Jugglin'?” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Kinda lame. No.”

“It’s not lame! Jugglin' shows that one has excellent hoof-eye coordination!”

“Meh, I dunno. I’d rather do something that’s exciting and awesome! Like skydiving!”

“Isn’t that a little dangerous?” asked Sweetie Belle, raising an eyebrow.

“Not if you have the right equipment and the guts to do it.”

“For little fillies like us, that seems a little over-the-top, don’t you think?”

“Not for me! Rainbow Dash said to do always things over-the-top if you want to be awesome like her! I know I want to! She’s my hero! I’ll do anything to be just like her.”

“That certainly does sound like her: a bit over-confident and overly ambitious,” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“What are you, a dictionary? And, it does not sound over-confi…whatever! I guess you don't want be great, then."

“Of course I want to be great! It's just...”

“Oh, really?” she said as she placed her elbow on top of the table. “What’s stopping you, chicken?”

Sweetie Belle pounded her little hoof on the table, affronted by Scootaloo’s pompousness, “Okay, then! I’ll start making the parachutes with my sewing skills, and then we will skydive! We’ll see who’s the real chicken then!”

Apple Bloom intervened. “Um, Sweetie Belle. A little reminder: ya can’t really sew. Ah mean, when you made the costumes for our performance at the talent show, ah could’ve sworn mah leg was about to fall sleep, mah costume was so tight.”

“I can sew! I was just a little rusty back then! It has been a while since I’ve sewn something.”

“Sure,” Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes. “What about those masks you made to match our capes? They sure had 'rusty' written all over them, if you ask me.”

“It’s not easy, you know! I’d like to see you do it!”

“I’d rather not, ‘cuz it isn’t awesome enough.”

“'Isn’t awesome enough’?! Rarity makes it awesome! She defines awesome!”

“Well, sure! For fashion, that is. But, it’s not clearly as awesome as being really fast!”

“It is so!”

“It is not!”

“It is so!”

“It is not!”

“Crusaders!” Apple Bloom barked as she shoved both of her front hooves into their mouths. “We ave-hay a est-gay!”

Connor sat quietly in his stool, pretty stunned about Scootaloo’s and Sweetie Belle’s arguing. The two little fillies blushed and sunk back in their seats, smiling sheepishly.

Apple Bloom chuckled nervously. “As you can see, we are purty darn passionate about gettin’ our cutie marks.”

“Yeahhhh... I see.”

“Yeah,” the country filly chuckled sheepishly. Then, she pointed her yellow hoof at him and asked, “What do you think we should do?”

The human scratched his chin. “How about, something not drastic and dangerous? Like, uhhh… pottery, music, dancing?”

“Music would be Sweetie Belle’s talent. She has a voice of an angel!” Apple Bloom patted the unicorn's back.

The white unicorn scoffed, “Why does everypony think I’m good at singing?”

“Because you are,” Scootaloo answered as-a-matter-of-factly.

“That doesn’t mean it’s my talent, Scoot. I have other interests.”

They all turned to Connor simultaneously and asked, “What are you good at?”

"Maybe you could give us some idears," the country filly said.

Connor felt a bit overwhelmed.

"Well, uhhh... I'm good at drawing."

“That’s good," said Sweeite Belle. "Rarity showed me your pictures earlier today. They were good! Especially the one of Fluttershy.”

"Uh, thanks, I guess..."

Apple Bloom's face twisted in question. "You guess? Why do you just guess?"

"I... just guess."

"Aw, come now! Show a little more self-esteem! Show a little more pride! T'aint all that bad unless ya lose yerself in it."

"No, I do, it's just... I'm... I'm just... calm like that. I'm just kind of mellow with that sort of thing."

"Okayyy," the farm filly said slowly.

Connor sighed silently in relief. So far, so good. They did not suspect anything yet. He fully resolved to keep his feelings for Fluttershy a secret. The last he wanted was...

"I'm telling you, girls," Sweetie Belle said. "His drawing was really good! It looked almost exactly like her! It was like he--."

"I'm not crushing on Fluttershy!" he barked before clasping his hand over his mouth.

The three foals turned to him, surprised and startled by his outburst.

The human's eyes shifted nervously left and right, looking at each pony in the room. Oh, God. Please don't. Please don't. Please--.

"...He has drawn her a bunch of times before..." Sweetie Belle finished, not taking her quizzical eyes off of Connor.

“Oh. Wait, that was what you were going to say?”


"Oh! Sorry, I just thought you were..."

"Wait," Scootaloo interrupted him sharply. "What is this about a crush?"

"Nothing!" the human said quickly, standing straight in his chair.

"And what about Fluttershy?" Apple Bloom asked.

"What? What about Fluttershy? Nothing! You misheard me! I didn't even mention her."

"Don't lie now, Connor. Ah know when ya are. Runs in the family."

"I'm not lying! I'm being truthful! I'm speaking... the..."

The small, yellow earth pony's eyebrows furrowed deeply. Her orange eyes did not even twitch to look away from his. An angry pout resided on her little lips, and her head lurched slowly forward toward the human's face. Normally, Connor would persist, but the glare the foal was shooting at him immediately threw him off. Since when did a child look so empowering and intimidating?

He lowered his forehead into his palm. "Ugh... Fine... I do have a crush on Fluttershy. A little one!"

The yellow foal's switched back to her innocent, cuddly expression and turned to the other two to join in with the cooing.


Oh, God... Here we go, he thought.

“So, you are crushing on Fluttershy,” Scootaloo said with a devious smile.

"A little... It's not what you think," he mumbled.

"Your cheeks say otherwise," Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow.

"That and it's cold outside," he coldly answered.

"Whatcha talkin' about? It's nice out today! Well, tonight, that is," Apple Bloom contradicted.

"Ugh..." he groaned.

“It’s okay if you have a crush on her. I mean, she’s sweet, pretty, kind, loves animals, peaceful... Who wouldn’t have a crush on her?” Sweetie Belle shrugged.

The human cupped his face with his hands, hiding in embarrassment.

“Okay, it’s a little crush. Ya don’t need to worry! If it’s such a big secret to you, then we’ll keep it sealed,” the country filly winked.

“Are you absolutely sure you will?” Connor pointed a serious finger at her.

They all chanted, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Well, okay. I’m convinced. No backing down," he finished grimly.

“We won't. we won't. Anyhoo, what else are you good at?” resumed Apple Bloom.

“Well, I longboard,” Scootaloo shot a hoof in the air, interrupting him.

“What’s a longboard?”

“It’s like a skateboard, but longer.”

How long?”

“Taller than you guys to about underneath Twilight’s chin.”

“And what’s a skateboard?”

“It’s a strong wood board with wheels attached under it. It’s very convenient if you hate walking long distances. Here, I’ll draw you a picture.”

He grabbed the nearest sheet of construction paper and crayon he could find and started drawing. He spoke as he drew.

“This is the deck. It’s made of strong layers of wood. It’s usually shaped like a surfboard or a rectangle with two smaller squares on its sides. Here are the wheels. A pair is placed at each end. On the rectangular one, the middle is slightly lowered to provide a deeper center of balance. squares are slightly raised.”

“Nelly! Looks so simple to build. Even ah could build it,” Apple Bloom commented.

“That looks kinda like my scooter,” Scootaloo said as she scratched her chin.

“You have a scooter?”

Scootaloo nodded in response.

“She’s amazin’ on it!” the country filly patted her back. “She can pull off moves like you’ve never seen! It’s like her talent!”

“It’s only a hobby,” Scootaloo corrected.

Connor had an idea. He said slyly, “And longboards go pretty fast, too. Probably faster than your scooter.”

Scootaloo turned to the human. She noticed the smirk on his face.

“It all depends on how one handles it," she slyly responded. "I can handle it pretty well. Well enough to beat that longboard of yours!”

That was exactly the kind of response Connor was looking for.

“You really think so? How about a race?” he smirked.


“Ah guess ah better start buildin’ that longboard of his,” chuckled Apple Bloom.


“Whoever reaches the library first wins!” Scootaloo said. “Perhaps when I get there, I should get you a book about learning how be be humble and eating defeat. You’ll need it.”

“Not if I reach there first!” Connor responded. “And maybe I should add in a book about learning how to eat your own words.”

“You’re on!” she said, squinting at her competitor.

“Well, here ya go!” Apple Bloom was carrying the longboard on her back. “Ah did my best to copy it exactly how you drew it.”

Connor’s eyes shot wide open. She copied it perfectly. She even got the trucks right. How did she do that?

“It looks great! How did you do that?”

Apple Bloom puffed her chest out in pride. “Well, first I--."

“Are we gonna race or what? C’monc’monc’monc’mon!” Scootaloo interrupted.

Connor taped two small blocks of rough, gritty plastic onto his palms, and set his board down on the ground. He placed his left foot on top. He bent to a starting position.

“Hey, don’t you need handlebars for that?” the orange pegasus asked.

“Nope! I just use my body. My body is the controller.”

“Oh…Well, you’re still gonna go down!” She began flapping her wings, which buzzed like a small motor.

“So you’re using your wings now? That’s cheating!”

“It’s how I always ride it.”

They both reared to go, giving each other playful, competitive glances. Scootaloo was ready to lift her hoof off the ground and launch off. Connor was ready to push off with all of his might. Sweetie Belle trotted between them, carrying a small colored cloth in her mouth. She held it up high in the air. After one fake attempt, she finally waved it down, signaling the start of the race. In a cloud of dust, the two were gone.

Connor and Scootaloo were head to head. They zipped past the apple trees, which were only blurs to their eyes. The human was definitely amazed by how well the longboard was holding up. Apple Bloom copied it to his exact liking. It rolled smoothly like melted chocolate in a chocolate fondue. Scootaloo was surprised with how fast a single board of wood with wheels was going. However, it did not stop her from beating her wings faster. She was able to inch forward ahead of him. Connor pounded his foot on the ground, pushing himself forward. He inched past her, taking the lead.

They saw a sharp turn up ahead. It turned about eighty degrees before it became straight again. Just when they reached the lip of the turn, they both pushed at the hind of their means of locomotion. Scootaloo drifted around the turn, making a dry, squealing sound from the plastic wheels of her scooter. Connor was leaning back like he was doing the limbo. His hand, taped with the plastic block, braced him up by a foot over the ground. He pushed the backside of his longboard with his right leg, causing him to slide at a forty-five degree angle. They held their sliding positions for about five seconds until they came out of the turn.

Dang! Nice Move! they both thought.

They zipped down the hill and into Ponyville. They were still going at top speed. Connor and Scootaloo were rolling near a congregation of ponies crowding the streets. There was no way through them. Unless…

To their relief, they spotted a large wood board lying against a vendor wagon. It was the perfect ramp. They rolled head-to-head right next to each other as they neared the ramp. They gave each other fun glances and then launched off the ramp, catching big air. The crowd saw nothing but two black silhouettes against the orange sky fly directly overhead. The two soared in the air, giving each other another playful glance. It felt like gravity never mattered. Scootaloo’s wings buzzed still, giving her an extra inch up in the air. They landed perfectly on the other side of the crowd. Seeing who just jumped over them, the crowd panicked and dispersed yet again.

After about five hundred yards, they reached the library, sliding to a complete stop.

“Haha!! I won!” Scootaloo cheered.

“What? No way! I won!” Connor argued.

“No I did!”

“You gotta be kidding me!”

“Actually, you tied…” said Twilight with a slightly unimpressed tone. She was standing at the entrance of the library.

“Tied?!” the two riders asked in unison.

“Aw come on! I had him beat! See?” Scootaloo placed her hoof an inch closer to the library.

“Really, Scootaloo? Really?” Connor glared.

“And you scared away Carrot Top,” Twilight said as she pointed her hoof to a red-headed pony running away from them in panic. “She was about to return her book on professional planting techniques, and you scared her away."

“You mean this book?” the orange pegasus gestured to a book that lied on the ground. Carrot Top dropped it before she ran away.

“Yes, this book.” Twilight used her magic to lift it off the ground and brush the dust off of it.

“We’re sorry. We didn’t mean to. Honest!”

Twilight smiled understandingly, “Oh, that’s all right. I’m sure she’ll come back tomorrow.” And hopefully, with that really big overdue fee she has to pay, she thought to herself.

“Anyway,” Connor said as he picked up longboard. “That was really fun, Scoots. Thanks for the race!”

Scootaloo smiled. “Scoots.” She liked how that sounded.

“I’ll see you later!”

Connor walked into the library with his longboard. Twilight and Scootaloo said their goodbyes and parted. As Scootaloo trotted from the library, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ran up to her.

“Well? Who won?” Sweetie Belle asked as she panted from catching up to her.

“It was a tie,” the orange pegasus replied.

“Whoa, nelly!” exclaimed Apple Bloom. “That’s a first.”

“He really knew how to handle that longboard of his. I’m quite surprised. Now, let’s go back to the treehouse.”

Just before the trio made their way toward the clubhouse, they saw two fillies standing in their path. One was pink and had a light purple mane lined with a white stripe. She also wore a tiara ornted with small diamonds. The other was gray, had a gray mane, and wore blue-rimmed glasses. They stared them down with conceited smirks on their faces.

“Well, well, well! The freaks had made a freak friend. How adorable!” said the pink earth filly.

“Diamond Tiara, haven’t ya got anythin’ better to do?” Apple Bloom sighed frustratingly.

“Haven’t you? I mean, making friends with that thing? Ugh, so a waste of time!”

“Bite your tongue! He is not a thing! He’s a human,” Scootaloo barked.

“A ‘human’? A rather ghastly sounding name for a ghastly looking creature,” she said as she stuck her tongue out in disgust. Then, she turned to the gray pony by her side, “Am I right, Silver Spoon?”

“Ewwwwww!” the gray pony grimaced. They both laughed.

“My daddy said that he might be a weapon sent by those Dragonfire rebels to oust us out. He will destroy us all once after he earns Ponyville's friendship,” Diamond Tiara said to her companion.

Silver Spoon responded, “Really? My daddy said that he might be a mutated dragon and a pony-eater. He will eat us all and collect our bones.”

The tiara-wearing filly tossed her mane back and sniffed carelessly. “Well, I don’t even know anymore! However, I do know one thing..." She turned to the Crusaders. "He is a heartless freak and will always be a heartless freak for the rest of his miserable, freakish life!”

“Say that all you want, but we know he is not anything you say about him. Plus, we all know you’re just an insecure little filly who still checks her closet for monsters and still needs to sleep with her pweicous wittle teddy beaw,” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“Be careful what you say, Sweaty Butt. You’ll learn to regret it.” Diamond Tiara said in a quiet, menacing tone.

“Yeah, Sweaty Butt!” Silver Spoon backed up her friend.

“Pfff…whatever. C’mon, girls. We don’t have time to hang around with such rich, snobby, conceited, pretentious blowhards."

“I second that,” Scootaloo nodded in consent. “But, what are you, a dictionary?”

The three little fillies trotted past the two snobs. As soon as they disappeared into the woods, Diamond Tiara suddenly broke down into a tearful fit.

“Help me! Help me, Silver Spoon! You’ve got to help me find Schmoopum Poopums! I can’t sleep without her tonight! The monsters in my closet will get me if I don’t find her! She has got to be around here somewhere! Keep looking! Keep looking!!”

Silver Spoon sighed. “Of all the things I do for you, Tiara. Sometimes I wonder about you…”

To be continued…