• Member Since 28th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen May 4th

Mayhew Cullen

Forged from the eldest fires and cast upon the seething shore, broken and remade, alive and dead. We are killer and monster, savior and saint. Now I am become writer, creator of worlds.


This story is a sequel to A Mother's Love...

Even at the lively young age of five young Crystal Dream has more than her share of inner turmoil as the daughter of Celestia, Princess of the sun. With three princesses for aunts, one of whom seems Pony Hell bent on giving her a lifelong speech impediment and a multitude of other aunts and uncles that includes a fire breathing dragon, a pet phoenix(which is actually her mother’s), one of the worst given names in the history of ever(even if it really isn’t that bad), the deceased former ruler of the changelings for a biological mother, and a god of chaos who cringes every time she calls him daddy, she will have as much fun spending a day at the library as Pinkie Pie would have riding a roller coaster made of cake into a mountain of chocolate frosting... well maybe not that much fun, but she will certainly have no shortage of filly sized adventures.


Well due to popular demand… and the fact that I really really wanted to write this… here it is folks… sort of. This is part one of a series of continuations for my most successful story, “A Mother’s Love…”. I say part one because while this will be a collection of short stories, it will only be dealing with a small portion of Crystal’s life. I have about three other planned collections in this continuity each for different parts of her life.

This one being about Crystal at or around the age of five. Meaning this one basically gets to be plain Jane trashy cuteness(It really won’t be that trashy and it certainly won’t be plain). As for the other collections… I still haven’t decided what I’ll do. Part of me wants to release them all at once and just add stories as I write them fitting them in to wherever they fit. Another part of me wants to only release the next collection after the current set is finished.

I’m always happy to hear feedback and any opinions on that matter.

Oh and most importantly of all, I feel the need to thank everyone who read “A Mother’s Love…”… again. All the feedback I received is what has truly inspired me to create this. I don’t know if it will be as well received, but suffice to say I am happy to be writing it. So because I don’t really have the time and energy to provide a shout out to each and every one of the folks who Faved and Commented I just have to hope all of you get to read this so you can know how amazing I think all of you are. So here it goes, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for showing support to an unknown author such as myself. I hope to prove I can continue to produce stories that you will enjoy.

Now on to our feature presentation... or out presentation of features? Okay these are the lovely people who created the vectors I used for the cover art.
The background was found Here... that said I did add one star to the night sky...
The Celestia Vector was from Here
The Filly Art is a bit complicated. Since she is an OC of my own design there isn't any art of her... so I found this vector and then I performed some cosmetic surgery. I altered the eyes obviously, and then I altered the coat and mane color and flipped her around to face in the other direction. Still I am in no way responsible for the original art so send the real artist some love.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 249 )

Wil read later. Got work soon today

Nice use of the royal 'we' XD
It's a good story so far. I'm guessing this has a tiaXdiscord plot is the past or future... Or both

Also, hardcover books are good bricks for the fort, but very thin soft cover books ought to work as a sort of mortar

4068281 Thank you for saying so, we appreciate it.

However I don't know, if the soft cover is too slick it would make it too easy for the bricks to slide apart crushing an unsuspecting occupant.

Also I personally enjoy a good Dislestia... or Celesticord... or TiaxDiscord... or whatever plot... They admittedly are one of my favorite fanon couples and one of the few fanon couples that actually enjoys a place in my dark and twisted headcanon.

Milliw8ys. Restraunt at the End of the Universe? Not sure if that really counts as pop culture any more, 8ut that's my guess.

~Vriska Serket

4070879 Yay! Points are for you! Also you might be right all things considered. Bunch of savages on this planet I swear.

crystal is so cute:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

i love the bond she has to twi because she wants to grow up and be like twi and how she thought she was really flying and twi kept it up to make her happy:pinkiehappy:

look forward to the next chapter

4075081 What can I say? Kids are fun. I personally can't wait to write Crystal's interactions with her other aunts and uncles... That and I;ll have to write at least one story that's just about her and Celestia... I don't know what that one would be about yet though... so it will have to wait.

I'm glad you enjoyed it so far.

Good garlic or I mean onion! Good job on the story!

4081822 Thank you, I'm very proud of my little onion... I mean story.

wait she loves Discord or Celestia?

4092762 Um... that was actually Celestia speaking at that point. Well more like drunkenly murmuring in her sleep at her booze soaked dreams of past events... So I guess the more appropriate question would be asking who Celestia loved. And the answer to that question is that Celestia is an ego-maniacal dictator and thus only has love for herself... and if you believe that I know about a bridge in Houston for sale.

But for real I wasn't trying to make it a mystery that Celestia and Discord in this continuity had a thing in the past, The details of their relationship will be revealed in time!

4093016 ohhhhh thanks X3

i understand X3 is there going to be Romances in this?

4093197 You are quite welcome.

Romance will not be a major story element, at least in this collection. This one will really only reference some romantic relationships, i imagine the next collection will have something of a subplot in regard to romance as well as some references. The third collection will probably have some romantic elements as well. Still Romance will probably not play enough of a role in these collections to condone using the Romance Tag. Sorry to disappoint if you were hoping for romance.

4093648 You're quite welcome!

I see. Oh and it's spelled "curious."

4095596 Ah, Okay! Sorry if I was a little rude.

4167415 Yeah but it's all in good fun...

4167429 *sigh* and this is why I hate this day on fimfiction...:facehoof:

I'm more angry that you teased Lunestia than this actually being an April Fool's chapter.

You teased it, now you got it in my head for this 'verse. Also, Luna likes big butts (♫and she cannot lie♫) and that's pretty well canon by now, if the IDW comics are to be taken seriously.

4167468 Really? I would have thought most people would be used to the idea of April Fools Day on the internet... Oh well I can't please everybody all the time.

4167478 I'm sorry? If it helps Celestia will never reciprocate Luna's feelings and Luna will eventually get over it and find somepony to love and be loved by.

Best AF episode on FiM thus far!

4167550 Thank you! I didn't try in the slightest... okay I worked a little bit on it.

4167573 It was awesome, I am looking forward to an actual update though. :yay:

Well that's sad, seen entirely too much of that kind of trope lately. At least you got a reaction out of me other than mass murdering entire villages of Pans. Also known more commonly as 'Deadpanning' That's something.

This'd be my second April Fools on fimfiction, and the first one was far more entertaining, from what i'd seen so far. Derpibooru's joke is better than last year, though.

4167611 Thanks, I'm actually working on two updates. One that won't be posted until May because of a certain holiday, but the other I'm trying to get out in the next week or two.

Even though the chapter was great i'm downvoting it...april fools

if i could downvote chapters i would do so on this one

4167619 Yay! The Pans have survived for another day of cooking my food! I want to boil some eggs now... maybe I'll go to the store and get something fun to make for dinner tomorrow after work.. Also thanks to Derpibooru I know now that Alicorn Princess Nick Cage is best princess.

4167635 It's okay I would totally deserve it.

4167663 I understand entirely.

4167526 Its not so much the 'April Fools on the internet' thing, its that when I get a notice that another chapter is out on a fic I'm following and it turns out to be ether a joke-chapter thats not really funny or worse, a joke-chapter thats not really funny AND writen with deliberate bad grammar that would make an ork cringe.

When you deal with having dyxlexia every fucking day those kind of joke-chapters both hurt to read and feels like an insult to all the hard work I put down writing.

*sigh* I'm not pissed at you specifickly, its just this day on this site.

Just... just put more effort into your joke-chapter next time around, please :facehoof:

4167623 Good, I look forward to the Motherverse's next update.

4167813 Sorry to have disappointed you. My next holiday themed update for this story will be much better. Also any bad grammar was unintentional. I was just in a hurry to finish it and get it posted early in the day, so that was my biggest problem I think. I'f I had planned this longer and taken more time it would have been better.

4167919 Motherverse... I like that. I've actually been trying to think of a name for this continuity...

4167988 -smiles- The names of the stories, find a common word. Mother is repeated. I'm honestly tempted to write fan fiction of this fan fiction :rainbowlaugh:

4168005 the funny thing is that I have three other collections planned for this continuity, and I have already named them... There is of course an obvious trend to the titles which makes 'Motherverse' even more applicable. Also I might explode if someone wrote fan fiction of my fan fiction...Also it would mean that I would have to start a group...I might start a group anyway... don't worry I wouldn't really explode I would just feel really flattered.

4168037 -smirks- Oh I have no idea of the universe as a whole so I really can't do anything without possibly stepping on your toes.

4168054 Well I'll have to see about some world building. Pretty much though it is a speculative future based on a slight divergence from canon about one year after the Canterlot wedding incident... this type of information would be better placed in the group I am now inspired to create... FOR SCIENCE!

4168076 -smiles- I may contribute my scrawls. Hypothetically for sciences sake

This better have been an April fool's joke or I, unfavouriting and disliking:twilightangry2::flutterrage:

4168170 You got to read the Author's notes, All of my insane reasoning is displayed there for all to see.

4168079 Science!

4168353 Crap I forgot, I'm not supposed to prank Fluttershy... I'm going to Pony Hell aren't I?

Ok, ignoring the obvious joke...

Perverted Luna is after her sister..hrmm..:trixieshiftright:

4168375 cupcakes cupcakes who wants to be a cupcake CUPCAKES:pinkiecrazy: you going to more than pony hell

4168382 What can I say, I'm a little bit of crazy... Okay more like fifty pounds of crazy in a ten pound bag. I know I'll piss off all the Lunestia shippers with this one, but I thought it was funny to have a seemingly perverted Luna turn out to be not so perverted then go right back into super perversion. Don't judge, this day was made for fools like me.

4168385 I should have known this would be how it all ends. Making cupcakes with Pinkie... can I get a trial? This is my first offense, I should get some leniency on this. Is there no kindness for this old sinner?

4168487 you commited 159230548266 offences so CUPCAkES CUPCAKES WHO WANTS TO BE A CUPCAKE CUPCAKES:pinkiecrazy:


..I just gotta wonder if she IS gonna be like that in the fic..

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