• Member Since 28th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen May 4th

Mayhew Cullen

Forged from the eldest fires and cast upon the seething shore, broken and remade, alive and dead. We are killer and monster, savior and saint. Now I am become writer, creator of worlds.


Luna has spent the few months since her return waging a war against the nightmares that plague those who she protects. Upon reaching the dreams of one particularly little unicorn Luna has discovered the greatest deception she could imagine at the heart of the coming holidays.


Okay I had a lot of fun writing this. It will actually happily fit into two different contests. One on Nonpareil Fiction and one of Luna has the best Contests. So this will be fun, I haven't entered a contest since "A Mother's Love" Anyway on to the cover art shout out.

I found a picture of Luna wearing a Santa hat... HERE

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

"I think so D.T., but we’re already naked.”

:trixieshiftright: Just what exactly goes on in your head, Silver Spoon?

5401264 Well I suppose that inquiry isn't quite as dangerous as asking what is going on in Pinkie's head.

The truth is I find myself inspired to think of Silver Spoon and D.T. as something like Pinkie and the Brain respectively. In fact I could probably write a whole story about them like that.

5401315 I would probably read a whole story about them like that.

5401371 Well then I hope I get the inspiration to make it a reality.

Your information is flawed. Santa Hooves is obviously real.

5402201 Well duh. He just doesn't exist in this particular fictional universe... Do you think I should have tagged it Alternate Universe?


Hmm. I don't think so. Great story idea. I certainly believe Santa Hooves isn't real in the MLP world, since hearths warming eve is the founding of equestria.

5402424 Well you're no fun... isn't that like saying Santa Claus doesn't exist because Christmas is the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ? Still, thanks I had a lot of fun writing this one and you are probably right, Santa Hooves is not likely canon to the MLP: FiM universe.


What I'm trying to say is Santa has a good reason behind him. He's OBVIOUSLY real, everybody knows that. bUT IN eQUESTRIA, THERE Celebrating THE FOUNDING of there country

5402501 Yeah I suppose you're right.

What a touching little story. In the end the girls picking on dinky got a push in the right direction, for some reason though I didn't get the vibe that Luna was doing anything out of selfishness. If anything it felt like her heart was in the right place. I mean, she honestly felt bad for the filly because her mother wasn't well off enough to afford a telescope for her daughter. I suppose she was slightly influenced because she had her ego stroked, but again I can see why it was a good thing. Remembering why Luna turned evil is probably why I don't mind having her get her ego stroked as a bad thing. Not only that but she tried to be humble about it and didn't make the whole night about her night sky.

Don't get me wrong. I totally enjoyed it and the slight plot twist with santa Claus showing up. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that you didn't draw out her selfishness or haughtiness enough to make it really stick when Claus confronted her about it.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more from you.

5407158 You know looking back, you're absolutely right... I think I'm going to take my upcoming weekend to do some overhaul work on this. Thank you very much for your comment.

The princess of night charged without hesitation,


Or like with her sister the prolonged exposure to delicious pastries would restrain their violent tendencies.

... so that's why Equestria plies Tia with mountains of sweets. That is new head canon.

6409385 Yep, I sure missed that one.

Yeah that has been my head cannon since... I would say 2013. That or cake is the source of her power like the moon is Luna's source of power.

6410652 I started the first chapter, but then it got shuffled to the bottomless read it later folder.


XD. It's funny, but unfortunately the write has lost his/her muse. Still what's there is good so far. Good for a few good laughs.

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