• Member Since 25th Apr, 2013
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Spirit Shift

Back in the Saddle. New Updating Coming right to your face. Not currently Open for Commissions. Feel free to DM me about anything else!



This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Days Long Past

Can be read independently of that, however.

Six Years have passed for Twilight and her friends since the death of their home world as well as Spike's disappearance. Six years have passed since Master Luna took them under her wings in order to teach them how to use the one weapon that may help them save Spike: The Keyblade. Now, after those long years of training, these friends are ready to see new worlds, fight new enemies, and save old friends. Limits will be tested, and bonds will be broken.

Will their friendship be enough to bring Spike out of the Darkness?

Kingdom Hearts based MLP story, no Sora, and no need to have played the games. Characters are human, but those who were pegasi in the show still have magic wings, just as those who were earth and unicorns still have unnatural strength and magic, respectively.

Now with a Web Comic! Hosted on Tumblr DeviantArt Taptastic, and my user page!

Chapters (68)
Comments ( 472 )

One of those tales that are understimated. I like it, and is not crossover. Is just the spirit. One advice, try to make a little slow the tale, not too fast, not too slow. Just let the reader taste it. Maybe it will be long depending of what you will do. So good luck good sir, i will be watching you.

Interesting. I would offer to proofread, but I have a really crappy computer that breaks down at least every other week, & an even crappier internet connection. I can`t afford much, but it`s all good. Why?


I'm liking where this is going. Are you going to make Spike like an anti hero keyblader?

4248226 Than you have my up most attention.:moustache:

I see what you did at Fluttershy's eyes :ajsmug:

4248282 It would be interesting to see Spike like that. I mean not as cut and dry good as the "main" 6 would be but more of a wondering hero that doesn't fear that dark (while not letting it take "full" control of him) But because he does have ties to the dark they see it as he needs saving (while some in the group might see him as beyond saving as some (or one) might just want to be back with her knight lol) They are the knights that stand in the light while he is the night that protects from the shadows while battling his own demons lol.:moustache:

4251144 That would be cool, throw in duel wielding keyblades, one darkness themed and one themed after his green dragon fire, along with being able to use the corridors of darkness to get around or to make a quick and mysterious exit and you'll have one badass Spike with powers of a dragonblood, fire and darkness.:moustache:

4251400 4251144 lol maybe i should scrap what i've got and just use your ideas :pinkiehappy: hmmmmm :moustache: nahhh
But seriously i do have plans to make spike as badass as possible

4251400 I am with you there all the way. He could have combined his heartless form with his dragon state to lock it with his greed.As a way to keep the darkness in check. Just think his first appearance is him coming in and saving Rarity and leaving before anyone really notice what happen. He would be a great reality check for the naivety the girls would have about how the world really works. It would also be interesting if Dash start to really hate Spike because he beats her and she blames it on him taking the dark so she tries to do the same without realizing that the only reason he can handle it is because he is part dragon. It would be a interesting way to play with their personalities and morals by having this darker hero that doesn't do everything black and white as they do.

Is the main six going to be slightly afraid of Spike? Because if they are it will be inserting to see how Spike will take it.

4251438 Hmm, the darker side of his dragon like instincts becoming his inner Heartless due to the exposure to the Darkness and when he really needs it he can become it for no longer than a few minutes(similar to Sora's Heartless form in KH2) so he doesn't lose himself to the heartless.:trixieshiftright: I like.:pinkiecrazy:

You know I've been a Kingdom Hearts fan since they first brought it to the states and I'm still one to this day. The thought of making a KH crossover has crossed my mind more than once. All this talk has brought out the same spark I had when I came up with the ideas for Legacy and Dragon's Pride.

It's settled, after I update some of my stories I'm doing my own KH crossover.:moustache:

Oiii i dont think i like all this talk of mutiny overhere :pinkiecrazy:

4251577 Gravy!!!! And you know me "DragonPony" will be right there to read every word and leave comment after comment just like I do with all the stories I like lol. It will be interesting I can see yours more focus on Spike's handling of the Keyblade (mind you I am a huge fan myself lol) Whereas this one is more about the main 6 and their struggles with dealing with their power and responsibilities. Just think if Spike developed a warrior of Light form due to his pure heart as well as his Darkness (heartless) dragon state. But... then he gets a Light dragon state (a mix of light and dark) When I lose my eyes I can see him in the form floating in front of me and all I can say is kick ass. I want to see Spike fight Stitch tho lol.:facehoof:

4251601 Lol I don't think this is mutiny, I feel your stories will flow much in such different ways that all Kingdom Hearts fans will love both of your stories. Where His feel it will be more of a play off a Sora style. Yours i get a more Birth after Sleep style to it. And that will give you both your own room to play and create without pulling from each other audiences. Hell due to the multiverse style KH does you two could even have cross over specials down the road lol.

4251547 I could see it, well I can see half being afraid, have happy to see him alive only to put it together that something is different about him, and the rest seeing him as just another bad guy now and the only way to save him is to destroy him.:pinkiegasp:

4251612 Well, I would probably try to balance between Spike and the Six. I'm probably going to give more info on Spike while not giving much away early on in the story.

4251601 Think of it like this, your KH crossover inspired me to make my own.

4251625 a crossover does sound kind of awesome :duck:

So you're making these guys complete vegetarians even in their human form? Does that mean Spike will be an onivoure?

4252989 I don't know what this means for anybody!

4252989 no only Shys a vegetarian
No, Im pretty sure i included ham and other meats in pinkies list :rainbowderp:

AJ went for the Ham and apples

yea i did

4254108 Must have skimed over that part.:applejackunsure:

4254728 It's nothing, just missed a part of this chapter.

4254755 I haven't read the story yet.
You would think that I learned my lesson about reading comments before reading a story from last time, huh?

I got the say that the fight scene was very good and both the keyblades and powers fit everyone perfectly. I don't suppose I could use them for my own story, I'll make sure to give you full credit on the idea. I make sure to give credit where credit is due. I wonder what kind of powers and keyblades you're going to give Pinkie and Spike.

4278087 oh im excited over pinkies power, i think its VERY suiting.
Yeah i dont mind you using them ill even give you the links to their images when i draw them up in Deviantart

4251433 But are you going to do something that shows Spike's light and dark side?

4279514 Thanks dude, keep it up you're on a role.:pinkiehappy:

Oh man, I love Pinkie's power and the fact that she summoned Tigger. When I was very little Wiine the Pooh was a big part of my life with Tigger being my second most favorite character. Though I noticed that you didn't decribed what Pinkie's keyblade looks like.

I don't suppose next chapter we can see what Spike has been up to all this time?

4291550 Oh youuuu :pinkiehappy: but yea thats cuz she never actually summoned it, explaining its appearance would be out of the current context, itll happen though. :moustache: hmm i haven't thought about it this early but i suppose i could always use it to make the next chapter longer...so yea lets put a cutaway in

4291584 I can't wait to see what you have planned for Spike.:moustache:

Got to admit LOVED the flashback chapter. And not just because it had Spike in it, but because it really helped fill out your Spike and Twilight more. It made me feel more for then and want to watch their life. I want to know what happens next,get a taste for how does Spike feel for Twi (whether he does see her as a sister, or maybe more but just let their relationship stay like that out of fear of losing her) You also have alot of room to go back and do Flashback on how the two of them met the other girls if you ever decide to. Anyway this was a great chapter to help me feel for them even tho it made me even more want to see your Spike show up in present time.:moustache::twilightblush:

Huh, looks like Spike has experience a lot of darkness in his childhood and is a fighter when he wants to be. It does make more sense for him not be afraid of the Darkness. It also looks like that he met someone who promised him to bring his world back. At least make him suspisious of the person and not blandly follow orders.

4308222 I knew i forgot to put something , if you've already done it go back to 5.2 and reread the authors note.:facehoof:

Ahh, so thats how the group got started. I just hoped that Spike some mindless servant and sabatoges his "master's" plans when he's not looking.

Well this leave my last comment kinda unneeded lol. But even so It was a great follow up that not only showed how the group was formed but told alittle about where Spike has been this whole time. I wonder what he was doing in Castle Oblivion this whole time. I really want to get a feeling for his mindset to know how he is thinking. It is clear he is still thinking about his friends and family alot, I only hope that means he hasn't fully fell into darkness but has learned to control it. I hope he is along the lines of that mysterious figure that is always helping from the shadows lol. Oh I started thinking I think it would me more interesting if there was a romance between Spike and Dash not Rarity. This tough and kinda loner Spike seems that he would be a perfect match for Dash, having them be the only ones they can let their guards down with (besides Twi for Spike of course, and Spike being the only one she doesn't have to always be tough for and can just relax and be a girl with) Just think of her always rushing off when she think Spike might be there lol.:moustache::rainbowkiss:

4308351 Lol I do love how we about 90% of the time seem to think the same thing. I just hit the refresh button after leaving my comment and then saw yours lol. But i am with you tho, i hope Spike didn't lose himself to the darkness. oh what do you think of my Spike x Dash idea being the pairing for this story.:trixieshiftright:

4308317 lol i do feel like I have egg on my face that the second I finish that comment you posted up a new chapter doing EVERYTHING I mention. Which does put a smile on my face but also has me feeling slightly foolish :twilightblush: But I do think that maybe a side story about their adventures in their youth would be a enjoyable read. It would help give the characters more depth and have us care about them more. And set up some personal relationship between them without having to slow down the main story to much explaining.

What about talking abot how Spike's was red in the being of the story.

Comment posted by DARKPHANTOM13 deleted Apr 29th, 2014

4308443 With how the author wrote the two's meeting I can see that working in his story. The two shared similar pasts and are both fighters. I just have see what kind of person current Spike is before I decide on anything.

4308930 I am with you there, If he isn't under the control of the darkness then I feel it could work. If he is then it will be up to them to try to break it.I just don't see this Spike tho falling to it, he gives off the vib of someone who would harness it without letting it corrupt him. He holds his friends and family so close that I feel that would give him a barrier to protect his hard (not to mention his ancestry could play a major factor in it as well.)

4308958 True, this chapter proves that he still cares about his friends and family and is probably only working with this guy is because he promised him that he would help bring him back his world. Though I just hope he isn't guilible enough too completely buy that.

4309357 Yea but having him be fooled alittle would make sense, Spike can't be holding all the cards. Now if he start to notice that things don't seem right and then acts to stop them would make it interesting. Idk I can just see Spike and Dash sitting on a roof in Radiant Garden and talking. Her finally pouring her heart out to him as he is telling her he has something to do before he could comeback and be with them... and her.So it create issues when AJ see Spike as just another bad guy and Dash is trying to tell them otherwise.

I get your Dragon Ball Z abradhe refance.

4387190 :rainbowderp: i made a dbz reference?? Where??

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