• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 14,666 Views, 356 Comments

Fluttershy's Foal? - Autum Breeze

After one of pinkie's parties, Twilight wakes up to find herself a foal and Fluttershy is her mother. Wait, what?

  • ...

Chapter 10

Chapter 10


Everypony sat down for breakfast. Twilight was very happy, hugging her mother as said mare tried to get her to take her seat.

That morning, as Braeburn had been changing her, Strong Heart had come in with the surprise that Fluttershy was better. Well, mostly better. Her Feather Flu was gone, but she wasn’t back to full strength yet.

“I know, Twilight,” Fluttershy giggled softly, nuzzling the foal, before finally getting her into her seat. “I’m happy to be up too. But, breakfast first, okay?”

Twilight gave a tiny pout, but smiled and nodded.

“So, what’re the plans for today?” Scootaloo asked as Dash took a bite of an apple.

Before anypony could answer her, Twilight reeled, putting her hoof to her head, her horn lighting up. Somepony was casting a REALLY powerful spell and there was no stopping it.

Suddenly, her mind was blinded by images and feelings of things she’d never experienced before. She remembered the feeling of waking in a cold world, before feeling the warmth of her mother around her, the lack of fear of Nightmare Moon upon her return and instead a strange happiness, meeting Fluttershy’s parents— her grandparents, and them dotting on her, nearly falling out of the house because Fluttershy’s brother, Twilight’s Uncle Zephyr Breeze, hadn’t been paying attention when he pushed her pram out of his way to get some snacks.

So many memories that she’d never had flashed before her eyes, before the forceful feeling finally went away and she slummed forward, her head on the tray of her highchair.

After a few moments, Twilight groaned, slowly opening her eyes and looking around. Everypony else around the table seemed just as out of it as she felt. They were all holding their heads, frowns on their faces as their eyes were closed.

Sitting there, watching them all, it took Twilight’s addled mind a few seconds to finally realize what had just happened.

Somehow, I gained all the memories I should have had as this version of myself. But… why is everypony else acting this way? It doesn’t make any sense.

“Oh, come on, Twily,” a young voice Twilight didn’t recognize suddenly said from nowhere. “As you were so usefully told way back when: what fun is there in making sense?

Before Twilight could try to understand the meaning of those words, there was a flash of white light and Discord was hovering above the table. However, he was not alone.

Floating next to the Lord of Chaos was a pink filly with a curly white and purple mane and tail, wearing a propeller beanie on her head, who had a Cutie Mark of a screw and a baseball.

It was the filly’s eyes, though, that really grabbed Twilight’s attention. They had no pupils. They were just pink and purple spirals and moving.

“D-Discord?” Fluttershy asked groggily, looking up at her with bleary eyes. “I don’t… how did you…? What?”

“Wow!” the filly said, floating over to Twilight and picking the little Alicorn up, before nuzzling her. “Looks like I was wrong about Alicorn babies being different than normal foals. I’ll keep that in mind for later.”

“Discord, who… who is that filly and… and what just happened?” Fluttershy asked, looking from the filly holding her daughter to the draconequus.

Discord smiled. “I’m ever so glad you asked, my dear Fluttershy.” He flopped back in the air, as if resting in an invisible hammock. “As you know, I have been having no luck trying to remedy my little… um… boo-boo. At least on my own.”

“That’s where I come in,” the filly said, Twilight disappearing in a puff of smoke, omly to reappear in her high chair. “Name’s Screwball. I’m from another dimension and happened to stumble on this one when going for a scroll between realities.” She folded her forelegs, before whistling loudly. “Yeesh. You guy's sure did a number of this reality. It’s a wonder Dissy and me working together was even able to fix what we could.”

“Fix?” Twilight asked, cocking her head.

Screwball turned to the foal and winked. “Eeyep. That’s right, Twily. Fixed.”

“I… I remember everything,” Dash gasped, turning to stare at Twilight, her eyes wide. “I… I remember everything... both ways.”

Screwball nodded. “Like I said, a wonder we could fix what we did. Unfortunately, I’m nowhere near as powerful as Dissy is, but, working together, we were able to pool our Chaos Magic together to fix some things in this world.”

“Yes,” Discord scratched his chin. “To think, fixing everything means we ended up having the human Sunset Shimmer raised as Shining Armour’s little sister as a pony here in Equestria, while the Equestrian Sunset still lives in the human world?”

“And, man, it’s good the movie’s events didn’t play out,” Screwball shrugged. “Can you imagine how Twilight would’ve been able to get the crown back if she’d gone in there as she is?”

Discord shook his head. “I’d honestly rather not think about it. At least things worked out somewhat over there on their own.”

“Um… care to actually explain what the hay you two are talking about?” Rainbow Dash frowned at the pair, looking from one to the other.

Screwball just shrugged. “It’s pretty simple, really.” She pouted for a second. “Which actually makes it kinda boring, now that I’m thinking about it.” Her expression returned to cheery. “Dissy and I pooled out powers together and reverted what we could of this world to match it’s original baseline. Most of the changes are minor, really, when you think about them, but they work in the scheme of things.”

“That includes the memories of everypony directly affected by Twilight,” Discord continued for the filly. “To a majority of the realm, Twilight has still always been a foal, born from Flutterhsy and whom found a way to turn into a Alicorn before she even got out of diapers.”

“I feew wike I shouwd be owffended by dat,” Twilight frowned, folding her forelegs.

“However, most of Ponyville and a select few in Canterlot, now have memories of both Twilight as a foal and as a full grown mare,” Screwball took off from the draconequus. “That includes family. Yikes. Talk about having a big family.”

Twilight blinked, before her eyes widened. “You… you mean Shininw and my woonicown pawents… dey… dey wemembew me?”

Screwball nodded, though looked uneasy. “Yeah. I have a feeling you all are gonna have a LOT to talk about the next time you meet. Anyway,” she dusted her hooves, turning to Discord, “my work here is done, so I’ll take my leave. Nice meetin’ ya Dissy.”

“The pleasure was all mine, Screwball,” Discord stood up, a suit and top hat appearing on him, before he took of his hat and bowed. “I wish you the best in your own world.”

Screwball smirked. “Thanks. You too.”

There was a popping sound and the filly was gone.

There was silence for several long moments, nopony really sure how to react.

“Who… who was that filly?” Dash asked, looking to Discord in shock. “And how come she was able to do thing like you can?!”

Discord stroked his goatee. “She’s a filly from another dimension, one where she ended up absorbing all the Chaos energy the Elements dispelled after you all sealed me back in stone.”

Dash blinked, before face-hoofing. “Forget I asked.”

“Wow, this… this is really weird,” Scootaloo looked to Twilight. “I remember you both as the adorable foal you are now, but also the mare who…” She shook her head. “My head hurts.”

“You think the rest of your friends remember everything too?” Speed Strike asked, still looking dazed from the sudden memory deluge.

“I… I wouldn’t be surprised,” Fluttershy said uncertainly. “That is what you said happened, isn’t it, Discord?”

He nodded, tilting his hat. “Indeed. They remember. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a certain unicorn stallion I have to a visit to for… reasons.”

With a mischievous smirk, he popped away in a burst a sprinkles.

“Well…” Speed said, looking around the table. “This is certainly going to be interesting.”

Author's Note:

Okay, getting a little back into the swing of things.

I will try getting another chapter out this week, but i don't really have any too near plans in the future for this or any of my fics, to be honest. as I stated in part 2 of my 100 sub Q & A, I am at the moment trying to work my own personal story that isn't anything to do with fanfiction, so MLP fics will be on pause for a long while.

As for next chapter, all the mane 6 will sit on their thrones for the first time. You know what happens after that. Though there will be a few... surprises, in store there that I doubt you'll see coming.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, later everypony