• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 14,666 Views, 356 Comments

Fluttershy's Foal? - Autum Breeze

After one of pinkie's parties, Twilight wakes up to find herself a foal and Fluttershy is her mother. Wait, what?

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


Fluttershy was rocked awake as the train came to a halt in Ponyville Station. It was already late in the afternoon. The train had had to make a stop due to sheep being on the tracks and it had taken a while for the shepherds to move them all, by which time, Fluttershy had fallen into a little nap.

She stretched, extending her wings, getting any stiffness (though there was barely any) put on her saddlebags and exited the train, only to find Pinkie Pie waiting for her on the platform.

This wouldn’t have surprised her, Pinkie normally always welcomed any of them when they returned, however, Pinkie wasn’t wearing her usual larger than life smile as she always did. Instead, it was a small, quiet smile.

“You know now, right?”

The quietly asked question was an oddity for the pink mare, but Fluttershy understood it and gave a small nod.

She’d not wanted to admit it, but as soon as she’d left the throne room, every pony she’d looked at, whether a guard, a member of the royal staff, ponies on the streets, even her fellow passengers on the train, she’d always thought the same thing: they would one day be gone, while she remained.

Pinkie nodded. “So, do we tell the girls? Or do we pretend like nothing’s changed and tell them later?”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and sighed. “I... think we should tell them. They have the right to know.”

Pinkie nodded. “And Twilight?”

“NO!” Pinkie took a step back at Fluttershy’s sudden outburst. The Pegasus looked away, tears in her eyes. “Twilight may have her memories from the other reality, but she’s still just a foal. I don’t want her spending all her foalhood thinking that everypony around her will all die.”

Pinkie sighed, smiling. “Yeah. We can tell her some other time, right?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Maybe... maybe when she’s a teenager I’ll tell her. For now, I don’t want to make her any sadder than she’s already been.”

Pinkie walked up to her and patted her shoulder. “So, I’ll get Rarity and Rainbow, you get AJ when you go get Twilight back. Okay?”

Fluttershy didn’t respond and headed out, her destination: Sweet Apple Acres.


Fluttershy knocked on the door to the farm house. She was nervous and worried, but hid it from her face. She didn’t want Twilight to worry.

A few moments later, the door opened to show Big Macintosh standing there. He smiled and let her in.

As she walked in she heard laughter, Twilight’s laughter, sounding innocent and full of cheer. She entered the living room and saw Twilight sitting on the floor with Apple Bloom, looking through what looked like a photo album.

Fluttershy smiled warmly as she watched them. Twilight looked so happy, a wide smile on her face that melted the mother’s heart.

It almost made her want to leave quietly and let Twilight continue having a happy, ignorant life, but she knew, for Twilight’s own good, that could only last so long.

“Howdy, Fluttershy.”

She turned and smiled at the orange Earth Pony as she walked in from the kitchen. “How was she?”

Applejack smiled. “She was fine. She slept like a baby without a problem all night.” She turned to the living room. “Twilight. Yer ma’s here.”

Twilight and Apple Bloom looked up from the photo album and Twilight’s eyes brightened. “Mommy!” she cried, buzzing her wings and fly to Fluttershy, who caught her in her forehooves and hugged her.

“Did you have fun with your cousins?” Flutershy asked as she nuzzled Twilight’s cheeks, to which the foal repaid in kind.

Twilight looked at her and smiled. “Yeah. Abble Bwoom was showing me all my new famwiy. I newew wealized just how big da Abble famwiy is. I weally wanna stawt wesearching deir famwiy histowy an’ wearn more!”

Fluttershy’s smile grew at hearing that. She was happy Twilight was growing used to her new family. She’d been so sad when she learned her original family wasn’t hers anymore, it was good to see her so happy. And hearing Twilight talking about doing researched warmed her heart. It showed that, despite how much she’d changed since they’d woken that day, she was still the same Twilight Fluttershy knew and loved.

“Aww,” Apple Bloom pouted as she got up and walked over to the mares and foal. “Is she goin’ already? Ah wan’ed to play with Twi a bit longer.”

Fluttershy’s smile faltered ever so slightly and she knew Applejack had noticed. She sighed and looked at Apple Bloom. “Actually, I need to talk with your sister and the others about something. While we’re gone, will you look after Twilight for me, Apple Bloom?”

The filly’s eyes sparkled. “Ya’ll can count on me, Fluttershy! Ah promise, I won’ let ya down!”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but brighten her smile. Apple Bloom was full of so much joy and innocence. She knew Apple Bloom would be a very important part of Twilight’s life as she grew up and the two would be closer then Fluttershy could probably hope.

Applejack glanced at Fluttershy, an eyebrow raised. “What we meetin’ the girls for?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I’ll explain when we get there. We should be done in a few hours, Apple Bloom,” she held Twilight out to her. “Take good care of her, okay?”

Apple Bloom saluted, then took Twilight in her forehooves, smiling. “Ya’ll can count on it. Ah won’ let’cha down.” Apple Bloom took Twilight back to the photo album and they continued from where they were before Applejack had interrupted them.

Fluttershy kept her smile, but a few tears slid down her muzzle.

“Uh, Fluttershy?” Applejack whispered, slightly worried by her friend’s tears.

Fluttershy wiped her tears away and turned to leave. “Come on. We shouldn’t keep the girls waiting.”


“Alright, surgarcube,” Applejack said as the five mares stood in a circle the throne room. “Just why did ya ask us all here? An’ why did ya leave Twi outta this? Ah know she’s jus’ a foal, but Ah feel we shouldn’ leave her outta important things.”

“Indeed,” Rarity nodded. “This is rather unusual, dear. And so soon after you’ve returned from your meeting with the princesses.”

“What’s up, Shy?” Rainbow cocked an eyebrow. “You’ve been acting a little weird ever since four days ago. Pinkie didn’t really say why we had to be here other than it was important.” Then muttered, "And I was really enjoying my nap."

Fluttershy closed her eyes. “Before I tell you, you have to promise that you’re willing to listen.”

All three mares raised an eyebrow.

“Uh, whadda ya mean, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

A few tears slid through her closed eyelids. “Once I’ve told you, your whole perspective of life will change. And once you know this, there’s no going back. Are you ready for that?”

The Earth Pony, unicorn and Pegasus looked to each other, slight worry on their faces. Fluttershy had never spoken like this before. What could be so huge that it would change their very perspective of life? Was this bad or good?

Rainbow, as brashheaded as ever, grinned. “Whatever it is, I know I can handle it. No sweat!”

“This isn’t a joke, Dashie!” Pinkie almost seemed to snap, glaring at the cyan mare. “This is serious! Like, worse than if you were told you had to leave the Wonderbolts Reserves and would never be a full Wonderbolt, serious!”

Dash’s eyes widened in horror. “I’m leaving the Reverses and can never be a Wonderbolt?!”

Fluttershy shook her head. “But think about how you just felt. It is even more impacting than that.”

“How...? How is that possible?” Dash took a step back, not able to think about anything that could impact her life harder than that.

Rarity and Applejack glanced at each other, both thinking of the things that mattered to them the most as much as being in the Wonderbolts was for Dash, then gulped.

“Once you know, you can never go back to the way things are now,” Pinkie said firmly, which shocked the mares just as much. “Everything will change. You will never look at anypony the same way again.”

Dash, AJ and Rarity looked at each other, unease clear on their faces. They gulped and, slowly, each of them nodded.

Fluttershy sighed. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna told me how they’ve lived for so long. They’re immortal.”

Dash cocked an eyebrow. “Uh, I think we all knew they’re immortal, Shy. What’s that got to do with us? Twi’s the only alicorn aside from them and Cadance.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “They’re not immortal because they’re alicorns.”

Rarity blinked. “Then, if that’s not how they’ve lived for so long, how did they do it?”

“They’re Cutie Marks are on the Tree of Harmony,” the Pegasus sighed. “And so are ours.”

Rainbow frowned. “Uh, no, they’re not. I only saw Luna and Celestia’s Cutie Marks on the trunk and Twi’s in the centre before she... returned...”

“Sweet, merciful Celestia,” Applejack whispered. “The Elements.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Each Element is shaped like our Cutie Marks and now they’re back in the Tree of Harmony.”

“So, cuz our Cutie Marks’re on the Tree o’ Harmony... we’re all immortal?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Twilight will continue to grow until she’s about our current ages, then she’ll stop growing and no longer age... just like us.”

Rarity’s eyes sparkled. “You mean, we have eternal youth? Oh, thank Celestia! I was dreading the day I’d start getting crows’ feet. Oh, the shame it would have been to go through.” She frowned when she noticed none of her friends shared in her joy and turned to see both Applejack and Rainbow wearing solemn faces. “Is something wrong?” she looked at all four mares, only Pinkie wearing a smile, yet a sad smile.

Applejack slowly looked to her, shock mixed with sadness. “Rarity, we’re all gunna live forever. Don’cha see what tha’ means?” She looked down again and whispered, “Apple Bloom.”

Rainbow, tears brimming in her eyes whispered, “Squirt.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow and looked to the ceiling, wondering why they’d just mentioned their sisters when they were the ones who were immortal, not... their...

“By Celestia,” she whispered, looking down, tears welling in her eyes. “Sweetie Belle.”

Pinkie nodded. “That’s why we asked if you were ready and warned you you’d never see anypony the same way again.”

“Ah... Ah can’t believe this,” Applejack murmured, tears trickling down her muzzle. “Ah’m gunna have to watch my little sister grow old, while Ah don’t change at all?”

Fluttershy nodded. “And that’s why I don’t want Twilight to know about this. Not until she’s at least a teenager again.”

Rarity turned to Fluttershy, clearly flustered from learning she’d outlive her little sister. “No offense, Fluttershy, but I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t even understand...” She frowned. “Wait. Again? How could she be a teenager again?”

Applejack and Rainbow both looked to Fluttershy, equally confused.

Pinkie nudged Fluutershy, who sighed and said, “Twilight isn’t any ordinary foal.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yeah. We kinda already know that. She’s the first alicorn foal to be born since the princesses.”

“No.” Fluttershy took a deep breath. “She’s the first alicorn born since Queen Emaryalis.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide. However, Applejack and Rainbow just looked more confused.

“Are ya’ll sayin’ that Celestia and Luna weren’t born alicorns, like Twilight?” the farm mare asked, looking skeptical.

Fluttershy nodded. “They were born a unicorn and a Pegasus. It was only after they made the Elements that they became—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Rainbow held up her forehooves. “You’re saying Celestia and Luna created the Elements? What about the Tree of Harmony? Who made that?”

Fluttershy looked away. “They made it too, with the help of Queen Emaryalis.”

Rainbow frowned. “And just who is this Queen Emaryalis?”

Rarity glared at the cyan mare. “How dare you, Rainbow Dash! Queen Emaryalis was the Crystal Empire’s first... and last queen. How could you not know this?!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I suppose you looked it up back when we were last at the Empire?”

Rarity huffed. “I started reading into the Empire’s history after we saved it, yes.”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah think we’re gettin’ a little sidetracked here.” She looked to Fluttershy. “Now, what were ya’ll talking ’bout, with Twi not being a normal foal, sugarcube? Well, aside from bein' apparently the first ever Alicorn by birth, anyway.”

Fluttershy looked to Pinkie, who nodded, took a deep breath and began. “Did any of you wake up with powerful headaches four days ago?”

They each blinked, shocked, before nodding.

Fluttershy sighed. “Me too. There was a reason for that. It was because you were all adapting to your new memories.”

Confusion appeared on their faces where shock had been.

New memories?” Rarity asked, confused. “What ever do you mean, darling?”

Fluttershy gulped and did her best to explain to her friends about the other reality they’d all lived in, how Twilight hadn’t been her daughter there and had come to Ponyville on the day Nightmare Moon returned and they’re time together as six friends had all started.

She told them how Sunset Shimmer hadn’t been Celestia’s student for long and had stolen Twilight’s crown and taken it to the other world. And how, during the party Pinkie had after they’d defeated Tirek, she’d told them all about wanting to be a mother, Twilight saying how she’d have been a happy foal had Fluttershy been her mother and how Pumpkin Cake and Discord’s magic mixed together and created the reality they all were standing in now.

At first, they thought she was joking, until Applejack’s eyes went wide. “She... she wasn’ lyin’, ya’ll,” she whispered in shocked, turning to the Pegasus and unicorn. “Ah’d know if’n she’d lied ’bout any o’ that. She wasn’ lyin’.”

Both Rainbow and Rarity’s jaws dropped as they looked to Fluttershy, who nodded meekly.

“You mean, that’s why you were acting so weird these last few days?” Dash asked, staring with eyes wider than she ever had before. “Because, you don’t remember this reality at all?”

Fluttershy nodded, not meeting her foalhood friend’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“No,” Dash shook her head. “No, you don’t have to be sorry, Shy. You couldn’t have known... Sweet Celestia. We really just forgot about a whole reality?”

Applejack held her head low. “Now Ah see why ya’ll don’ wan’ Twilight knowing ’bout her immortality.”

Rainbow turned to the farm mare, confused. “Well, I don’t. Could you explain it for me?”

Applejack looked at Rainbow, a fierce look in her eyes that made the Pegasus take a step back. “Twilight’s a foal, Dash. A foal! She’s got years before her body’s gunna stop like ours. She probably don’t even know she’s immortal right now. Would ya’ll really do that to her? She’s got a whole new foal and fillyhood to go through. You really wan’ her to be sad through it all, always thinkin’ that, no matter what friends she makes in kindergarten or school, they’ll all grow old and fade away while she doesn’t? Could ya really do that to her?”

Rarity nodded, her expression just as firm. “Indeed. If I were in her position and was told such a thing, I would never want to make friends ever again.”

Dash frowned, even more confused. “Why? What’s so bad about being a foal and knowing you’re immortal?”

“UGH!” Applejack cried, glaring at Dash. “Twilight has an adult mind, Dash. We’re barely taking this immortal news well enough ourselves and we’ve already stopped agin’ fer the most part. Imagine being a foal an’ havin’ to spend the next twen’y or so years, growin’ up and knowing that!”

Dash blinked, then closed her eyes, thinking about that for several moments. Her ears drooped as she opened her eyes, realizing what they meant. “Oh... jeez.”

Applejack nodded. “An’ even if’n it weren’t how things were in that other reality, in this one, Twi’s a member o’ my family. She’s an Apple an’ Ah don’ wan’ her havin’ to suffer from the age she’s at because she’s immortal. Ah don’ wan’ her to look at Apple Bloom or her dad and only think, “One day, they’ll be gone, but Ah’ll still be here” while she’s still just a foal.”

Fluttershy nodded, tears in her eyes. “That’s why we can’t tell her. At least, not until she’s ready.”

“When’s she gonna be ready to be told that?” Rainbow asked incredulously.

Fluttershy closed her eyes. “Trust me, Dashie. I’ll know.”

Rainbow was about to protest, when Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder. “She’s her ma, Dash. Ah think mas know things. They just know ’em”

Dash frowned. “But she just said she doesn’t remember being Twi’s mom until four days ago.”

Fluttershy frowned. “Yes. However, in that time, I’ve felt my bond with my daughter, Rainbow Dash. Even if I don’t remember the last year or so of my life, it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten that bond. I’ve felt it, stronger than you’d ever imagine.”

Fluttershy took a step forward and Applejack quickly got between them both. “Whoa! Hold on, everypony. We’ve all learned a lot today and it’s a lot to take in. Let’s not react too quickly here an' do somethin' we'll regret later. Let’s all just go home an’ think about all this ’efore we act, okay?”

They all nodded and the meeting was ended and they went their separate ways, Fluttershy following Appejack back to the farm to get Twilight.

When they arrived it was already dark. As they walked into the living room where they’d left Apple Bloom and Twilight, they found the two of them curled up next to each other, an open photo album next to them. They were both fast asleep.

Applejack smiled at the scene, however, that smile became sad as she looked at her little sister.

Fluttershy looked to Applejack. “Applejack?” She turned, tears just visible in her eyes. “Would... would you like me and Twilight to stay tonight? Um, if that’s okay, I mean?”

Applejack’s eyes softened and she let a few tears slid down her face. “Ah...” she sniffed. “Ah’d love that, Fluttershy. Ah really would.”

The two ponies walked over to the smaller ones, gentling nestled down beside them and readied to sleep.

Twilight yawned, turning and curled into her mouth’s barrel, not knowing that was what she was doing as she continued to sleep soundly.

Fluttershy looked to Applejack, who had brought Apple Bloom closer, the filly curling up to her sister just as Twilight had to Fluttershy.

“I’m... I’m sorry I told you... Applejack,” Fluttershy whispered, guilt filling her with the knowledge that if she hadn’t told her, Applejack wouldn’t be so sad right now.

The farm mare shook her head. “Don’ be, Fluttershy,” she smiled. “Ah’ve found out sooner or later anyway. At least this way, Ah know not to waste any o’ the time Ah have with my friends an’ family.”

She frowned, then looked to Fluttershy. “Yes?”

“Ya’ll should do the same.”

Fluttershy blinked. “What?”

Applejack sighed. “Ah know you an’ Brae sorted things out and ya’ll don’t have any more feelin’s fer him than he does you, but he’s still Twi’s pa.” She glanced to the small foal sleeping against the Pegasus. “Ya’ll should take Twi to see ’im. He’d like that. Ya don’t gotta tell ’em bought the immortal thing; just... let him spend some time with his daughter. She’ll thank ya, someday, fer doing that.”

Fluttershy gave a sad, yet happy smile as she looked down at her sleeping foal. “Thank you, Applejack.”

Applejack tilted her Stetson, before taking it off and curling up to her little sister. “Tain’t nuthin’, sugarcube. Yer family. It’s what we do.”

Fluttershy nodded, then leaned down and wrapped a wing around Twilight before the lights were turned off a few minutes later, no doubt by Big Mac, having spotted the scene and left them be and let sleep take her.

Author's Note:

well, took me all day but i got chapter six out, right on the heels of five.

as you can see, this chapter was a mix. it had the cute moments i've been promising would come, but it also still had a sadness that stemmed from the last chapter. i might write a side-story about aj, rarity and rainbow each dealing with the immortality thing, since it wouldn't really fit well in this fic, so look out for those.

the next chapter will be fluttershy and twilight in appleloosa to spend some time with twi's dad. further on, i will also be writing them confronting twi's ex-family and luna using her dream walking magic to let them see that they're telling the truth. however, twi will live with fluttershy, since the mother-daughter bond they now have would be too strong for twilight to stay with her past family.

she still loves them all, don't get me wrong, but fluttershy is her mother now and i'm not gonna separate them.

anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment, give feedback or correct any mistakes i've made and, til next time, goodnight, everypony