• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


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Princess Celestia is lectured on history. Turns out she missed some things.

Started as a prompt in the Twilestia collab that got a little long.

Now there is this: http://youtu.be/01tB2JOp1bI

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 79 )


Nice drabble, I suppose. There's no c in objets d'art.

4976069 In French maybe. Who knows how it's spelled in Fancy?


It was a joke. I fixed it

That was really fun.

*Grins* Beautifully done, Bravo.


You ought to specify what exactly Twilight accomplished here. Even if it you save it for the end, a simple line about what was in the room would have made it a lot clearer. Other than that, I have only praise to give.

Major bonus points for the Lupin reference.

4979179 Yeah, I couldn't think of a good way to have Twilight or Celestia say "Wow, this thing in front of us that we both clearly recognize is *blank*" without messing up the flow. Though I suppose in retrospect I suppose it wouldn't be out of character for Twilight to say those exact words when in lecture mode.

If it helps I wrote it assuming Twilight had recovered long lost paintings, specifically paintings of great personal significance that reminded Celestia of happy times with Luna before the Nightmare Moon thing.


I don't think it should be dialogue, actually. In retrospect, I'd say that if this fic has a problem, it's that you rely too much on dialogue already. Even the parts that aren't dialogue focus entirely on Twilight and Celestia. They might as well be standing in an empty white space for as much as their surroundings affect the story.

Just have a line going: "Celestia couldn't believe her eyes. The room was full of paintings. Paintings she had thought she would never see again." Or something. Describe them, tell us what they mean to her. You seem like a good writer, I'm sure you can find the words.

If it helps I wrote it assuming Twilight had recovered long lost paintings, specifically paintings of great personal significance that reminded Celestia of happy times with Luna before the Nightmare Moon thing.

Okay, see, that right there is some pretty important context that you really should include. See, I assumed it was just some artifacts of historical value and that Celestia was merely relieved to find they were safe. That they have personal sentimental value to Celestia changes this from "Twilight is showing off to impress her teacher" to "Twilight went out of her way to make Celestia happy." And that's kind of a huge difference.

4979685 Yeah, I should have done that. I wrote this story in under an hour and I have no fucking clue why it's so popular. I debated whether to even publish it


See, that's why I never half-ass my pony fics. I figure if I treat all of them as glorious masterpieces, I don't need to worry about getting featured for something I wrote on a whim while I was drunk. :twilightsheepish:

4979991 That said, I would rather err on the side of not conveying the full background and context to a story than the reverse. I find excessive world building/exposition/backstory is a far more common problem, and much easier to fall into.


I'd say that a nice middle ground is always preferable to either extremes.

Besides, with a story at little over a thousand words, you have more reason to worry about saying too little than saying too much.

This is a silly tale. But a good silly. I do agree it can use a line about -what- was found, because at first I thought sculpture, then paintings, and then lost manuscripts due to 'Princess of Books'

4980775 Of COURSE Twilight wants to call herself Princess of Books.

It was a reference to how much research she did to piece all of this together


Yep! I pieced that together, but the main point is the narrative structure makes it somewhat unclear!

'Tis be some good silly fun. Consider the story upvoted.


You know, I'm not a believer in rewriting a story after publishing it but this might warrant another chapter

I have sudden deja vu about MMMystery etc. and how Twilight did the WORKING deductions.
Princess of Detectives, maybe?

That's... actually kinda bittersweet. I didn't know what you were going with before, but that last paragraph told me everything. They're more like family photos than works of art, and that Twilight went through all the trouble of finding so many that were lost over the years...

She REALLY wants to be the Princess of Books, huh?

This ending made the entire thing fluffy.

4981370 Starswirl actually was an accomplished painter and they were mixed with other, less personally important pieces by famous dead artists but yeah, basically.

Loved it. Never mind the three idiot down votes. Your story was well written, if a bit short. Well done!

The pirates got turned to plants? Seems a bit extreme.

4981667 Only some of them

So where did she FIND THEM? If the thief has been dead for centuries, how did Celestia not FIND THEM?

4990277 They've been circulating through the private collections of some extremely rich ponies. It's known happen in real life. Only Interpol is generally less scary than the immortal princess controls the sun.

That's when we learned that the sole reason Twilight hunted down the centuries-old stolen treasures was to earn the title of Princess of Books. Such disappointment.

4992742 Man, I wish I could say that was totally wrong, but death of the author.

4981370 And not just family mementos but very specifically mementos of the time before things went to hell with Luna. Also known as the single most painful experience of Celestia's life which she probably never completely got over.

So he's basically the pony Da Vinci?

4995976 Pretty much, yeah

4979991 How to get a billion likes from your pony fic in 10 easy steps!

1. Twiluna shipping
2. Make Celestia a stupid, mean tyrant.
3. Vamponies.. . lots of vamponies.
4. Humans randomly show up and are unstoppable by any means and have all da powers. Caveate: if Twiluna shipping (see step 1) is to be included, only Twilight and Luna/NMM will find the power to stop the humans, or join forces with them. In that case, they will take turns killing Celestia.
5. The end of the world stakes. Don't forget your plot MUST be as extreme in the stakes as possible!
6. Time travel. Screw continuity, you can rewrite time when it's convenient, unless that's how the wold is destroyed in concert with step 5.
7. All ponies are homosexual and bi. No straight characters. Heterosexual relationships will earn you instant dislikes.
8. Changelings. Lots and lots of changelings. It's even better if they also happen to be vampires (see step 3). They must also be victims of Tyrantlestia (see step 2).
9. Idiot-ball the shit out of everypony. Remember, only the villain can ever be competent. Good guys must be so stupid they can't even recognize themselves in a mirror.
10. Destroy the world. This follows the natural conclusion to step 5. Make as many ponies suffer in as graphic and melodramatic a way as possible. This will create FEELS which act as fertilizer for growing your like count.

And now you're ready to write the next great (god-damned awful) popular pony fic!



*takes notes*

Vampire changelings, you say?

My eyes are now stuck on the screen. Help me!


Or I can just be a really awesome writer. :moustache:

Even easier method.

1) Write porn.
2) Add it to every group that will take it.

Boom, featured.

5000345 Then why don't people like my erotic Walker: Texas Ranger/My Little Pony crossover fanfic?

I seriously thought that was a joke until I noticed it in your stories bar.


Well I mean it's only erotic in that Walker has sex with ponies, spends most of the story naked and also I describe his penis constant loving detail.

This is quite brilliant!

Nicely done, bro.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Haw! Nice ending!

~Skeeter The Lurker

5003202 Oh, hey. Don't I have you added on Skype for some reason?

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