• Published 18th Sep 2014
  • 1,486 Views, 52 Comments

The Diamond's Eyes - Dainty Blaze

Spike is living the life...until a bombshell from his past decides to make a comeback and the bar he and his roommate co-own is threatened by some big shot. Wonderful how life likes to hit you wth everything all at once.

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Chapter 2 (edited)

"Hey Spike," Cherry Berry chirped as I walked into Olivebranch’s Bistro. It was a cozy little restaurant with a line of booths by a dark tinted window and a breakfast bar, typical diner really and one of my favorite lunch time destinations. I took a seat at the booth in the very back. Cherry trotted up to the table with notepad in hoof.

“The usual?” the magenta earth pony asked with a grin, her bark blue mane in its usual bouncy ponytail. She’d been working here for as long as I’d been coming here. When I first met her she reminded me of an old friend of mine, Pinkie Pie. Well except for the confetti and addiction to sugary sweets and the overall randomness.

“That sounds great,” I said,” How’s the day been?”

“Bleh,” she said as she stuck her tongue out,” Exhausting but thank Celestia the breakfast rush is over.”

“And the lunch rush is just beginning,” I grinned cheekily.

“You had to remind me,” she groaned. ”Don’t be surprised if you find something extra in your club soda.” She walked away with her nose in the air and a huff.

“And here I thought maybe I’d tip you this time,” I called after her. I shook my head in amusement at the mare. Loved messing with her to be honest.

A moment later Cherry set my drink down, a fizzy clear soda. “Just you today?” She asked as she pulled her pen from behind her ear.

“Nah,” I said as I took a drink. Mmmm that’s good. “Got a friend comin’ pretty soon. Might be a bit though she’s on this whole ‘fashionably late’ kick lately.”

“Ooookay,” she drawled,” Why?”

“I’d say insanity but that’s stating the obvious,” I shrugged. Cherry giggled.

Just then a sleek black carriage came up pulled by a very big earth pony in a chauffer’s uniform. A second later a drop dead gorgeous unicorn mare stepped out. Her svelte white coat was covered by a red winter coat that barely covered her triple diamond cutie mark. A small red beret was perched on her straight indigo mane which covered one of her sapphire blue eyes. Trust me this mare could turn heads in any room, anywhere.

She stepped into the dinner and pulled her sunglasses off,” Spikey, Cherry darlings. How are you both today?”

“Hey Rarity,” I said as I got up and enveloped the fashionista in a hug. Believe it or not I used to have a major crush on this mare back when I was younger but now we’re just friends. I dare say one of my closest.

“A hot mint tea Ms. Gemma?” Cherry asked. Why wasn’t she that polite to me?

Rarity waved a demure hoof,” Oh please darling. Call me Rarity. After all I’ve been coming to this lovely little bistro for years.

“Yeah give her another year then she’ll be Ms. Gemma,” I quipped earning myself a mock glare from Rarity. I just grinned. Cherry simply nodded and went around the breakfast bar and set to work on Rarity’s tea.

“Careful Mr. the Dragon,” she said airily as she sat down across from me,” Or you’ll find a star struck fan at your door.”

I blanched,” You wouldn’t.”

“Oh indeed darling,” she tapped a hoof against her chin,” I seem to recall my assistant having a love for your novel.”

“Anything but that!” I waved my claws in front of me.

I’d had a book signing some months ago. One of the ponies I signed for proposed her love for me and…well let’s just say security had to wheel her off. A month later Rarity gets a new assistant by the name of Quick Quill, the same mare from the book signing. When Rarity found out she busted a gut and has held it over me ever since. Thank the stars I had the intuition to use a disguise, a spell Twilight had made to make me look like an earth pony.

“Your secret is safe with me,” she giggled much my chagrin.

“You’re cruel,” I huffed, my arms crossed over my chest.

Rarity giggled again just as Cherry set down a cup of piping of tea. She pulled out her notepad,” So what’s for lunch?”

“I’ll have salad with tomatoes darling,” Rarity said as she pulled her cup to her lips in the blue glow of her magic. She took sip and hummed in delight.

“I’ll have some spaghetti.”

“Alright,” Cherry jotted it down,” It’ll be out in a few.” She went about her business.

“So anything new happen,” I asked as I took a sip of my soda.

“Just dealing with a few new designers,” Rarity sighed as she set down her cup. She’d come a long way from running a small town boutique. About seven years ago she and her little sister came to Manehatten to expand her business, as expected her sales rocketed. Then she was scouted to do a few fashions shows and well one thing led to another and she started ‘Exquisite’, one the biggest fashion magazines in the country.

“I’m guessing they got a long way to go,” I asked.

“You have no idea darling,” Rarity groaned,” One of them used plaid in one of his dresses. Plaid, can you believe it?! I love Cheshire to death but when I saw that gaudy color I very nearly strangled him. Then there’s Suri.”

I went into a coughing fit as soda went down the wrong pipe. After nearly coughing my lungs out, I spoke up,” She’s back in Manehatten?! I thought after the last time you two crossed paths her reputation was ruined.”

More like burned at the stake if I’m to be blunt. About ten years ago when Rarity was still starting out she entered a fashion show here in Manehatten and ran into an old friend Suri Polomare. The, and I promised never to use this word but for this particular mare I think I’ll make an exception, bitch stole Rarity’s dress designs and when she was found out she was black balled from Manehatten fashion shows. To hear she’s back in Manehatten much less still in the fashion business was a wee bit of a shock.

“I was shocked to hear of it too but when I saw her designs I couldn’t find one flaw,” Rarity took a sip of her tea,” And believe me darling I tried. They were one hundred percent hers as well. She’s still difficult to deal with though. But enough about me. What’s new with you dear?”

“Not much roommate’s still a buck whore and just got an offer from some big director from Canterlot wants to turn my novel into a play,” I said nonchalantly with a shrug. It was Rarity’s turn to choke on her drink. I smiled mischievously as I offered her a napkin. She took it and coughed into it before speaking again.

“Darling that’s fantastic,” she exclaimed undeterred by her coughing fit,” This is wonderful news!”

I chuckled,” Thanks. I’m gonna be meeting the director tomorrow with Prim Prose.” Just then Cherry set down our plates. Man the spaghetti here always looked mouthwatering good.

“Here you go,” Cherry said with a smile,” Anything else guys?”

“Nope I’m good.”
“No thank you dear.”

“Alright enjoy,” Cherry walked away to see to other patrons that had walked in and we set to eating our respective meals.

“So what are you doing after this?” Rarity asked.

I swallowed a mouthful of the deliciously spicy pasta. “Not much gonna stop by The Silk Note after this to help out then Pip and I are gonna celebrate. Wanna join us?”

“Wish I could dear,” Rarity gave an annoyed sigh,” But I have to go to Prance for the big fashion show next week. I'm leaving right after this.”

“Good luck with that,” I repressed a chuckle. The last time she went to Prance for a fashion show she came back looking like she’d been at war. That was the only time I’d seen her drink whiskey, and the last as I recall. Poor mare paid quite the bounty to the porcelain gods the next morning. Still wondering how she ended up sprawled out on our counter...

“I shall need it,” she said with a frown,” I swear if I have to deal with Mayflower again I shan’t be held responsible for my actions.”

“Is Hoity going too?”

“Yes,” Rarity sighed in relief,” Thank Celestia for that as well. It’ll be so nice to see him again. He’s even bringing Victory.” A rare giggle escaped her petite muzzle,” Can’t wait to catch up with her. Have you told Twilight about the play?”

“Nope, Gonna tell her in my next letter,” I chuckled,” Actually finally got one from her.”

“Really,” Rarity grinned,” How is the dear? I haven’t heard from her in quite some time.”

“There’s a reason for that. Twi’s been in Talonreach for the last month on a diplomatic mission. Rainbow’s even with her.” Twilight was one of the four Princesses of Equestria. She represented Friendship and was head of Foreign Affairs. She still lived in her crystal castle in Ponyville. Tings still gaudy as all get out too.

Actually her, Applejack and Fluttershy were the only ones who still lived there officially. Most of us went our separate ways years ago. Rainbow Dash went into the Royal Guard, much to all our surprise. To think the speedster would choose the Guard over the Wonderbolts in the end boggled the mind. Pinkie Pie up and started a ‘Quest for the Party of Parties’ a few years back. Last I heard she was in Nieghpon.

Applejack is still farming. Sweet Apple Acres was even one of the most successful orchards in the south. Heck her ale alone keeps the farm afloat and that’s only one of their many revenues. Fluttershy ended up marrying Big Mac, Applejack’s brother. They live on the farm too and the once timid Pegasus is now a fierce mother of five. We all still kept close contact with each other.

“Really?” Rarity asked with knowing grin,” Mixing duty with pleasure. Tut-tut.”

I chuckled,” Get this; Twilight said that Rainbow refused to leave her side. Even going so far to share her bed. Apparently Rainbow confessed her feelings the first night. They’re a full on couple now.”

“Oh how marvelous and about time as well!” Rarity exclaimed. she'd been on the band wagon to get those two together since she first caught a whiff of potential romance. ”Those two were so painfully obvious with their feelings for each other. I swear if they hadn’t gotten together by the time we all go to Ponyville this year for Hearth's Warming I was going to lock them in a closet. And don’t think I wouldn’t do it Spikey.”

I chuckled at that as we finished the rest of our meal in comfortable silence. Once we were done I asked for the check. Rarity was adamant on paying but we eventually agreed on her paying the tip. Cherry gaped at the hundred bit tip. Rarity was once the Element of Generosity after all still was in my opinion. Rarity and I stepped out of the diner and exchanged a quick hug.

“Good luck in Prance,” I said as we broke the hug.

“Thank you,” Rarity smiled gently,” And congratulations on the play.” She got back into her carriage and I nodded to her chauffer as they took off. I gave my wings a stretch and started toward The Silk Note.
The Silk Note, one of the many bars that lined Fifth Avenue. It was small black building with an elegant pink sign over the wooden double doors. It was between a Coltish pub and a bar and grill. It was one of the few jazz clubs in the city and one of the best at that. I smiled up at the pick letters that made up the sign and walked inside. Inside it was a bit larger with a long dark wooden bar and the tables arranged around a big stage, and dance floor. A grey earth pony in a crisp dark green apron stood behind the bar polishing some mugs, his dark brown mane combed to the side.

“Sorry we’re clo-”the grey stallion said when he looked up,” Oh hey Spike. How are you today?”

“I’m alright Shot,” I took a seat at the bar,” And you?”

“Meh,” he said. I grabbed a rag and started helped him clean the glasses. “Oh and watch out Sweetie’s in a mood.”

“What do you-“I started before the slamming of a door pulled my attention.

“I swear Big Wig,” shouted Sweetie Belle as she stormed into the bar from backstage. ”If you’re here with another offer I’m shoving once of the margarita glasses up your fat flank, rim first!” The white unicorn noticed me as I waved to her,” Oh hey what’s up?”

“Not much,” I said as I set a glass down,” That guy from the bar down the street bugging you again.”

Sweetie Belle trudged over to the bar. She was gorgeous just like her sister, all slender legs and svelte coat. Her short curled purple pink mane framed a heart-shaped face only adding to the focus on her bright, expressive green eyes. Her cutie mark was a purple heart surrounded by pink musical notes.

She owned the Silk Note with Pip and I. We were merely backers for cash when she started it though. She ran the day to day business while Pip and I came in every now and then to help out. He sang on stage from time to time too while I used my bartender skills. I was quite good too if I do say so myself, did it for years while I was trying to get published.

“Yep,” Sweetie groaned,” Came in last night and offered me a higher price.” A scotch bottle floated over to her in a bright green aura. Sweetie poured herself a shot of the amber liquid and downed it with practiced ease. She slammed the glass down with a snort. ”Just because he owns half the bars on this street he thinks he can waltz right in, flash a check and I’ll accept the offer.” She looked at the door with glare,” Well you got another thing coming!” To clarify her sister's the lady of the pair. Don't let Sweetie's name fool you she's got the mouth of a sailor and none of the manners.

She looked back at me,” And that’s not the worst part. The jerk took Starline with him, offered her a lead spot in Busker’s. Even if she was a stuck-up little air-head she could still sing like no tomorrow, hell she gave me a run for my bits.” She poured another shot and downed it too. ”That’s the second singer this month. Now there’s only me, Damian and Pip if he feels like it. Thank Celestia the band’s loyal.”

Every night the band and Sweetie or one of the other singers would take the stage and sing for what patrons we got as they danced. Sweetie couldn’t do it every night because of her foal and Damian had his college classes so most nights it was mainly the band playing. Though they were good, and I do mean good.

“Where’s Darla?” I asked. I loved the little filly, squeaky and bright-eyed just like her mother had been at that age. She was five years old and the center of Sweetie and Rarity’s worlds.

“With Button,” Sweetie snorted,” That good for nothing mule.” She sighed,” I shouldn’t say that.” I gave her a look, she must be at he wit's end if she's taking back any insult toward him. “It’s an insult to mules everywhere.” That's more like it.

Sweetie had married Button Mash fresh out of high school but a year after they had Darla she caught him cheating on her. Divorce happened and Sweetie got split custody, mainly thanks to Rarity’s intervention. Heh I remember the day Rarity found out about Button’s cheating, almost castrated the guy. Man I wish I had the insight to bring my camera then. Hell I nearly killed him myself, only time I considered eating a pony since I started a diet of meat.

“Rats,” I said as I pulled the bottle away from her as she made to pour herself another shot, earning myself a glare in return. ”I had some news I wanted everyone to hear.”

"I was enjoying that buzz," she mumbled before perking up,” What news?”

I poured a three shot glasses and gave one to Sweetie and Shot Glass,” My book is going to become a play.”

“Awesome!” Sweetie pulled me into a crushing hug. How the hell a mare demure as her is able to squeeze the life out of a dragon is beyond me.

“To Spike and his play,” Shot said as he raised his glass.

“Here-here,” Sweetie raised her glass as she allowed me the pleasure of breathing. We clinked our glasses together and downed our shots. “This calls for a celebration!” Sweetie hopped off her stool and trotted toward her office. Her mood had just made a one-eighty. ”I’m thinking our Moonlight Show. Shot, pull the Barriswiener from the cellar! It’s a special occasion!”

The grey earth pony chuckled and shook his head,” Yes ma’am.”

Author's Note:

And so the party begins and yes I edited this. Felt it needed the attention. Enjoy!