• Published 18th Sep 2014
  • 1,486 Views, 52 Comments

The Diamond's Eyes - Dainty Blaze

Spike is living the life...until a bombshell from his past decides to make a comeback and the bar he and his roommate co-own is threatened by some big shot. Wonderful how life likes to hit you wth everything all at once.

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Chapter 3 (edited)

Author's Note:

YES!!!! Finally I post for this story. Won't lie the lazy stick beat my butt for this but I endured faithful readers.

That night The Silk Note was jumping. We had small line forming outside the door, our bouncers checking I.D.s for the well-dressed ponies coming inside. The bar and tables were filling quickly with patrons and ponies danced in front of the stage as the band played some upbeat jazz. Normally I would be at the bar helping out Shot and Rocket with serving drinks but Sweetie had threatened to skin my alive if she caught me working tonight. It was my party after all. Pip, Sweetie, Damian, and I sat at a small table near the back enjoying some drinks.

“So who is this director?” Damian asked as he took a sip from his martini. The griffin was dark brown with rusty red feathers.

“No clue,” I said with a shrug,” Prim never gave me a name.”

“Well congrats my friend,” he said with a chuckle,” Maybe you can recommend a certain actor.” He nudged Pip, who growled before draining his own drink.

“Rub in my lack of employment,” he growled,” Just keep rubbing it in.”

“It’s not all bad,” Sweetie said with a kind smile. Pip perked up instantly. “I can call you a bum now and mean it literally.” The mare beamed as Pip deflated with a groan.

“Must you be so cruel to this poor soul,” he whined.

I chuckled as the pair shot back and forth at each other. Out of all the mares that Pip had set his sights on, Sweetie was the only one to call him on his bull. Now they acted like brother and sister but lately I’d noticed the two getting closer. Or I was hoping for rain during a drought, I figured Sweetie could shape him up.

“Ah Ms. Belle.”

We all looked up as a trim earth stallion in a smart grey suit walk up. He looked in his early fifties and aging well. Sweetie instantly scowled at seeing him. Pip was the frist to speak up.

“Can we help you sir?” he said as he stood up. For all the crap I give the lanky stallion he has a nose for intercepting a potential murder. ”I’m Pipsqueak one of the owners of this fine club.”

“Oh just stopping by and saying hello,” the older buck said with a smile,” One of the owners you say.”

“Yes,” I said speaking up,” Pip, Ms. Belle, and I own this club. Have for quite some time.”

“I’ve never heard of three owners before,” the earth pony said,” Where are my manners? I’m Big Wig. I own some of the clubs down the street.” He bumped hooves with Pip in greeting and shook my claw. I'd figured this was Big Wig. If I’m to be honest he seemed a decent sort, friendly even.

“When I opened up I needed investors,” Sweetie said, speaking up,” These two helped me out in a big way.”

“Well that is interesting,” he laughed,” Well I’m sure Ms. Belle has told you of my offer to buy the club.”

“We’ve been told,” I said,” My question is why?”

“It’s a delightful little club,” he looked up at the stage,” I absolutely love it and the music is so charming as well.”

“I’m glad you like the club,” Pip said,” But unfortunately we are not in the mood to sell.”

“A shame,” he said with an air of disappointment,” I am willing to double my previous offer.” Why was this guy so adamant?

I saw Sweetie bristle beside me and if I knew her, and I do, she was about to mouth off to him. She may have looks like her sister but believe me Sweetie had a capacity to be hot blooded. I poked her side with a wing. “I’m sorry but money isn’t the issue. We just aren’t interested. If you want you can go to the bar and order what you like, tell them Spike sent you.”

“Very well,” the earth pony turned to leave,” Good night Mr….?”

“the Dragon,” I finished.

“Mr. the Dragon,” he nodded at Sweetie and Pip,” Ms. Belle, Mr. Pip.”

“Ohhh,” Sweetie fumed,” I should tell Shot to poison that guy’s drink.” She grabbed Pip’s beer and downed the bottle.

“Hey,” Pip whined but a quick look from the very angry unicorn shut him up.

“So that’s Big Wig huh?” Damian said as he took a sip from his drink.

“It would seem so,” I said.

“I’ve heard of him,” Pip said suddenly. He looked pensive. “He was in Investor’s Journal. Apparently he holds a monopoly on the alcohol trade in Fillydelphia. He’s got more money than the crown. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“Why?” I asked,” It’s not like he can force us to sell.”

“I don’t know,” Pip said as he sat back,” Like I said he’s big in alcohol production.”

“We’ve got prime stock from the Apple Family,” Sweetie snorted,” And trust me everyone loves Apple Whiskey. Hell it’s approved by a dragon.” I will admit I’ve weakness for the drink. And it’s the only beverage to even come close to giving me a buzz and that’s saying something. Sweetie continued,” The only trouble he’s giving me is taking my singers away.” She got a fierce look in her eye suddenly and stood up. Without a word she went up to the stage.

Pip and I shared a look. We both knew what was going happen next. The white unicorn stepped onto stage as the song faded. One of the band members handed her a microphone and she whispered something to him.

“That was quite the beat the band was giving us,” she said into the microphone,” Let’s give ‘em a round of applause!” Everyone in the bar whopped and hollered as they stomped the ground. “This is quite the crowd tonight almost makes me a bit shy to be up here.” She flashed a cocky smirk,” Almost. Alright folks I’ve got the itching to belt it out so…” she turned to the band,” Hit it!”

The band started a slow heavy beat.

Ooh, ooh, ooh

A guy what takes his time, I’ll go for any time
I’m a fast movin’ gal who likes them slow
Got no use for fancy driving, wanna to see a guy arriving in low
I’d be satisfied, electrified to know a guy what takes his time

A hurry-up affair, I always give the air
Wouldn’t give any rushing gent a smile
I would go for any single who would condescend to linger awhile
What a lullaby would be supplied to have a guy who takes his time, ooh

A guy what takes his time, I’d go for any time
A hasty job really spoils a master’s touch
I don’t like a big commotion, I’m a demon for slow motion or such
Why should I deny that I would die to know a guy who takes his time

There isn’t any fun in getting something done
If you’re rushed when you have to make the grade
I can spot an amateur, appreciate a connoisseur in trade
Who would qualify, no alibi, to be the guy who takes his time

Ooh, ooh…

I clapped as the rest of the room stomped out an applause for The Silk Note's premier diva. Celestia that mare could belt it out. Sweetie bowed before throwing a smug grin at the bar, directed at Big Wig no doubt. Beside me Pip was quiet and fiddling with his empty bottle.

"You know," Damien said in a nonchalant tone," I'm sure she'd give you the time of day if you cut the bull."

"What bull?" Pip perked up," This is one hundred percent me." He clopped a hoof against his chest. Denial, so much denial. I shook my head as Pip got up," You guys want anything." I raised my still full cosmo.

"I'll have another Sunrise Surprise," Damien said," Oh and tell Shot not to skimp on the cherries this time!"

Pip waved a hoof and trotted to the bar.

"Five bits says he ends up hungover as hell," I said as I took a sip from my drink.

"You would win that bet," the griffin across from me chuckled. "What's their story anyway?" He inclined his head toward a singing Sweetie Belle. Ah yes he was new to the gossip of old. Very well tis old news.

"Pip had a thing for her growing up but when he found out Button Mash liked her too he backed off," I looked at the bar and saw Pip chatting up a some mare," He's a lot of things but above all else he's loyal to a fault."

"Wait. You mean he grew up with Sweetie's ex?"

I raised an eyebrow at that," I thought you knew." I mean come on, you work for a vindictive ex-wife here.

"The boss doesn't talk about it much," he shrugged," The only thing I know is Button's a sleaze."

Oh you have no idea. "Uh huh." I looked back at the bar and caught Pip staring at the stage again, tonight was going to be a long one for him.

Scales polished.


Spines straightened and perfectly aligned.


Teeth white, and pearly.


Overall a handsome devil.

"Double check," I said as I left the bathroom. I pulled my burgundy blazer on that had been carefully placed atop my bed and made for the door. As I started out I heard the creak of a door and a groan of a dying animal. I looked back to see Pip trudging toward the frig and appearing to be in a lot and I do mean a lot of pain.

"Hi Pip!" I shouted. I know I'm a plot-hole and I just don't care.

He winced and glared at me with the intensity of a desert sun. "You are a jerk you now that."

"I try," I beamed. He rolled his eyes and pulled out a small jug of Hangover Juice. Interesting concoction actually, Twilight came up with it after her twenty first birthday when she discovered the wonders of alcohol. I remember that day fondly, though she did threaten to send me to the moon, twice. The only thing that saved me I think was the fact that she couldn't even manage a levitation spell to save her life at that point. Man did my mouth get me in some close calls.

"Good luck with your hangover!" I yelled as I slammed the door shut. The resulting slew of profanities were my just reward. Heh that juice was a cure-all sure but had a two minute delay before kicking in.

Tormenting my hung-over roommate.

Triple check.

The trip to the restaurant I would be meeting Prim at was uneventful. I entered the fancy establishment and whistled as I beheld the intricate décor. In the lobby a sparkling fountain spouted crystal clear water from a beautifully sculpted statue of polished marble. The host, a smartly dressed earth pony in an expensive looking suit, smiled warmly as I walked over.

"A reservation for Prim Prose."

"Ah yes," he beamed," You're the third party then." I nodded. "Very good follow me." He led me through a throng of tables at which ponies sat talking softly to each other. Some were lovers but most appeared to be business meetings. A few eyes trailed me as I walked by but I didn't mind the attention. After all its not every day you see a handsome specimen of draconian masculinity.

I spotted Prim Prose, a mousy pegasus mare with purple fur and a wavy cerulean mane. She grinned at seeing me and waved me over. The dark pink mare across from her had her back turned to me. She had a lighter pink mane in a short bob, a white stripe through the side. I had seen that coloration before. Slowly the vision in pink turned to look at me. Her sky blue eyes met my bright green. The world froze as we stared at each other.

For what felt an eternity it was finally shattered as Diamond Tiara, the slayer of my heart, spoke," Spike is that you?"

"Do you two know each other?" Prim asked, confused by my lack of function.

"You could say that?" the pink seductress chuckled nervously.

You're damn right you could!!!

My mouth opened and closed unable to form coherent words. Then finally the moment of truth came, my defining moment, as I managed to overcome my moment as a mute and speak but a single word.
