• Published 25th May 2012
  • 27,117 Views, 2,387 Comments

Of Challenges and Kisses - RavensDagger

Featherweight tries to kiss Scootaloo, stuff happens.

  • ...

Projects and Hospitalization

Featherweight stood in front of the wooden door, hoof tentatively raised to knock, but the only sign of movement from the timid colt was his coat ruffling in the light breeze. He sat there, the weak, dawning sun just peeking above the horizon, casting his tall shadow over the school building.

Sweet and carefree humming flowed out of an open window as Miss Cheerilee went about her daily chores, preparing the tiny schoolhouse for the soon-to-be-arriving foals. Go in, set up, wait for Scootaloo to show up, and, no matter what, do not make eye contact with Sweetie Belle, he thought before swallowing the lump that was caught in his throat. Featherweight leaned forward and knocked.

The humming stopped on a curious yet happy note, followed by the skipping hoofsteps of the teacher. Miss Cheerilee’s elated grin appeared as she cracked open the door. “Oh, hello, Featherweight; you’re a little early!” she exclaimed as she moved back, opening the door wider.

“Um, thanks, Miss. I just wanted to set up for the project, if that’s okay with you?” He trotted in, shoulders bowed under the teacher’s scrutiny. “I’ll just set the projector up...”

She smiled at him as he trotted by her self-consciously. “Sure thing, it’s in the cupboard at the back,” she said before turning back towards her desk.

Featherweight’s hoofsteps thumped through the empty classroom as he reached the cupboard and pulled out the device within. Heaving it onto his back, he walked back to the front of the class and gently placed it on a table with a small thump.

“So, you were working with Scootaloo? For the project, I mean?” Cheerilee asked over the shuffling of papers. Dozens of pages with red markings covered her desk, matching the spots of ink on her hooves

Featherweight shrugged his saddlebags off and reached in with a hoof to pull out a thick, carefully-wrapped album of images. “Yeah, with Scootaloo. We’re doing pegasus physiology,” he said as he gently placed the semi-transparent photos into the projector's slide tray. The old machine clicked delicately as each image was inserted.

“Uh-huh. So, did you enjoy working with her?”

Featherweight dropped one of the images, blushing as he bent to pick it up off the clean floor.

One of Miss Cheerilee’s eyebrows rose. “I see...” A knowing smile crossed her lips. “I recall that you specifically asked to work with her.”

He choked, dropping the slide once more.

She laughed, a cackle that filled the room with contagious glee. “Ahh,” she finally sighed. “Young love...”

Featherweight’s eyes widened. “It’s not-- I mean, wait... no?” The colt moved away from the projector, practically begging as he marched towards his teacher.

“It’s fine. I won’t tell anypony, I was young too, once. I can still remember all those colts running after me...” She sighed again, smiling contentedly as she stared at the ceiling.

“Um, right. Thanks?” Is she crazy? he asked himself as he backed away, returning to his work and giving the day-dreaming teacher a few odd glances.

The teacher continued marking papers while Featherweight finished setting up his presentation. Just as the last slide clicked into place, the sound of laughter and playful shouts made its way into the schoolhouse. She’s here!

Featherweight abandoned the machine and headed for the doorway, sitting near it with a thump as he watched student after student trot in with faces twisted into happy, cheerful smiles. A familiar unicorn trotted into the building; her eyes roamed from side to side until they rested on him.

“Oh, hi, Featherweight,” said a sweet and melodious voice. He blinked as Sweetie Belle trotted uncomfortably close and sat right in front of him, rubbing a hoof on her foreleg. Oh, Celestia, not her.

“H-hi, Sweetie Belle,” he said, giving her a small wave as he backed up. His rump slammed into a desk, stalling his retreat. “H-how are you doing?”

The filly batted her eyelashes at him, a nervous smile adorning her face. “I-I’m fine,” she said, lowering her face to look at the floor with apparant interest. “I was wondering... Maybe, you know, after school we could...”

He began to sweat.

A cream-yellow hoof grabbed Sweetie Belle’s shoulder, pulling her back and away from Featherweight. “Ah reckon class is about to start, so how about we go find ourselves some seats?” suggested Apple Bloom before stepping between them.

A long, low sigh escaped the nervous pegasus as he watched Sweetie Belle turn around disappointedly to head towards the back of the classroom. Thank goodness, I have to thank Apple Bloo-- His thoughts were cut short as the cream-yellow filly turned around and poked his chest discreetly. With a nod of her head she asked him to follow.

His brows furrowing, Featherweight followed her towards one of the classroom’s dark corners. The sun’s light traced a line that divided that area from the rest of the room. Small motes of dust flew around absently on the idle wind of moving ponies. “Is something wrong, Apple Bloom?”

The filly rounded on him. “Ah don’t know what you did to Sweetie,” she said in a venomous whisper, her eyes seething with anger. “But if you ever do something naughty with one of mah friends...” Apple Bloom backed out of the dark corner before she spun around and walked over to Sweetie Belle, with a happy, childish smile.

These fillies, they’re all crazy! he thought, eyes wide as he watched her leave. Gulping, Featherweight looked around the classroom.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were both hastily scribbling notes. Snips and Snails were in the opposite corner, laughing at jokes only they understood. Pipsqueak and Chowder walked in, side by side; the larger of the two tossed an empty wrapper into the teacher’s trash bin as they trudged by.

Where’s Scootaloo? He twisted around again, scouring the room for any signs of the orange filly.

“Okay, class. I think that’s everypony!” said Miss Cheerilee as she got up from her seat and trotted to the front of the class. “Now get to your seats, we’re about to start!” Her jubilant voice quelled the chatter that permeated the room as everypony focused on the teacher.

Wait. We can’t start yet. Scootaloo isn't here! Featherweight quietly glided past his seat and towards one of the schoolhouse’s many windows, looking out onto the playground and the tiny road that led to the building. Beautiful trees were starting to bud with fragrant leaves and young, newly-hatched birds flew about the sky in a carefree manner. Yet, there was no sign of the orange filly he sought.

“Featherweight, please get to your seat. We’re about to start,” admonished Cheerilee. Featherweight pulled away from the window with a reluctant sigh and walked to his chair at the opposite end of class. A single beam of sunlight splashed across his desk, illuminating it in a sharp contrast to the shadows he was in.

“Alright! Now, today we’re going to watch the presentations that I’m sure you all worked so hard on this weekend! Now I want you all to try your best, this counts for a big part of your grade.” The temperature in the room dropped slightly as a majority of the students felt the blood in their veins turn to ice.

The teacher kept talking, detailing how the presentations would work. Featherweight didn’t pay attention. Instead, he stared towards the two fillies that sat at his side. Sweetie Belle occupied the seat to his immediate left, her grey-green eyes switching from paying attention to the teacher and taking quick peeks at him. On her left sat Apple Bloom. The cream filly was slumped in her chair, her own attention on Sweetie Belle.

I’m going to regret this. “Psst,” whispered Featherweight as he poked the white filly with a gentle hoof. Sweetie Belle jumped before facing him from her seat. The second their eyes met, they both grew a few shades of red before staring elsewhere.

“I-is something wrong?” she asked, leaning towards him with a soft smile.

Featherweight cringed a little. “Um, yeah, where’s Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle’s face fell.

She looked back toward the front of the classroom, her head held low. “I-I don’t know,” she whispered back, her head turning to face the other direction while her shoulders slumped.

“Are you sure?” he insisted.

“Leave ‘er alone,” said Apple Bloom in a vehement whisper as she glared at him. The farm-filly continued glaring at him as he opened and closed his mouth.

“I just want to know where Scootaloo is...” he whined, pouting.

A loud, authoritative voice from the front of the class interrupted him momentary melancholy. “Featherweight?” asked Miss Cheerilee, her face changing into a very, very patient smile. “Are you volunteering to go first?”

Featherweight stared, wide eyed, as the entire class looked back at him. Their expressions were pitying as he became the centre of the teacher’s attention. “Um... no?”

Miss Cheerilee frowned at him, creases appearing on her forehead. “That’s too bad, I think you should go first.”

“Um, I-I can’t, Miss,” he stuttered, his shoulders bowing self-consciously under the massive pressure of the class’s attention.

“And why not?”

“Sc-Scootaloo’s not here Miss,” he said, pointing towards the filly in question’s desk. The small chair stood empty as a testament to Scootaloo’s absence. “I-I was just asking Sweetie Belle about that...”

The teacher’s stern glare softened. “Oh, I’m sorry. Sweetie Belle, do you happen to know where Scootaloo is?”

The white-and-purple filly nodded sagely beneath her blush. “Scootaloo’s at the hospital.”

What?! Featherweight looked at Sweetie Belle, his jaw dropping while his mind reeled. Is it-- is it my fault?

“Oh my,” said Miss Cheerilee, a hoof raising to her mouth as she gasped. “What happened?”

Apple Bloom spoke up, “We don’t really know, Miss. We’re suppos’ to go there after school to check up on her. I don’t rightfully think it’s anything too serious.”

Featherweight's entire body shook. She’s sick! She’s sick and they don’t care?! “What do you mean, ‘not too serious’?! She’s in a hospital! Oh Celestia, what if it’s my fault? I did push her a little, and she did look a little pale. Even Rainbow Dash said that she was hot.” Featherweight gasped. “What if it was her?! That stupid mare, I bet sh--”

Everypony stared at him. “I mean...”

Miss Cheerilee coughed. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Maybe we could all make cards for her later?” In an attempt to ease the tension in the atmosphere, Cheerilee forced herself to smile. “Now, how about we start those presentations?” she exclaimed in a loud and overly-cheerful voice before walking to the front of the room. “Snips, Snails, you two can start.”

Featherweight clutched his head with his hooves. Oh, Celestia, what have I done! A moment later, he felt a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. Turning, he discovered Sweetie's nervous eyes looking into his own.

“It’s going to be fine,” she said, pushing a lock of her purple and pink hair away from her face. “We can go see her together after school, alright?” A small, timid blush spread across her white cheeks.

Featherweight slowly pushed her hoof away. “Um, thanks, I guess. I, um... appreciate it?”

Snips and Snails walked up to the front, both of them shifting their weight nervously from hoof to hoof. “Um, we’re doing our project on unicorns,” began Snips.

“Yeah, unicorns!” added Snails.

Both of them stood in front of the class, silent until somepony coughed. “And what can you tell us about unicorns?” asked Miss Cheerilee, her smile straining towards the edges.

The taller of the two colts touched a hoof to his chin. “They, um, have magic!”

“Yeah!” agreed the smaller. “They can do all sorts of things with that, like teleport and make things float!”

“That’s great. How about you show us an example?” said Miss Cheerilee.

Snips sighed. “I can’t. Mama forbid us to use magic ever since we played catch with her special toys...”

Miss Cheerilee’s eye twitched. Slowly, she slumped into a sitting position and took a deep breath. “I’m going to regret this...” she mumbled. “So, what else can you tell us about unicorns?”

The faces of both colts blanked.

“Their physique, for example. Is there something unique about that?”

Snips giggled. “Physique...”

The teacher’s shoulders slumped in exasperation. “What do they have that other ponies don’t?”

“Oh, I know this one!” exclaimed Snails. “I read about it in a book! They’re hornier!”

The sound of the teacher’s hoof hitting her face was clearly audible throughout the classroom. Most students just arched an eyebrow, though some turned to their friends and whispered in low, curious voices.

“Snips, Snails, what book did you use to create your project?”

Snails grinned from ear to ear as he trotted to his desk, long legs awkwardly clapping against the ground as he reached his destination. “We used this one,” he said before pulling out a thick, dark, and obviously well-used tome from out of his dirty saddlebags.

Dopey Grin still plastered on his face, the colt walked back to the front of the room where Snips shifted his considerable weight from hoof to hoof.

Miss Cheerilee cringed a little as he dumped the book on her desk with a snort. The heavy tome glistening as a thin line of slime connected it to Snails’ face. “What’s the title?” she asked.

“It’s Arcane Erotica for Unicorns: A Beginner's Guide!” announced Snips.

“Yup,” agreed Snails. “We found it in Miss Twilight’s library.”

“It has all sorts of really cool ways to use magic and horns and it even has an entire section about yoga or something! Maybe I should show the class some pictures?”

“No!” yelled the teacher, her pink mane standing on end as she galloped between the colts and her desk. “You did an excellent presentation, didn’t they class? Yes, it was great. Now back to your seats!”

Both colts looked at each other, beaming as they trotted back to their seats.

Miss Cheerilee pushed the tome further along her desk, her ears twitching madly as she did so. “Now, children, I know it’s a little premature, but how about we take an early recess while I write a very... happy letter to a certain librarian, who, apparently, doesn't know how to sort her private books away from the learning section?!”

The class cheered and everypony abandoned their desks. Dozens of chairs scraped against the wooden floor as they all hurried out of the schoolhouse before the teacher changed her mind.

Featherweight pushed away from his desk, allowing his own chair to clatter loudly against the ground. Spinning on the spot, he faced Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, both of whom were starting to trot out of the schoolhouse.

“Wait, girls!” he called out just as they walked out of the schoolhouse, Apple Bloom’s red tail swishing lightly before disappearing. Sighing in frustration, Featherweight galloped after them, his hoof-falls drowned out by the loud conversations and tittering laughter of the foals around him.

He stepped outside, blinking back as the sun’s bright rays warmed his face and blinded him, forcing him to shield his eyes with the tip of his wings. Looking around, he spotted the two fillies standing near a swing set, their heads low as they spoke in worried whispers that were carried away by the afternoon wind.

He ran towards them, ignoring the pleas of his friends that wanted him to join them in a game. His hoof-steps slowed as he approached the two fillies, his ears perking forward to catch a snippet of their conversation.

“-ow could you, Sweetie Belle?!” Apple Bloom said, the cream filly shaking her head in dismay. “Doing something so nasty, and with a boy too!” She blanched in disgust as her tongue lolled out.

Sweetie Belle looked down in shame, her eyes constantly peeking towards one of the windows on the nearby schoolhouse, the window near his seat. “I-I’m sorry, Apple Bloom, he was right there, and so cute... I-I couldn’t resist!”

Sweetie Belle sighed, her face pulling up to look at Apple Bloom when her eyes locked with Featherweight’s. Her ears perked up, standing stiff above her head as her mane shocked upwards, fizzling into a puffy mess. “Featherweight?! It’s not, it’s not what you think!” She took a step back while swallowing nervously. “We were, were talking about candy, yeah, very cute candy...”

What’s wrong with her now? “Okay, that’s fine,” he said, waving a hoof dismissively. “Where’s Scootaloo, and is she okay?”

The white unicorn took a half-step back, blinking a few times before answering. “Ye-yeah, she’s at the Ponyville hospital. Apple Bloom and I were going to--”

Featherweight clutched his head in between his hooves. Oh, Celestia, it’s true! I need to see her! Without waiting for Sweetie Belle to finish her sentence, Featherweight spun around and ran.

Apple Bloom let out a small sigh as the colt ran, a small plume of dust in his wake. “Typical colt, gets what he wants outta ya and then wants nothin' to do with ya."

Come on, come on, almost there, thought Featherweight as he galloped forward, his hoof-falls thumping against the soft ground that marked the land around Ponyville. Branches scratched against his exposed back as he galloped towards the large, beige and brown building ahead. A sign in front of it proclaimed ‘Ponyville Hospital: The Best and Only Care Between Here and Canterlot’.

Heaving breaths escaped him, his entire body covered in a sheen of sweat as he finally made it to the entrance. Featherweight ignored it as he slammed the door open, letting it knock against the inner wall with a loud smash. Nurses and secretaries within the building all stopped their work to stare at his panting form. His wild mane fluttered lightly in the breeze that escaped the doorway.

“Um, can I help you?” asked one of the nurses, sitting behind the large reception desk, her head tilted to one side as she inspected him.

Featherweight looked down at his scruffy coat and raggedy mane, then smiled sheepishly under the attention of staff and patients, scratching the back of his head. “Um, yeah,” he said before walking up to the desk slowly, his shoulders slumped in shame. “I’m looking for Scootaloo. she’s a filly, about yea high?” With a hoof he measured her out.

“Oh, Miss Scootaloo.” The nurse disappeared beneath the counter, only to reappear with a scheduling book. She flipped through the pages slowly while he shifted his weight from hoof to hoof impatiently and bit his lower lip. “Ah, she’s in room twelve, right across the next hallway. Just take th... where’d he go?” the nurse asked as she leaned forward, trying to find the colt.

Faster! It’s my fault. Need to see her faster. He ran, skidding around corners and hopping over surprised patients until he reached a room, a room with a large, golden twelve on its door.

Featherweight grabbed the handle with his mouth, twisting it open with a small click as he did so. The door swung inwards.

The colt sat there, staring within the room with shock-filled eyes. I-I’m too late, he thought above the sharp sound of a heart rate machine. Instead of the constant beats of a healthy heart, the machine droned out a single, monotone note.

An orange filly lay on the bed, head turned away from him, unmoving.

Sh-she’s dead?!

The author is Eeeevvvilllll

Proofread by:

Frederick the Saiyan

Cpl Hooves (Aka 9414)

Edited by:



Your Antagonist

Next chapter after my big move!

Also, this was supposed to be a one-shot, I'm now officially stretching my ideas thin. One of my first unplanned, spur-of-the-moment fics...